Example #1
async def test_registration_with_confirmation(client, capsys):
    db = cfg.STORAGE
    url = url_for('auth_registration')
    r = await client.get(url)
    r = await client.post(url,
                              'email': EMAIL,
                              'password': PASSWORD,
                              'confirm': PASSWORD,
                              'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == str(url_for('auth_registration_requested'))
    user = await db.get_user({'email': EMAIL})
    assert user['status'] == 'confirmation'

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    link = parse_link(out)
    r = await client.get(link)
    assert r.url_obj.path == str(url_for(cfg.LOGIN_REDIRECT))
    assert cfg.MSG_ACTIVATED in await r.text()
    assert cfg.MSG_LOGGED_IN in await r.text()
    user = await db.get_user({'email': EMAIL})
    assert user['status'] == 'active'

    user = await db.get_user({'email': EMAIL})
    await db.delete_user(user)
Example #2
async def test_success(client):
    url = url_for('auth_change_password')
    login_url = url_for('auth_login')
    r = await client.get(url)

    async with LoggedUser(client) as user:
        r = await client.post(url, data={
            'cur_password': user['raw_password'],
            'new_password': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'confirm': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert r.status == 200
        assert cfg.MSG_PASSWORD_CHANGED in await r.text()

        r = await client.get(url_for('auth_logout'))
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == login_url.path

        r = await client.post(login_url, data={
            'email': user['email'],
            'password': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == url_for(cfg.LOGIN_REDIRECT).path
        assert cfg.MSG_LOGGED_IN in await r.text()
Example #3
async def log_client_in(client, user_data=None):
    user = await create_user(user_data)
    url = url_for('auth_login')
    r = await client.get(url)
    assert r.status == 200
    r = await client.post(url,
                              'email': user['email'],
                              'password': user['raw_password'],
                              'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
    assert cfg.MSG_LOGGED_IN in await r.text()
    assert r.url_obj.path == url_for(cfg.LOGIN_REDIRECT).path
    return user
Example #4
async def test_registration_without_confirmation(client, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setitem(cfg, 'REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED', False)
    db = cfg.STORAGE
    url = url_for('auth_registration')
    r = await client.get(url)
    r = await client.post(url,
                              'email': EMAIL,
                              'password': PASSWORD,
                              'confirm': PASSWORD,
                              'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == str(url_for(cfg.LOGIN_REDIRECT))
    assert cfg.MSG_LOGGED_IN in await r.text()
    user = await db.get_user({'email': EMAIL})
    await db.delete_user(user)
Example #5
async def test_registration_with_expired_confirmation(client, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setitem(cfg, 'REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION_LIFETIME', -1)
    db = cfg.STORAGE
    url = url_for('auth_registration')
    r = await client.get(url)

    async with NewUser({'status': 'confirmation'}) as user:
        confirmation = await db.create_confirmation(user, 'registration')
        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': user['email'],
                                  'password': user['raw_password'],
                                  'confirm': user['raw_password'],
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        await db.delete_confirmation(confirmation)
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == str(url_for('auth_registration_requested'))
Example #6
async def test_logout(client):
    login_url = url_for('auth_login')
    change_email_url = url_for('auth_change_email')
    user = await log_client_in(client)

    # try to access protected page
    r = await client.get(change_email_url)
    assert r.url_obj.path == change_email_url.path

    # logout
    r = await client.get(url_for('auth_logout'))
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == login_url.path

    # and try again
    r = await client.get(change_email_url)
    assert r.url_obj.path == login_url.path

    await cfg.STORAGE.delete_user(user)
async def test_unknown_email(client):
    url = url_for('auth_reset_password')
    r = await client.get(url)
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
    assert cfg.MSG_UNKNOWN_EMAIL not in await r.text()

    r = await client.post(url,
                              'email': EMAIL,
                              'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
    assert cfg.MSG_UNKNOWN_EMAIL in await r.text()
Example #8
async def test_wrong_current_password(client):
    url = url_for('auth_change_password')
    r = await client.get(url)

    async with LoggedUser(client):
        r = await client.post(url, data={
            'cur_password': '******',
            'new_password': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'confirm': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert r.status == 200
        assert cfg.MSG_WRONG_PASSWORD in await r.text()
async def test_inactive_user(client):
    url = url_for('auth_reset_password')
    r = await client.get(url)
    assert cfg.MSG_ACTIVATION_REQUIRED not in await r.text()

    async with NewUser({'status': 'confirmation'}) as user:
        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': user['email'],
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
    assert cfg.MSG_ACTIVATION_REQUIRED in await r.text()
Example #10
async def test_cnange_and_confirm(client, capsys):
    url = url_for('auth_change_email')
    login_url = url_for('auth_login')
    r = await client.get(url)

    async with LoggedUser(client) as user:
        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': NEW_EMAIL,
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert cfg.MSG_CHANGE_EMAIL_REQUESTED in await r.text()

        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        link = parse_link(out)

        r = await client.get(link)
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert cfg.MSG_EMAIL_CHANGED in await r.text()

        r = await client.get(url_for('auth_logout'))
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == login_url.path

        r = await client.post(login_url,
                                  'email': NEW_EMAIL,
                                  'password': user['raw_password'],
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == url_for(cfg.LOGIN_REDIRECT).path
        assert cfg.MSG_LOGGED_IN in await r.text()
async def test_banned_user(client):
    url = url_for('auth_reset_password')
    r = await client.get(url)
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
    assert cfg.MSG_USER_BANNED not in await r.text()

    async with NewUser({'status': 'banned'}) as user:
        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': user['email'],
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
    assert cfg.MSG_USER_BANNED in await r.text()
Example #12
async def test_registration_with_existing_email(client):
    url = url_for('auth_registration')
    r = await client.get(url)
    assert cfg.MSG_EMAIL_EXISTS not in await r.text()

    async with NewUser() as user:
        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': user['email'],
                                  'password': user['raw_password'],
                                  'confirm': user['raw_password'],
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
    assert cfg.MSG_EMAIL_EXISTS in await r.text()
async def test_csrf(client):
    reset_url = url_for('auth_reset_password')
    r = await client.post(reset_url, data={
        'email': EMAIL,
    assert r.url_obj.path == reset_url.path
    assert r.status == 200
    assert 'CSRF token missing' in await r.text()

    r = await client.post(reset_url,
                              'email': EMAIL,
                              'csrf_token': '##wrong',
    assert r.url_obj.path == reset_url.path
    assert r.status == 200
    assert 'CSRF failed' in await r.text()
async def test_too_often(client):
    db = cfg.STORAGE
    url = url_for('auth_reset_password')
    r = await client.get(url)
    assert cfg.MSG_OFTEN_RESET_PASSWORD not in await r.text()

    async with NewUser() as user:
        confirmation = await db.create_confirmation(user, 'reset_password')
        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': user['email'],
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        await db.delete_confirmation(confirmation)
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
    assert cfg.MSG_OFTEN_RESET_PASSWORD in await r.text()
Example #15
async def test_csrf(client):
    url = url_for('auth_change_email')
    async with LoggedUser(client):
        r = await client.post(url, data={
            'email': NEW_EMAIL,
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert r.status == 200
        assert 'CSRF token missing' in await r.text()

        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': NEW_EMAIL,
                                  'csrf_token': '##wrong',
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert r.status == 200
        assert 'CSRF failed' in await r.text()
Example #16
async def test_regitration_csrf(client):
    url = url_for('auth_registration')
    r = await client.post(url,
                              'email': EMAIL,
                              'password': PASSWORD,
                              'confirm': PASSWORD,
    assert r.status == 200
    assert 'CSRF token missing' in await r.text()

    r = await client.post(url,
                              'email': EMAIL,
                              'password': PASSWORD,
                              'confirm': PASSWORD,
                              'csrf_token': '##wrong',
    assert r.status == 200
    assert 'CSRF failed' in await r.text()
Example #17
async def test_csrf(client):
    url = url_for('auth_change_password')
    async with LoggedUser(client) as user:
        r = await client.post(url, data={
            'cur_password': user['raw_password'],
            'new_password': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'confirm': NEW_PASSWORD,
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert r.status == 200
        assert 'CSRF token missing' in await r.text()

        r = await client.post(url, data={
            'cur_password': user['raw_password'],
            'new_password': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'confirm': NEW_PASSWORD,
            'csrf_token': '##wrong',
        assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
        assert r.status == 200
        assert 'CSRF failed' in await r.text()
async def test_reset_and_confirm(client, capsys):
    url = url_for('auth_reset_password')
    login_url = url_for('auth_login')
    r = await client.get(url)

    async with NewUser() as user:
        r = await client.post(url,
                                  'email': user['email'],
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == url_for('auth_reset_password_requested').path

        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        confirmation_url = parse_link(out)
        r = await client.get(confirmation_url)
        assert r.status == 200

        new_password = get_random_string(10)
        r = await client.post(confirmation_url,
                                  'password': new_password,
                                  'confirm': new_password,
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == url_for(cfg.LOGIN_REDIRECT).path
        assert cfg.MSG_PASSWORD_CHANGED in await r.text()
        assert cfg.MSG_LOGGED_IN in await r.text()

        r = await client.get(url_for('auth_logout'))
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == login_url.path

        r = await client.post(login_url,
                                  'email': user['email'],
                                  'password': new_password,
                                  'csrf_token': await get_csrf(r),
        assert r.status == 200
        assert r.url_obj.path == url_for(cfg.LOGIN_REDIRECT).path
        assert cfg.MSG_LOGGED_IN in await r.text()
Example #19
async def test_form_availibility(client):
    url = url_for('auth_change_email')
    async with LoggedUser(client):
        r = await client.get(url)
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == url.path
async def test_form_availibility(client):
    reset_url = url_for('auth_reset_password')
    r = await client.get(reset_url)
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == reset_url.path
Example #21
async def test_regitration_availibility(client):
    r = await client.get(url_for('auth_registration'))
    assert r.status == 200
Example #22
async def test_guest_access(client):
    r = await client.get(url_for('auth_change_email'))
    assert r.status == 200
    assert r.url_obj.path == url_for('auth_login').path