def enter(name, inventory): print("You can make out a large silhouette through the undergrowth.") print("Fighting the brambles you reach a revolving door and head inside.") print("You take the elevator and find yourself at the top of a large office block.") print("There is a desk in the office.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] in look_words and 'desk' in action: print("There is a folder on the desk labelled Evil Plans.") if action[0] in look_words and 'folder' in action: if scene_contents['world domination plans']: print("There are some papers in the desk.") else: print("There is nothing on the desk") if action[0] in take_words and 'papers' in action: take_instruments(inventory) if action[0] in use_words and 'paper' in action: use_code(inventory) if timer == 10: print("The guards are here. They don't seem to be interested in a conversation.") raise GameLost("The guards were unsympathetic to your claims of being a stooge") if timer >= 0: print("The footsteps are getting closer.") timer += 1
def enter(name, inventory): if inventory['§1234']: print("Bandits are running away from you with a golden key in their grasp.") time.sleep(1) print("They drop the key in panic. Lucky huh. It falls into the swamp and starts sinking. Grab it quick!") print() start = time.time() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] in take_words: if time.time() < start +15: inventory['golden key'] +=1 print("You have the key! It's dirty... but it's yours!") inventory['§1234'] = 0 else: print("It's sunk. It's too deep to pull out... maybe you find a stick") return wait_for_move(inventory) else: print("But it's a key. It may be dirty, but still TAKE it! Cmon!") print("It's been sinking for", time.time() - start) else: print("You are in a swamp. You look down and see foot print that mean absolutely nothing to you.") print("So you continue walking...") return wait_for_move(inventory)
def enter(name, inventory): print("You encounter a pond") if scene_contents['duck']: print("There is a duck in the pond. It looks a bit peaky") if scene_contents['stick']: print("There is a hefty stick lying on the ground.") if scene_contents['entrails']: print("The place is covered in duck goo. Don't slip!") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] if (action[0] in take_words) and ('duck' in action): take_duck(inventory) elif (action[0] in take_words) and ('stick' in action): take_stick(inventory) elif (action[0] in drop_words) and ('berries' in action): drop_berries(inventory) elif (action[0] in look_words) and ('goo' in action or 'entrails' in action): look_goo(inventory) elif (action[0] in take_words) and ('key' in action): take_key(inventory) else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("You push through the undergrowth - there's hardly a path here at all.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def trap(name, inventory): while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: print("You're trapped! Tough.") if (action[0] in take_words) and ('chest' in action) and scene_contents['compass']: scene_contents['compass'] = 0 inventory['compass'] = 1 print("There is a glowing green compass inside") time.sleep(1) print("But, behind you are some bandits demanding your keys!!") while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] in give_words: inventory['golden key'] -= 1 inventory['§1234'] = 1 print("Bandits take the key and flee east as the door opens.") return
def enter(name, inventory): print("A path runs through dense jungle. To the north, you can see the " "entrance to a cave.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print( "You push through the undergrowth - there's hardly a path here at all." ) print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("In this room awaits a menacing warrior guarding a golden key. There is a sword on the floor") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] if action[0] in take_words and 'sword' in action: inventory["sword"] += 1 elif action[0] in fight_words and 'warrior' in action: fight_warrior(inventory) else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("You are in a boat on the sea YEY sea...") print("You can see a dolphins to the west") print("You can see a island to the north") print("You can see a wreck to the south") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: if action[1][0] == 'w': print("The dolphins are further to the west") else: return action[1]
def enter(name, inventory): print("You are in a boat on the sea YEY sea...") print("You can see a dolphins to the west") print("You can see a island to the north") print("You can see a wreck to the south") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: if action[1][0] == "w": print("The dolphins are further to the west") else: return action[1]
def enter(name, inventory): print("The trees open out onto a beautiful beach. Small waves lap at the " "sand. Ahead of you, the ocean stretches as far as you can see.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: if action[1][0] == 'w' and not inventory['boat']: print("you've forgotten how to swim") else: return action[1] else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def deal_with_gold(inventory): if not scene_contents[GOLD]: print("What are you doing back here?") return print("Wow! It's a pile of gold coins!") while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if (action[0] in take_words) and ('gold' in action): take_gold(inventory) return else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("The path crosses a small stream.") if scene_contents['berries']: print("There are some berries hanging from a tree. They look edible. " "If you're hungry enough, anyway.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] if (action[0] in take_words) and ('berries' in action): take_berries(inventory) else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print( "In this room awaits a menacing warrior guarding a golden key. There is a sword on the floor" ) print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] if action[0] in take_words and 'sword' in action: inventory["sword"] += 1 elif action[0] in fight_words and 'warrior' in action: fight_warrior(inventory) else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("The trees open out onto a beautiful beach. Small waves lap at the " "sand. Ahead of you, the ocean stretches as far as you can see.") if scene_contents.get('boat'): print("There is a small boat high up on the sand") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] in take_words and 'boat' in action: pick_up_boat(inventory) elif action[0] is move: if action[1][0] == 'w' and not inventory['boat']: print("you've forgotten how to swim") else: return action[1] else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("The beach continues. Small waves lap at the " "sand. Ahead of you, the ocean stretches as far as you can see.") if scene_contents.get('boat'): print("There is a small boat high up on the sand") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] in take_words and 'boat' in action: pick_up_boat(inventory) elif action[0] is move: if action[1][0] == 'w' and not inventory['boat']: print("you've forgotten how to swim") else: return action[1] else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("You are in a sizeable clearing in the forest. At your feet, you see " "a mysterious trap door, with four golden keyholes. Paths lead off " "in four directions, which your unerring sense of direction tells you " "correspond to the four compass points.") if scene_contents.get('rope'): print("A short length of rope is lying on the floor.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] if (action[0] in use) and ('key' in action): use_key(inventory) elif (action[0] in take_words) and ('rope' in action): pick_up_rope(inventory) else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("You cut through the dense forest and find yourself in the House of Commons.") print("The great hall is empty except for an eldery man (\033[1;41mjeremy\033[0m) dressed like a geography teacher.") print("He is reading through reams of printed emails.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: if action[1][0] == 'e': print("There are Tories to the East, you don't want to go there.") else: return action[1] if action[0] in fight_words and 'jester' in action: print("But Jingle is our friend!") if action[0] in fight_words and 'jeremy' in action: print("You don't want to hurt jeremy, he says he has thousands of friends... Unfortunately none here in the Commons.") if action[0] in talk_words and 'jeremy' in action: talk_to_jeremy() if action[0] in talk_words and 'kid' in action: print("\"Sorry mate, I don't have any golden keys, only pokemon.\"") print("\"Try going West!\"")
def enter(name, inventory): stock_scene(inventory) print("You come across a cottage with two doors. One door is (b)lue and the other (r)ed.") print("You might want to choose a door? Or perhaps both? Do you feel lucky?") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1] if action[0] in ('b', 'blue', 'r', 'red'): if action[0] in ('red', 'r'): if scene_contents['tiger']: print("Aaarrgh, it's a tiger!") print("Do you want to (r)un from, (f)ight or (b)efriend the tiger?") answer = [] while not answer: answer = input('> ').lower().split() if 'r' in answer or 'run' in answer: print("You are running in a random direction") return 'w' elif 'f' in answer or 'fight' in answer: print("Ouch! The tiger nearly ate you so you run away screaming!") return 'w' elif 'b' in answer or 'befriend' in answer: print("You sing the Tiger Befriending Song you learnt as a child. " "The tiger is enraptured. It agrees to join you on your quest.") take_tiger(inventory) else: answer = [] else: print("What are you doing back here?") if action[0] in ('blue', 'b'): deal_with_gold(inventory) else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("There is a wreck sticking out of the sea") print("There is a barrel floating inside the hull of the ex-boat") print("You can see a dolphins to the west") print("You can see a island far to the north") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: if action[1][0] == 'w': print("The dolphins are further to the west") else: return action[1] if action[0] in look_words: if action[1] == 'wreck': if inventory['rope']: print("You climb down rope and search the barrel") pick_up_key(inventory) else: print("You can see a barrel but can't reach it") else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): global has_castle if has_castle: print("You are on a wide, sandy beach. You see a formidable sand castle towering above you.\n" "The precocious child responsible stands on the battlements brandishing a golden key.") else: print("You are on a wide, sandy beach. It is so peaceful.") print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] in fight_words and 'child' in action and has_castle: print("You scramble pathetically at the walls while the child laughs.\n" "Suppose you could wait for the tide to bring the castle down.") elif action[0] in wait_words and 'tide' in action and has_castle: print("The castle washes away with the tide taking the small child with it.\n" "You see a key on the floor and pick it up.") inventory['golden key'] += 1 has_castle = False elif action[0] is move: return action[1] else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def enter(name, inventory): print("Oh no! You've wandered into a swamp that looks like a wild animal's lair!") if 'rhinoceros' in scene_contents: print("You spot an angry rhino. It spots you and begins to slosh and roar.") if random() > 0.5: print('Maybe the rhino is hungry') else: print('Maybe you can scare the rhino away') print() while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: if action[1].upper() == 'S' and 'rhinoceros' in scene_contents: print ("There's a rhino in the way! You can't go south") continue else: return action[1] if action[0] in give_words and 'berries' in action and ('rhino' in action or 'rhinoceros' in action): feed_berries_to_rhino(inventory) elif action[0] in fight_words and ('rhino' in action or 'rhinoceros' in action): print ("Fight a rhino? Are you insane?") else: print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
def wait_for_move(inventory): while True: action = action_prompt(inventory) if action[0] is move: return action[1]
def enter(name, inventory): print("You see a castle over the horizon to the North!") print() return action_prompt(inventory)[1]