Example #1
 def test_knows_if_path_contains_non_ascii_characters(self):
     # (AT) this test looks to be wrong, the PathNameChecker tests
     # the convertability of the path to a unicode string and in the test the
     # string is unicode encoded in utf-8 so the test shouldn't fail. If the
     # problem is that the path should be unicode only, than the 
     # PathNameChecker is wrong.
     # fs: The test is correct - the os module does not always return unicode
     # strings, sometimes it returns whatever comes from the filesystem - this
     # is a well-known Python-quirk. So here we test that the PathNameChecker
     # can detect bad paths even it gets a byte-string.
     checker = PathNameChecker(u'/föö/bar/baz'.encode('utf-8'))
Example #2
 def test_path_name_checker_automatically_uses_an_existing_file_to_test_if_none_is_provided(self):
     checker = PathNameChecker()
     expected_path = resource_filename('agilo', 'ticket')
     self.assert_equals(expected_path, checker.path())
Example #3
 def test_do_not_warn_for_ascii_pathnames(self):
     checker = PathNameChecker('/foo/bar/baz')