Example #1
def fels(ov, v_to_children, pattern, de_to_P, root_prior):
    The P matrices and the root prior may be algopy objects.
    @param ov: ordered vertices with child vertices before parent vertices
    @param v_to_children: map from a vertex to a sequence of child vertices
    @param pattern: an array that maps vertex to state, or to -1 if internal
    @param de_to_P: map from a directed edge to a transition matrix
    @param root_prior: equilibrium distribution at the root
    @return: log likelihood
    nvertices = len(ov)
    nstates = len(root_prior)
    states = range(nstates)
    root = ov[-1]

    # Initialize the map from vertices to subtree likelihoods.
    likelihoods = algopy.ones(
            (nvertices, nstates),

    # Compute the subtree likelihoods using dynamic programming.
    for v in ov:
        for pstate in range(nstates):
            for c in v_to_children.get(v, []):
                P = de_to_P[v, c]
                likelihoods[v, pstate] *= algopy.dot(P[pstate], likelihoods[c])
        state = pattern[v]
        if state >= 0:
            for s in range(nstates):
                if s != state:
                    likelihoods[v, s] = 0

    # Get the log likelihood by summing over equilibrium states at the root.
    return algopy.log(algopy.dot(root_prior, likelihoods[root]))
Example #2
def ratios_to_distn(ratios):
    @param ratios: n-1 ratios of leading prob to the trailing prob
    @return: a finite distribution over n states
    n = ratios.shape[0] + 1
    expanded_ratios = algopy.ones(n, dtype=ratios)
    expanded_ratios[:-1] = ratios
    distn = expanded_ratios / algopy.sum(expanded_ratios)
    return distn
Example #3
def get_distn(genetic_code, kappa, omega, A, C, G, T):

    # initialize the unweighted distribution
    nstates = len(genetic_code)
    weights = algopy.ones(nstates, dtype=kappa)

    nt_distn = {
            'A' : A,
            'C' : C,
            'G' : G,
            'T' : T,

    # construct the unnormalized distribution
    for i, (state, residue, codon) in enumerate(genetic_code):
        for nt in codon:
            weights[i] = weights[i] * nt_distn[nt]

    # return the normalized distribution
    distn = weights / weights.sum()
    return distn