def get_path_for_testresults() -> str: """ Returns the path to the testresults directory. :returns: The path to the testresults directory ..note : This path is generally only used by the commandline because it can intentionally provide a different result than get_path_for_output if the current job is not a TESTRUN job. If your running in a TESTRUN job, utilize get_path_for_output instead of this API. """ global DIR_TESTRESULTS_DIRECTORY if DIR_TESTRESULTS_DIRECTORY is None: ctx = Context() configuration = ctx.lookup("/configuration") tr_dir = configuration.lookup("/paths/testresults") DIR_TESTRESULTS_DIRECTORY = tr_dir if not os.path.exists(DIR_TESTRESULTS_DIRECTORY): os.makedirs(DIR_TESTRESULTS_DIRECTORY) return DIR_TESTRESULTS_DIRECTORY
def command_akit_utilities_outputfolder(runtime_file, starttime): # IMPORTANT: We need to load the context first because it will trigger the loading # of the default user configuration from akit.environment.context import Context from akit.environment.variables import JOB_TYPES from akit.environment.optionoverrides import override_starttime, override_config_runtime ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") # We need to set the job type before we trigger activation. env["jobtype"] = JOB_TYPES.CONSOLE import akit.activation.console if runtime_file is not None: override_config_runtime(runtime_file) if starttime is not None: override_starttime(starttime) from akit.paths import get_path_for_testresults ts_string = get_path_for_testresults() print(ts_string) return
def get_summary_static_resource_src_dir() -> str: """ Returns the path that is the source path for the test summary static resources. """ ctx = Context() res_dir = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.DIR_RESULTS_RESOURCE_SRC) return res_dir
def get_filename_for_topology() -> str: """ Returns the path to the topology file. """ filename = None ctx = Context() filename = get_expanded_path(ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.CONFIG_FILE_TOPOLOGY)) return filename
def get_filename_for_credentials() -> str: """ Returns the path to the credentials file. """ filename = None ctx = Context() file_confg = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.CONFIG_FILE_CREDENTIALS) filename = get_expanded_path(file_confg) return filename
def get_summary_static_resource_dest_dir(create=True) -> str: """ Returns the path where the static resources for test summaries should be published. """ ctx = Context() res_dir = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.DIR_RESULTS_RESOURCE_DEST) if create and not os.path.exists(res_dir): os.makedirs(res_dir) return res_dir
def get_filename_for_runtime() -> str: """ Returns the path to the landscape file. """ filename = None ctx = Context() file_confg = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.CONFIG_FILE_RUNTIME) filename = get_expanded_path(file_confg) return filename
def lookup_database_connection_factory(conn_profile: str): global database_connection_factories conn_factory = None if conn_profile in database_connection_factories: conn_factory = database_connection_factories[conn_profile] else: from akit.environment.context import Context ctx = Context() conn_info = None rcdatabases = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.DATABASES) if rcdatabases is not None and conn_profile in rcdatabases: conn_info = rcdatabases[conn_profile].value else: from akit.interop.landscaping.landscape import Landscape lscape = Landscape() lsdatabases = lscape.databases if lsdatabases is not None and conn_profile in lsdatabases: conn_info = lsdatabases[conn_profile] if conn_info is not None: if "conntype" in conn_info: conntype = conn_info["conntype"].lower() if conntype == "basic": conn_factory = BasicDatabaseConnectionFactory( conn_profile, **conn_info) elif conntype == "basic-tcp": conn_factory = BasicTcpDatabaseConnectionFactory( conn_profile, **conn_info) else: errmsg = "Unknown database connection type. connection={} conntype={}".format( conn_profile, conntype) raise AKitConfigurationError(errmsg) database_connection_factories[conn_profile] = conn_factory else: errmsg = "Database connection entries must have a 'conntype' entry. connection={}".format( conn_profile) raise AKitConfigurationError(errmsg) else: errmsg = "Database connection not found. connection={}".format( conn_profile) raise AKitConfigurationError(errmsg) return conn_factory
def get_path_for_output(create=True) -> str: """ Returns the timestamped path where test results and artifacts are deposited to """ global DIR_RESULTS_DIRECTORY if DIR_RESULTS_DIRECTORY is None: ctx = Context() DIR_RESULTS_DIRECTORY = get_expanded_path(ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)) if create and not os.path.exists(DIR_RESULTS_DIRECTORY): os.makedirs(DIR_RESULTS_DIRECTORY) return DIR_RESULTS_DIRECTORY
def get_summary_html_template_source() -> str: """ Looks up a source path for the summary html template. :returns: The path to the html summary template """ from akit.environment.context import Context ctx = Context() template = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.FILE_RESULTS_TEMPLATE) if template is None: errmsg = "Error attempting to lookup the summary html template source." raise AKitRuntimeError(errmsg) return template
def command_akit_workflow_run(workflow, output=None, start=None, console_level=None, logfile_level=None): # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel # We do the imports of the automation framework code inside the action functions because # we don't want to startup loggin and the processing of inputs and environment variables # until we have entered an action method. Thats way we know how to setup the environment. # IMPORTANT: We need to load the context first because it will trigger the loading # of the default user configuration from akit.environment.context import Context from akit.environment.variables import extend_path ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") workflow_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(workflow))) if not os.path.exists(workflow_file): error_msg = "The specified workflow file does not exist. file=%s" % workflow_file raise click.BadParameter(error_msg) workflow_info = None with open(workflow_file, 'r') as wpf: wpfcontent = workflow_info = yaml.safe_load(wpfcontent) if workflow_info is not None: from akit.workflow.entrypoints import run_workflow_entrypoint # Run the work packet run_workflow_entrypoint(workflow_file, workflow_info) else: error_msg = "Failure loading the work packet info from. file=%s" % workflow_file raise click.BadParameter(error_msg) return
class LandscapeBaseLayer: context = Context() logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() landscape_lock = threading.RLock() landscape_description = LandscapeDescription landscape_device = LandscapeDevice landscape_device_extension = LandscapeDeviceExtension topology_description = TopologyDescription
def __init__(self): self._service_lock = threading.RLock() self._device_ref = None self._soap_processor = SoapProcessor() self._host = None self._baseURL = None self._controlURL = None self._eventSubURL = None self._SCPDURL = None self._serviceType = None self._serviceId = None self._validate_parameter_values = True self._subscription_id = None self._subscription_expiration = None self._default_variables = {} self._create_default_variables_from_list() # Initialize the evented variable sink super().__init__(self.SERVICE_EVENT_VARIABLES, state_lock=self._service_lock, sink_prefix=self.SERVICE_TYPE, auto_renew_subscriptions=True) self._logged_events = None if self.SERVICE_TYPE is not None: ctx = Context() logged_events_by_service = ctx.lookup( ContextPaths.UPNP_LOGGED_EVENTS) if logged_events_by_service is not None and self.SERVICE_TYPE in logged_events_by_service: self._logged_events = logged_events_by_service[ self.SERVICE_TYPE] return
def logging_initialize(): """ Method used to configure the automation kit logging based on the environmental parameters specified and then reinitialize the logging. """ global logging_initialized if not logging_initialized: logging_initialized = True ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") conf = ctx.lookup("/configuration") logging_conf = conf["logging"] log_levels = logging_conf["levels"] consolelevel = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE logfilelevel = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_LOG_LEVEL_FILE logname_template = logging_conf["logname"] logname = env.fill_template(logname_template) output_directory = env["output_directory"] if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) log_branches = [] if "branched" in logging_conf: log_branches = logging_conf["branched"] # Setup the log files _reinitialize_logging(consolelevel, logfilelevel, output_directory, logname, log_branches) return
def _reinitialize_logging(consolelevel, logfilelevel, output_dir, logfile_basename, log_branches): """ Helper method to re-initialize the logging when the path to the output directory changes shortly after startup of the framework. This method also handles the configuration of output levels, stdout and stderr file wrappers. """ consolelevel_strerr = logging.WARNING console_filter = LessThanRecordFilter(logging.WARNING) console_filter_stderr = None if isinstance(consolelevel, str): consolelevel_upper = consolelevel.upper() if consolelevel_upper == "QUIET": consolelevel = AKitLogLevels.QUIET consolelevel_strerr = AKitLogLevels.QUIET console_filter = LessThanRecordFilter(AKitLogLevels.QUIET) console_filter_stderr = LessThanRecordFilter(AKitLogLevels.QUIET) elif hasattr(logging, consolelevel_upper): consolelevel = getattr(logging, consolelevel_upper) else: consolelevel = logging.INFO else: print("") print("NOTE: Console logging set to %r" % consolelevel) print("NOTE: outputdir=%s" % output_dir) print("") consolelevel = logging.WARNING basecomp, extcomp = os.path.splitext(logfile_basename) ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") debug_logfilename = os.path.join(output_dir, basecomp + ".DEBUG" + extcomp) other_logfilename = os.path.join(output_dir, basecomp + ".OTHER" + extcomp) env["logfile_debug"] = debug_logfilename env["logfile_other"] = other_logfilename rel_logfilename = os.path.join(output_dir, basecomp + extcomp) logging.Logger.manager = LoggingManagerWrapper(logging.Logger.manager) # Remove all the log handlers from the root logger root_logger = logging.getLogger() for lhandler in root_logger.handlers: root_logger.removeHandler(lhandler) # Set the root logger to NOTSET, so we don't impose an effective log # level on child loggers root_logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) # Setup the debug logfile base_handler = LoggingDefaults.DefaultFileLoggingHandler(debug_logfilename) base_handler.setFormatter(AKitLogFormatter(DEFAULT_LOGFILE_FORMAT)) base_handler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) root_logger.addHandler(base_handler) # Setup the other log handler and other filter, we # need to add the other log handler before adding # the relevant log handler other_handler = LoggingDefaults.DefaultFileLoggingHandler( other_logfilename) other_handler.setFormatter(AKitLogFormatter(DEFAULT_LOGFILE_FORMAT)) other_handler.setLevel(logfilelevel) for other_expr in OTHER_LOGGER_FILTERS: other_handler.addFilter(OtherFilter(other_expr)) root_logger.addHandler(other_handler) # Setup the relevant log file which will get all the # log entries from loggers that satisified a relevant # logger name prefix match rel_handler = LoggingDefaults.DefaultFileLoggingHandler(rel_logfilename) rel_handler.setFormatter(AKitLogFormatter(DEFAULT_LOGFILE_FORMAT)) rel_handler.setLevel(logfilelevel) rel_handler.addFilter(RelevantFilter()) root_logger.addHandler(rel_handler) # Setup the stdout logger with the correct console level and # filter the log entries from the stdout handler that are # greater than Info level stdout_logger = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stdout_logger.setLevel(consolelevel) stdout_logger.addFilter(console_filter) stderr_logger = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) stderr_logger.setLevel(consolelevel_strerr) if console_filter_stderr is not None: stderr_logger.addFilter(console_filter_stderr) root_logger.addHandler(stdout_logger) root_logger.addHandler(stderr_logger) for binfo in log_branches: try: logger_name = binfo["name"] logfilename = binfo["logname"] log_level = binfo["loglevel"] logging_create_branch_logger(logger_name, logfilename, log_level) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except errmsg = "Error configuration branch logger." + os.linesep errmsg = traceback.format_exc() root_logger.error(errmsg) akit_logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() akit_logger.section("Logging Initialized") return
def command_akit_landscape_verify(credentials_file, landscape_file, runtime_file): # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel # We do the imports of the automation framework code inside the action functions because # we don't want to startup loggin and the processing of inputs and environment variables # until we have entered an action method. Thats way we know how to setup the environment. # IMPORTANT: We need to load the context first because it will trigger the loading # of the default user configuration from akit.environment.context import Context from akit.environment.contextpaths import ContextPaths from akit.environment.variables import JOB_TYPES, AKIT_VARIABLES from akit.environment.optionoverrides import (override_config_credentials, override_config_landscape, override_config_runtime) ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") # We need to set the job type before we trigger activation. env["jobtype"] = JOB_TYPES.COMMAND # Activate the AutomationKit environment with characteristics of a console application import akit.activation.console from akit.xlogging.foundations import logging_initialize, getAutomatonKitLogger # Initialize logging logging_initialize() logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() if credentials_file is not None: override_config_credentials(credentials_file) if landscape_file is not None: override_config_landscape(landscape_file) if runtime_file is not None: override_config_runtime(runtime_file) from akit.interop.landscaping.landscape import Landscape, startup_landscape from akit.interop.landscaping.landscapedevice import LandscapeDevice lscape: Landscape = startup_landscape(include_ssh=True, include_upnp=True) upnp_device_configs = lscape.get_upnp_device_configs() if len(upnp_device_configs): print("======================= UPNP DEVICES =======================") for dev in upnp_device_configs: skip_dev = True if "skip" in dev and dev["skip"] else False upnp_info = dev["upnp"] usn = upnp_info["USN"] modelName = upnp_info["modelName"] modelNumber = upnp_info["modelNumber"] status = "Down" lscape_dev: LandscapeDevice = lscape.lookup_device_by_keyid(usn) if lscape_dev is not None: status = lscape_dev.verify_status() dev_info_lines = [ " Model: {} - {}".format(modelName, modelNumber), " USN: {}".format(usn), " Skip: {}".format(skip_dev), " Status: {}".format(status) ] dev_info = os.linesep.join(dev_info_lines) print(dev_info) print("") ssh_devices_configs = lscape.get_ssh_device_configs(exclude_upnp=True) if len(ssh_devices_configs): print("======================= SSH DEVICES =======================") for dev in ssh_devices_configs: skip_dev = True if "skip" in dev and dev["skip"] else False host = dev["host"] status = "Down" lscape_dev: LandscapeDevice = lscape.lookup_device_by_keyid(host) if lscape_dev is not None: status = lscape_dev.verify_status() dev_info_lines = [ " HOST: {}".format(host), " Status: {}".format(status) ] dev_info = os.linesep.join(dev_info_lines) print(dev_info) print("") return
def command_akit_testing_run(root, includes, excludes, output, start, runid, branch, build, flavor, credentials_file, landscape_file, landscape_name, runtime_file, runtime_name, topology_file, topology_name, console_level, logfile_level, debugger, breakpoints, time_travel, timeportals, prerun_diagnostic, postrun_diagnostic): # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel # We do the imports of the automation framework code inside the action functions because # we don't want to startup loggin and the processing of inputs and environment variables # until we have entered an action method. Thats way we know how to setup the environment. # IMPORTANT: We need to load the context first because it will trigger the loading # of the default user configuration from akit.environment.context import Context from akit.environment.contextpaths import ContextPaths from akit.environment.variables import extend_path, JOB_TYPES, AKIT_VARIABLES from akit.environment.optionoverrides import ( override_build_branch, override_build_flavor, override_build_name, override_config_credentials, override_config_landscape, override_config_landscape_name, override_config_runtime, override_config_runtime_name, override_config_topology, override_config_topology_name, override_loglevel_console, override_loglevel_file, override_output_directory, override_runid, override_starttime, override_testroot, override_debug_breakpoints, override_debug_debugger, override_timetravel, override_timeportals) ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") # We need to set the job type before we trigger activation. env["jobtype"] = JOB_TYPES.TESTRUN # We perform activation a little later in the file so we can # handle exceptions in the context of testrunner_main function import akit.activation.testrun from akit.xlogging.foundations import logging_initialize, getAutomatonKitLogger if branch is not None: override_build_branch(branch) if build is not None: override_build_name(build) if flavor is not None: override_build_flavor(flavor) if credentials_file is not None: override_config_credentials(credentials_file) if landscape_file is not None and landscape_name is not None: errmsg = "The '--landscape-file' and '--landscape-name' options should not be used together." raise click.BadOptionUsage("landscape-name", errmsg) if landscape_file is not None: override_config_landscape(landscape_file) if landscape_name is not None: override_config_landscape_name(landscape_name) if landscape_file is not None or landscape_name is not None: landscape_filename = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_CONFIG_LANDSCAPE option_name = "landscape" if landscape_file is not None else "landscape-name" if not os.path.exists(landscape_filename): errmsg = "The specified landscape file does not exist. filename={}".format( landscape_filename) raise click.BadOptionUsage(option_name, errmsg) if runtime_file is not None and runtime_name is not None: errmsg = "The '--runtime-file' and '--runtime-name' options should not be used together." raise click.BadOptionUsage("runtime-name", errmsg) if runtime_file is not None: override_config_runtime(runtime_file) if runtime_name is not None: override_config_runtime_name(runtime_name) if runtime_file is not None or runtime_name is not None: runtime_filename = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_CONFIG_RUNTIME option_name = "runtime" if runtime_file is not None else "runtime-name" if not os.path.exists(runtime_filename): errmsg = "The specified runtime file does not exist. filename={}".format( runtime_filename) raise click.BadOptionUsage(option_name, errmsg) if topology_file is not None and topology_name is not None: errmsg = "The '--topology-file' and '--topology-name' options should not be used together." raise click.BadOptionUsage("option_name", errmsg) if topology_file is not None: override_config_topology(topology_file) if topology_name is not None: override_config_topology_name(topology_name) if topology_file is not None or topology_name is not None: topology_filename = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_CONFIG_TOPOLOGY option_name = "topology" if topology_file is not None else "topology-name" if not os.path.exists(topology_filename): errmsg = "The specified topology file does not exist. filename={}".format( topology_filename) raise click.BadOptionUsage(option_name, errmsg) if console_level is not None: override_loglevel_console(console_level) if logfile_level is not None: override_loglevel_file(logfile_level) if output is not None: override_output_directory(output) if start is not None: override_starttime(start) if runid is not None: override_runid(runid) # Process the commandline args here and then set the variables on the environment # as necessary. We need to do this before we import activate. if breakpoints is not None: override_debug_breakpoints(breakpoints) # If a breakpoint was passed bug the debugger was not, use 'debugpy' for the # default debugger. if debugger is None: override_debug_debugger('debugpy') if debugger is not None: override_debug_debugger('debugpy') if time_travel is not None: override_timetravel(time_travel) if timeportals is not None: override_timeportals(timeportals) if prerun_diagnostic: ctx.insert("/environment/configuration/diagnostics/prerun-diagnostic", {}) if postrun_diagnostic: ctx.insert("/environment/configuration/diagnostics/postrun-diagnostic", {}) if root is None: if AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_TESTROOT is not None: root = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_TESTROOT elif ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.TESTROOT) is not None: root = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.TESTROOT) else: root = "." test_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(root))) if not os.path.isdir(test_root): errmsg = "The specified root folder does not exist. root=%s" % root if test_root != root: errmsg += " expanded=%s" % test_root raise click.BadParameter(errmsg) override_testroot(root) # Make sure we extend PATH to include the test root extend_path(test_root) # Initialize logging logging_initialize() logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() from akit.extensionpoints import AKitExtensionPoints akep = AKitExtensionPoints() # At this point in the code, we either lookup an existing test job or we create a test job # from the includes, excludes or test_module TestJobType = akep.get_testplus_default_job_type() result_code = 0 with TestJobType(logger, test_root, includes=includes, excludes=excludes, branch=branch, build=build, flavor=flavor) as tjob: result_code = tjob.execute() sys.exit(result_code) return
def command_akit_jobs_run(root, job, output, start, branch, build, flavor, console_level, logfile_level): # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel # We do the imports of the automation framework code inside the action functions because # we don't want to startup loggin and the processing of inputs and environment variables # until we have entered an action method. Thats way we know how to setup the environment. # IMPORTANT: We need to load the context first because it will trigger the loading # of the default user configuration from akit.environment.context import Context from akit.compat import import_by_name from akit.environment.variables import extend_path try: ctx = Context() ctx.insert("/environment/jobtype", 'testrun') test_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(root))) if not os.path.isdir(test_root): errmsg = "The specified root folder does not exist. root=%s" % root if test_root != root: errmsg += " expanded=%s" % test_root raise argparse.ArgumentError("--root", errmsg) # Make sure we extend PATH to include the test root extend_path(test_root) # We perform activation a little later in the file so we can # handle exceptions in the context of testrunner_main function import akit.activation.testrun from akit.xlogging.foundations import logging_initialize, getAutomatonKitLogger # Initialize logging logging_initialize() logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() from akit.extensionpoints import AKitExtensionPoints akep = AKitExtensionPoints() # At this point in the code, we either lookup an existing test job or we create a test job # from the includes, excludes or test_module TestJobType = akep.get_testplus_default_job_type() if job is not None: job_parts = job.split("@") if len(job_parts) != 2: errmsg = "A --job parameter must be of the form 'package.module@JobClass'" raise click.UsageError(errmsg) job_package, job_class = job_parts try: job_mod = import_by_name(job_package) except ImportError as imperr: errmsg = "Failure while importing job package %r" % job_package raise argparse.ArgumentError("--job", errmsg) from imperr if not hasattr(job_mod, job_class): errmsg = "The job package %r does not have a job type %r." % (job_package, job_class) raise argparse.ArgumentError("--job", errmsg) TestJobType = getattr(job_mod, job_class) result_code = 0 with TestJobType(logger, test_root) as tjob: result_code = tjob.execute() sys.exit(result_code) finally: pass return
from typing import List from datetime import datetime from akit.environment.context import Context from akit.environment.contextpaths import ContextPaths from akit.environment.variables import AKIT_VARIABLES ctx = Context() def override_build_branch(branch_name: str): """ This override function provides a mechanism overriding the AKIT_BUILD_BRANCH variable and context configuration setting. :param branch: The name of the branch the build came from. """ ctx.insert(ContextPaths.BUILD_BRANCH, branch_name) AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_BUILD_BRANCH = branch_name return def override_build_flavor(build_flavor: str): """ This override function provides a mechanism overriding the AKIT_BUILD_BRANCH variable and context configuration setting. :param breakpoints: A list of wellknown breakpoints that have been activated. """ ctx.insert(ContextPaths.BUILD_FLAVOR, build_flavor)
def generic_test_entrypoint(): """ This is the generic test entry point for test modules. It provides a standardized set of commanline parameters that can be used to run test files as scripts. .. note:: The `generic_test_entrypoint` is a useful tool to place at the bottom of test files to allow them to easily be run for debugging purposes. """ # We must exit with a result code, initialize it to 0 here result_code = 0 base_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() base_parser.add_argument("-i", "--include", dest="includes", action="append", default=[], help="Add an include search statement.") base_parser.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", dest="excludes", action="append", default=[], help="Add an exclude filter statement.") base_parser.add_argument("--console-level", dest="consolelevel", action="store", default="INFO", choices=LOG_LEVEL_NAMES, help="The logging level for console output.") base_parser.add_argument("--logfile-level", dest="logfilelevel", action="store", default="DEBUG", choices=LOG_LEVEL_NAMES, help="The logging level for logfile output.") test_module = sys.modules["__main__"] ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") # Set the jobtype env["jobtype"] = "testrun" test_results_dir = get_path_for_testresults() if not os.path.exists(test_results_dir): os.makedirs(test_results_dir) env["output_directory"] = test_results_dir test_root = find_testmodule_root(test_module) module_fullname = find_testmodule_fullname(test_module) # Copy the test module to the name of the module_fullname name so the loader won't reload it sys.modules[module_fullname] = test_module if test_module.__name__ == "__main__": test_module.__name__ = module_fullname # Re-map the object classes from the module over to the module name we just registered the test # module under. test_class_coll = inspect.getmembers(test_module, inspect.isclass) for testclass_name, testclass_obj in test_class_coll: tcobj_module_name = testclass_obj.__module__ if tcobj_module_name == "__main__": testclass_obj.__module__ = module_fullname args = base_parser.parse_args() logging_initialize() includes = args.includes excludes = args.excludes if len(includes) == 0: includes.append("*") result_code = 0 with DefaultTestJob(logger, test_root, includes=includes, excludes=excludes, test_module=test_module) as tjob: result_code = tjob.execute() sys.exit(result_code) return
# scripts and tests files that consume the test framework will import to ensure the # startup process is always consistent # # The framework has a special activation module :module:`akit.environment.console` that is # used when bringing up the test framework in a console. This special method redirects # Activation Step - 1: Force the CONFIGURATION_MAP global variable into existance and # pull in the OVERRIDE_CONFIGURATION dictionary. from akit.environment.configuration import OVERRIDE_CONFIGURATION, CONFIGURATION_MAP # Activation Step - 2: Force the global shared context to load, we want this to happen as early # as possible because we don't want to every replace its reference or invalidate # any references to it that someone might have acquired. from akit.environment.context import Context # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position ctx = Context() # Activation Step - 3: Process the environment variable overrides for any of the AKIT configuration # variables. This needs to happen before we load or create an initial user configuration # because the variables may effect the values we write into the user configuration file. from akit.environment.variables import (AKIT_VARIABLES, JOB_TYPES, LOG_LEVEL_NAMES, normalize_variable_whitespace) # Activation Step - 4: Load the user and runtime configuration and add it to the CONFIGURATION_MAP # 'ChainMap' so the runtime settings can take precedence over the user default settings. from akit.environment.configuration import load_runtime_configuration, load_user_configuration AKIT_DIR = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_DIR DEFAULT_PATH_EXPANSIONS = [
class Landscape(LandscapeConfigurationLayer, LandscapeIntegrationLayer, LandscapeOperationalLayer): """ The base class for all derived :class:`Landscape` objects. The :class:`Landscape` object is a singleton object that provides access to the resources and test environment level methods. The functionality of the :class:`Landscape` object is setup so it can be transitioned through activation stages: * Configuration * Integration * Operational The different phases of operation of the landscape allow it to be used for a wider variety of purposes from commandline configuration and maintenance operations, peristent services and automation run functionality. The activation stages or levels of the :class:`Landscape` object are implemented using a python MixIn pattern in order to ensure that individual layers can be customized using object inheritance while at the same time keeping the object hierarchy simple. ..note: The :class:`Landscape` object constructor utilizes the `super` keyword for calling the mixin layer constructors using method resolution order or `mro`. In order for `super` to work correctly all objects in the hierarchy should also provide a constructor and should also utilize `super`. This is true also for objects that only inherit from :class:`object`. Should you need to create a custom layer override object, you must ensure the proper use of `super` in its constructor. """ context = Context() logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() landscape_lock = threading.RLock() _landscape_type = None _instance = None _instance_initialized = False def __new__(cls): """ Constructs new instances of the Landscape object from the :class:`Landscape` type or from a derived type that is found in the module specified in the :module:`akit.environment.variables` module or by setting the 'AKIT_CONFIG_LANDSCAPE_MODULE' environment variable. """ if cls._instance is None: if cls._landscape_type is None: cls._instance = super(Landscape, cls).__new__(cls) else: cls._instance = super(Landscape, cls._landscape_type).__new__( cls._landscape_type) # Put any initialization here. return cls._instance def __init__(self): """ Creates an instance or reference to the :class:`Landscape` singleton object. On the first call to this constructor the :class:`Landscape` object is initialized and the landscape configuration is loaded. """ lscapeType = type(self) # We are a singleton so we only want the intialization code to run once lscapeType.landscape_lock.acquire() if not lscapeType._instance_initialized: lscapeType._instance_initialized = True lscapeType.landscape_lock.release() self._interactive_mode = False super().__init__() else: lscapeType.landscape_lock.release() return @property def interactive_mode(self): """ Returns a boolean indicating if interactive mode is on or off. """ return self._interactive_mode @interactive_mode.setter def interactive_mode(self, interactive: bool) -> None: """ Turn on or off interactive mode. """ self._interactive_mode = interactive return def checkin_device(self, device: LandscapeDevice): """ Returns a landscape device to the the available device pool. """ self._ensure_activation() keyid = device.keyid if keyid not in self._checked_out_devices: errmsg = "Attempting to checkin a device that is not checked out. {}".format( device) raise AKitSemanticError(errmsg) self.landscape_lock.acquire() try: self._device_pool[keyid] = device del self._checked_out_devices[keyid] finally: self.landscape_lock.release() return def checkin_multiple_devices(self, devices: List[LandscapeDevice]): """ Returns a landscape device to the the available device pool. """ self._ensure_activation() checkin_errors = [] self.landscape_lock.acquire() try: for dev in devices: keyid = dev.keyid if keyid not in self._checked_out_devices: self._device_pool[keyid] = dev checkin_errors.append(dev) if len(checkin_errors) > 0: err_msg_lines = [ "Attempting to checkin a device that is not checked out.", "DEVICES:" ] for dev in checkin_errors: err_msg_lines.append(" {}".format(dev)) err_msg = os.linesep.join(err_msg_lines) raise AKitSemanticError(err_msg) for dev in devices: keyid = dev.keyid if keyid in self._checked_out_devices: self._device_pool[keyid] = dev del self._checked_out_devices[keyid] finally: self.landscape_lock.release() return def checkout_a_device_by_modelName( self, modelName: str) -> Optional[LandscapeDevice]: """ Checks out a single device from the available pool using the modelName match criteria provided. """ self._ensure_activation() device = None device_list = self.checkout_devices_by_match("modelName", modelName, count=1) if len(device_list) > 0: device = device_list[0] return device def checkout_a_device_by_modelNumber( self, modelNumber: str) -> Optional[LandscapeDevice]: """ Checks out a single device from the available pool using the modelNumber match criteria provided. """ self._ensure_activation() device = None device_list = self.checkout_devices_by_match("modelNumber", modelNumber, count=1) if len(device_list) > 0: device = device_list[0] return device def checkout_device(self, device: LandscapeDevice): """ Checks out the specified device from the device pool. """ self._ensure_activation() self.landscape_lock.acquire() try: self._locked_checkout_device(device) finally: self.landscape_lock.release() return def checkout_device_list(self, device_list: List[LandscapeDevice]): """ Checks out the list of specified devices from the device pool. """ self._ensure_activation() self.landscape_lock.acquire() try: for device in device_list: self._locked_checkout_device(device) finally: self.landscape_lock.release() return def checkout_devices_by_match(self, match_type: str, *match_params, count=None) -> List[LandscapeDevice]: """ Checks out the devices that are found to correspond with the match criteria provided. If the 'count' parameter is passed, then the number of devices that are checked out is limited to count matching devices. """ self._ensure_activation() match_list = None self.landscape_lock.acquire() try: match_list = self.list_available_devices_by_match(match_type, *match_params, count=count) for device in match_list: self._locked_checkout_device(device) finally: self.landscape_lock.release() return match_list def checkout_devices_by_modelName(self, modelName: str, count=None) -> List[LandscapeDevice]: """ Checks out the devices that are found to correspond with the modelName match criteria provided. If the 'count' parameter is passed, the the number of devices that are checked out is limited to count matching devices. """ self._ensure_activation() device_list = self.checkout_devices_by_match("modelName", modelName, count=count) return device_list def checkout_devices_by_modelNumber(self, modelNumber: str, count=None) -> List[LandscapeDevice]: """ Checks out the devices that are found to correspond with the modelNumber match criteria provided. If the 'count' parameter is passed, the the number of devices that are checked out is limited to count matching devices. """ self._ensure_activation() device_list = self.checkout_devices_by_match("modelNumber", modelNumber, count=count) return device_list def diagnostic(self, diaglabel: str, diags: dict): """ Can be called in order to perform a diagnostic capture across the test landscape. :param diaglabel: The label to use for the diagnostic. :param diags: A dictionary of diagnostics to run. """ self._ensure_activation() return def first_contact(self) -> List[str]: """ The `first_contact` method provides a mechanism for the verification of connectivity with enterprise resources that is seperate from the initial call to `establish_connectivity`. :returns list: list of failing entities """ error_list = [] return error_list def list_available_devices_by_match(self, match_type, *match_params, count=None) -> List[LandscapeDevice]: """ Creates and returns a list of devices from the available devices pool that are found to correspond to the match criteria provided. If a 'count' parameter is passed then the number of devices returned is limited to count devices. .. note:: This API does not perform a checkout of the devices returns so the caller should not consider themselves to the the owner of the devices. """ matching_devices = [] device_list = self.list_available_devices() for dev in device_list: if dev.match_using_params(match_type, *match_params): matching_devices.append(dev) if count is not None and len(matching_devices) >= count: break return matching_devices def list_devices_by_match(self, match_type, *match_params, count=None) -> List[LandscapeDevice]: """ Creates and returns a list of devices that are found to correspond to the match criteria provided. If a 'count' parameter is passed then the number of devices returned is limited to count devices. """ matching_devices = [] device_list = self.get_devices() for dev in device_list: if dev.match_using_params(match_type, *match_params): matching_devices.append(dev) if count is not None and len(matching_devices) >= count: break return matching_devices def list_devices_by_modelName(self, modelName, count=None) -> List[LandscapeDevice]: """ Creates and returns a list of devices that are found to correspond to the modelName match criteria provided. If a 'count' parameter is passed then the number of devices returned is limited to count devices. """ matching_devices = self.list_devices_by_match("modelName", modelName, count=count) return matching_devices def list_devices_by_modelNumber(self, modelNumber, count=None) -> List[LandscapeDevice]: """ Creates and returns a list of devices that are found to correspond to the modelNumber match criteria provided. If a 'count' parameter is passed then the number of devices returned is limited to count devices. """ matching_devices = self.list_devices_by_match("modelNumber", modelNumber, count=count) return matching_devices def lookup_credential(self, credential_name) -> Union[str, None]: """ Looks up a credential. """ cred_info = None if credential_name in self._credentials: cred_info = self._credentials[credential_name] return cred_info def lookup_device_by_keyid(self, keyid) -> Optional[LandscapeDevice]: """ Looks up a single device that is found to correspond to the keyid. """ found_device = None device_list = self.get_devices() for device in device_list: if device.keyid == keyid: found_device = device break return found_device def lookup_device_by_modelName(self, modelName) -> Optional[LandscapeDevice]: """ Looks up a single device that is found to correspond to the modelName match criteria provided. """ found_device = None matching_devices = self.list_devices_by_match("modelName", modelName, count=1) if len(matching_devices) > 0: found_device = matching_devices[0] return found_device def lookup_device_by_modelNumber(self, modelNumber) -> Optional[LandscapeDevice]: """ Looks up a single device that is found to correspond to the modelNumber match criteria provided. """ found_device = None matching_devices = self.list_devices_by_match("modelNumber", modelNumber, count=1) if len(matching_devices) > 0: found_device = matching_devices[0] return found_device def lookup_power_agent(self, power_mapping: dict) -> Union[dict, None]: """ Looks up a power agent by name. """ power_agent = self._power_coord.lookup_agent(power_mapping) return power_agent def lookup_serial_agent(self, serial_mapping: str) -> Union[dict, None]: """ Looks up a serial agent name. """ serial_agent = self._serial_coordinator.lookup_agent(serial_mapping) return serial_agent
def load(self, landscape_file: str, log_to_directory: Optional[str]=None): """ Loads and validates the landscape description file. """ logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() landscape_info = None with open(landscape_file, 'r') as lf: lfcontent = landscape_info = yaml.safe_load(lfcontent) if log_to_directory is not None: try: landscape_file_basename = os.path.basename(landscape_file) landscape_file_basename, landscape_file_ext = os.path.splitext(landscape_file_basename) landscape_file_copy = os.path.join(log_to_directory, "landscape-declared{}".format(landscape_file_ext)) shutil.copy2(landscape_file, landscape_file_copy) # Create a json copy of the landscape file until the time when we can # parse yaml in the test summary javascript. landscape_info_copy = copy.deepcopy(landscape_info) landscape_file_copy = os.path.join(log_to_directory, "landscape-declared.json") with open(landscape_file_copy, 'w') as lsf: json.dump(landscape_info_copy, lsf, indent=4) except Exception as xcpt: err_msg = "Error while logging the landscape file (%s)%s%s" % ( landscape_file, os.linesep, traceback.format_exc()) raise AKitRuntimeError(err_msg) from xcpt errors, warnings = self.validate_landscape(landscape_info) if len(errors) > 0: errmsg_lines = [ "ERROR Landscape validation failures:" ] for err in errors: errmsg_lines.append(" %s" % err) errmsg = os.linesep.join(errmsg_lines) raise AKitConfigurationError(errmsg) from None if len(warnings) > 0: for wrn in warnings: logger.warn("Landscape Configuration Warning: (%s)" % wrn) if "devices" in landscape_info["pod"]: devices = landscape_info["pod"]["devices"] device_lookup_table = {} for dev in devices: dev_type = dev["deviceType"] if dev_type == "network/upnp": dkey = "UPNP:{}".format(dev["upnp"]["USN"]).upper() device_lookup_table[dkey] = dev elif dev_type == "network/ssh": dkey = "SSH:{}".format(dev["host"]).upper() device_lookup_table[dkey] = dev ctx = Context() skipped_devices = ctx.lookup(ContextPaths.SKIPPED_DEVICES, default=[]) for dev_key in skipped_devices: dev_key = dev_key.upper() if dev_key in device_lookup_table: device = device_lookup_table[dev_key] device["skip"] = True return landscape_info
def command_akit_testing_query(root, includes, excludes, debug): # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel # We do the imports of the automation framework code inside the action functions because # we don't want to startup loggin and the processing of inputs and environment variables # until we have entered an action method. Thats way we know how to setup the environment. # IMPORTANT: We need to load the context first because it will trigger the loading # of the default user configuration from akit.environment.context import Context from akit.environment.variables import extend_path, AKIT_VARIABLES ctx = Context() env = ctx.lookup("/environment") # Set the jobtype env["jobtype"] = "testrun" test_root = None if root is not None: AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_TESTROOT = root elif AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_TESTROOT is not None: root = AKIT_VARIABLES.AKIT_TESTROOT else: root = "." test_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(root))) if not os.path.isdir(test_root): errmsg = "The specified root folder does not exist. root=%s" % root if test_root != root: errmsg += " expanded=%s" % test_root raise click.BadParameter(errmsg) env["testroot"] = test_root # Make sure we extend PATH to include the test root extend_path(test_root) # We use console activation because all our input output is going through the terminal import akit.activation.console from akit.xlogging.foundations import logging_initialize, getAutomatonKitLogger # Initialize logging logging_initialize() logger = getAutomatonKitLogger() from akit.extensionpoints import AKitExtensionPoints akep = AKitExtensionPoints() # At this point in the code, we either lookup an existing test job or we create a test job # from the includes, excludes or test_module TestJobType = akep.get_testplus_default_job_type() result_code = 0 with TestJobType(logger, test_root, includes=includes, excludes=excludes) as tjob: query_results = tjob.query() test_names = [tn for tn in query_results.keys()] test_names.sort() print() print("Tests:") for tname in test_names: tref = query_results[tname] print(" " + tname) param_names = [pn for pn in tref.subscriptions.keys()] param_names.sort() for pname in param_names: pinfo = tref.subscriptions[pname] print(" {}: {}".format(pname, pinfo.describe_source())) print() if len(tjob.import_errors) > 0: print("IMPORT ERRORS:", file=sys.stderr) for ifilename in tjob.import_errors: imperr_msg = ifilename print(" " + imperr_msg, file=sys.stderr) print("", file=sys.stderr) return