Example #1
    def test_v02_to_newest(self, temp_dir):
        """Test migration of exported files from v0.2 to newest export version"""
        # Get export file with export version 0.2
        input_file = get_archive_file('export_v0.2.aiida',
        output_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'output_file.aiida')

        # Perform the migration
        migrate_archive(input_file, output_file)
        metadata, _ = get_json_files(output_file)
        verify_metadata_version(metadata, version=newest_version)

        # Load the migrated file
        import_data(output_file, silent=True)

        # Do the necessary checks

        # Verify that CalculationNodes have non-empty attribute dictionaries
        builder = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.CalculationNode)
        for [calculation] in builder.iterall():
            self.assertIsInstance(calculation.attributes, dict)
            self.assertNotEqual(len(calculation.attributes), 0)

        # Verify that the StructureData nodes maintained their (same) label, cell, and kinds
        builder = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData)
            msg='There should be {} StructureData, instead {} were/was found'.
            format(self.struct_count, builder.count()))
        for structures in builder.all():
            structure = structures[0]
            self.assertEqual(structure.label, self.known_struct_label)
            self.assertEqual(structure.cell, self.known_cell)

        builder = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData,
        for [kinds] in builder.iterall():
            self.assertEqual(len(kinds), len(self.known_kinds))
            for kind in kinds:
                              msg="Kind '{}' not found in: {}".format(
                                  kind, self.known_kinds))

        # Check that there is a StructureData that is an input of a CalculationNode
        builder = orm.QueryBuilder()
        builder.append(orm.StructureData, tag='structure')
        builder.append(orm.CalculationNode, with_incoming='structure')
        self.assertGreater(len(builder.all()), 0)

        # Check that there is a RemoteData that is the output of a CalculationNode
        builder = orm.QueryBuilder()
        builder.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='parent')
        builder.append(orm.RemoteData, with_incoming='parent')
        self.assertGreater(len(builder.all()), 0)
Example #2
    def test_migrate_recursively(self):
        """Test function 'migrate_recursively'"""
        import io
        import tarfile
        import zipfile

        from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent
        from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder
        from aiida.common.json import load as jsonload
        from aiida.tools.importexport.common.archive import extract_tar, extract_zip

        # Get metadata.json and data.json as dicts from v0.1 file archive
        # Cannot use 'get_json_files' for 'export_v0.1_simple.aiida',
        # because we need to pass the SandboxFolder to 'migrate_recursively'
        dirpath_archive = get_archive_file('export_v0.1_simple.aiida',

        with SandboxFolder(sandbox_in_repo=False) as folder:
            if zipfile.is_zipfile(dirpath_archive):
                extract_zip(dirpath_archive, folder, silent=True)
            elif tarfile.is_tarfile(dirpath_archive):
                extract_tar(dirpath_archive, folder, silent=True)
                raise ValueError(
                    'invalid file format, expected either a zip archive or gzipped tarball'

                with io.open(folder.get_abs_path('data.json'),
                             encoding='utf8') as fhandle:
                    data = jsonload(fhandle)
                with io.open(folder.get_abs_path('metadata.json'),
                             encoding='utf8') as fhandle:
                    metadata = jsonload(fhandle)
            except IOError:
                raise NotExistent(
                    'export archive does not contain the required file {}'.

            verify_metadata_version(metadata, version='0.1')

            # Migrate to newest version
            new_version = migrate_recursively(metadata, data, folder)
            verify_metadata_version(metadata, version=newest_version)
            self.assertEqual(new_version, newest_version)
Example #3
def migrate(input_file, output_file, force, silent, archive_format):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
    Migrate an old export archive file to the most recent format.
    import tarfile
    import zipfile

    from aiida.common import json
    from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder
    from aiida.tools.importexport import migration, extract_zip, extract_tar

    if os.path.exists(output_file) and not force:
        echo.echo_critical('the output file already exists')

    with SandboxFolder(sandbox_in_repo=False) as folder:

        if zipfile.is_zipfile(input_file):
            extract_zip(input_file, folder, silent=silent)
        elif tarfile.is_tarfile(input_file):
            extract_tar(input_file, folder, silent=silent)
            echo.echo_critical('invalid file format, expected either a zip archive or gzipped tarball')

            with io.open(folder.get_abs_path('data.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle:
                data = json.load(fhandle)
            with io.open(folder.get_abs_path('metadata.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle:
                metadata = json.load(fhandle)
        except IOError:
            echo.echo_critical('export archive does not contain the required file {}'.format(fhandle.filename))

        old_version = migration.verify_metadata_version(metadata)
        new_version = migration.migrate_recursively(metadata, data, folder)

        with io.open(folder.get_abs_path('data.json'), 'wb') as fhandle:
            json.dump(data, fhandle, indent=4)

        with io.open(folder.get_abs_path('metadata.json'), 'wb') as fhandle:
            json.dump(metadata, fhandle)

        if archive_format in ['zip', 'zip-uncompressed']:
            compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED if archive_format == 'zip' else zipfile.ZIP_STORED
            with zipfile.ZipFile(output_file, mode='w', compression=compression, allowZip64=True) as archive:
                src = folder.abspath
                for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(src):
                    relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, src)
                    for filename in dirnames + filenames:
                        real_src = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                        real_dest = os.path.join(relpath, filename)
                        archive.write(real_src, real_dest)
        elif archive_format == 'tar.gz':
            with tarfile.open(output_file, 'w:gz', format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT, dereference=True) as archive:
                archive.add(folder.abspath, arcname='')

        if not silent:
            echo.echo_success('migrated the archive from version {} to {}'.format(old_version, new_version))
Example #4
def migrate(input_file, output_file, force, silent, in_place, archive_format, version):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
    """Migrate an export archive to a more recent format version."""
    import tarfile
    import zipfile

    from aiida.common import json
    from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder
    from aiida.tools.importexport import migration, extract_zip, extract_tar, ArchiveMigrationError, EXPORT_VERSION

    if version is None:
        version = EXPORT_VERSION

    if in_place:
        if output_file:
            echo.echo_critical('output file specified together with --in-place flag')
        tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
        output_file = os.path.join(tempdir.name, 'archive.aiida')
    elif not output_file:
            'no output file specified. Please add --in-place flag if you would like to migrate in place.'

    if os.path.exists(output_file) and not force:
        echo.echo_critical('the output file already exists')

    with SandboxFolder(sandbox_in_repo=False) as folder:

        if zipfile.is_zipfile(input_file):
            extract_zip(input_file, folder, silent=silent)
        elif tarfile.is_tarfile(input_file):
            extract_tar(input_file, folder, silent=silent)
            echo.echo_critical('invalid file format, expected either a zip archive or gzipped tarball')

            with open(folder.get_abs_path('data.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle:
                data = json.load(fhandle)
            with open(folder.get_abs_path('metadata.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle:
                metadata = json.load(fhandle)
        except IOError:
            echo.echo_critical('export archive does not contain the required file {}'.format(fhandle.filename))

        old_version = migration.verify_metadata_version(metadata)
        if version <= old_version:
            echo.echo_success('nothing to be done - archive already at version {} >= {}'.format(old_version, version))

            new_version = migration.migrate_recursively(metadata, data, folder, version)
        except ArchiveMigrationError as exception:

        with open(folder.get_abs_path('data.json'), 'wb') as fhandle:
            json.dump(data, fhandle, indent=4)

        with open(folder.get_abs_path('metadata.json'), 'wb') as fhandle:
            json.dump(metadata, fhandle)

        if archive_format in ['zip', 'zip-uncompressed']:
            compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED if archive_format == 'zip' else zipfile.ZIP_STORED
            with zipfile.ZipFile(output_file, mode='w', compression=compression, allowZip64=True) as archive:
                src = folder.abspath
                for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(src):
                    relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, src)
                    for filename in dirnames + filenames:
                        real_src = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                        real_dest = os.path.join(relpath, filename)
                        archive.write(real_src, real_dest)
        elif archive_format == 'tar.gz':
            with tarfile.open(output_file, 'w:gz', format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT, dereference=True) as archive:
                archive.add(folder.abspath, arcname='')

        if in_place:
            os.rename(output_file, input_file)

        if not silent:
            echo.echo_success('migrated the archive from version {} to {}'.format(old_version, new_version))