Example #1
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        initial = value or ''
        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs)
        final_attrs.update(attrs or {})
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)
        final_attrs.pop('required', None)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ''

        context = {
            'current_repr': initial,
            'current_id': initial,
            'help_text': help_text,
            'html_id': self.html_id,
            'name': name,
            'extra_attrs': mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            'func_slug': self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options,
        templates = ('ajax_select/autocomplete_%s.html' % self.channel,
        return mark_safe(render_to_string(templates, context))
Example #2
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        initial = value or ''
        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs)
        final_attrs.update(attrs or {})
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)
        final_attrs.pop('required', None)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ''

        context = {
            'current_repr': initial,
            'current_id': initial,
            'help_text': help_text,
            'html_id': self.html_id,
            'name': name,
            'extra_attrs': mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            'func_slug': self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = ('ajax_select/autocomplete_%s.html' % self.channel,
        return mark_safe(render_to_string(templates, context))
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        initial = value or ""

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop("id", name)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ""

        context = {
            "current_repr": initial,
            "current_id": initial,
            "help_text": help_text,
            "html_id": self.html_id,
            "name": name,
            "extra_attrs": mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            "func_slug": self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
        context.update(make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = ("ajax_select/autocomplete_%s.html" % self.channel, "ajax_select/autocomplete.html")
        return mark_safe(render_to_string(templates, context))
Example #4
 def clean(self, value):
     if value:
         lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
         objs = lookup.get_objects([value])
         if len(objs) != 1:
             # someone else might have deleted it while you were editing
             # or your channel is faulty
             # out of the scope of this field to do anything more than tell you it doesn't exist
             raise forms.ValidationError("%s cannot find object: %s" % (lookup, value))
         return objs[0]
         if self.required:
             raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required'])
         return None
Example #5
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        if value is None:
            value = []

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs)
        final_attrs.update(attrs or {})
        final_attrs.pop('required', None)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)

        values = list(value)
        if all([isinstance(v, Model) for v in values]):
            objects = values
            objects = lookup.get_objects(values)

        current_ids = pack_ids([obj.pk for obj in objects])

        # text repr of currently selected items
        initial = [
            [lookup.format_item_display(obj), obj.pk]
            for obj in objects

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ''

        context = {
            'name': name,
            'html_id': self.html_id,
            'current': value,
            'current_ids': current_ids,
            'current_reprs': mark_safe(
                json.dumps(initial, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
            'help_text': help_text,
            'extra_attrs': mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            'func_slug': self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            'add_link': self.add_link,
            make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = ('ajax_select/autocompleteselectmultiple_%s.html' % self.channel,
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
Example #6
    def get_initial_data(self, field_name, parent):
        lookup = registry.get(self.channel_name)
        initial = None

        qs = None
        if hasattr(parent, "initial_data"):
            pks = parent.initial_data.getlist(field_name)
            if pks:
                qs = self.queryset.filter(pk__in=pks)
        elif hasattr(parent, "instance") and parent.instance:
            qs = getattr(parent.instance, field_name).all()
        initial = qs and [[lookup.format_item_display(obj), obj.pk] for obj in qs] or []

        return initial
 def clean(self, value):
     if value:
         lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
         objs = lookup.get_objects([value])
         if len(objs) != 1:
             # someone else might have deleted it while you were editing
             # or your channel is faulty
             # out of the scope of this field to do anything more than tell you it doesn't exist
             raise forms.ValidationError("%s cannot find object: %s" % (lookup, value))
         return objs[0]
         if self.required:
             raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required'])
         return None
Example #8
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        if value is None:
            value = []

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs)
        final_attrs.update(attrs or {})
        final_attrs.pop('required', None)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)

        values = list(value)
        if all([isinstance(v, Model) for v in values]):
            objects = values
            objects = lookup.get_objects(values)

        current_ids = pack_ids([obj.pk for obj in objects])

        # text repr of currently selected items
        initial = [[lookup.format_item_display(obj), obj.pk]
                   for obj in objects]

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ''

        context = {
            'name': name,
            'html_id': self.html_id,
            'current': value,
            'current_ids': current_ids,
            mark_safe(json.dumps(initial, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)),
            'help_text': help_text,
            'extra_attrs': mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            'func_slug': self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            'add_link': self.add_link,
            make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options,
        templates = ('ajax_select/autocompleteselectmultiple_%s.html' %
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
Example #9
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        if value is None:
            value = []

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)

        # eg. value = [3002L, 1194L]
        if value:
            # |pk|pk| of current
            current_ids = "|" + "|".join(str(pk) for pk in value) + "|"
            current_ids = "|"

        objects = lookup.get_objects(value)

        # text repr of currently selected items
        initial = []
        for obj in objects:
            display = lookup.format_item_display(obj)
            initial.append([display, obj.pk])

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ''

        context = {
            'name': name,
            'html_id': self.html_id,
            'current': value,
            'current_ids': current_ids,
            'current_reprs': mark_safe(json.dumps(initial)),
            'help_text': help_text,
            'extra_attrs': mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            'func_slug': self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            'add_link': self.add_link,
            plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = ('ajax_select/autocompleteselectmultiple_%s.html' %
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
Example #10
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        if value is None:
            value = []

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop("id", name)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)

        # eg. value = [3002L, 1194L]
        if value:
            # |pk|pk| of current
            current_ids = "|" + "|".join(str(pk) for pk in value) + "|"
            current_ids = "|"

        objects = lookup.get_objects(value)

        # text repr of currently selected items
        initial = []
        for obj in objects:
            display = lookup.format_item_display(obj)
            initial.append([display, obj.pk])

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ""

        context = {
            "name": name,
            "html_id": self.html_id,
            "current": value,
            "current_ids": current_ids,
            "current_reprs": mark_safe(json.dumps(initial)),
            "help_text": help_text,
            "extra_attrs": mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            "func_slug": self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            "add_link": self.add_link,
        context.update(plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = (
            "ajax_select/autocompleteselectmultiple_%s.html" % self.channel,
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
Example #11
    def get_initial_data(self, field_name, parent):
        lookup = registry.get(self.channel_name)
        initial = None

        obj = None
        if hasattr(parent, "initial_data"):
            pk = parent.initial_data.get(field_name)
            if pk:
                    obj = self.related_model.objects.get(pk=pk)
                except self.related_model.DoesNotExist:
        elif hasattr(parent, "instance") and parent.instance:
            obj = getattr(parent.instance, field_name)
        initial = obj and [[lookup.format_item_display(obj), obj.pk]] or None

        return initial
Example #12
def autoselect_fields_check_can_add(form, model, user):
    Adapted from ajax_select.fields from the django-ajax-selects package.
    Modified to catch non-database fields and use the lookup to determine
    if the user has the add permission for that lookup's model.
    for name, form_field in form.declared_fields.items():
        if isinstance(
            (AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField, AutoCompleteSelectField)):
                db_field = model._meta.get_field(name)
                if hasattr(db_field, "remote_field"):
                    form_field.check_can_add(user, db_field.remote_field.model)
                    form_field.check_can_add(user, db_field.rel.to)
            except FieldDoesNotExist:
                lookup = registry.get(form_field.channel)
                form_field.check_can_add(user, lookup.model)
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        if value is None:
            value = []

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop("id", name)

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)

        if isinstance(value, QuerySet):
            objects = value
            objects = lookup.get_objects(value)

        current_ids = pack_ids([obj.pk for obj in objects])

        # text repr of currently selected items
        initial = [[lookup.format_item_display(obj), obj.pk] for obj in objects]

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ""

        context = {
            "name": name,
            "html_id": self.html_id,
            "current": value,
            "current_ids": current_ids,
            "current_reprs": mark_safe(json.dumps(initial)),
            "help_text": help_text,
            "extra_attrs": mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            "func_slug": self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            "add_link": self.add_link,
        context.update(make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = (
            "ajax_select/autocompleteselectmultiple_%s.html" % self.channel,
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
Example #14
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        value = value or ''

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs)
        final_attrs.update(attrs or {})
        final_attrs.pop('required', None)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)

        current_repr = ''
        initial = None
        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
        if value:
            objs = lookup.get_objects([value])
                obj = objs[0]
            except IndexError:
                raise Exception("%s cannot find object:%s" % (lookup, value))
            current_repr = lookup.format_item_display(obj)
            initial = [current_repr, obj.pk]

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ''

        context = {
            'name': name,
            'html_id': self.html_id,
            'current_id': value,
            'current_repr': current_repr,
            'help_text': help_text,
            'extra_attrs': mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            'func_slug': self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            'add_link': self.add_link,
            make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options,
        templates = ('ajax_select/autocompleteselect_%s.html' % self.channel,
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
Example #15
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        value = value or ''

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs)
        final_attrs.update(attrs or {})
        final_attrs.pop('required', None)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)

        current_repr = ''
        initial = None
        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
        if value:
            objs = lookup.get_objects([value])
                obj = objs[0]
            except IndexError:
                raise Exception("%s cannot find object:%s" % (lookup, value))
            current_repr = lookup.format_item_display(obj)
            initial = [current_repr, obj.pk]

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ''

        context = {
            'name': name,
            'html_id': self.html_id,
            'current_id': value,
            'current_repr': current_repr,
            'help_text': help_text,
            'extra_attrs': mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            'func_slug': self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            'add_link': self.add_link,
            make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = (
            'ajax_select/autocompleteselect_%s.html' % self.channel,
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
def _check_can_add(self, user, related_model):
    Check if the User can create a related_model.

    If the LookupChannel implements check_can_add() then use this.

    Else uses Django's default permission system.

    If it can add, then enable the widget to show the green + link
    lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
    if hasattr(lookup, "can_add"):
        can_add = lookup.can_add(user, related_model)
        ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(related_model)
        can_add = user.has_perm("%s.add_%s" % (ctype.app_label, ctype.model))
    if can_add:
        app_label = related_model._meta.app_label
        model = related_model._meta.object_name.lower()
        self.widget.add_link = reverse("admin:%s_%s_add" % (app_label, model)) + "?_popup=1"
Example #17
def _check_can_add(self, user, related_model):
    Check if the User can create a related_model.

    If the LookupChannel implements check_can_add() then use this.

    Else uses Django's default permission system.

    If it can add, then enable the widget to show the green + link
    lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
    if hasattr(lookup, 'can_add'):
        can_add = lookup.can_add(user, related_model)
        ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(related_model)
        can_add = user.has_perm("%s.add_%s" % (ctype.app_label, ctype.model))
    if can_add:
        app_label = related_model._meta.app_label
        model = related_model._meta.object_name.lower()
        self.widget.add_link = reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' %
                                       (app_label, model)) + '?_popup=1'
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        value = value or ""
        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
        self.html_id = final_attrs.pop("id", name)

        current_repr = ""
        initial = None
        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)
        if value:
            objs = lookup.get_objects([value])
                obj = objs[0]
            except IndexError:
                raise Exception("%s cannot find object:%s" % (lookup, value))
            current_repr = lookup.format_item_display(obj)
            initial = [current_repr, obj.pk]

        if self.show_help_text:
            help_text = self.help_text
            help_text = ""

        context = {
            "name": name,
            "html_id": self.html_id,
            "current_id": value,
            "current_repr": current_repr,
            "help_text": help_text,
            "extra_attrs": mark_safe(flatatt(final_attrs)),
            "func_slug": self.html_id.replace("-", ""),
            "add_link": self.add_link,
        context.update(make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, self.plugin_options, initial))
        templates = ("ajax_select/autocompleteselect_%s.html" % self.channel, "ajax_select/autocompleteselect.html")
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)
Example #19
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, renderer=None):

        if value is None:
            value = []

        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs)
        final_attrs.update(attrs or {})
        final_attrs.pop('required', None)
        html_id = final_attrs.pop('id', name)
        deck_id = "%s_%s_on_deck" % (html_id, get_uid())

        lookup = registry.get(self.channel)

        if value:
            values = self.multiple and list(value) or [value]

            if all([isinstance(v, Model) for v in values]):
                objects = values
                objects = lookup.get_objects(values)

            initial = [[lookup.format_item_display(obj), obj.pk]
                       for obj in objects]
            initial = []

        context = {"name": name, 'html_id': html_id, 'deck_id': deck_id}
        # self.widget_plugin_options
            make_plugin_options(lookup, self.channel, name, {}, initial,
                                deck_id, self.multiple))

        templates = ('ast_ajax_select/input_select_%s.html' % self.channel,
        out = render_to_string(templates, context)
        return mark_safe(out)