Example #1
    def _minimax(self, current_depth, state, is_max_turn):
        Minimax Helper
        :param current_depth: the current tree depth in the recursion
        :param state: the current state in the tree node
        :param is_max_turn: bool check the current's node maximizer or not?
        if current_depth == self.max_depth or state.is_terminal():
            return AIElements.evaluation_function(state, self.player_color), ""

        self.node_expanded += 1
        possible_action = AIElements.get_possible_action(state)
        key_of_actions = list(possible_action.keys())

        shuffle(key_of_actions)  #randomness
        best_value = float('-inf') if is_max_turn else float('inf')
        action_target = ""
        for action_key in key_of_actions:
            new_state = AIElements.result_function(state,

            eval_child, action_child = self._minimax(current_depth + 1,
                                                     not is_max_turn)

            if is_max_turn and best_value < eval_child:
                best_value = eval_child
                action_target = action_key

            elif (not is_max_turn) and best_value > eval_child:
                best_value = eval_child
                action_target = action_key

        return best_value, action_target
Example #2
    def _minimax(self, current_depth, state, is_max_turn, alpha, beta):
        Helper function of minimax
        :param current_depth: The current depth on the tree in recursive
        :param state: State of the current node in recursive
        :param is_max_turn: Check if the current node is the max turn in recursive
        :param alpha: parameter of AB Prunning, save the current maximizer best value
        :param beta: parameter of AB Prunning, save the current minimizer best value
        :return: int , str The value of the best action and the name of the action
        if current_depth == self.max_depth or state.is_terminal():
            return AIElements.evaluation_function(state, self.player_color), ""

        self.node_expanded += 1

        possible_action = AIElements.get_possible_action(state)
        key_of_actions = list(possible_action.keys())

        shuffle(key_of_actions)  # add randomness here
        best_value = float('-inf') if is_max_turn else float('inf')
        action_target = ""
        for action_key in key_of_actions:
            new_state = AIElements.result_function(state,

            eval_child, action_child = self._minimax(current_depth + 1,
                                                     not is_max_turn, alpha,

            if is_max_turn and best_value < eval_child:
                best_value = eval_child
                action_target = action_key
                alpha = max(alpha, best_value)
                if beta <= alpha:

            elif (not is_max_turn) and best_value > eval_child:
                best_value = eval_child
                action_target = action_key
                beta = min(beta, best_value)
                if beta <= alpha:

        return best_value, action_target
    def receive_input_action_play(self, input_key, input_params):
        Process the input from the user in the view
        :param input_key: str, the key of the action
        :param input_params: dict, the parameter of the action
        :return: bool, tell that the action is present in the possible action
        if input_key in self.possible_action_keys:
            self.state = AIElements.result_function(self.state, input_params)

            ## Useful for alpha zero only
            self.ai_agent.enemy_turn_action(input_key, input_params)

            index_player = (AIElements.get_player(self.state) + 1) % 2
            print("TURN %d" % (self.state.turn))
            print("The Evaluation of Player %d is %.2f" %
                   AIElements.evaluation_function(self.state, index_player)))
            return True
            return False