Example #1
def do_matlab_svm_bdopt (temporal_filtering=True, global_nuis_correction=True):
    wd, xd, dd, labelsf, phenof, dataf, masks, dilmasks, templates, pipe = get_filepaths(temporal_filtering, global_nuis_correction)

    au.setup_logger(2, logfname=None)

    for fi in range(len(dataf)):

        myfile = au.remove_ext(subjsf) + '.mat'
Example #2
        au.log.error(exc.message + '\n' + exc.argument)
        return 0

    outdir = args.outdir.strip()
    svmdir = args.svmdir.strip()
    expname = args.expname.strip()
    featsf = args.feats.strip()
    testf = args.testf.strip()
    cvalue = args.cvalue
    lossf = args.lossf
    svmargs = args.svmargs.strip()
    redoing = args.redoing
    verbose = args.verbosity


    #setting command paths
    svm_class = 'svm_perf_classify'
    svm_learn = 'svm_perf_learn'
    if svmdir:
        svm_class = svmdir + os.path.sep + svm_class
        svm_learn = svmdir + os.path.sep + svm_learn

    train_fname = featsf
    test_fname = testf

    #creating output filename
    if expname:
        ofname = os.path.basename(expname)
       return -1

    labelsf     = args.labelsf.strip()
    dataf       = args.dataf.strip()
    outdir      = args.outdir.strip()
    clfmethod   = args.estimator.strip()
    fsname      = args.fsmethod.strip()
    prefsmethod = args.prefsmethod.strip()
    prefsthr    = args.prefsthr

    cvfold      = args.cvfold.strip()
    n_folds     = args.nfolds
    n_cpus      = args.ncpus
    verbose     = args.verbosity

    au.setup_logger(verbose, logfname=None)

    scale = True

    #label values
    n_class = 2

    y = np.loadtxt(labelsf).astype(int)
    n_subjs = len(y)

    data    = np.load(dataf)
    n_feats = data.shape[1]

    if n_subjs != data.shape[0]:
Example #4
    except argparse.ArgumentError, exc:
        print(exc.message + '\n' + exc.argument)
        return -1

    subjlstf = args.subjlstf.strip()
    datadir = args.datadir.strip()
    feats = args.feats.strip()
    outdir = args.outdir.strip()
    clfmethod = args.estimator.strip()
    fsname = args.fsmethod.strip()
    cvfold = args.cvfold.strip()
    n_cpus = args.ncpus
    verbose = args.verbosity

    au.setup_logger(verbose, logfname=None)

    scale = True

    #label values
    n_class = 2

    y, subjs = parse_subjects_list(subjlstf)
    scores = np.array(y)
    y = np.array(y)
    y[scores > 0] = 1
    y = y.astype(int)

    n_subjs = len(subjs)
Example #5
    maskf      = args.mask.strip()
    prefix     = args.prefix.strip()

    leave      = args.leave

    scale      = args.scale
    scale_min  = args.scale_min
    scale_max  = args.scale_max

    thrps      = args.thresholdP.strip().split()
    lthr       = args.lthreshold.strip()
    uthr       = args.uthreshold.strip()
    absolute   = args.absolute


    #checking number of files processed
    if not os.path.exists(maskf): 
        err = 'Mask file not found: ' + maskf

    #number of subjects
    subjsnum = au.file_len(subjsf)

    #reading subjects list
    subjlabels = np.zeros(subjsnum, dtype=int)
    subjslist  = {}
    subjfile   = open(subjsf, 'r')
    c = 0
Example #6
from sklearn.lda import LDA

from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.cross_validation import LeaveOneOut, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion

from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer

debug_here = Tracer()

import aizkolari_utils as au

import os
import sys

import aizkolari_utils as au

from do_aal_featsets import *

hn = au.get_hostname()
if hn == 'azteca':
    wd = '/media/data/oasis_aal'
    roisdir = ''
    outd    = '/media/data/oasis_aal'
elif hn == 'corsair':

from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer
debug_here = Tracer()

import os, subprocess, re, sys
import numpy as np
import pickle

import aizkolari_utils as au


measures = ['jacs', 'modulatedgm', 'norms', 'trace', 'geodan']

dists = ['pearson', 'bhattacharyya', 'ttest']

study1 = [
    '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0006', '0007', '0008', '0009',

#studies  = {'cv':study1, 'dd':study2}
thrs = [80, 90, 95, 99, 99.5, 99.9, 100]

perfmeas = [
    'Accuracy', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1', 'PRBEP', 'ROCArea', 'AvgPrec',
    'Specificity', 'Brier-score'
Example #8
def do_darya_localizations ():
    import scipy.io as sio

    import visualize_volume as vis

    import aizkolari_utils as au

    locd = '/home/alexandre/Dropbox/ELM 2013/ELM-2013-Darya/localization'

    wd, xd, dd, labelsf, phenof, dataf, masks, dilmasks, templates, pipe = get_filepaths()

    maskf          = dilmasks[0]
    mask, hdr, aff = au.get_nii_data(maskf)
    indices        = np.array(np.where(mask > 0))

    tmpltf         = templates[0]
    tmplt, _, _    = au.get_nii_data(tmpltf)

    flist = os.listdir(locd)
    flist = au.find(flist, '.mat')

    for f in flist:
        data = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(locd, f))

        name = au.remove_ext(f)

        if f.find('cobre') >= 0:
            p = data['pearson'].squeeze()
            locs = p > 0
            lidx = indices[:, locs].squeeze()

            if f.find('reho') >= 0:
                preho = p.copy()
            elif f.find('alff') >= 0:
                palff = p.copy()

            locs = data[name].squeeze()
            locs -= 1
            if f.find('pearson') >= 0:

                if f.find('reho') >= 0:
                    lidx = indices[:, preho > 0]
                elif f.find('alff') >= 0:
                    lidx = indices[:, palff > 0]

                lidx = lidx[:, locs]
                lidx = indices[:, locs].squeeze()

        locvol = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=np.float)
        locvol[tuple(lidx)] = 1

        #save nifti volume
        au.save_nibabel (os.path.join(locd, name + '.nii.gz'), locvol, aff, hdr)

        #save image
        fig = vis.show_many_slices(tmplt, locvol, volaxis=1, vol2_colormap=plt.cm.autumn, figtitle=name)
        aizc.save_fig_to_png(fig, os.path.join(locd, name + '.png'))
        if os.access (os.path.join(xd,'innercrop'), os.X_OK):
            au.exec_command (os.path.join(xd,'innercrop') + ' -o white ' + fig2name + ' ' + fig2name)

from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer

debug_here = Tracer()

import os, subprocess, re, sys
import numpy as np
import pickle

import aizkolari_utils as au


measures = ["jacs", "modulatedgm", "norms", "trace", "geodan"]

dists = ["pearson", "bhattacharyya", "ttest"]

study1 = ["0001", "0002", "0003", "0004", "0005", "0006", "0007", "0008", "0009", "0010"]

# studies  = {'cv':study1, 'dd':study2}
thrs = [80, 90, 95, 99, 99.5, 99.9, 100]

perfmeas = ["Accuracy", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "PRBEP", "ROCArea", "AvgPrec", "Specificity", "Brier-score"]

cgrid = [10 ** -3, 10 ** -2, 10 ** -1, 10 ** 0, 10 ** 1, 10 ** 2]
scaled = True

# kernel
kernels = ["linear", "rbf"]
def do_oasis_visualize_pca(args):

    subjsf = args.infile.strip()
    outfile = args.outfile.strip()
    datadir = args.datadir.strip()
    maskf = args.mask.strip()
    fsmethod = args.fsmethod.strip()

    #    scale      = args.scale
    #    scale_min  = args.scale_min
    #    scale_max  = args.scale_max

    verbose = args.verbosity

    # logging config

    # loading mask
    msk = nib.load(maskf).get_data()
    nvox = np.sum(msk > 0)
    indices = np.where(msk > 0)

    # reading subjects list
    [scores, subjs] = parse_subjects_list(subjsf, datadir)
    scores = np.array(scores)

    imgsiz = nib.load(subjs[0]).shape
    nsubjs = len(subjs)

    # checking mask and first subject dimensions match
    if imgsiz != msk.shape:
        au.log.error("Subject image and mask dimensions should coincide.")

    # relabeling scores to integers, if needed
    if not np.all(scores.astype(np.int) == scores):
        unis = np.unique(scores)
        scs = np.zeros(scores.shape, dtype=int)
        for k in np.arange(len(unis)):
            scs[scores == unis[k]] = k
        y = scs.copy()
        y = scores.copy()

    # loading data
    au.log.info("Loading data...")
    X = np.zeros((nsubjs, nvox), dtype="float32")
    for f in np.arange(nsubjs):
        imf = subjs[f]
        au.log.info("Reading " + imf)

        img = nib.load(imf).get_data()
        X[f, :] = img[msk > 0]

    # demo
    from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata
    mnist = fetch_mldata("MNIST original")
    X, y = mnist.data[:60000] / 255., mnist.target[:60000]
    X, y = shuffle(X, y)
    X, y = X[:5000], y[:5000] # lets subsample a bit for a first impression

    # lets start plotting
    au.log.info("Preparing plots...")
    X, y = shuffle(X, y)
    X = X / X.max()

    # reducing training and test data
    if fsmethod != "none":
        au.log.info("Feature selecion : " + fsmethod)
        selector = select_features(X, y, fsmethod)
        X = selector.transform(X)

    # au.log.info ('Randomized PCA')
    # pca = RandomizedPCA(n_components=2)
    au.log.info("Linear Discriminant analysis")
    lda = LDA(n_components=2)
    fig, plots = plt.subplots(4, 4)
    fig.set_size_inches(50, 50)
    for i, j in product(xrange(4), repeat=2):
        if i > j:
        if i == j:

        X_ = X[(y == i) + (y == j)]
        y_ = y[(y == i) + (y == j)]

        # marks
        # marks = y_.astype(str)
        # marks[y_ == 0] = 'x'
        # marks[y_ == 1] = 'o'
        # marks[y_ == 2] = 'D'
        # marks[y_ == 3] = '1'

        # colors
        colors = y_.copy()
        colors[y_ == 0] = 0
        colors[y_ == 1] = 1
        colors[y_ == 2] = 2
        colors[y_ == 3] = 3

        # transform
        # X_trans = pca.fit_transform(X_)
        X_trans = lda.fit(X_, y_).transform(X_)

        # plots
        plots[i, j].scatter(X_trans[:, 0], X_trans[:, 1], c=colors, marker="o")
        plots[i, j].set_xticks(())
        plots[i, j].set_yticks(())

        plots[j, i].scatter(X_trans[:, 0], X_trans[:, 1], c=colors, marker="o")
        plots[j, i].set_xticks(())
        plots[j, i].set_yticks(())
        if i == 0:
            plots[i, j].set_title(j)
            plots[j, i].set_ylabel(j)

        # plt.scatter(X_trans[:, 0], X_trans[:, 1], c=y_)
