Example #1
    def __init__(self, section, uuid, subfolder=os.curdir):
        Initializes the object by pointing it to a folder in the repository.

        Pass the uuid as a string.
        if section not in _valid_sections:
            retstr = ("Repository section '{}' not allowed. "
                "Valid sections are: {}".format(
                    section, ",".join(_valid_sections)))
            raise ValueError(retstr)
        self._section = section
        self._uuid = uuid

        # If you want to change the sharding scheme, this is the only place
        # where changes should be needed FOR NODES AND WORKFLOWS
        # Of course, remember to migrate data!
        # We set a sharding of level 2+2
        # Note that a similar sharding should probably has to be done
        # independently for calculations sent to remote computers in the
        # execmanager.
        # Note: I don't do any os.path.abspath (that internally calls
        # normpath, that may be slow): this is done abywat by the super
        # class.
        entity_dir = os.path.join(
            get_repository_folder('repository'), unicode(section),
            unicode(uuid)[:2], unicode(uuid)[2:4], unicode(uuid)[4:])
        dest = os.path.join(entity_dir, unicode(subfolder))

        # Internal variable of this class
        self._subfolder = subfolder

        # This will also do checks on the folder limits
        super(RepositoryFolder, self).__init__(
            abspath=dest, folder_limit=entity_dir)
Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the object by creating a new temporary folder in the
        # First check if the sandbox folder already exists
        sandbox = get_repository_folder('sandbox')
        if not os.path.exists(sandbox):

        abspath = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=sandbox)
        super(SandboxFolder, self).__init__(abspath=abspath)
Example #3
def get_node_repository_sub_folder(uuid):
    """Return the absolute path to the sub folder `path` within the repository of the node with the given UUID.

    :param uuid: UUID of the node
    :return: absolute path to node repository folder, i.e `/some/path/repository/node/12/ab/c123134-a123/path`
    from aiida.common.utils import get_repository_folder

    uuid = str(uuid)

    repo_dirpath = get_repository_folder('repository')
    node_dirpath = os.path.join(repo_dirpath, 'node', uuid[:2], uuid[2:4],
                                uuid[4:], 'path')

    return node_dirpath
Example #4
    def __init__(self, sandbox_in_repo=True):
        Initializes the object by creating a new temporary folder in the

        :param bool sandbox_in_repo:
            If True (default), creates the folder in the repository.
            If false,  relies on the defaults of tempfile.mkdtemp
        # First check if the sandbox folder already exists
        if sandbox_in_repo:
            sandbox = get_repository_folder('sandbox')
            if not os.path.exists(sandbox):
            abspath = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=sandbox)
            abspath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        super(SandboxFolder, self).__init__(abspath=abspath)
Example #5
def verdi_status():
    """Print status of AiiDA services."""
    # pylint: disable=broad-except,too-many-statements
    from aiida.cmdline.utils.daemon import get_daemon_status, delete_stale_pid_file
    from aiida.common.utils import Capturing, get_repository_folder
    from aiida.manage.external.rmq import get_rmq_url
    from aiida.manage.manager import get_manager

    exit_code = ExitCode.SUCCESS
    manager = get_manager()
    profile = manager.get_profile()

    # getting the profile
        profile = manager.get_profile()
        print_status(ServiceStatus.UP, 'profile', 'On profile {}'.format(profile.name))

    except Exception as exc:
        print_status(ServiceStatus.ERROR, 'profile', 'Unable to read AiiDA profile')
        sys.exit(ExitCode.CRITICAL)  # stop here - without a profile we cannot access anything

    # getting the repository
    repo_folder = 'undefined'
        repo_folder = get_repository_folder()
    except Exception as exc:
        print_status(ServiceStatus.ERROR, 'repository', 'Error with repo folder', exception=exc)
        exit_code = ExitCode.CRITICAL
        print_status(ServiceStatus.UP, 'repository', repo_folder)

    # Getting the postgres status by trying to get a database cursor
    database_data = [profile.database_username, profile.database_hostname, profile.database_port]
        with override_log_level():  # temporarily suppress noisy logging
            backend = manager.get_backend()
    except Exception:
        print_status(ServiceStatus.DOWN, 'postgres', 'Unable to connect as {}@{}:{}'.format(*database_data))
        exit_code = ExitCode.CRITICAL
        print_status(ServiceStatus.UP, 'postgres', 'Connected as {}@{}:{}'.format(*database_data))

    # getting the rmq status
        with Capturing(capture_stderr=True):
            with override_log_level():  # temporarily suppress noisy logging
                comm = manager.create_communicator(with_orm=False)
    except Exception as exc:
        print_status(ServiceStatus.ERROR, 'rabbitmq', 'Unable to connect to rabbitmq', exception=exc)
        exit_code = ExitCode.CRITICAL
        print_status(ServiceStatus.UP, 'rabbitmq', 'Connected to {}'.format(get_rmq_url()))

    # getting the daemon status
        client = manager.get_daemon_client()
        daemon_status = get_daemon_status(client)

        daemon_status = daemon_status.split('\n')[0]  # take only the first line
        if client.is_daemon_running:
            print_status(ServiceStatus.UP, 'daemon', daemon_status)
            print_status(ServiceStatus.DOWN, 'daemon', daemon_status)
            exit_code = ExitCode.CRITICAL

    except Exception as exc:
        print_status(ServiceStatus.ERROR, 'daemon', 'Error getting daemon status', exception=exc)
        exit_code = ExitCode.CRITICAL

    # Note: click does not forward return values to the exit code, see https://github.com/pallets/click/issues/747