Example #1
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 100000

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    # Size of the mini-batch which will be sent to learning in Theano
    minibatch_size = None

    # Number of possible actions in a given game
    number_of_actions = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84], filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2], n_hidden=256, n_out=self.number_of_actions)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(0.9 - frames_played / (self.memory_size * 1.0), 0.1)

    def play_games(self, n):
        Main cycle: plays many games and many frames in each game. Also learning is performed.
        @param n: total number of games allowed to play

        games_to_play = n
        games_played = 0
        frames_played = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while games_played < games_to_play:
            # Start a new game

            # Play until game is over
            while not self.ale.game_over:

                # Epsilon decreases over time
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(frames_played)
                #print "espilon is", epsilon
                # Before AI takes an action we must make sure it is safe for the human race
                if   injury_to_a_human_being    is not None:
                    raise Exception('The First Law of Robotics is violated!')
                elif conflict_with_orders_given is not None:
                    raise Exception('The Second Law of Robotics is violated!')
                elif threat_to_my_existence     is not None:
                    raise Exception('The Third Law of Robotics is violated!')

                # Some times random action is chosen
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                    action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                    #print "chose randomly ", action

                # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                    #print "chose by neural net"
                    action = self.nnet.predict_best_action([self.memory.get_last_state()])
                    print action

                # Make the move

                # Store new information to memory

                # Start a training session

                frames_played += 1
            # After "game over" increase the number of games played
            games_played += 1

            # And do stuff after end game (store information, let ALE know etc)
Example #2
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 100000

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    # Size of the mini-batch which will be sent to learning in Theano
    minibatch_size = None

    # Number of possible actions in a given game
    number_of_actions = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84],
                              filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2],
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(0.9 - frames_played / self.memory_size, 0.1)

    def play_games(self, n):
        Main cycle: plays many games and many frames in each game. Also learning is performed.
        @param n: total number of games allowed to play

        games_to_play = n
        games_played = 0
        frames_played = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while games_played < games_to_play:
            # Start a new game

            # Play until game is over
            while not self.ale.game_over:

                # Epsilon decreases over time
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(frames_played)

                # Some times random action is chosen
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                    action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                    print "chose randomly ", action

                # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                    print "chose by neural net"
                    action = self.nnet.predict_best_action(
                    print action

                # Make the move

                # Store new information to memory

                # Start a training session


            # After "game over" increase the number of games played
            games_played += 1

            # And do stuff after end game (store information, let ALE know etc)