def dfs(start_window_idx, start_node_idx, cur_pathx, cur_pathy, id_sorted_orders, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_type_map, windows, num_node_in_window, time_dicx, time_dicy, costx, costy, ans): if (start_window_idx > len(windows)): legal_x = if_path_legal(cur_pathx) legal_y = if_path_legal(cur_pathy) if (legal_x and legal_y): better = path_cost(cur_pathx, id_sorted_orders, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_type_map) + \ path_cost(cur_pathy, id_sorted_orders, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_type_map) < costx + costy if (better): ans.append((cur_pathx, cur_pathy)) return # 这里在遍历时间窗 for wi in range(start_window_idx, len(windows)): if wi != start_window_idx: start_node_idx_ = 0 else: start_node_idx_ = start_node_idx leng = num_node_in_window[wi] # 这里在遍历时间窗里的节点 for ni in range(start_node_idx_, leng): # 这里交换了路径,之后判断是不是合法,大多数都不合法。 new_path_x, new_path_y = path_swap(cur_pathx, cur_pathy, wi, ni, time_dicx, time_dicy, windows) legal_x = if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, new_path_x, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[1], id_type_map) legal_y = if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, new_path_y, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[1], id_type_map) if (legal_x[0] and legal_y[0]): better = path_cost(new_path_x, id_sorted_orders, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_type_map) + \ path_cost(new_path_y, id_sorted_orders, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_type_map) < costx + costy if (better): if (ni == num_node_in_window[start_window_idx] - 1): next_window = start_window_idx + 1 while (next_window < len(windows) and num_node_in_window[next_window] == 0): next_window += 1 next_node_idx = 0 else: next_window = start_window_idx next_node_idx = start_node_idx + 1 dfs(next_window, next_node_idx, new_path_x, new_path_y, id_sorted_orders, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_type_map, windows, num_node_in_window, time_dicx, time_dicy, costx, costy, ans)
def decide_v_type(id_sorted_orders, path, vehicle_info, distance_matrix, time_matrix, id_type_map): b = if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[0], id_type_map) if (b[0] == True and b[1] == -1): return 0 else: return 1
def better_init_individual(warehouse, id_sorted_orders, chargings, vehicle_info, id_type_map, distance_matrix, time_matrix): used = {} for o in id_sorted_orders: used[] = 0 num_considered_order = 0 grouped_orders = group_by_last_time(id_sorted_orders) pathes = [] while (num_considered_order < len(id_sorted_orders)): v_type = 1 print('reached order: ' + str(num_considered_order)) used_cp = deepcopy(used) num_considered_order_cp = num_considered_order path = [] fo = first_order(grouped_orders, used, distance_matrix) if (fo == None): break path.append( used_cp[] = 1 num_considered_order_cp += 1 while (True): used_try = deepcopy(used_cp) num_considered_order_try = num_considered_order_cp fail_flag = False while (True): no = next_order(id_sorted_orders, path, grouped_orders, used_try, distance_matrix, id_type_map) if (no == None): # # 这里应该可以保证已有路径是可行的 fail_flag = True break try_path = deepcopy(path) try_path.append( legal = if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, try_path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[v_type], id_type_map) if (legal[0] == True): path.append( used_cp[] = 1 num_considered_order_cp += 1 break elif (legal[2]['p'] == False and legal[2]['w'] == True and legal[2]['v'] == True and legal[2]['t'] == True): if (id_type_map[path[-1]] == 2): if (can_go_to_charge( path, id_sorted_orders[path[-1] - 1].charging_dist, distance_matrix, vehicle_info[v_type], id_type_map)): path.append(id_sorted_orders[path[-1] - 1].charging_binding) break else: used_try[] = 1 num_considered_order_try += 1 else: #这里退出的话 可能路径是不可行的 fail_flag = True break else: used_try[] = 1 num_considered_order_try += 1 if (num_considered_order_try >= len(id_sorted_orders)): # 这里应该可以保证已有路径是可行的 fail_flag = True break if (fail_flag == True): break b = if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[v_type], id_type_map) if b[0] == True: if b[1] != -1: path.append(b[1]) for n in path: if (id_type_map[n] == 2): used[n] = 1 num_considered_order += 1 pathes.append(path) ans = [] custom_map = {} for idx, path in enumerate(pathes): v_type = decide_v_type(id_sorted_orders, path, vehicle_info, distance_matrix, time_matrix, id_type_map) b = if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[v_type], id_type_map) if b[0] == False or b[1] != -1: raise Exception for n in path: if (id_type_map[n] == 2): custom_map[n] = 1 tp = TransportPath(path, v_type + 1) # 实例化一个运输路径,接下来计算一些属性 tp = tp.calc_path_info(idx + 1, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_sorted_orders, id_type_map) ans.append(tp) custom_count = 0 for k in custom_map.keys(): custom_count += 1 print("custom count: " + str(custom_count)) return ans
def random_individual(warehouse, id_sorted_orders, angle_sorted_orders, chargings, vehicle_info, id_type_map, distance_matrix, time_matrix): distance_thres = 10000 num_vehicle_type = len(vehicle_info) path_t_id = 1 individual = [] #整个过程从这个点开始 start_idx = random.randint(0, len(angle_sorted_orders) - 1) part1 = angle_sorted_orders[start_idx:len(angle_sorted_orders)] part2 = angle_sorted_orders[0:start_idx] angle_sorted_orders = part1 + part2 used = [0] * len(angle_sorted_orders) num_considered_order = 0 while (num_considered_order < len(angle_sorted_orders)): used_try = deepcopy(used) num_considered_order_try = num_considered_order random_v_type = random.randint(0, len(vehicle_info) - 1) path = [] max_weight = vehicle_info[random_v_type].weight max_volume = vehicle_info[random_v_type].volume cur_weight = 0 cur_volume = 0 # 这一条路径从这里开始 path_starting_idx = first_unused_idx(used_try) path.append(angle_sorted_orders[path_starting_idx].id) used_try[path_starting_idx] = 1 num_considered_order_try += 1 cur_weight += angle_sorted_orders[path_starting_idx].weight cur_volume += angle_sorted_orders[path_starting_idx].volume # 这里是备选项在angle_sorted_orders里的index candidate_id, candidate_idxs_in_anlge_sorted_orders = filter_in_range( angle_sorted_orders[path_starting_idx].id, angle_sorted_orders, distance_matrix, distance_thres) candidate = [] for idx in candidate_idxs_in_anlge_sorted_orders: candidate.append(angle_sorted_orders[idx]) # used2 和 used 信息是相同的,只是保存的数目不同,目的是方便检索 used2 = [] num_considered_order2 = 0 for idx in candidate_idxs_in_anlge_sorted_orders: used2.append(used_try[idx]) if (used_try[idx] == 1): num_considered_order2 += 1 while (num_considered_order2 < len(candidate)): num_considered_order3 = num_considered_order2 used3 = deepcopy(used2) next_node_fail_flag = False while (True): random_idx = random.randint(0, len(candidate) - 1) while (used3[random_idx] == 1): random_idx = random.randint(0, len(candidate) - 1) try_path = deepcopy(path) try_path.append(candidate[random_idx].id) if (if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, try_path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[random_v_type], id_type_map)[0] == 0): path.append(candidate[random_idx].id) cur_weight += candidate[random_idx].weight cur_volume += candidate[random_idx].volume used_try[ candidate_idxs_in_anlge_sorted_orders[random_idx]] = 1 used2[random_idx] = 1 num_considered_order_try += 1 num_considered_order2 += 1 break else: used3[random_idx] = 1 num_considered_order3 += 1 if (num_considered_order3 >= len(candidate)): next_node_fail_flag = True break if (next_node_fail_flag == True): # 不能续两秒 if (id_type_map[path[-1]] == 3): break try_path = deepcopy(path) try_path.append(id_sorted_orders[path[-1] - 1].charging_binding) can_go_charge = if_path_legal( id_sorted_orders, try_path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[random_v_type], id_type_map) # 补一个充电站,能行续一秒,不行挂掉 if (can_go_charge[0] != 0): break thres_percent = random.random() / 3.0 + 0.2 go_charge = if_go_to_charge(id_sorted_orders, path, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[random_v_type], id_type_map, thres_percent) # 看一眼去不去充电,两条原则:电量低于一定比例去充电,电量不够回去去充电 if (go_charge): try_path = deepcopy(path) try_path.append(id_sorted_orders[path[-1] - 1].charging_binding) can_go_charge = if_path_legal( id_sorted_orders, try_path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[random_v_type], id_type_map)[0] if (can_go_charge == 0): # 电够就去 path.append(id_sorted_orders[path[-1] - 1].charging_binding) else: # 电不够,挂掉,挂掉了只能回去,有可能回不去,交给if_path_legal判断 break # 给你续一秒你又不去,挂掉 elif (next_node_fail_flag == True): break back_legal = if_path_legal(id_sorted_orders, path, datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 18, 8, 0, 0), distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info[random_v_type], id_type_map) if (back_legal[0] == 0): used = used_try num_considered_order = num_considered_order_try if (back_legal[1] != -1): path.append(back_legal[1]) tp = TransportPath(path, random_v_type + 1) # 实例化一个运输路径,接下来计算一些属性 tp = tp.calc_path_info(path_t_id, distance_matrix, time_matrix, vehicle_info, id_sorted_orders, id_type_map) individual.append(tp) path_t_id += 1 return individual