Example #1
    def get_ee_pose(self):
        Return the end effector pose.

            4-element tuple containing

            - np.ndarray: x, y, z position of the EE (shape: :math:`[3,]`).
            - np.ndarray: quaternion representation of the
              EE orientation (shape: :math:`[4,]`).
            - np.ndarray: rotation matrix representation of the
              EE orientation (shape: :math:`[3, 3]`).
            - np.ndarray: euler angle representation of the
              EE orientation (roll, pitch, yaw with
              static reference frame) (shape: :math:`[3,]`).
        info = self._pb.getLinkState(self.robot_id, self.ee_link_id)
        pos = info[4]
        quat = info[5]

        rot_mat = arutil.quat2rot(quat)
        euler = arutil.quat2euler(quat, axes='xyz')  # [roll, pitch, yaw]
        return np.array(pos), np.array(quat), rot_mat, euler
Example #2
    def get_ee_pose(self):
        Get current cartesian pose of the EE, in the robot's base frame,
        using ROS subscriber to the tf tree topic.

            4-element tuple containing

            - np.ndarray: x, y, z position of the EE (shape: :math:`[3]`).
            - np.ndarray: quaternion representation ([x, y, z, w]) of the EE
              orientation (shape: :math:`[4]`).
            - np.ndarray: rotation matrix representation of the EE orientation
              (shape: :math:`[3, 3]`).
            - np.ndarray: euler angle representation of the EE orientation
              (roll, pitch, yaw with static reference frame)
              (shape: :math:`[3]`).
        pos, quat = get_tf_transform(self.tf_listener,
        rot_mat = arutil.quat2rot(quat)
        euler_ori = arutil.quat2euler(quat)
        return np.array(pos), np.array(quat), rot_mat, euler_ori
Example #3
 def get_box_pose(self, box_id=None):
     if box_id is None:
         box_id = self.box_id
     pos, quat, lin_vel, _ = self.robot.pb_client.get_body_state(box_id)
     rpy = quat2euler(quat=quat)
     return pos, quat, rpy, lin_vel
Example #4
 def poke(save_dir='data/image'):
     if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
     save_depth_dir = save_dir + '_depth'
     if not os.path.exists(save_depth_dir):
     index = 0
     curr_img, curr_dep = get_img()
     while True:
         obj_pos, obj_quat, lin_vel, _ = get_body_state(box_id)
         obj_ang = quat2euler(obj_quat)[2] # -pi ~ pi
         obj_x, obj_y, obj_z = obj_pos
         # check if cube is on table
         if obj_z < box_z / 2.0 or lin_vel[0] > 1e-3: # important that box is still
             print(obj_z, lin_vel[0])
             reset_body(box_id, box_pos)
         while True:
             # choose random poke point on the object
             poke_x = np.random.random()*box_size + obj_x - box_size/2.0
             poke_y = np.random.random()*box_size + obj_y - box_size/2.0
             # choose poke angle along the z axis
             poke_ang = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2 - np.pi
             # choose poke length
             poke_len = np.random.random() * poke_len_std + poke_len_mean
             # calc starting poke location and ending poke loaction
             start_x = poke_x - poke_len * np.cos(poke_ang)
             start_y = poke_y - poke_len * np.sin(poke_ang)
             end_x = poke_x + poke_len * np.cos(poke_ang)
             end_y = poke_y + poke_len * np.sin(poke_ang)
             if end_x > workspace_min_x and end_x < workspace_max_x \
                 and end_y > workspace_min_y and end_y < workspace_max_y:
         robot.arm.move_ee_xyz([start_x-home[0], start_y-home[1], 0], 0.015)
         robot.arm.move_ee_xyz([0, 0, min_height-rest_height], 0.015)
         js1, js2, js3, js4, js5, js6 = robot.arm.get_jpos()
         robot.arm.move_ee_xyz([end_x-start_x, end_y-start_y, 0], 0.015)
         je1, je2, je3, je4, je5, je6 = robot.arm.get_jpos()
         # important that we use move_ee_xyz, as set_ee_pose can throw obj in motion
         robot.arm.move_ee_xyz([0, 0, rest_height-min_height], 0.015)
         # move arm away from camera view
         go_home() # important to have one set_ee_pose every loop to reset accu errors
         next_img, next_dep = get_img()
         # calc poke and obj locations in image pixel space
         start_r, start_c = get_pixel(start_x, start_y)
         end_r, end_c = get_pixel(end_x, end_y)
         obj_r, obj_c = get_pixel(obj_x, obj_y)
         with open(save_dir + '.txt', 'a') as file:
             file.write('%d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n' % \
                 (index, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, obj_x, obj_y,
                 obj_quat[0], obj_quat[1], obj_quat[2], obj_quat[3],
                 js1, js2, js3, js4, js5, js6, je1, je2, je3, je4, je5, je6,
                 start_r, start_c, end_r, end_c, obj_r, obj_c))
         cv2.imwrite(save_dir + '/' + str(index) +'.png',
                     cv2.cvtColor(curr_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
         # cv2.imwrite(save_dir + '_depth/' + str(index) +'.png', curr_dep)
         np.save(save_dir + '_depth/' + str(index), curr_dep)
         curr_img = next_img
         curr_dep = next_dep
         if index % 1000 == 0:
             ar.log_info('number of pokes: %sk' % str(index/1000))
         index += 1