Example #1
def normalize_along_batch_dims(x, mean, variance, variance_epsilon):
    """Normalizes a tensor by ``mean`` and ``variance``, which are expected to have
    the same tensor spec with the inner dims of ``x``.

        x (Tensor): a tensor of (``[D1, D2, ..] + shape``), where ``D1``, ``D2``, ..
            are arbitrary leading batch dims (can be empty).
        mean (Tensor): a tensor of ``shape``
        variance (Tensor): a tensor of ``shape``
        variance_epsilon (float): A small float number to avoid dividing by 0.
        Normalized tensor.
    spec = TensorSpec.from_tensor(mean)
    assert spec == TensorSpec.from_tensor(variance), \
        "The specs of mean and variance must be equal!"

    bs = BatchSquash(get_outer_rank(x, spec))
    x = bs.flatten(x)

    variance_epsilon = torch.as_tensor(variance_epsilon).to(variance.dtype)
    inv = torch.rsqrt(variance + variance_epsilon)
    x = (x - mean.to(x.dtype)) * inv.to(x.dtype)

    x = bs.unflatten(x)
    return x
Example #2
 def _extract_spec(obj):
     if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
         return TensorSpec.from_tensor(obj, from_dim)
     elif isinstance(obj, td.Distribution):
         return DistributionSpec.from_distribution(obj, from_dim)
         raise ValueError("Unsupported value type: %s" % type(obj))
Example #3
 def _summarize_all(path, t, m2, m):
     if path:
         path += "."
     spec = TensorSpec.from_tensor(m2 or m)
     _summary(path + "tensor.batch_min",
              _reduce_along_batch_dims(t, spec, torch.min))
     _summary(path + "tensor.batch_max",
              _reduce_along_batch_dims(t, spec, torch.max))
     if m is not None:
         _summary(path + "mean", m)
         if m2 is not None:
             _summary(path + "var", m2 - math_ops.square(m))
     elif m2 is not None:
         _summary(path + "second_moment", m2)
Example #4
    def __call__(self, nested):
        """Combine all elements according to the method defined in

            nested (nest): a nested structure; each element can be either a
                ``Tensor` or a `TensorSpec``.

            Tensor or TensorSpec: if ``Tensor``, the returned is the concatenated
            result; otherwise it's the tensor spec of the result.
        flat = nest.flatten(nested)
        assert len(flat) > 0, "The nest is empty!"
        if isinstance(flat[0], TensorSpec):
            tensors = nest.map_structure(
                lambda spec: spec.zeros(outer_dims=(1, )), flat)
            tensors = flat
        ret = self._combine_flat(tensors)
        if isinstance(flat[0], TensorSpec):
            return TensorSpec.from_tensor(ret, from_dim=1)
        return ret
Example #5
 def _reduce_along_batch_dims(x, mean, op):
     spec = TensorSpec.from_tensor(mean)
     bs = alf.layers.BatchSquash(get_outer_rank(x, spec))
     x = bs.flatten(x)
     x = op(x, dim=0)[0]
     return x