class buildCommand(RequirementCommand): """ Build ArduPy Firmware contains the libraries you installed and the basic ArduPy features. """ name = 'build' usage = """ %prog [options] <args> ...""" summary = "Build ArduPy Firmware contains the libraries you installed and the basic ArduPy features." ignore_require_venv = True def __init__(self, *args, **kw): dealGenericOptions() super(buildCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.index_group, self.parser, ) self.serial = SerialUtils() self.parser.insert_option_group(0, index_opts) self.srcfile = [] self.headers = "" self.headerlist = [] self.buildParm = "" self.gcc = "" self.cpp = "" self.objcopy = "" self.sizetool = "" self.ld = "" self.board_id = -1 self.gcc_cmd = "" self.cpp_cmd = "" self.objcopy_cmd = "" self.sizetool_cmd = "" self.ld_cmd = "" self._verbose = False def doVerbose(self, info): if self.verbose == True: print(info) else: sys.stdout.write(".....") sys.stdout.flush() # get arm gcc def initBoard(self): self.buildParm = parser.get_build_pram_by_id(self.board_id) buildParm = self.buildParm self.gcc = str( Path(parser.get_tool_dir_by_id(self.board_id), buildParm['tool'], buildParm['version'], "bin", buildParm['CC'])) self.cpp = str( Path(parser.get_tool_dir_by_id(self.board_id), buildParm['tool'], buildParm['version'], "bin", buildParm['CXX'])) self.objcopy = str( Path(parser.get_tool_dir_by_id(self.board_id), buildParm['tool'], buildParm['version'], "bin", buildParm['OBJCOPY'])) self.sizetool = str( Path(parser.get_tool_dir_by_id(self.board_id), buildParm['tool'], buildParm['version'], "bin", buildParm['SIZETOOL'])) self.buildParm = parser.get_build_pram_by_id(self.board_id) # build firmware def buildFirmware(self, outputdir): buildParm = self.buildParm product = parser.boards[self.board_id]["name"] pid = parser.boards[self.board_id]["hwids"]["application"][0] vid = parser.boards[self.board_id]["hwids"]["application"][1] common_flags = " " + buildParm["CFLAGS"] + " " + parser.boards[ self. board_id]["BOARDFLAGS"] + " " + buildParm["ARDUINOCFLAGS"].format( arduinocore=parser.get_arduino_dir_by_id(self.board_id) ) + " " + buildParm["USBFLAGS"].format( product, pid, vid) + " " + buildParm["TOOLCFLAGS"].format( parser.get_tool_dir_by_id( self.board_id)) + " " + buildParm["EXTRACFLAGS"] gcc_flags = common_flags + " " + buildParm["CCFLAGS"] cpp_flags = common_flags + " " + buildParm["CXXFLAGS"] output_str = " -o {0} -c {1}" self.gcc_cmd = self.gcc + " " + gcc_flags + \ " " + self.headers + " " + output_str self.cpp_cmd = self.cpp + " " + cpp_flags + \ " " + self.headers + " " + output_str output_o = [] # build all of source file for f in self.srcfile: randomstr = "".join(random.sample('zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba', 8)) #out = randomstr + os.path.basename(f)+".o" out = os.path.join(outputdir, randomstr + os.path.basename(f) + ".o") (path, filename) = os.path.split(f) if filename[-2:] == ".c": cmd = self.gcc_cmd.format(out, f) self.doVerbose(cmd) output_o.append(out) os.system(cmd) else: cmd = self.cpp_cmd.format(out, f) self.doVerbose(cmd) output_o.append(out) os.system(cmd) self.ld_cmd = self.gcc + " -L{0} ".format( parser.get_ardupy_board_by_id(self.board_id) ) + " " + buildParm["TOOLLDFLAGS"].format( parser.get_tool_dir_by_id(self.board_id)) + " " + buildParm[ "EXTRALDFLAGS"] + " " + buildParm["LINKFLAGS"].format( parser.get_ardupy_board_by_id(self.board_id), " ".join(output_o), outputdir) self.doVerbose(self.ld_cmd) os.system(self.ld_cmd) def endWith(self, s, *endstring): array = map(s.endswith, endstring) if True in array: return True else: return False def fileEndWith(self, p, *endstring): all_file = [] wants_files = [] for r, d, f in os.walk(p): if r.find('.git') == -1: for item in f: all_file.append(os.path.join(r, item)) for i in all_file: if self.endWith(i, endstring): wants_files.append(i) return wants_files # generated Init file def generatedInitfile(self, outputdir): init_header = """ #include <stdint.h> #include "py/obj.h" #include "py/runtime.h" """ fix_body = """ STATIC const mp_rom_map_elem_t arduino_module_globals_table[] = { { MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR___name__), MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_arduino) }, """ init_tail = """ }; STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_DICT(arduino_module_globals, arduino_module_globals_table); const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_arduino = { .base = { &mp_type_module }, .globals = (mp_obj_dict_t*)&arduino_module_globals, }; """ mp_obj_type_string = [] for ff in self.srcfile: (path, filename) = os.path.split(ff) if filename[0:11] == "mod_ardupy_": with open(ff, 'r') as f: mp_obj_type_string.append(''.join([ line for line in f.readlines() if re.match(r'const mp_obj_type_t ', line) ])[20:-5]) initFile = open(str(Path(outputdir, "__init__.c")), "w") initFile.write(init_header) for ss in mp_obj_type_string: initFile.write("extern const mp_obj_type_t {};\n\t".format(ss)) initFile.write(fix_body) for ss in mp_obj_type_string: initFile.write( '{{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_{0}), MP_ROM_PTR(&{1}) }},\n\t' .format(ss[:-5], ss)) initFile.write(init_tail) initFile.close() # os.system("cat "+str(Path(outputdir,"__init__.c"))) self.srcfile.append(str(Path(outputdir, "__init__.c"))) def generatedQstrdefs(self, outputdir): ardupydir = parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id) sys.path.append(str(Path(ardupydir, "MicroPython", "py"))) # import makemoduledefs import makeqstrdata import makeqstrdefs # import makeversionhdr genhdr = str(Path(outputdir + "/genhdr")) os.makedirs(genhdr) extern_mp_src = [] # makeversionhdr.make_version_header(str(Path(genhdr,"mpversion.h"))) shutil.copyfile( str(Path(parser.get_gender_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "mpversion.h")), str(Path(genhdr, "mpversion.h"))) shutil.copyfile( str( Path(parser.get_gender_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "moduledefs.h")), str(Path(genhdr, "moduledefs.h"))) mp_generate_flag = " -I. -I{0} -I{1}".format( parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id), parser.get_ardupy_board_by_id(self.board_id)) buildParm = self.buildParm micropython_CFLAGS = buildParm["MICROPYTHONCFLAGS"].format( parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id)) mp_generate_flag = " {} {} ".format(mp_generate_flag, micropython_CFLAGS) # remove cpp files # todoï¼› only scan file start wirh "mod_ardupy_" for f in self.srcfile: if f[-3:] == "cpp" or f[-2:] == "cc": continue if f.find("objmodule.c") != -1 or \ f.find("parse.c") != -1 or \ f.find("qstr.c") != -1: continue extern_mp_src.append(f) self.doVerbose(extern_mp_src) gen_i_last = self.gcc + " -E -DARDUPY_MODULE -DNO_QSTR " + mp_generate_flag + " ".join(extern_mp_src) + \ " " + str(Path(parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "mpconfigport.h")) + \ " > " + str(Path(genhdr, "qstr.i.last")) self.doVerbose(gen_i_last) os.system(gen_i_last) import io class Args: pass args = Args() args.input_filename = str(Path(genhdr, "qstr.i.last")) args.output_dir = str(Path(genhdr, "qstr")) args.output_file = str(Path(genhdr, "qstrdefs.collected.h")) try: os.makedirs(args.output_dir) except OSError: pass makeqstrdefs.args = args with, encoding='utf-8') as infile: makeqstrdefs.process_file(infile) makeqstrdefs.cat_together() qcfgs, qstrs = makeqstrdata.parse_input_headers([ str( Path(parser.get_gender_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "qstrdefs.preprocessed.h")), str(Path(genhdr, "qstrdefs.collected.h")) ]) qstrdefs_generated_h = open(str(Path(genhdr, "qstrdefs.generated.h")), "w") # get config variables cfg_bytes_len = int(qcfgs['BYTES_IN_LEN']) cfg_bytes_hash = int(qcfgs['BYTES_IN_HASH']) # self.doVerbose out the starter of the generated C header file qstrdefs_generated_h.writelines( '// This file was automatically generated by\n') qstrdefs_generated_h.writelines('\n') # add NULL qstr with no hash or data qstrdefs_generated_h.writelines( 'QDEF(MP_QSTR_NULL, (const byte*)"%s%s" "")\n' % ('\\x00' * cfg_bytes_hash, '\\x00' * cfg_bytes_len)) # go through each qstr and self.doVerbose it out for order, ident, qstr in sorted(qstrs.values(), key=lambda x: x[0]): qbytes = makeqstrdata.make_bytes(cfg_bytes_len, cfg_bytes_hash, qstr) qstrdefs_generated_h.writelines('QDEF(MP_QSTR_%s, %s)\n' % (ident, qbytes)) qstrdefs_generated_h.close() # os.system("cp "+ str(Path(genhdr,"qstrdefs.generated.h"))+" /tmp") self.headerlist.append(str(Path(genhdr))) return genhdr def downloadAll(self, session): archiveFile = parser.get_archiveFile_by_id(self.board_id) downloader = Downloader(session, progress_bar="on") ardupycoredir = parser.get_core_dir_by_id(self.board_id) if not os.path.exists(ardupycoredir):'Downloading ' + archiveFile['archiveFileName'] + '...') try: unpack_url( Link(archiveFile['url']), ardupycoredir, downloader, download_dir=None, ) except Exception as e: log.error(e) os.remove(ardupycoredir) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: log.error(e) os.remove(ardupycoredir) sys.exit(1) toolsDependencies = parser.get_toolsDependencies_url_by_id( self.board_id) toolsdir = parser.get_tool_dir_by_id(self.board_id) for tool in toolsDependencies: tooldir = str(Path(toolsdir, tool['name'], tool['version'])) if not os.path.exists(tooldir):'Downloading ' + tool['name'] + '@' + tool['version'] + '...') try: unpack_url( Link(tool['url']), tooldir, downloader, download_dir=None, ) except Exception as e: log.error(e) os.remove(tooldir) sys.exit(1) def run(self, options, args): if options.board == "": port, desc, hwid, isbootloader = self.serial.getAvailableBoard() if port != None: _board = self.serial.getBoardByPort(port) if _board != "": self.board = _board[0] else: log.warning( "please plug in a ArduPy Board or specify the board to build!" ) print("<usage> aip build [--board=<board>] ") return else: self.board = options.board self.board_id = self.serial.getBoardIdByName(self.board) if self.board_id == -1: log.error("Unable to find information about '" + self.board + "'") return ERROR self.verbose = options.verbose self.initBoard() seesion = self.get_default_session(options) self.downloadAll(seesion) # setup deploy dir deploydir = parser.get_deploy_dir_by_id(self.board_id) if not os.path.exists(deploydir): os.makedirs(deploydir) # create build dir, This folder will be deleted after compilation builddir = mktemp() os.makedirs(builddir)"|---------------" + " Building Firmware for " + self.board + "---------------|") arduinodir = parser.get_arduino_dir_by_id(self.board_id) arduinocoredir = str(Path(arduinodir, "cores", "arduino")) # Converts the header file to the absolute path of the current system # 1 append Arduino Core PATH self.headerlist.append(arduinocoredir) for file in os.listdir(arduinocoredir): file_path = str(Path(arduinocoredir, file)) if os.path.isdir(file_path): self.headerlist.append(file_path) # 2 append Arduino variants PATH self.headerlist.append(parser.get_variant_dir_by_id(self.board_id)) # 3 append Arduino library PATH librariesdir = str(Path(arduinodir, "libraries")) for library in os.listdir(librariesdir): library_path = str(Path(librariesdir, library)) self.headerlist.append(library_path) if (os.path.exists(str(Path(library_path, "src")))): self.headerlist.append(str(Path(library_path, "src"))) # 4 append Ardupy core PATH self.headerlist.append(parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id)) self.headerlist.append(parser.get_ardupy_board_by_id(self.board_id)) self.headerlist.append( str(Path(parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "MicroPython"))) # 5 append moudules PATh moduledir = str(Path(parser.user_config_dir, "modules")) if not os.path.exists(moduledir): os.makedirs(moduledir) modules = os.listdir(moduledir) if modules: for m in modules: # Gets the source files for all modules for f in self.fileEndWith( os.path.join(str(Path(moduledir, m))), '.cpp', '.c'): self.srcfile.append(str(Path(f))) # Sets the root directory of the module to be where the header file is found for r, d, f in os.walk(str(Path(moduledir, m))): if r.find('.git') == -1 and r.find("examples") == -1: self.headerlist.append(r) # 6 Convert the necessary files in ardupycore into the absolute path of the system. self.srcfile.append( str( Path(parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "MicroPython", "py", "objmodule.c"))) self.srcfile.append( str( Path(parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "MicroPython", "py", "parse.c"))) self.srcfile.append( str( Path(parser.get_ardupy_dir_by_id(self.board_id), "MicroPython", "py", "qstr.c"))) # 7 generatrd Init file for binding self.generatedInitfile(builddir) # 8 Convert to the required format for GCC self.generatedQstrdefs(builddir) # 9 append build temp dir self.headerlist.append(str(Path(builddir))) # 10 inform headers headerlist self.headers = "-I" + " -I".join(self.headerlist) # 11 build firmware self.buildFirmware(builddir) # 12 remove the old firmware firmware_path = str(Path(str(deploydir), "Ardupy.bin")) if os.path.exists(firmware_path): os.remove(firmware_path) # 13 convert elf to bin self.objcopy_cmd = self.objcopy + " -O binary " \ + str(Path(builddir + "/Ardupy")) + " " \ + firmware_path self.doVerbose(self.objcopy_cmd) os.system(self.objcopy_cmd) # 14 print information self.sizetool_cmd = self.sizetool + \ " -A " + str(Path(builddir + "/Ardupy")) print("") os.system(self.sizetool_cmd) # 15 print information # delete build dir shutil.rmtree(builddir) if os.path.exists(firmware_path):'Firmware path: ' + firmware_path)'Usage:\n\r aip flash') else: raise Exception(print('compile error')) return SUCCESS
class flashCommand(RequirementCommand): """ flash firmware to ArduPy board. """ name = 'flash' usage = """ %prog [options] <args> ...""" summary = "Flash firmware to ArduPy board." ignore_require_venv = True def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(flashCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cmd_opts.add_option('-p', '--port', dest='port', action='store', default="", help='The port of the ArduPy board.') self.cmd_opts.add_option('-o', '--origin', dest='origin', action='store_true', default=False, help='flash latest version firmware') self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.index_group, self.parser, ) self.serial = SerialUtils() @property def stty(self): if self.port == "": port, desc, hwid, isbootloader = self.serial.getAvailableBoard() self.port = port if self.port == "None": log.warning("please plug in a ArduPy Board!") print("<usage> aip run [-p, --port=<port>] [local_file]") return "echo not support" if == "posix": if platform.uname().system == "Darwin": return "stty -f " + self.port + " %d" return "stty -F " + self.port + " %d" elif == "nt": return "MODE " + self.port + ":BAUD=%d PARITY=N DATA=8" return "echo not support" def run(self, options, args): self.port = options.port bossacdir = str( Path(user_config_dir + "/ardupycore/Seeeduino/tools/bossac")) if not os.path.exists(bossacdir): os.makedirs(bossacdir) session = self.get_default_session(options) if sys.platform == "linux": link = Link( "" ) if sys.platform == "win32": link = Link( "" ) if sys.platform == "darwin": link = Link( "" ) bossac = "" if platform.system() == "Windows": bossac = str(Path(bossacdir, "bossac.exe")) else: bossac = str(Path(bossacdir, "bossac")) if not os.path.exists(bossac): downloader = Downloader(session, progress_bar="on") unpack_url( link, bossacdir, downloader=downloader, download_dir=None, ) try_count = 0 do_bossac = True while True: stty = self.stty print(stty) if stty != "echo not support": os.system(stty % 1200) #os.system(str(bossac)+ " --help") port, desc, hwid, isbootloader = self.serial.getBootloaderBoard() print(port) time.sleep(1) if isbootloader == True: break try_count = try_count + 1 if try_count == 5: do_bossac = False break if do_bossac == True: name, version, url = self.serial.getBoardByPort(port) ardupybin = "" if len(args) > 0: ardupybin = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ardupybin): log.warning('The path of firmware didn\'t exists!') return ERROR elif options.origin == True: firmwaredir = str( Path(user_config_dir + "/deploy/firmware/" + name.replace(' ', '_'))) if not os.path.exists(firmwaredir): os.makedirs(firmwaredir) ardupybin = str(Path(firmwaredir, "ardupy_laster.bin")) if not os.path.exists(ardupybin): downloader = Downloader(session, progress_bar="on") _download_http_url(link=Link(url), downloader=downloader, temp_dir=firmwaredir, hashes=None) else: ardupybin = str(Path(user_config_dir + "/deploy/Ardupy.bin")) _flash_parm = flash_param[name.replace(' ', '_')] print((str(bossac) + _flash_parm) % (port, ardupybin)) os.system((str(bossac) + _flash_parm) % (port, ardupybin)) else: log.warning("Sorry, the device you should have is not plugged in.") return ERROR return SUCCESS