def create(self, request): print('LOG event.create.request -----') print(request) try: json_object = json.loads(request['body']) # Transpose the Endpoint Cloud Event into an Alexa Event Gateway Event # Get the common information from the body of the request event_type = json_object['event'][ 'type'] # Expect AddOrUpdateReport, ChangeReport, DeleteReport endpoint_user_id = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'userId'] # Expect a Profile endpoint_id = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'id'] # Expect a valid AWS IoT Thing Name # Get the Access Token token = self.get_user_info(endpoint_user_id) # Build a default response response = AlexaResponse(name='ErrorResponse', message="No valid event type") if event_type == 'AddOrUpdateReport': # Get the additional information from the body of the request endpoint_friendly_name = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'friendlyName'] # Expect a valid string friendly name endpoint_capabilities = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'capabilities'] # Expect a valid AWS IoT Thing Name sku = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'sku'] # Expect a meaningful type, ex: SW00 # From the SKU, get the information for the device and combine it in the payload endpoint_sku_details = self.get_sku_details(sku) payload = { 'endpoints': [{ 'endpointId': endpoint_id, 'friendlyName': endpoint_friendly_name, 'description': endpoint_sku_details['description'], 'manufacturerName': endpoint_sku_details['manufacturer_name'], 'displayCategories': endpoint_sku_details['display_categories'], 'capabilities': endpoint_capabilities }], 'scope': { 'type': 'BearerToken', 'token': token } } # Send an event to Alexa to add/update the endpoint response = self.send_event('Alexa.Discovery', 'AddOrUpdateReport', endpoint_id, token, payload) if event_type == 'ChangeReport': try: state = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'state'] # Expect a string, ex: powerState state_value = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'value'] # Expect string or JSON # Update the IoT Thing Shadow state msg = {'state': {'desired': {state: state_value}}} mqtt_msg = json.dumps(msg) result = iot_data_aws.update_thing_shadow( thingName=endpoint_id, payload=mqtt_msg.encode()) print( 'LOG event.create.iot_aws.update_thing_shadow.result -----' ) print(result) # Update Alexa with an Event Update if endpoint_user_id == '0': print('LOG Event: Not sent for user_id of 0') else: payload = { 'change': { 'cause': { 'type': 'PHYSICAL_INTERACTION' }, "properties": [ AlexaResponse.create_context_property( name=state, value=state_value) ] } } print('LOG Event: Sending event') response = self.send_event('Alexa', 'ChangeReport', endpoint_id, token, payload) except ClientError as e: alexa_response = AlexaResponse(name='ErrorResponse', message=e, payload={ 'type': 'INTERNAL_ERROR', 'message': e }) return alexa_response.get() if event_type == 'DeleteReport': # Send an event to Alexa to delete the endpoint payload = { 'endpoints': [{ 'endpointId': endpoint_id }], "scope": { "type": "BearerToken", "token": token } } response = self.send_event('Alexa.Discovery', 'DeleteReport', endpoint_id, token, payload) result ='utf-8') print('LOG event.create.result -----') print(result) return result except KeyError as key_error: return "KeyError: " + str(key_error)
def create(self, request): print('LOG event.create.request -----') print(request) try: json_object = json.loads(request['body']) # Transpose the Endpoint Cloud Event into an Alexa Event Gateway Event # Get the common information from the body of the request event_type = json_object['event'][ 'type'] # Expect AddOrUpdateReport, ChangeReport, DeleteReport endpoint_id = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'id'] # Expect a valid AWS IoT Thing Name if 'userId' in json_object['event']['endpoint']: endpoint_user_id = json_object['event']['endpoint']['userId'] else: endpoint_user_id = os.environ.get('user_id', None) # Get the Access Token token = self.get_user_info(endpoint_user_id) # Build a default response response = AlexaResponse(name='ErrorResponse', message="No valid event type") if event_type == 'AddOrUpdateReport': # Get the additional information from the body of the request endpoint_friendly_name = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'friendlyName'] # Expect a valid string friendly name endpoint_capabilities = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'capabilities'] # Expect a valid AWS IoT Thing Name endpoint_display_categories = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'displayCategories'] endpoint_description = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'description'] endpoint_manufacturer_name = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'manufacturerName'] payload = { 'endpoints': [{ 'endpointId': endpoint_id, 'friendlyName': endpoint_friendly_name, 'description': endpoint_description, 'manufacturerName': endpoint_manufacturer_name, 'displayCategories': endpoint_display_categories, 'capabilities': endpoint_capabilities }], 'scope': { 'type': 'BearerToken', 'token': token } } # Send an event to Alexa to add/update the endpoint response = self.send_event('Alexa.Discovery', 'AddOrUpdateReport', endpoint_id, token, payload) if event_type == 'ChangeReport': try: state = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'state'] # Expect a string, ex: powerState state_value = json_object['event']['endpoint'][ 'value'] # Expect string or JSON namespace = json_object['event']['endpoint']['namespace'] instance = json_object['event']['endpoint'].get( 'instance', None) if instance: state = instance + '.' + state prop = AlexaResponse.create_context_property( instance=instance, namespace=namespace, name=state, value=state_value) else: prop = AlexaResponse.create_context_property( namespace=namespace, name=state, value=state_value) # Update Alexa with an Event Update if endpoint_user_id == '0': print('LOG Event: Not sent for user_id of 0') else: payload = { 'change': { 'cause': { 'type': 'PHYSICAL_INTERACTION' }, "properties": [prop] } } print('LOG Event: Sending event') response = self.send_event('Alexa', 'ChangeReport', endpoint_id, token, payload) except ClientError as e: alexa_response = AlexaResponse(name='ErrorResponse', message=e, payload={ 'type': 'INTERNAL_ERROR', 'message': e }) return alexa_response.get() if event_type == 'DeleteReport': # Send an event to Alexa to delete the endpoint payload = { 'endpoints': [{ 'endpointId': endpoint_id }], "scope": { "type": "BearerToken", "token": token } } response = self.send_event('Alexa.Discovery', 'DeleteReport', endpoint_id, token, payload) result ='utf-8') print('LOG event.create.result -----') print(result) return result except KeyError as key_error: return "KeyError: " + str(key_error)