class AiZynthFinder:
    Public API to the aizynthfinder tool

    If instantiated with the path to a yaml file or dictionary of settings
    the stocks and policy networks are loaded directly.
    Otherwise, the user is responsible for loading them prior to
    executing the tree search.

    :ivar config: the configuration of the search
    :ivar expansion_policy: the expansion policy model
    :ivar filter_policy: the filter policy model
    :ivar stock: the stock
    :ivar scorers: the loaded scores
    :ivar tree: the search tree
    :ivar analysis: the tree analysis
    :ivar routes: the top-ranked routes
    :ivar search_stats: statistics of the latest search

    :param configfile: the path to yaml file with configuration (has priority over configdict), defaults to None
    :param configdict: the config as a dictionary source, defaults to None
    def __init__(self,
                 configfile: str = None,
                 configdict: StrDict = None) -> None:
        self._logger = logger()

        if configfile:
            self.config = Configuration.from_file(configfile)
        elif configdict:
            self.config = Configuration.from_dict(configdict)
            self.config = Configuration()

        self.expansion_policy = self.config.expansion_policy
        self.filter_policy = self.config.filter_policy
        self.stock = self.config.stock
        self.scorers = self.config.scorers
        self.tree: Optional[Union[MctsSearchTree, AndOrSearchTreeBase]] = None
        self._target_mol: Optional[Molecule] = None
        self.search_stats: StrDict = dict()
        self.routes = RouteCollection([])
        self.analysis: Optional[TreeAnalysis] = None

    def target_smiles(self) -> str:
        """The SMILES representation of the molecule to predict routes on."""
        if not self._target_mol:
            return ""
        return self._target_mol.smiles

    def target_smiles(self, smiles: str) -> None:
        self.target_mol = Molecule(smiles=smiles)

    def target_mol(self) -> Optional[Molecule]:
        """The molecule to predict routes on"""
        return self._target_mol

    def target_mol(self, mol: Molecule) -> None:
        self.tree = None
        self._target_mol = mol

    def build_routes(self,
                     selection: RouteSelectionArguments = None,
                     scorer: str = "state score") -> None:
        Build reaction routes

        This is necessary to call after the tree search has completed in order
        to extract results from the tree search.

        :param selection: the selection criteria for the routes
        :param scorer: a reference to the object used to score the nodes
        :raises ValueError: if the search tree not initialized
        if not self.tree:
            raise ValueError("Search tree not initialized")

        self.analysis = TreeAnalysis(self.tree, scorer=self.scorers[scorer])
        self.routes = RouteCollection.from_analysis(self.analysis, selection)

    def extract_statistics(self) -> StrDict:
        """Extracts tree statistics as a dictionary"""
        if not self.analysis:
            return {}
        stats = {
            self.search_stats.get("first_solution_time", 0),
            self.search_stats.get("first_solution_iteration", 0),
        return stats

    def prepare_tree(self) -> None:
        Setup the tree for searching

        :raises ValueError: if the target molecule was not set
        if not self.target_mol:
            raise ValueError("No target molecule set")

        if self.config.exclude_target_from_stock and self.target_mol in self.stock:
            self._logger.debug("Excluding the target compound from the stock")

        self.analysis = None
        self.routes = RouteCollection([])

    def tree_search(self, show_progress: bool = False) -> float:
        Perform the actual tree search

        :param show_progress: if True, shows a progress bar
        :return: the time past in seconds
        if not self.tree:
        # This is for type checking, prepare_tree is creating it.
        assert self.tree is not None
        self.search_stats = {"returned_first": False, "iterations": 0}

        time0 = time.time()
        i = 1
        self._logger.debug("Starting search")
        time_past = time.time() - time0

        if show_progress:
            pbar = tqdm(total=self.config.iteration_limit, leave=False)

        while time_past < self.config.time_limit and i <= self.config.iteration_limit:
            if show_progress:
            self.search_stats["iterations"] += 1

                is_solved = self.tree.one_iteration()
            except StopIteration:

            if is_solved and "first_solution_time" not in self.search_stats:
                self.search_stats["first_solution_time"] = time.time() - time0
                self.search_stats["first_solution_iteration"] = i

            if self.config.return_first and is_solved:
                self._logger.debug("Found first solved route")
                self.search_stats["returned_first"] = True
            i = i + 1
            time_past = time.time() - time0

        if show_progress:
        time_past = time.time() - time0
        self._logger.debug("Search completed")
        self.search_stats["time"] = time_past
        return time_past

    def _setup_search_tree(self):
        self._logger.debug("Defining tree root: %s" % self.target_smiles)
        if self.config.search_algorithm.lower() == "mcts":
            self.tree = MctsSearchTree(root_smiles=self.target_smiles,
            cls = load_dynamic_class(self.config.search_algorithm)
            self.tree: AndOrSearchTreeBase = cls(
                root_smiles=self.target_smiles, config=self.config)
class AiZynthFinder:
    Public API to the aizynthfinder tool

    If intantiated with the path to a yaml file or dictionary of settings
    the stocks and policy networks are loaded directly.
    Otherwise, the user is responsible for loading them prior to
    executing the tree search.

    :ivar config: the configuration of the search
    :vartype config: Configuration
    :ivar policy: the policy model
    :vartype policy: Policy
    :ivar stock: the stock
    :vartype stock: Stock
    :ivar tree: the search tree
    :vartype tree: SearchTree
    :ivar analysis: the tree analysis
    :vartype analysis: TreeAnalysis
    :ivar routes: the top-ranked routes
    :vartype routes: RouteCollection
    :ivar search_stats: statistics of the latest search: time, number of iterations and if it returned first solution
    :vartype search_stats: dict

    :param configfile: the path to yaml file with configuration (has priority over configdict), defaults to None
    :type configfile: str, optional
    :param configdict: the config as a dictionary source, defaults to None
    :type configdict: dict, optional
    def __init__(self, configfile=None, configdict=None):
        self._logger = logger()

        if configfile:
            self.config = Configuration.from_file(configfile)
        elif configdict:
            self.config = Configuration.from_dict(configdict)
            self.config = Configuration()

        self.expansion_policy = self.config.expansion_policy
        self.filter_policy = self.config.filter_policy
        self.stock = self.config.stock
        self.scorers = self.config.scorers
        self.tree = None
        self._target_mol = None
        self.search_stats = {}
        self.routes = None
        self.analysis = None

    def target_smiles(self):
        The SMILES representation of the molecule to predict routes on.

        :return: the SMILES
        :rvalue: str
        return self._target_mol.smiles

    def target_smiles(self, smiles):
        self.target_mol = Molecule(smiles=smiles)

    def target_mol(self):
        The molecule to predict routes on

        :return: the molecule
        :rvalue: Molecule
        return self._target_mol

    def target_mol(self, mol):
        self.tree = None
        self._target_mol = mol

    def build_routes(self, min_nodes=5, scorer="state score"):
        Build reaction routes

        This is necessary to call after the tree search has completed in order
        to extract results from the tree search.

        :param min_nodes: the minimum number of top-ranked nodes to consider, defaults to 5
        :type min_nodes: int, optional
        :param scorer: the object used to score the nodes
        :type scorer: str, optional
        self.analysis = TreeAnalysis(self.tree, scorer=self.scorers[scorer])
        self.routes = RouteCollection.from_analysis(self.analysis, min_nodes)

    def extract_statistics(self):
        """ Extracts tree statistics as a dictionary
        if not self.analysis:
            return {}
        stats = {
            "target": self.target_smiles,
            "search_time": self.search_stats["time"]
        return stats

    def prepare_tree(self):
        """ Setup the tree for searching
        if self.config.exclude_target_from_stock and self.target_mol in self.stock:
            self._logger.debug("Excluding the target compound from the stock")

        self._logger.debug("Defining tree root: %s" % self.target_smiles)
        self.tree = SearchTree(root_smiles=self.target_smiles,
        self.analysis = None
        self.routes = None

    @deprecated(version="2.1.0", reason="Not supported anymore")
    def run_from_json(self, params):
        Run a search tree by reading settings from a JSON

        :param params: the parameters of the tree search
        :type params: dict
        :return: dictionary with all settings and top scored routes
        :rtype: dict
            params.get("policy", params.get("policies", "")))
        if "filter" in params:
        self.config.C = params["C"]
        self.config.max_transforms = params["max_transforms"]
        self.config.cutoff_cumulative = params["cutoff_cumulative"]
        self.config.cutoff_number = params["cutoff_number"]
        self.target_smiles = params["smiles"]
        self.config.return_first = params["return_first"]
        self.config.time_limit = params["time_limit"]
        self.config.iteration_limit = params["iteration_limit"]
        self.config.exclude_target_from_stock = params[
        self.config.filter_cutoff = params["filter_cutoff"]

        if not params.get("score_trees", False):
            return {
                "request": self._get_settings(),
                "trees": self.routes.dicts,

        return {
            "request": self._get_settings(),
            "trees": self.routes.dict_with_scores(),

    def tree_search(self, show_progress=False):
        Perform the actual tree search

        :param show_progress: if True, shows a progress bar
        :type show_progress: bool
        :return: the time past in seconds
        :rtype: float
        if not self.tree:
        self.search_stats = {"returned_first": False, "iterations": 0}

        time0 = time.time()
        i = 1
        self._logger.debug("Starting search")
        time_past = time.time() - time0

        if show_progress:
            pbar = tqdm(total=self.config.iteration_limit)

        while time_past < self.config.time_limit and i <= self.config.iteration_limit:
            if show_progress:
            self.search_stats["iterations"] += 1

            leaf = self.tree.select_leaf()
            while not leaf.is_terminal():
                child = leaf.promising_child()
                if child:
                    leaf = child
            self.tree.backpropagate(leaf, leaf.state.score)
            if self.config.return_first and leaf.state.is_solved:
                self._logger.debug("Found first solved route")
                self.search_stats["returned_first"] = True
            i = i + 1
            time_past = time.time() - time0

        if show_progress:
        self._logger.debug("Search completed")
        self.search_stats["time"] = time_past
        return time_past

    def _get_settings(self):
        """Get the current settings as a dictionary
        # To be backward-compatible
        if len(self.expansion_policy.selection) == 1:
            policy_value = self.expansion_policy.selection[0]
            policy_key = "policy"
            policy_value = self.expansion_policy.selection
            policy_key = "policies"

        dict_ = {
            "stocks": self.stock.selection,
            policy_key: policy_value,
            "C": self.config.C,
            "max_transforms": self.config.max_transforms,
            "cutoff_cumulative": self.config.cutoff_cumulative,
            "cutoff_number": self.config.cutoff_number,
            "smiles": self.target_smiles,
            "return_first": self.config.return_first,
            "time_limit": self.config.time_limit,
            "iteration_limit": self.config.iteration_limit,
            "exclude_target_from_stock": self.config.exclude_target_from_stock,
            "filter_cutoff": self.config.filter_cutoff,
        if self.filter_policy.selection:
            dict_["filter"] = self.filter_policy.selection
        return dict_
Example #3
class AiZynthFinder:
    Public API to the aizynthfinder tool

    If instantiated with the path to a yaml file or dictionary of settings
    the stocks and policy networks are loaded directly.
    Otherwise, the user is responsible for loading them prior to
    executing the tree search.

    :ivar config: the configuration of the search
    :ivar expansion_policy: the expansion policy model
    :ivar filter_policy: the filter policy model
    :ivar stock: the stock
    :ivar scorers: the loaded scores
    :ivar tree: the search tree
    :ivar analysis: the tree analysis
    :ivar routes: the top-ranked routes
    :ivar search_stats: statistics of the latest search

    :param configfile: the path to yaml file with configuration (has priority over configdict), defaults to None
    :param configdict: the config as a dictionary source, defaults to None
    def __init__(self,
                 configfile: str = None,
                 configdict: StrDict = None) -> None:
        self._logger = logger()

        if configfile:
            self.config = Configuration.from_file(configfile)
        elif configdict:
            self.config = Configuration.from_dict(configdict)
            self.config = Configuration()

        self.expansion_policy = self.config.expansion_policy
        self.filter_policy = self.config.filter_policy
        self.stock = self.config.stock
        self.scorers = self.config.scorers
        self.tree: Optional[Union[MctsSearchTree, AndOrSearchTreeBase]] = None
        self._target_mol: Optional[Molecule] = None
        self.search_stats: StrDict = dict()
        self.routes = RouteCollection([])
        self.analysis: Optional[TreeAnalysis] = None

    def target_smiles(self) -> str:
        """The SMILES representation of the molecule to predict routes on."""
        if not self._target_mol:
            return ""
        return self._target_mol.smiles

    def target_smiles(self, smiles: str) -> None:
        self.target_mol = Molecule(smiles=smiles)

    def target_mol(self) -> Optional[Molecule]:
        """The molecule to predict routes on"""
        return self._target_mol

    def target_mol(self, mol: Molecule) -> None:
        self.tree = None
        self._target_mol = mol

    def build_routes(self,
                     min_nodes: int = 5,
                     scorer: str = "state score") -> None:
        Build reaction routes

        This is necessary to call after the tree search has completed in order
        to extract results from the tree search.

        :param min_nodes: the minimum number of top-ranked nodes to consider, defaults to 5
        :param scorer: a reference to the object used to score the nodes
        :raises ValueError: if the search tree not initialized
        if not self.tree:
            raise ValueError("Search tree not initialized")

        self.analysis = TreeAnalysis(self.tree, scorer=self.scorers[scorer])
        self.routes = RouteCollection.from_analysis(self.analysis, min_nodes)

    def extract_statistics(self) -> StrDict:
        """Extracts tree statistics as a dictionary"""
        if not self.analysis:
            return {}
        stats = {
            self.search_stats.get("first_solution_time", 0),
            self.search_stats.get("first_solution_iteration", 0),
        return stats

    def prepare_tree(self) -> None:
        Setup the tree for searching

        :raises ValueError: if the target molecule was not set
        if not self.target_mol:
            raise ValueError("No target molecule set")

        if self.config.exclude_target_from_stock and self.target_mol in self.stock:
            self._logger.debug("Excluding the target compound from the stock")

        self.analysis = None
        self.routes = RouteCollection([])

    @deprecated(version="2.1.0", reason="Not supported anymore")
    def run_from_json(self, params: StrDict) -> StrDict:
        Run a search tree by reading settings from a JSON

        :param params: the parameters of the tree search
        :return: dictionary with all settings and top scored routes
            params.get("policy", params.get("policies", "")))
        if "filter" in params:
        self.config.C = params["C"]
        self.config.max_transforms = params["max_transforms"]
        self.config.cutoff_cumulative = params["cutoff_cumulative"]
        self.config.cutoff_number = params["cutoff_number"]
        self.target_smiles = params["smiles"]
        self.config.return_first = params["return_first"]
        self.config.time_limit = params["time_limit"]
        self.config.iteration_limit = params["iteration_limit"]
        self.config.exclude_target_from_stock = params[
        self.config.filter_cutoff = params["filter_cutoff"]

        if not params.get("score_trees", False):
            return {
                "request": self._get_settings(),
                "trees": self.routes.dicts,

        return {
            "request": self._get_settings(),
            "trees": self.routes.dict_with_scores(),

    def tree_search(self, show_progress: bool = False) -> float:
        Perform the actual tree search

        :param show_progress: if True, shows a progress bar
        :return: the time past in seconds
        if not self.tree:
        assert (self.tree is not None
                )  # This is for type checking, prepare_tree is creating it.
        self.search_stats = {"returned_first": False, "iterations": 0}

        time0 = time.time()
        i = 1
        self._logger.debug("Starting search")
        time_past = time.time() - time0

        if show_progress:
            pbar = tqdm(total=self.config.iteration_limit, leave=False)

        while time_past < self.config.time_limit and i <= self.config.iteration_limit:
            if show_progress:
            self.search_stats["iterations"] += 1

                is_solved = self.tree.one_iteration()
            except StopIteration:

            if is_solved and "first_solution_time" not in self.search_stats:
                self.search_stats["first_solution_time"] = time.time() - time0
                self.search_stats["first_solution_iteration"] = i

            if self.config.return_first and is_solved:
                self._logger.debug("Found first solved route")
                self.search_stats["returned_first"] = True
            i = i + 1
            time_past = time.time() - time0

        if show_progress:
        time_past = time.time() - time0
        self._logger.debug("Search completed")
        self.search_stats["time"] = time_past
        return time_past

    def _get_settings(self) -> StrDict:
        """Get the current settings as a dictionary"""
        # To be backward-compatible
        if (self.expansion_policy.selection
                and len(self.expansion_policy.selection) == 1):
            policy_value = self.expansion_policy.selection[0]
            policy_key = "policy"
            policy_value = self.expansion_policy.selection  # type: ignore
            policy_key = "policies"

        dict_ = {
            "stocks": self.stock.selection,
            policy_key: policy_value,
            "C": self.config.C,
            "max_transforms": self.config.max_transforms,
            "cutoff_cumulative": self.config.cutoff_cumulative,
            "cutoff_number": self.config.cutoff_number,
            "smiles": self.target_smiles,
            "return_first": self.config.return_first,
            "time_limit": self.config.time_limit,
            "iteration_limit": self.config.iteration_limit,
            "exclude_target_from_stock": self.config.exclude_target_from_stock,
            "filter_cutoff": self.config.filter_cutoff,
        if self.filter_policy.selection:
            dict_["filter"] = self.filter_policy.selection
        return dict_

    def _setup_search_tree(self):
        self._logger.debug("Defining tree root: %s" % self.target_smiles)
        if self.config.search_algorithm.lower() == "mcts":
            self.tree = MctsSearchTree(root_smiles=self.target_smiles,
            module_name, cls_name = self.config.search_algorithm.rsplit(
                ".", maxsplit=1)
                module_obj = importlib.import_module(module_name)
            except ImportError:
                raise ValueError(f"Could not import module {module_name}")

            if not hasattr(module_obj, cls_name):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Could not identify class {cls_name} in module")

            self.tree: AndOrSearchTreeBase = getattr(module_obj, cls_name)(
                root_smiles=self.target_smiles, config=self.config)