def generateEvent(message): messageParts = message.split(":", 1) event = EventFactory.createEvent(messageParts[0]) if event != None: event.fillArguments(messageParts[1]) queueController = Singleton(QueueController) queueController.addIngoingEvent(event)
def _joinGame(self, yourId): self._yourId = yourId print("JoinGameEvent: {}".format(self._yourId)) event = AddPlayerEvent(self._teamName, self._characterNames) queueController = Singleton(QueueController) queueController.outEvents.put(event)
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world._endGame()
class MyAI(AIDefault): world = Singleton(World) otherTeam = None oponent1 = None oponent2 = None tank1 = None tank2 = None oponentLastPosition1 = None oponentLastPosition2 = None firstTick = True def setNames(self): teamName = "Felix team" characterNames = ["Batman", "Robin"], characterNames) def initWorld(self): self.tank1 = self.tank2 = ':type tank1: Character' self.otherTeam = ':type otherTeam: Team' self.oponent1 = self.otherTeam.getFirstCharacter() self.oponent2 = self.otherTeam.getSecondCharacter() ':type oponent: Character' self.firstTick = False def tick(self): if self.firstTick: self.initWorld() if self.isAttackable( self.tank1.getPosition(), self.oponent1.getPosition( )) and self.oponent1.isAlive() and self.tank1.isAlive(): targetDirection = MathUtils.getDirectionFromPositions( self.tank1.getPosition(), self.oponent1.getPosition()) self.tank1.shootMissile(targetDirection) elif self.oponent1.getPosition() != self.oponentLastPosition1: self.tank1.goTo(self.oponent1.getPosition()) self.oponentLastPosition1 = copy.deepcopy( self.oponent1.getPosition()) if self.isAttackable( self.tank2.getPosition(), self.oponent2.getPosition( )) and self.oponent2.isAlive() and self.tank2.isAlive(): targetDirection = MathUtils.getDirectionFromPositions( self.tank2.getPosition(), self.oponent2.getPosition()) self.tank2.shootMissile(targetDirection) elif self.oponent2.getPosition() != self.oponentLastPosition2: self.tank2.goTo(self.oponent2.getPosition()) self.oponentLastPosition2 = copy.deepcopy( self.oponent2.getPosition()) def isAttackable(self, fromposition: Vector2, toposition: Vector2): ret = fromposition.x == toposition.x or fromposition.y == toposition.y if ret is True: objects = fromposition, MathUtils.getDirectionVector(fromposition, toposition)) ret = len(objects) == 0 return ret
class AIDefault(object): ''' Represents the AI that need to be implemented ''' world = Singleton(World) ''' The world singleton needed to get the info on the current state of the world (see :class:`.World`) ''' aiStatus = AIStatus.INIT ''' The current status of the AI example (Can be deleted) ''' position1 = Vector2(0, 0) position2 = Vector2(7, 0) position3 = Vector2(0, 7) position4 = Vector2(7, 7) def setNames(self): ''' Function call to set the name of the team and characters (Cannot be deleted) ''' teamName = "Team python" characterNames = ["Python character1", "Python character2"], characterNames) def tick(self): ''' Function call every 30 ms, this is the starting point for the AI (Cannot be deleted) ''' if self.aiStatus == AIStatus.INIT: self.initState() elif self.aiStatus == AIStatus.LOWER_RIGHT: self.lowerRight() elif self.aiStatus == AIStatus.LOWER_LEFT: self.lowerLeft() elif self.aiStatus == AIStatus.UPPER_RIGHT: self.upperRight() elif self.aiStatus == AIStatus.UPPER_LEFT: self.upperLeft() def initState(self): ''' Function call for the init state of the AI example (Can be deleted) ''' character1 = character2 = character1.goTo(self.position2) character2.goTo(self.position3) character1.shootMissile(Direction.RIGHT) character2.shootMissile(Direction.LEFT) self.aiStatus = AIStatus.LOWER_RIGHT def lowerRight(self): ''' Function call for the lowerRight state of the AI example (Can be deleted) ''' character1 = character2 = if character1.position == self.position2: character1.goTo(self.position1) character2.goTo(self.position4) character1.dropMine() character2.dropMine() character1.shootMissile(Direction.LEFT) character2.shootMissile(Direction.RIGHT) self.aiStatus = AIStatus.LOWER_LEFT def lowerLeft(self): ''' Function call for the lowerLeft state of the AI example (Can be deleted) ''' character1 = character2 = if character1.position == self.position1: character1.goTo(self.position4) character2.goTo(self.position1) character1.shootMissile(Direction.UP) character2.shootMissile(Direction.DOWN) character1.dropMine() character2.dropMine() self.aiStatus = AIStatus.UPPER_RIGHT def upperRight(self): ''' Function call for the upperRight state of the AI example (Can be deleted) ''' character1 = character2 = if character1.position == self.position4: character1.goTo(self.position3) character2.goTo(self.position2) character1.shootMissile(Direction.DOWN) character2.shootMissile(Direction.UP) character1.dropMine() character2.dropMine() self.aiStatus = AIStatus.UPPER_LEFT def upperLeft(self): ''' Function call for the upperLeft state of the AI example (Can be deleted) ''' character1 = character2 = if character1.position == self.position3: character1.goTo(self.position2) character2.goTo(self.position3) character1.shootMissile(Direction.RIGHT) character2.shootMissile(Direction.LEFT) character1.dropMine() character2.dropMine() self.aiStatus = AIStatus.LOWER_RIGHT
def executeIngoingEvents(self): queueController = Singleton(QueueController) while not queueController.inEvents.empty(): event = queueController.inEvents.get() event.execute()
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world._joinGame(self.yourId)
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world.getTeam( self.hitTeamId).characters[self.hitCharacterId]._hitByMine() world.getTeam( self.originTeamId).characters[self.originCharacterId]._mineHit()
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world.getTeam(self.originTeamId).characters[self.originCharacterId]._missileHit() if(self.hitEntity == 1): world.getTeam(self.hitTeamId).characters[self.hitCharacterId]._hitByMissile() elif(self.hitEntity == 2): world.getTeam(self.hitTeamId).characters[self.hitCharacterId]._mineHit() elif(self.hitEntity == 3): world.getTeam(self.hitTeamId).characters[self.hitCharacterId]._missileHit() if(self.backfire == 1): world.getTeam(self.originTeamId).characters[self.originCharacterId]._hitByMissile()
''' Created on Dec 17, 2014 @author: scarriere ''' import time from event.EventController import EventController from network.NetworkController import NetworkController from aiclient.Singleton import Singleton from world.World import World from aiclient.AI_Felix import MyAI eventController = Singleton(EventController) world = Singleton(World) netController = Singleton(NetworkController) ai = MyAI() ''' If your create a new class for the ai, replace it here ''' class Client(object): ''' Main class (Any changes made to this class won't be taken) ''' @staticmethod def main(): ''' Main loop
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world._updateBox(self.x, self.y)
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world._startGame()
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world.getTeam( self.teamId).characters[self.characterId]._updatePosition( self.position)
class NetworkController(object): _instance = None HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337 webSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) readerThread = None connected = False queueController = Singleton(QueueController) def __init__(self): self.readerThread = threading.Thread(target=self.readFunctionThread) try: self.webSocket.connect((self.HOST, self.PORT)) self.connected = True except: print("Error the GameClient is not started") def sendMessage(self, message): try: self.webSocket.sendall(message.encode()) except: print("Error while sending to the socket") def readMessage(self): try: message = self.webSocket.recv(1024) return message except: print("Error while reading from the socket") return "".encode() def init(self): self.sendMessage("AIClientReady\n") self.readerThread.start() def executeOutgoingEvents(self): outQueue = self.queueController.getOutQueue() while not outQueue.empty(): event = outQueue.get() self.sendMessage(event.toString() + "\n") def readFunctionThread(self): mustExit = False while not mustExit: message = self.readMessage().decode() if message == "Net:OkForExit\n" or message == "": mustExit = True self.connected = False break self.dispatchMessage(message) def dispatchMessage(self, message): messageParts = message.split(":", 1) if messageParts[0] == "Net": self.parseNetMessage(messageParts[1]) elif messageParts[0] == "Game": EventFactory.generateEvent(messageParts[1]) def parseNetMessage(self, message): if message == "JoinGameFailed": self.connectionRetry() elif message == "ErrorGameClientDisconnect": print("Error : the game client was disconnected") else: print("unknow net message:" + message) def closeConnection(self): self.sendMessage("Exit") self.readerThread.join() self.webSocket.close() self.connected = False def connectionRetry(self): print("Error : the game client was not connected") print("Info : connection retry in few seconds...") time.sleep(2) self.sendMessage("AIClientReady\n")
def execute(self): world = Singleton(World) world._sendGameInfos(self.mapWidth, self.mapHeight, self.numberOfTeam, self.numberOfCharacter, self.teamsIds)
class Character(object): ''' Class that contain all the informations about the Character (You can't use any of the functions or variables that start with an "_") ''' _queueController = Singleton(QueueController) def __init__(self, characterId, position): self._characterId = characterId self.position = Vector2(position.x, position.y) ''' The current position of the character (see :class:`.Vector2`) ''' self.mineReady = True ''' Is the mine ready to be use (see :class:`.bool`) ''' self.missile = Missile(Vector2(0, 0)) ''' The missile of the character (see :class:`.Missile`) ''' = 3 ''' The life total of the character (see :class:`.int`) ''' def _updatePosition(self, position): self.position.x = position.x self.position.y = position.y def _hitByMine(self): if self.isAlive(): -= 1 def _mineHit(self): self.mineReady = True def _hitByMissile(self): if self.isAlive(): -= 1 def _missileHit(self): self.missile.isReady = True def goTo(self, position): ''' Send the order to move the character to a certain position(:class:`.Vector2`) Exemple:: aCharacter.goTo(Vector2(6,7)) ''' event = MoveCharacterEvent(self._characterId, position.x, position.y) self._queueController.outEvents.put(event) def dropMine(self): ''' Send the order to drop a mine on the current position(:class:`.Vector2`) if the mine is ready Exemple:: aCharacter.dropMine() ''' if (self.mineReady): event = DropMineEvent(self._characterId) self._queueController.addOutgoingEvent(event) self.mineReady = False def shootMissile(self, direction): ''' Send the order to shoot a missile on a certain direction(:class:`.Direction`) if the missile is ready Exemple:: aCharacter.shootMissile(Direction.UP) ''' if (self.missile.isReady): event = ThrowMissileEvent(self._characterId, direction) self._queueController.addOutgoingEvent(event) self.missile.isReady = False def isAlive(self): ''' Check if the character still have some life point Exemple:: checkIfAlive = aCharacter.isAlive() ''' return > 0 def getPosition(self): ''' Return the position of the character Exemple:: position = aCharacter.getPosition() ''' return self.position