Example #1
                class Photo(StatesGroup):
                    photo = State()

                    full_photo = State()
                    defect_photo = State()
                    photo_sketches = State()
Example #2
class Export(StatesGroup):
    code = State()
Example #3
class Settings(StatesGroup):
    option = State()
Example #4
class AddKey(StatesGroup):
    state = State()
    key = State()
Example #5
class AntiFloodConfigState(StatesGroup):
    expiration_proc = State()
Example #6
class Choose_photo(StatesGroup):
    content_text = State()
    content_photo = State()
    style_photo = State()
Example #7
class BusinessLogic(StatesGroup):
    picture = State()
    colors = State()
Example #8
 class Attic(StatesGroup):
     have_attic = State()
     on_full = State()
     answer = State()
Example #9
    class Basement(StatesGroup):
        b_keyboard_inline = State()

        class EnterToBasement(StatesGroup):
            enter_to_basement_inline = State()

            class Stairs(StatesGroup):
                stairs_inline = State()
                width = State()
                length = State()

                class Steps(StatesGroup):
                    steps_inline = State()

                    width = State()
                    height = State()

                    material = State()
                    material_answer = State()

                    finishing = State()
                    finishing_answer = State()

                    tile_answer = State()

            class Walls(StatesGroup):
                walls = State()

                class Handrail(StatesGroup):
                    handrail = State()

                    material = State()
                    material_answer = State()

                    length = State()
                    width = State()
                    height = State()

                    finishing = State()
                    finishing_answer = State()

                    mounting_method = State()

                class Finishing(StatesGroup):
                    finishing = State()
                    finishing_answer = State()

            class Door(StatesGroup):
                door = State()

                length = State()
                width = State()

                material = State()
                material_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

        class Sizes(StatesGroup):
            sizes = State()

            height = State()

            area_full = State()

            class WaterIntake(StatesGroup):
                class Yes(StatesGroup):
                    yes = State()

                    width = State()
                    height = State()
                    depth = State()

                    class Grid(StatesGroup):
                        grid = State()

                        length = State()
                        width = State()

                        material = State()
                        material_answer = State()

                    class Photo(StatesGroup):
                        photo = State()

                        full_photo = State()
                        defect_photo = State()

        class Floor(StatesGroup):
            floor = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            finishing = State()
            finishing_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

            defect = State()
            defect_answer = State()

        class Walls(StatesGroup):
            walls = State()

            area = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            finishing = State()
            finishing_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

            defect = State()
            defect_answer = State()

        class Ceiling(StatesGroup):
            ceiling = State()

            area = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            finishing = State()
            finishing_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

            defect = State()
            defect_answer = State()

        class Windows(StatesGroup):
            grids = State()

            length = State()
            width = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            count_glass = State()

            class WindowSills(StatesGroup):
                length = State()
                width = State()

                material = State()
                material_answer = State()

        class Lighting(StatesGroup):
            cable_routing = State()
            cable_routing_answer = State()

            type_cabel = State()
            cross = State()

            switches = State()
            switches_photo = State()
            switches_photo_full = State()
            switches_photo_sketch = State()

            VRU = State()
            VRU_photo = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()

            class Switchboard(StatesGroup):
                length = State()
                width = State()
                height = State()

                finishing = State()
                finishing_answer = State()

            class LightFixtures(StatesGroup):
                light_fixtures = State()

                yes = State()

                lighting_type = State()
                lighting_type_answer = State()

                class Photo(StatesGroup):
                    photo = State()

                    full_photo = State()
                    defect_photo = State()
                    photo_sketches = State()
Example #10
 class Structural_Scheme(StatesGroup):
     name_of_the_object = State()  # Введите название объекта
Example #11
 class Series(StatesGroup):
     individual_project = State()  # Индивидуальный проект
     answer = State()  # Введите серию/модификацию
Example #12
 class Basement(StatesGroup):
     have_basement = State()
     on_full = State()  # Над всей площадью здания?
     answer = State()
Example #13
 class Building_Configuration(StatesGroup):
     simple = State()  # Простая геометрическая форма
     hard = State()  # Сложная геометрическая форма
Example #14
class MenuState(StatesGroup):
    nameOfYourCompany = State()
    address = State()
    main_menu = State()

    class General_Information(StatesGroup):
        g_inline_keyboard = State()

        reliability = State()  # Класс строения по надёжности
        durability_degree = State()  # Степень долговечности
        fire_resistance = State()  # Степень огнестойкости
        year_built = State()  # Год постройки
        fire_hazard = State()  # Класс функциональной пожарной опасности
        Number_of_floors = State(
        )  # Количество этажей с учетом подвала и чердака
        building_height = State()  # Высота здания
        structural_type = State()  # структурный тип
        living_space = State()  # полезная площадь
        total_area = State()  # общая площадь
        number_of_apartments = State()  # Количество квартир
        number_of_sections = State()  # Количество секций
        Non_residential_area = State()  # Площадь нежилых помещений
        Non_residential_area_answer = State()  # Ввести вручную
        building_volume = State()  # Строительный объем
        last_major_overhaul = State()  # Последний кап.ремонт
        tenants = State()  # Наличие арендаторов
        purpose = State()  # Введите назначение
        purpose_answer = State()
        arendator = State()
        culture = State()
        culture_name = State()

        class Building_Configuration(StatesGroup):
            simple = State()  # Простая геометрическая форма
            hard = State()  # Сложная геометрическая форма

        class Basement(StatesGroup):
            have_basement = State()
            on_full = State()  # Над всей площадью здания?
            answer = State()

        class Structural_Scheme(StatesGroup):
            name_of_the_object = State()  # Введите название объекта

        class Series(StatesGroup):
            individual_project = State()  # Индивидуальный проект
            answer = State()  # Введите серию/модификацию

        class Attic(StatesGroup):
            have_attic = State()
            on_full = State()
            answer = State()

    class Basement(StatesGroup):
        b_keyboard_inline = State()

        class EnterToBasement(StatesGroup):
            enter_to_basement_inline = State()

            class Stairs(StatesGroup):
                stairs_inline = State()
                width = State()
                length = State()

                class Steps(StatesGroup):
                    steps_inline = State()

                    width = State()
                    height = State()

                    material = State()
                    material_answer = State()

                    finishing = State()
                    finishing_answer = State()

                    tile_answer = State()

            class Walls(StatesGroup):
                walls = State()

                class Handrail(StatesGroup):
                    handrail = State()

                    material = State()
                    material_answer = State()

                    length = State()
                    width = State()
                    height = State()

                    finishing = State()
                    finishing_answer = State()

                    mounting_method = State()

                class Finishing(StatesGroup):
                    finishing = State()
                    finishing_answer = State()

            class Door(StatesGroup):
                door = State()

                length = State()
                width = State()

                material = State()
                material_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

        class Sizes(StatesGroup):
            sizes = State()

            height = State()

            area_full = State()

            class WaterIntake(StatesGroup):
                class Yes(StatesGroup):
                    yes = State()

                    width = State()
                    height = State()
                    depth = State()

                    class Grid(StatesGroup):
                        grid = State()

                        length = State()
                        width = State()

                        material = State()
                        material_answer = State()

                    class Photo(StatesGroup):
                        photo = State()

                        full_photo = State()
                        defect_photo = State()

        class Floor(StatesGroup):
            floor = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            finishing = State()
            finishing_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

            defect = State()
            defect_answer = State()

        class Walls(StatesGroup):
            walls = State()

            area = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            finishing = State()
            finishing_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

            defect = State()
            defect_answer = State()

        class Ceiling(StatesGroup):
            ceiling = State()

            area = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            finishing = State()
            finishing_answer = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()
                defect_photo = State()

            defect = State()
            defect_answer = State()

        class Windows(StatesGroup):
            grids = State()

            length = State()
            width = State()

            material = State()
            material_answer = State()

            count_glass = State()

            class WindowSills(StatesGroup):
                length = State()
                width = State()

                material = State()
                material_answer = State()

        class Lighting(StatesGroup):
            cable_routing = State()
            cable_routing_answer = State()

            type_cabel = State()
            cross = State()

            switches = State()
            switches_photo = State()
            switches_photo_full = State()
            switches_photo_sketch = State()

            VRU = State()
            VRU_photo = State()

            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()

            class Switchboard(StatesGroup):
                length = State()
                width = State()
                height = State()

                finishing = State()
                finishing_answer = State()

            class LightFixtures(StatesGroup):
                light_fixtures = State()

                yes = State()

                lighting_type = State()
                lighting_type_answer = State()

                class Photo(StatesGroup):
                    photo = State()

                    full_photo = State()
                    defect_photo = State()
                    photo_sketches = State()
Example #15
class NewProduct(StatesGroup):
    """Стейты для добавления товара"""
    Title = State()
    Description = State()
    Price = State()
    PriceDollar = State()
    Photo = State()
    PhotoUrl = State()
    Confirmation = State()
    EditTitle = State()
    EditDescription = State()
    EditPrice = State()
    EditPhoto = State()
    EditPhotoUrl = State()
Example #16
    class General_Information(StatesGroup):
        g_inline_keyboard = State()

        reliability = State()  # Класс строения по надёжности
        durability_degree = State()  # Степень долговечности
        fire_resistance = State()  # Степень огнестойкости
        year_built = State()  # Год постройки
        fire_hazard = State()  # Класс функциональной пожарной опасности
        Number_of_floors = State(
        )  # Количество этажей с учетом подвала и чердака
        building_height = State()  # Высота здания
        structural_type = State()  # структурный тип
        living_space = State()  # полезная площадь
        total_area = State()  # общая площадь
        number_of_apartments = State()  # Количество квартир
        number_of_sections = State()  # Количество секций
        Non_residential_area = State()  # Площадь нежилых помещений
        Non_residential_area_answer = State()  # Ввести вручную
        building_volume = State()  # Строительный объем
        last_major_overhaul = State()  # Последний кап.ремонт
        tenants = State()  # Наличие арендаторов
        purpose = State()  # Введите назначение
        purpose_answer = State()
        arendator = State()
        culture = State()
        culture_name = State()

        class Building_Configuration(StatesGroup):
            simple = State()  # Простая геометрическая форма
            hard = State()  # Сложная геометрическая форма

        class Basement(StatesGroup):
            have_basement = State()
            on_full = State()  # Над всей площадью здания?
            answer = State()

        class Structural_Scheme(StatesGroup):
            name_of_the_object = State()  # Введите название объекта

        class Series(StatesGroup):
            individual_project = State()  # Индивидуальный проект
            answer = State()  # Введите серию/модификацию

        class Attic(StatesGroup):
            have_attic = State()
            on_full = State()
            answer = State()
Example #17
class Form(StatesGroup):
    name = State()  # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:name'
    age = State()  # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:age'
    gender = State()  # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:gender'
Example #18
 class Finishing(StatesGroup):
     finishing = State()
     finishing_answer = State()
Example #19
class Gan_photo(StatesGroup):
    content_text = State()
    content_photo = State()
class Subscribe(StatesGroup):
    Set_subscrible = State()
    Unsubscribe = State()
Example #21
class CreatePairOfKeys(StatesGroup):
    name = State()
    keys = State()
    text = State()
Example #22
class IsCorrect(StatesGroup):
    data = State()
Example #23
class UpdateText(StatesGroup):

    state = State()
    text = State()
Example #24
class EditAd(StatesGroup):
    ad = State()
Example #25
class Activate(StatesGroup):
    code = State()
Example #26
class TestState(StatesGroup):
    TestState = State()
Example #27
class Delete(StatesGroup):
    code = State()
Example #28
class Quiz(StatesGroup):
    Task1 = State()
    Task2 = State()
    Task3 = State()
    Task4 = State()
    Task5 = State()
    Task6 = State()
    Task7 = State()
    Task8 = State()
    Task9 = State()
    Task10 = State()
    Task11 = State()
    Task12 = State()
    Task13 = State()
    Task14 = State()
    Task15 = State()
    Task16 = State()
    Task17 = State()
    Task18 = State()
    Task19 = State()
    Task20 = State()
    Task21 = State()
    Task22 = State()
    Task23 = State()
    Task24 = State()
    Task25 = State()
    Task26 = State()
    Task27 = State()
    Task28 = State()
    Task29 = State()
    Task30 = State()
Example #29
class Chat(StatesGroup):
    code = State()
    send = State()
Example #30
            class Photo(StatesGroup):
                photo = State()

                full_photo = State()