def setpoint(author):
    sql = f"update member set point = 10 where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        return f"[*] 테스트용 10 포인트세팅"
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] setpoint error!\n[INFO]: {ex}"
def random_bj(author, cmd):
    args = cmd.split()
    if len(args) != 2:
        return "[!] Usage : !random_bj <tier>"
    tier = args[1]

    # 요청자 BOJ id 및 푼 문제 목록 확인
        bojid = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
            "SELECT baekjoon_id FROM member WHERE discord_id = %s",
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
    solved = get_solved(bojid)

    # 티어별 시작점 설정
    if tier == 'bronze':
        startfrom = 1
    elif tier == 'silver':
        startfrom = 6
    elif tier == 'gold':
        startfrom = 11
    elif tier == 'platinum':
        startfrom = 16
    elif tier == 'diamond':
        startfrom = 21
    elif tier == 'ruby':
        startfrom = 26
        return "[!] There is no such tier in"

    # DB에서 해당 티어 문제 목록 가져오기
    sql = "SELECT id FROM solved_rank WHERE rank >= %s and rank < %s;"
        result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql, startfrom, startfrom + 5)
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
    candidate = []
    for item in result:

    # 푼 적 없는 랜덤 문제 추천
    count = 0
    while count != len(candidate):
        rbj = candidate[randint(0, len(candidate))]
        if rbj not in solved:

    # 결과 반환
    if count == len(candidate):
        return "[!] You've Solved All Problems."
        return f'{rbj}'
def showmap(author):
    sql = f"select map_location from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"

        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        Locinfo = sql_result[0]['map_location']
        sql_bj_no = f"select baekjoon_no from map where id= {Locinfo}"
        sql_bj_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql_bj_no)
        bj_no = sql_bj_result[0]['baekjoon_no']

        return f"[*] Successfully Inquires data about **{author}** 's location on the map", Locinfo, bj_no
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while finding **{author}** 's location on the map in db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
def refresh():
            "UPDATE member SET daily_steps = 0")  # 일일 문제풀이 가능 횟수
            "UPDATE member SET status = 0 WHERE status = -1")  # Stun 초기화

        # 연속 업적 달성 확인
            "UPDATE member SET bj_solv_contd = bj_solv_contd+1 WHERE bj_today <> 0"
            "UPDATE member SET bj_solv_contd = 0 WHERE bj_today = 0")
        algoalgo_sql.sql_update("UPDATE member SET bj_today = 0")

        # 연속 업적 달성자 업적 반영
        sids = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
            "SELECT student_id, bj_solv_contd FROM member WHERE bj_solv_contd IN (5, 14, 30)"
        for sid in sids:
            # 달성 업적 확인
            if sid['bj_solv_contd'] == 5:
                aid = 12
            elif sid['bj_solv_contd'] == 14:
                aid = 13
                aid = 14

            addpoint(f"!addpoint {aid} {sid['student_id']}")
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while refresh db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    print('refresh done')
    return f"[+] Refresh Done"
def showuserinfo(author):
    sql = f"select * from member where discord_id='{str(author)}';"

        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)

        item_dir = show_items(sql_result[0]['items'])
        # status : 1, 2, 3에 맞는 값을 각각 문자열로 풀어서 출력
        # items : 아이템 보유 개수 정리해서 출력

        userinfo = f"""discord_id : {sql_result[0]['discord_id']}
        name : {sql_result[0]['name']}
        **- GAME INFO**
        status : {sql_result[0]['status']}
        your steps on today : {sql_result[0]['daily_steps']}
        your point : {sql_result[0]['point']}
        your location : {sql_result[0]['map_location']}
        **- items**
STEP        | {item_dir['STEP']}
SNAKE       | {item_dir['SNAKE']}
STUN        | {item_dir['STUN']}
ASSASSIN    | {item_dir['ASSASSIN']}
REDEMPTION  | {item_dir['REDEMPTION']} ```
        **- BAEKJOON INFO**
        baekjoon id : {sql_result[0]['baekjoon_id']}
        Continuous Days of Mission : {sql_result[0]['bj_solv_contd']}
        return f"[*] Successfully Inquires data about {author}", userinfo
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while finding user({author}) in db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}", None
def daily_baekjoon(author, cmd):
    args = cmd.split()
    if len(args) != 2:
        return "[!] Usage : !daily_baekjoon <Problem id>"

    # 입력된 문제 번호
    pid = args[1]

    # 인증된 푼 문제 목록
        solvedlist = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
            "SELECT bj_solved FROM member WHERE discord_id = %s",
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    if solvedlist == None:
        solvedlist = ""

    # 이미 인증된 문제
    if pid in solvedlist.split(';')[:-1]:
        return "[!] Already Registered Problem"

    # 아직 풀지 않은 문제
        solvedlist_db = get_solved(
                "SELECT baekjoon_id FROM member WHERE discord_id = %s",
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
    if pid not in solvedlist_db:
        return "[!] You Haven't Solved the Problem Yet."

    # 신규 1일 1백준 인증 및 add point
    solvedlist += (str(pid) + ';')
            "UPDATE member SET bj_solved = %s WHERE discord_id = %s",
            solvedlist, author)
        addpoint(f"!addpoint 11 {author}")
            "UPDATE member SET bj_today = 1 WHERE discord_id = %s", author)
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while update certification into db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    return "[+] Successfully Certified."
def unlock(author):
        memberinfo = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
            "SELECT status, map_location, baekjoon_id, bj_solved FROM member WHERE discord_id = %s",
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    # 이미 잠금 해제된 경우
    if memberinfo['status'] == 1:
        return "[!] Already Unlocked."

    # 스턴에 걸린 경우
    if memberinfo['status'] == -1:
        return "[!] You've got Stunned. Try Again Tomorrow."

    if memberinfo['status'] == 0:
        # 풀어야 하는 문제 확인
            pid = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
                "SELECT baekjoon_no FROM map WHERE id = %s",
        except Exception as ex:
            return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

        # 정상 해제 시도
        if pid in get_solved(memberinfo['baekjoon_id']):
                    "UPDATE member SET status = 1 WHERE baekjoon_id = %s",
            except Exception as ex:
                return f"[!] An error occurs while update status into db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

            # DB에 인증되지 않았을 경우 인증 진행
            if pid not in memberinfo['bj_solved'].split(';')[:-1]:
                memberinfo['bj_solved'] += (str(pid) + ';')

            return "[*] Successfully Unlocked."

        # 문제를 풀지 않은 경우
            return "[!] You haven't Solved The Problem."

    # 그 외의 에러
        return "[!] Status Error: Call the Admins"
def checkMember(person):
    sql = f"select name from member where discord_id='{str(person)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        return sql_result
    except Exception as ex:
        raise f"[!] error finding '{str(person)}'"
def point_check(author):
    sql = f"select * from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        pointinfo = f"""{sql_result[0]['point']}"""
        return f"[*] Successfully Inquires data about the feature of the {author}'s point'", pointinfo
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] point check error!\n[INFO]: {ex}"
Example #10
def check_dailystep(author):
    sql = f"select daily_steps from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        daily_step = sql_result[0]['daily_steps']

        return daily_step
    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
Example #11
def getBossLife():
    sql = "select life from algoalgo.boss limit 1"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        curr_life = sql_result[0]['life']

        return curr_life
    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
def testupdate(author):
    sql = f"update member set items = 'ASSASSIN;STUN;STEP;STEP;ASSASSIN;SNAKE;SNAKE;REDEMPTION;REDEMPTION;STUN;' where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
    #sql = f"select items from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        #return "[+]테스트 10점 넣어줌"
        return f"[+]db item update '{author}'"
    except Exception as ex:
        return "[!]db x."
def snake(discord_id):
    #STEP 6-2 는 메세지로 알려주기
    sql = f"select * from member where discord_id='{str(discord_id)}'"

        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)

        map_sql = f"select * from map where id='{sql_result[0]['map_location']}'"
        map_sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(map_sql)

        #STEP 6-2 는 메세지로 알려주기

        map_location_sql2 = f"update member set map_location ='{map_sql_result[0]['ahead_to']}' where discord_id='{str(discord_id)}'"
        return f"[*] Successfully updataed data about **{discord_id}** 's location on the snake map"

    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while finding **{discord_id}** 's location on the map in db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
Example #14
def check_items(author, item_name):
    sql = f"select items from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        item_dir = show_items(sql_result[0]['items'])

        return item_dir[item_name]
    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
def step(discord_id):
        sql = f"select * from member where discord_id='{str(discord_id)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)

        daily_step_sql = f"update member set daily_steps ='{sql_result[0]['daily_steps'] + 1}' where discord_id='{str(discord_id)}'"

        if sql_result[0]['status'] == 1:

            map_location_sql = f"update member set map_location ='{sql_result[0]['map_location'] + 1}' where discord_id='{str(discord_id)}'"

            map_sql = f"select * from map where id='{int(sql_result[0]['map_location'])+1}'"
            map_sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(map_sql)

            if map_sql_result[0]['feature'] == 1:
                map_location_sql2 = f"update member set map_location ='{map_sql_result[0]['ahead_to']}' where discord_id='{str(discord_id)}'"
                return f"[*] Successfully updated data about **{discord_id}** 's location on the map", map_sql_result[
                    0]['feature'], 3 - (sql_result[0]['daily_steps'] + 1)

            # if map_sql_result[0]['feature'] == 2 :
            #     # LocFeatureInfo = "**SNAKE**🐍"
            #     return f"[*] Successfully updated data about **{discord_id}** 's location on the map", map_sql_result[0]['feature'], 3 - (sql_result[0]['daily_steps'] + 1)

            # if map_sql_result[0]['feature'] == 3 :
            #     # LocFeatureInfo = "**BOSS**🧟‍♀️"
            #     return f"[*] Successfully updated data about **{discord_id}** 's location on the map", map_sql_result[0]['feature'], 3 - (sql_result[0]['daily_steps'] + 1)

            return f"[*] Successfully updated data about **{discord_id}** 's location on the map", map_sql_result[
                0]['feature'], 3 - (sql_result[0]['daily_steps'] + 1)

            # raise 해야함
            return f"[*] 문제를 푸셔야합니다.", 0, 0

    except Exception as ex:
        #raise 해야함
        return f"[!] An error occurs while finding **{discord_id}** 's location on the map in db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}", 0, 0
Example #16
def get_location(author):
    sql = f"select map_location from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        location = sql_result[0]['map_location']

        return location

    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
Example #17
def check_status(author):
    sql = f"select status from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        status = sql_result[0]['status']

        return status

    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
Example #18
def check_feature(author):
        location = get_location(author)

        sql = f"select * from map where id='{location}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        feature = sql_result[0]['feature']

        return feature

    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
Example #19
def snake(author):
        location = get_location(author)

        sql = f"select ahead_to from map where id='{location}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        dst = sql_result[0]['ahead_to']

        update_location_dst(author, dst)

    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
def setAssassin(person):
    sql = f"select map_location from member where discord_id='{str(person)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] error select '{str(person)}' DB"

    sql2 = f"update member set map_location = {int(sql_result[0]['map_location'])-1} where discord_id='{str(person)}'"
    except Exception as ex:
        raise f"[!] error update '{str(person)}' DB"
    return f"[+] success use item '{person}', Assasin"
def addpoint(cmd):
    args = cmd.split(' ')
    if len(args) != 3:
        return "[!] Usage : !addpoint <archivement id> <student_id or discord_id>"
    # !addpoint <업적 번호> <학번 또는 디스코드 닉네임>

    # 업적 정보 확인
        result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
            "SELECT points, achive_name FROM achievement WHERE id = %s",
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check the db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    point = result['points']
    achname = result['achive_name']

    # 포인트 업데이트
    if args[2].find('#') == -1:  # 학번 입력시
        sql = "UPDATE member SET point = point+%s WHERE student_id = %s;"
            algoalgo_sql.sql_update(sql, point, args[2])
            name = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
                "SELECT discord_id FROM member WHERE student_id = %s",
        except Exception as ex:
            return f"[!] An error occurs while update the point into db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    else:  # 디스코드 닉네임 입력시
        name = args[2]
            sql = "UPDATE member SET point = point+%s WHERE discord_id = %s;"
            algoalgo_sql.sql_update(sql, point, name)
        except Exception as ex:
            return f"[!] An error occurs while update the point into db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    return f"[+] Mission Accomplished: {achname} by {name}"
def list_achievement():
    # DB에서 업적 목록 확인
        achlist = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
            "SELECT description, points FROM achievement WHERE is_hidden = 0")
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    # 업적 목록 만들기
    printlist = []
    for ach in achlist:
            f"{fill_str_with_space(ach['description'])}{ach['points']} 포인트")

    return "\n".join(printlist)
def getPlayers(cmd):
    args = cmd.split()
    nowLoc = args[1]

    sql = f"select name from member where map_location='{nowLoc}'"

        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)

        Locinfo = ""

        for person in sql_result:
            Locinfo += person['name'] + "\n"

        return f"[*] Successfully Inquires data about the users in the {nowLoc} location on the map", Locinfo, nowLoc
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while finding the users in the {nowLoc} location on the map in db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
def buy_item(author, cmd): #!buy_item <아이템> <개수>
    args = cmd.split()

    if len(args) != 3:
        return "Usage: !buyitem <item name> <number>"
    # if str(type(args[1])) != "<class 'str'>":
    #     return "Usage: !buyitem <item name> <number>"
    # if str(type(args[2])) != "<class 'int'>":
    #     return "Usage: !buyitem <item name> <number>"
    # if str(type(args[1])) != "<class 'str'>":
    #     return "Usage: !buyitem <item name> <number>"

    # if str(type(args[2])) != "<class 'int'>":
    #     return "Usage: !buyitem <item name> <number>"

    item = args[1]
    cnt = int(args[2])

    # error ouccurs -> ValueError: 'REDEMTION' is not in list
    item_price = int(PRICE[ITEMS.index(item)])*cnt

    sql = f"select * from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
    sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
    pointinfo = f"""{sql_result[0]['point']}"""

    if item not in ITEMS:
        return "Please enter the item name correctly"
    if item_price > int(pointinfo):
        return "You don't have enough points"
    for i in range(cnt):
    sql = f"update member set items = CONCAT_WS(';', items, %s) where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
    sql2 = f"update member set point = point-{item_price} where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        algoalgo_sql.sql_update(sql, gogo)
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] buy item error!\n[INFO]: {ex}"
    return f"[+] success updating item into db: {author}\n구매 성공! {item_price} 포인트 차감되었습니다"
def useitem(author):
    sql = f"select items from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        item_dir = show_items(sql_result[0]['items'])
        # 인덱스. 아이템명 : 소유 개수 형식의 리스트 출력해야함
        itemlist = sql_result[0]['items'].split(";")  # 중복있는 아이템목록
        count = Counter(itemlist)  # 유저의 아이템 종류 수

        # 인벤토리가 비었다.
        if len(count) == 1:
            return 0

        return item_dir  # 아이템 보유 현황에 대한 dict 반환

    except Exception as ex:
        e_msg = "[!] error finding your info: "
        raise algoalgo_error.UserDefinedException(e_msg)
def updateitem(author, item):
    sql = f"select items from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)

        sql_result2 = sql_result[0]['items'].replace(item, "", 1)

    except Exception as ex:
        e_msg = f"[!] error select '{str(author)}' DB"
        raise algoalgo_error.UserDefinedException(e_msg)

    sql2 = f"update member set items ='{str(sql_result2)}' where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
    except Exception as ex:
        e_msg = f"[!] error update '{str(author)}' DB"
        raise algoalgo_error.UserDefinedException(e_msg)

    return f"[+] success use item '{author}', '{item}'"
Example #27
def use_items(author, item):
    sql = f"select items from member where discord_id='{str(author)}'"
        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)
        item_dir = show_items(sql_result[0]['items'])
        item_dir[item] -= 1
        if item_dir[item] < 0:
            e_msg = "You tried to use item you don't have.\n보유하지 않은 아이템을 사용하려 하셨습니다. 스탭에게 문의주세요."
            raise algoalgo_error.UserDefinedException(e_msg)

        item_str = ""
        for k, v in item_dir.items():
            if v <= 0:
            item_str += (k + ';') * v

        update_query = f"update member set items = %s where discord_id=%s;"
        algoalgo_sql.sql_update(update_query, item_str, str(author))

    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
def getLocType(cmd):
    args = cmd.split()
    nowLoc = args[1]

    sql = f"select * from map where id='{nowLoc}'"

        sql_result = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(sql)

        if sql_result[0]['feature'] == 0:
            LocFeatureInfo = "**NOMAL**🦶"

        if sql_result[0]['feature'] == 1:
            LocFeatureInfo = "**LADDER**👣"

        if sql_result[0]['feature'] == 2:
            LocFeatureInfo = "**SNAKE**🐍"

        if sql_result[0]['feature'] == 3:
            LocFeatureInfo = "**BOSS**🧟‍♀️"

        return f"[*] Successfully Inquires data about the feature of the {nowLoc} location on the map", LocFeatureInfo, nowLoc
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while finding the feature of the {nowLoc} location on the map in db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
Example #29
def attackBoss(author, cmd):
    args = cmd.split()
    if len(args) != 2:
        return "[!] Usage : !attackBoss <Problem id>"

    # 입력된 문제 번호
    pid = args[1]

    # 인증된 푼 문제 목록
        solvedlist = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
            "SELECT bj_solved FROM member WHERE discord_id = %s",
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    if solvedlist == None:
        solvedlist = ""

    # 이미 인증된 문제
    if pid in solvedlist.split(';')[:-1]:
        return "[!] Already Registered Problem"

    # 아직 풀지 않은 문제
        solvedlist_db = algoalgo_member.get_solved(
                "SELECT baekjoon_id FROM member WHERE discord_id = %s",
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while check db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"
    if pid not in solvedlist_db:
        return "[!] You Haven't Solved the Problem Yet."

    # 문제풀이 인증 및 add point
    solvedlist += (str(pid) + ';')
            "UPDATE member SET bj_solved = %s WHERE discord_id = %s",
            solvedlist, author)
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while update certification into db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    # 문제 계수 설정
    rank = algoalgo_sql.sql_exe(
        "SELECT rank FROM algoalgo.solved_rank where id = %s", pid)[0]['rank']
    dmg = 0
    if rank <= 5:
        dmg = 1
    elif rank <= 10:
        dmg = 3
    elif rank <= 15:
        dmg = 8
        dmg = 15

    dmg *= (rank - 1) % 5 + 1

    # 보스 체력 날리기
            "UPDATE boss SET life = life - %s where season = 1;", dmg)
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while updating boss life into db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    # 멤버당 보스 공격한 누적 뎀 정리
            "UPDATE member_boss SET attack = attack + 1 where discord_id = %s;",
            "UPDATE member_boss SET total_dmg = total_dmg + %s where discord_id = %s;",
            dmg, author)
    except Exception as ex:
        return f"[!] An error occurs while updating boss life into db....\n[INFO] error : {ex}"

    return f"[+] 공격 성공, 데미지 : {dmg}"