Example #1
    def translate_to_SAT(init, transition, goal, time):
        clauses = []
        states = [state for state in transition]

        # Symbol claiming state s at time t
        state_counter = itertools.count()
        for s in states:
            for t in range(time + 1):
                state_sym[s, t] = Expr("State_{}".format(next(state_counter)))

        # Add initial state axiom
        clauses.append(state_sym[init, 0])

        # Add goal state axiom
        clauses.append(state_sym[goal, time])

        # All possible transitions
        transition_counter = itertools.count()
        for s in states:
            for action in transition[s]:
                s_ = transition[s][action]
                for t in range(time):
                    # Action 'action' taken from state 's' at time 't' to reach 's_'
                    action_sym[s, action, t] = Expr("Transition_{}".format(

                    # Change the state from s to s_
                    clauses.append(action_sym[s, action, t] | '==>'
                                   | state_sym[s, t])
                    clauses.append(action_sym[s, action, t] | '==>'
                                   | state_sym[s_, t + 1])

        # Allow only one state at any time
        for t in range(time + 1):
            # must be a state at any time
            clauses.append(associate('|', [state_sym[s, t] for s in states]))

            for s in states:
                for s_ in states[states.index(s) + 1:]:
                    # for each pair of states s, s_ only one is possible at time t
                    clauses.append((~state_sym[s, t]) | (~state_sym[s_, t]))

        # Restrict to one transition per timestep
        for t in range(time):
            # list of possible transitions at time t
            transitions_t = [tr for tr in action_sym if tr[2] == t]

            # make sure at least one of the transitions happens
                associate('|', [action_sym[tr] for tr in transitions_t]))

            for tr in transitions_t:
                for tr_ in transitions_t[transitions_t.index(tr) + 1:]:
                    # there cannot be two transitions tr and tr_ at time t
                    clauses.append(~action_sym[tr] | ~action_sym[tr_])

        # Combine the clauses to form the cnf
        return associate('&', clauses)
Example #2
def diff(y, x):
    """Return the symbolic derivative, dy/dx, as an Expr.
    However, you probably want to simplify the results with simp.
    >>> diff(x * x, x)
    ((x * 1) + (x * 1))
    if y == x:
        return 1
    elif not y.args:
        return 0
        u, op, v = y.args[0], y.op, y.args[-1]
        if op == '+':
            return diff(u, x) + diff(v, x)
        elif op == '-' and len(y.args) == 1:
            return -diff(u, x)
        elif op == '-':
            return diff(u, x) - diff(v, x)
        elif op == '*':
            return u * diff(v, x) + v * diff(u, x)
        elif op == '/':
            return (v * diff(u, x) - u * diff(v, x)) / (v * v)
        elif op == '**' and isnumber(x.op):
            return (v * u**(v - 1) * diff(u, x))
        elif op == '**':
            return (v * u**(v - 1) * diff(u, x) +
                    u**v * Expr('log')(u) * diff(v, x))
        elif op == 'log':
            return diff(u, x) / u
            raise ValueError("Unknown op: {} in diff({}, {})".format(op, y, x))
Example #3
def standardize_variables(sentence, dic=None):
    """Replace all the variables in sentence with new variables."""
    if dic is None:
        dic = {}
    if not isinstance(sentence, Expr):
        return sentence
    elif is_var_symbol(sentence.op):
        if sentence in dic:
            return dic[sentence]
            v = Expr('v_{}'.format(next(standardize_variables.counter)))
            dic[sentence] = v
            return v
        return Expr(sentence.op,
                    *[standardize_variables(a, dic) for a in sentence.args])
    def _competing_needs(self, actionA, actionB):
        """ Return True if the preconditions of the actions are all pairwise mutex in the parent layer 
        See Also
        # TODO: implement this function
        # raise NotImplementedError
        # print(self.parent_layer.is_mutex(actionA,actionB))
        # print(type(self.parent_layer.children))
        # print(self.parent_layer.children)
        for x in actionA.preconditions:
            for y in actionB.preconditions:
                # print("-----",type(x),"->",len(x.args),"->",x.args)
                #print(type(x),"->",x," :: ",type(y),"->",y)
                #print(type(x),"->",(x.__invert__)," :: ",type(y),"->",(y) )
                if (x.op == '~' and y.op != '~'):
                    y_neg = Expr('~', y)
                    if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                        #print(x, " = ", y_neg);
                        return True
                if (y.op == '~' and x.op != '~'):
                    x_neg = Expr('~', x)
                    if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                        #print(y, " = ", x_neg);
                        return True

        return False
Example #5
def makeNoOp(literal):
    """ Create so-called 'no-op' actions, which only exist in a planning graph
    (they are not real actions in the problem domain) to persist a literal
    from one layer of the planning graph to the next.

    no-op actions are created such that logical negation is correctly evaluated.
    i.e., the no-op action of the negative literal ~At(place) is the logical
    negation of the no-op action of positive literal At(place); in other words
    NoOp::~At(place) == ~(NoOp::At(place) -- NOTE: NoOp::~At(place) is not a valid
    action, but the correct semantics are handled and enforced automatically.
    action = Expr("NoOp::" + literal.op, literal.args)
    return (Action(action, [set([literal]), []], [set([literal]), []]),
            Action(~action, [set([~literal]), []], [set([~literal]), []]))
Example #6
def subst(s, x):
    """Substitute the substitution s into the expression x.
    >>> subst({x: 42, y:0}, F(x) + y)
    (F(42) + 0)
    if isinstance(x, list):
        return [subst(s, xi) for xi in x]
    elif isinstance(x, tuple):
        return tuple([subst(s, xi) for xi in x])
    elif not isinstance(x, Expr):
        return x
    elif is_var_symbol(x.op):
        return s.get(x, x)
        return Expr(x.op, *[subst(s, arg) for arg in x.args])
    def _inconsistent_effects(self, actionA, actionB):
        """ Return True if an effect of one action negates an effect of the other

        See Also
        #------ TODO: implement this function
        for x in actionA.effects:
            if x in actionB.effects:
                #print("ypu1 -> ",x," :: ", actionB.effects)
                #return True;
        for x in actionB.effects:
            if x in actionA.effects:
                #print("ypu2 -> ",x," :: ", actionA.effects)
                return True;    

        # print("--------",type(actionA.effects)) = <class 'frozenset'>
        # print("--------",type(actionA)) = <class 'layer.actionNode'>

        for x in actionA.effects:
            # print("--------",type(x in actionA.effect)) = <class 'aimacode.utils.expr'>
            # print("--------",type(x.op)) = <class 'str'>
            # print("--------",type(x.args)) = <class 'tuple'>
            for y in actionB.effects:
                #print("ypu3------> ",x," :: ", actionB.effects)
                #print("x= ",x)
                #print("x= ",expr(x))
                #print("x.op",x.op )
                #    print("x neg", Expr('~',x))
                #print("x.arg---",x.args )
                #print("x.arg",x.args[0] )
                #print("y= ",y)
                #print("y.op",y.op )
                #print("y.arg",y.args )'''
                if (x.op == '~' and y.op != '~'):
                    #print("x= ",x)
                    #print("y= ",y)
                    y_neg = Expr('~', y)
                    #print("~y= ",y_neg)
                    if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                        #print(x, " = ", y_neg)
                        return True
                if (y.op == '~' and x.op != '~'):
                    x_neg = Expr('~', x)
                    if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                        #print(y, " = ", x_neg)
                        return True

        return False
 def get_relaxed_actions(self):
         Strip preconditions.
         Strip effects unless a goal fluent.
     from aimacode.utils import Expr
     relaxed = []
     doAdd = False
     for a in self.actions_list:
         effect_add = [e for e in a.effect_add if e in self.goal]
         effect_rem = [e for e in a.effect_rem if e in self.goal]
         if not effect_add and not effect_rem: continue
         action = Action(Expr(a.name, *a.args), [[], []],
                         [effect_add, effect_rem])
     return relaxed
Example #9
def associate(op, args):
    """Given an associative op, return an expression with the same
    meaning as Expr(op, *args), but flattened -- that is, with nested
    instances of the same op promoted to the top level.
    >>> associate('&', [(A&B),(B|C),(B&C)])
    (A & B & (B | C) & B & C)
    >>> associate('|', [A|(B|(C|(A&B)))])
    (A | B | C | (A & B))
    args = dissociate(op, args)
    if len(args) == 0:
        return _op_identity[op]
    elif len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]
        return Expr(op, *args)
Example #10
    def _negation(self, literalA, literalB):
        """ Return True if two literals are negations of each other """
        # TODO: implement this function
        if literalA.op == "~" and literalB.op != "~":
            temp_neg = Expr("~", literalB)
            if temp_neg.__eq__(literalA):
                return True
        if literalA.op != "~" and literalB.op == "~":
            temp_neg = Expr("~", literalA)
            if temp_neg.__eq__(literalB):
                return True

        return False
Example #11
    def _negation(self, literalA, literalB):
        """ Return True if two literals are negations of each other """
        if literalA.op == '~' and literalB.op!='~':
            temp_neg = Expr('~',literalB);
            if temp_neg.__eq__(literalA):
                return True
        if literalA.op != '~' and literalB.op=='~':
            temp_neg = Expr('~',literalA);
            if temp_neg.__eq__(literalB):
                return True            

        return False
Example #12
def move_not_inwards(s):
    """Rewrite sentence s by moving negation sign inward.
    >>> move_not_inwards(~(A | B))
    (~A & ~B)"""
    s = expr(s)
    if s.op == '~':

        def NOT(b):
            return move_not_inwards(~b)

        a = s.args[0]
        if a.op == '~':
            return move_not_inwards(a.args[0])  # ~~A ==> A
        if a.op == '&':
            return associate('|', list(map(NOT, a.args)))
        if a.op == '|':
            return associate('&', list(map(NOT, a.args)))
        return s
    elif is_symbol(s.op) or not s.args:
        return s
        return Expr(s.op, *list(map(move_not_inwards, s.args)))
Example #13
def eliminate_implications(s):
    "Change implications into equivalent form with only &, |, and ~ as logical operators."
    if s == False:
        s = expr("F")
    if s == True:
        s = expr("T")
    s = expr(s)
    if not s.args or is_symbol(s.op):
        return s  # Atoms are unchanged.
    args = list(map(eliminate_implications, s.args))
    a, b = args[0], args[-1]
    if s.op == '==>':
        return b | ~a
    elif s.op == '<==':
        return a | ~b
    elif s.op == '<=>':
        return (a | ~b) & (b | ~a)
    elif s.op == '^':
        assert len(args) == 2  # TODO: relax this restriction
        return (a & ~b) | (~a & b)
        assert s.op in ('&', '|', '~')
        return Expr(s.op, *args)
Example #14
    def _inconsistent_effects(self, actionA, actionB):
        """ Return True if an effect of one action negates an effect of the other

        See Also
        # TODO: implement this function
        for x in actionA.effects:
            for y in actionB.effects:
                if x.op == "~" and y.op != "~":
                    y_neg = Expr("~", y)
                    if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                        return True
                if y.op == "~" and x.op != "~":
                    x_neg = Expr("~", x)
                    if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                        return True
        return False
    def _negation(self, literalA, literalB):
        """ Return True if two literals are negations of each other """
        # TODO: implement this function
        # raise NotImplementedError
        #print("literal A = ",literalA," : args = ",literalA.args," : op = ", literalA.op)
        #print("literal B = ",literalB," : args = ",literalB.args," : op = ", literalB.op)

        if literalA.op == '~' and literalB.op != '~':
            temp_neg = Expr('~', literalB)
            #print("ned literalB",temp_neg);
            if temp_neg.__eq__(literalA):
                return True
        if literalA.op != '~' and literalB.op == '~':
            temp_neg = Expr('~', literalA)
            #print("ned literalA",temp_neg);
            if temp_neg.__eq__(literalB):
                return True

        return False
Example #16
    def _inconsistent_effects(self, actionA, actionB):
        """ Return True if an effect of one action negates an effect of the other

        See Also
        #------ TODO: implement this function
        for x in actionA.effects:
            for y in actionB.effects:
                #check to see if actionA and action B are opposites...
                    if (x.op =='~' and y.op!='~'):
                        y_neg = Expr('~',y)
                        if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                            return True;
                    if (y.op =='~' and x.op!='~'):
                        x_neg = Expr('~',x)
                        if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                            return True;
        return False;    
    def _interference(self, actionA, actionB):
        """ Return True if the effects of either action negate the preconditions of the other 
        See Also
        # TODO: implement this function
        #raise NotImplementedError
        for x in actionA.effects:
            for y in actionB.preconditions:
                if (x.op == '~' and y.op != '~'):
                    y_neg = Expr('~', y)
                    if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                        #print(x, " = ", y_neg);
                        return True
                if (y.op == '~' and x.op != '~'):
                    x_neg = Expr('~', x)
                    if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                        #print(y, " = ", x_neg);
                        return True

        for x in actionB.effects:
            for y in actionA.preconditions:
                if (x.op == '~' and y.op != '~'):
                    y_neg = Expr('~', y)
                    if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                        #print(x, " = ", y_neg);
                        return True
                if (y.op == '~' and x.op != '~'):
                    x_neg = Expr('~', x)
                    if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                        #print(y, " = ", x_neg);
                        return True

        return False
Example #18
 def _interference(self, actionA, actionB):
     """ Return True if the effects of either action negate the preconditions of the other 
     See Also
     # TODO: implement this function
     #raise NotImplementedError
     for x in actionA.effects:
         for y in actionB.preconditions:
             #check to see if action A effects negates actionB preconditions
             if (x.op =='~' and y.op!='~'):
                 y_neg = Expr('~',y);
                 if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                     return True;
             if (y.op =='~' and x.op!='~'):
                 x_neg = Expr('~',x);
                 if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                     return True;
     for x in actionB.effects:
         for y in actionA.preconditions:
             #check to see if action B effects negates actionA preconditions
             if (x.op =='~' and y.op!='~'):
                 y_neg = Expr('~',y);
                 if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                     return True;
             if (y.op =='~' and x.op!='~'):
                 x_neg = Expr('~',x);
                 if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                     return True;
     return False;    
Example #19
def simp(x):
    "Simplify the expression x."
    if isnumber(x) or not x.args:
        return x
    args = list(map(simp, x.args))
    u, op, v = args[0], x.op, args[-1]
    if op == '+':
        if v == 0:
            return u
        if u == 0:
            return v
        if u == v:
            return 2 * u
        if u == -v or v == -u:
            return 0
    elif op == '-' and len(args) == 1:
        if u.op == '-' and len(u.args) == 1:
            return u.args[0]  # --y ==> y
    elif op == '-':
        if v == 0:
            return u
        if u == 0:
            return -v
        if u == v:
            return 0
        if u == -v or v == -u:
            return 0
    elif op == '*':
        if u == 0 or v == 0:
            return 0
        if u == 1:
            return v
        if v == 1:
            return u
        if u == v:
            return u**2
    elif op == '/':
        if u == 0:
            return 0
        if v == 0:
            return Expr('Undefined')
        if u == v:
            return 1
        if u == -v or v == -u:
            return 0
    elif op == '**':
        if u == 0:
            return 0
        if v == 0:
            return 1
        if u == 1:
            return 1
        if v == 1:
            return u
    elif op == 'log':
        if u == 1:
            return 0
        raise ValueError("Unknown op: " + op)
    # If we fall through to here, we can not simplify further
    return Expr(op, *args)
Example #20
 def ask_generator(self, query):
     "Yield the empty substitution {} if KB entails query; else no results."
     if tt_entails(Expr('&', *self.clauses), query):
         yield {}
Example #21
 def make_percept_sentence(self, percept, t):
     return Expr("Percept")(percept, t)
Example #22
 def make_action_sentence(self, action, t):
     return Expr("Did")(action[expr('action')], t)
Example #23
from aimacode.utils import (removeall, unique, first, isnumber, issequence, Expr, expr, subexpressions)
from aimacode.logic import *

if __name__ == '__main__':
	expression = Expr('f', 'x', 1, 'y')
	print (expression.__repr__())
	print (associate('&', dissociate('&', [x, y, z])))
	list = [1, 3, 5]
	print (list)
Example #24
    def _interference(self, actionA, actionB):
        """ Return True if the effects of either action negate the preconditions of the other 
        See Also
        # TODO: implement this function
        for x in actionA.effects:
            for y in actionB.preconditions:
                if x.op == "~" and y.op != "~":
                    y_neg = Expr("~", y)
                    if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                        return True
                if y.op == "~" and x.op != "~":
                    x_neg = Expr("~", x)
                    if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                        return True

        for x in actionB.effects:
            for y in actionA.preconditions:
                if x.op == "~" and y.op != "~":
                    y_neg = Expr("~", y)
                    if y_neg.__eq__(x):
                        return True
                if y.op == "~" and x.op != "~":
                    x_neg = Expr("~", x)
                    if x_neg.__eq__(y):
                        return True

        return False