Example #1
    def get_ema(self, prices: int, parameter: str, shift: int = 0, sma_prices: int = 5,
                round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float:
        Returns the exponential moving average with data provided.
        :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not.
        :param shift: Prices shifted from current period.
        :param round_value: Boolean that specifies whether return value should be rounded
        :param int sma_prices: SMA prices to get first EMA over
        :param int prices: Days to iterate EMA over (or the period)
        :param str parameter: Parameter to get the average of (e.g. open, close, high, or low values)
        :return: EMA
        if not self.is_valid_average_input(shift, prices, sma_prices):
            raise ValueError('Invalid average input specified.')
        elif sma_prices <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Initial amount of SMA values for initial EMA must be greater than 0.")

        if not self.data_is_updated():  # Check if data is valid. If not, memoized data will be corrupted.
            self.ema_dict = {}

        data = [self.get_current_data()] + self.data if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data()
        data = data[shift:]
        ema, self.ema_dict = get_ema(data, prices, parameter, sma_prices, self.ema_dict)

        if round_value:
            return round(ema, self.precision)
        return ema
Example #2
    def get_ema(self, data: list, prices: int, parameter: str, sma_prices: int = 5, round_value: bool = True) -> float:
        if sma_prices <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Initial amount of SMA values for initial EMA must be greater than 0.")
        elif sma_prices > len(data):
            sma_prices = len(data) - 1

        ema, self.ema_dict = get_ema(data, prices, parameter, sma_prices, self.ema_dict, desc=False)
        return round(ema, self.precision) if round_value else ema
Example #3
def test_ema(dummy_data: List[Dict[str, float]], prices: int, parameter: str,
             sma_prices: int, expected: float):
    ema, _ = get_ema(data=dummy_data,
    assert ema == expected
def test_ema(dummy_data: DATA_HINT, prices: int, parameter: str, sma_prices: int, expected: float):
    Test EMA.
    ema, _ = get_ema(data=dummy_data, prices=prices, parameter=parameter, sma_prices=sma_prices, desc=False)
    assert ema == expected