def test_best_coherence_match(): # make A_pd, Ap_pd, BBp_feat, s A_orig = plt.imread('./test_images/test_best_coherence_match_A.jpg') Ap_orig = plt.imread('./test_images/test_best_coherence_match_Ap.jpg') A = convert_to_YIQ( A_orig/255.)[:, :, 0] Ap = convert_to_YIQ(Ap_orig/255.)[:, :, 0] A_pyr = compute_gaussian_pyramid( A, min_size=3) Ap_pyr = compute_gaussian_pyramid(Ap, min_size=3) imh, imw = A.shape[:2] c.num_ch, c.padding_sm, c.padding_lg, c.weights = c.setup_vars(A) c.max_levels = len(A_pyr) A_pd = pad_img_pair( A_pyr[-2], A_pyr[-1], c) Ap_pd = pad_img_pair(Ap_pyr[-2], Ap_pyr[-1], c) flann, flann_params, As, As_size = create_index(A_pyr, Ap_pyr, c) # BBp_feat cases: all corners and middle indices = [(1, 1), (1, imw - 1), (imh - 1, 1), (imh - 1, imw - 1), (np.floor(imh/2.).astype(int), np.floor(imw/2.).astype(int))] for row, col in indices: num_px = row * imw + col s_rows = np.random.random_integers(num_px, size=num_px) - 1 s_cols = np.random.random_integers(num_px, size=num_px) - 1 s = [(rr, cc) for rr, cc in zip(s_rows, s_cols)] s[(row - 1) * imw + col - 1] = (row - 1, col - 1) Bs_feat = np.hstack([extract_pixel_feature( A_pd, (row, col), c, full_feat=True), extract_pixel_feature(Ap_pd, (row, col), c, full_feat=False)]) p_coh_orig, r_star_orig = best_coherence_match_orig(A_pd, Ap_pd, Bs_feat, s, (row, col, imw), c) p_coh_new, r_star_new = best_coherence_match(As[-1], A.shape, Bs_feat, s, (row, col, imw), c) try: assert(p_coh_orig == (row, col)) assert(p_coh_new == (row, col)) except: print('row, col, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, s', row, col, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, s) As_feat = np.hstack([extract_pixel_feature( A_pd, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, c, full_feat=True), extract_pixel_feature(Ap_pd, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, c, full_feat=False)]) print('As_feat', As_feat) print('Bs_feat', Bs_feat) assert(False)
def test_best_coherence_match(): # make A_pd, Ap_pd, BBp_feat, s A_orig = plt.imread('./test_images/test_best_coherence_match_A.jpg') Ap_orig = plt.imread('./test_images/test_best_coherence_match_Ap.jpg') A = convert_to_YIQ(A_orig / 255.)[:, :, 0] Ap = convert_to_YIQ(Ap_orig / 255.)[:, :, 0] A_pyr = compute_gaussian_pyramid(A, min_size=3) Ap_pyr = compute_gaussian_pyramid(Ap, min_size=3) imh, imw = A.shape[:2] c.num_ch, c.padding_sm, c.padding_lg, c.weights = c.setup_vars(A) c.max_levels = len(A_pyr) A_pd = pad_img_pair(A_pyr[-2], A_pyr[-1], c) Ap_pd = pad_img_pair(Ap_pyr[-2], Ap_pyr[-1], c) flann, flann_params, As, As_size = create_index(A_pyr, Ap_pyr, c) # BBp_feat cases: all corners and middle indices = [(1, 1), (1, imw - 1), (imh - 1, 1), (imh - 1, imw - 1), (np.floor(imh / 2.).astype(int), np.floor(imw / 2.).astype(int)) ] for row, col in indices: num_px = row * imw + col s_rows = np.random.random_integers(num_px, size=num_px) - 1 s_cols = np.random.random_integers(num_px, size=num_px) - 1 s = [(rr, cc) for rr, cc in zip(s_rows, s_cols)] s[(row - 1) * imw + col - 1] = (row - 1, col - 1) Bs_feat = np.hstack([ extract_pixel_feature(A_pd, (row, col), c, full_feat=True), extract_pixel_feature(Ap_pd, (row, col), c, full_feat=False) ]) p_coh_orig, r_star_orig = best_coherence_match_orig( A_pd, Ap_pd, Bs_feat, s, (row, col, imw), c) p_coh_new, r_star_new = best_coherence_match(As[-1], A.shape, Bs_feat, s, (row, col, imw), c) try: assert (p_coh_orig == (row, col)) assert (p_coh_new == (row, col)) except: print('row, col, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, s', row, col, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, s) As_feat = np.hstack([ extract_pixel_feature(A_pd, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, c, full_feat=True), extract_pixel_feature(Ap_pd, p_coh_orig, p_coh_new, c, full_feat=False) ]) print('As_feat', As_feat) print('Bs_feat', Bs_feat) assert (False)
def image_analogies_main(A_fname, Ap_fname_list, B_fname, out_path, c, debug=False): # # This is the setup code begin_time = time.time() start_time = time.time() # Load images A_pyr, Ap_pyr_list, B_pyr, Bp_pyr, color_pyr_list, c = img_setup(A_fname, Ap_fname_list, B_fname, out_path, c) # Save parameters for reference names = ['A_fname', 'Ap_fname_list', 'B_fname', 'c.convert', 'c.remap_lum', 'c.init_rand', 'c.AB_weight', 'c.k'] vars = [ A_fname, Ap_fname_list, B_fname, c.convert, c.remap_lum, c.init_rand, c.AB_weight, c.k ] save_metadata(out_path, names, vars) # Pull features from B B_features = compute_feature_array(B_pyr, c, full_feat=True) stop_time = time.time() print 'Environment Setup: %f' % (stop_time - start_time) # Build Structures for ANN start_time = time.time() flann, flann_params, As, As_size = create_index(A_pyr, Ap_pyr_list, c) stop_time = time.time() ann_time_total = stop_time - start_time print 'ANN Index Creation: %f' % (ann_time_total) # ########################################################################################## # # This is the Algorithm Code # now we iterate per pixel in each level for level in range(1, c.max_levels): start_time = time.time() ann_time_level = 0 print('Computing level %d of %d' % (level, c.max_levels - 1)) imh, imw = Bp_pyr[level].shape[:2] color_im_out = np.nan * np.ones((imh, imw, 3)) s = [] im = [] if debug: # make debugging structures sa = [] sc = [] rstars = [] p_src = np.nan * np.ones((imh, imw, 3)) img_src = np.zeros((imh, imw)) app_dist = np.zeros((imh, imw)) coh_dist = np.zeros((imh, imw)) app_color = np.array([1, 0, 0]) coh_color = np.array([1, 1, 0]) err_color = np.array([0, 0, 0]) paths = ['%d_psrc.eps' % (level), '%d_appdist.eps' % (level), '%d_cohdist.eps' % (level), '%d_output.eps' % (level), '%d_imgsrc.eps' % (level)] vars = [p_src, app_dist, coh_dist, Bp_pyr[level], img_src] for row in range(imh): for col in range(imw): px = np.array([row, col]) # we pad on each iteration so Bp features will be more accurate Bp_pd = pad_img_pair(Bp_pyr[level - 1], Bp_pyr[level], c) BBp_feat = np.hstack([B_features[level][px2ix(px, imw), :], extract_pixel_feature(Bp_pd, px, c, full_feat=False)]) assert(BBp_feat.shape == (As_size[level][1],)) # Find Approx Nearest Neighbor ann_start_time = time.time() p_app_ix = best_approximate_match(flann[level], flann_params[level], BBp_feat) assert(p_app_ix < As_size[level][0]) ann_stop_time = time.time() ann_time_level = ann_time_level + ann_stop_time - ann_start_time # translate p_app_ix back to row, col Ap_imh, Ap_imw = Ap_pyr_list[0][level].shape[:2] p_app, i_app = Ap_ix2px(p_app_ix, Ap_imh, Ap_imw) # is this the first iteration for this level? # then skip coherence step if len(s) < 1: p = p_app i = i_app # Find Coherence Match and Compare Distances else: p_coh, i_coh, r_star = best_coherence_match(As[level], (Ap_imh, Ap_imw), BBp_feat, s, im, px, imw, c) if np.allclose(p_coh, np.array([-1, -1])): p = p_app i = i_app else: AAp_feat_app = As[level][p_app_ix] AAp_feat_coh = As[level][Ap_px2ix(p_coh, i_coh, Ap_imh, Ap_imw)] d_app = compute_distance(AAp_feat_app, BBp_feat, c.weights) d_coh = compute_distance(AAp_feat_coh, BBp_feat, c.weights) if d_coh <= d_app * (1 + (2**(level - c.max_levels)) * c.k): p = p_coh i = i_coh else: p = p_app i = i_app # Update Bp and s Bp_pyr[level][row, col] = Ap_pyr_list[i][level][tuple(p)] if not c.convert: color_im_out[row, col, :] = color_pyr_list[i][level][tuple(p)] s.append(p) im.append(i) if debug: sa.append(p_app) if len(s) > 1 and not np.allclose(p_coh, np.array([-1, -1])): sc.append(p_coh) rstars.append(r_star) app_dist[row, col] = d_app coh_dist[row, col] = d_coh if np.allclose(p, p_coh): p_src[row, col] = coh_color elif np.allclose(p, p_app): p_src[row, col] = app_color else: print('Look, a bug! Squash it!') raise else: sc.append((0, 0)) rstars.append((0, 0)) p_src[row, col] = err_color ann_time_total = ann_time_total + ann_time_level if debug: assert(len(im) == np.product(img_src.shape)) img_src[:, :] = (np.array(im).astype(np.float64)/np.max(im)).reshape(img_src.shape) # Save debugging structures for path, var in zip(paths, vars): fig = plt.imshow(var, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') savefig_noborder(out_path + path, fig) plt.close() with open(out_path + '%d_srcs.pickle' % level, 'w') as f: pickle.dump([sa, sc, rstars, s, im], f) # Save color output images if c.convert: color_im_out = convert_to_RGB(np.dstack([Bp_pyr[level], color_pyr_list[i][level][:, :, 1:]])) color_im_out = np.clip(color_im_out, 0, 1) plt.imsave(out_path + 'level_%d_color.jpg' % level, color_im_out) plt.imsave(out_path + out_path.split('/')[-2] + '.jpg', color_im_out) stop_time = time.time() print 'Level %d time: %f' % (level, stop_time - start_time) print('Level %d ANN time: %f' % (level, ann_time_level)) end_time = time.time() print 'Total time: %f' % (end_time - begin_time) print('ANN time: %f' % ann_time_total)
def image_analogies_main(A_fname, Ap_fname_list, B_fname, out_path, c, debug=False): # # This is the setup code begin_time = time.time() start_time = time.time() # Load images A_pyr, Ap_pyr_list, B_pyr, Bp_pyr, color_pyr_list, c = img_setup( A_fname, Ap_fname_list, B_fname, out_path, c) # Save parameters for reference names = [ 'A_fname', 'Ap_fname_list', 'B_fname', 'c.convert', 'c.remap_lum', 'c.init_rand', 'c.AB_weight', 'c.k' ] vars = [ A_fname, Ap_fname_list, B_fname, c.convert, c.remap_lum, c.init_rand, c.AB_weight, c.k ] save_metadata(out_path, names, vars) # Pull features from B B_features = compute_feature_array(B_pyr, c, full_feat=True) stop_time = time.time() print 'Environment Setup: %f' % (stop_time - start_time) # Build Structures for ANN start_time = time.time() flann, flann_params, As, As_size = create_index(A_pyr, Ap_pyr_list, c) stop_time = time.time() ann_time_total = stop_time - start_time print 'ANN Index Creation: %f' % (ann_time_total) # ########################################################################################## # # This is the Algorithm Code # now we iterate per pixel in each level for level in range(1, c.max_levels): start_time = time.time() ann_time_level = 0 print('Computing level %d of %d' % (level, c.max_levels - 1)) imh, imw = Bp_pyr[level].shape[:2] color_im_out = np.nan * np.ones((imh, imw, 3)) s = [] im = [] if debug: # make debugging structures sa = [] sc = [] rstars = [] p_src = np.nan * np.ones((imh, imw, 3)) img_src = np.zeros((imh, imw)) app_dist = np.zeros((imh, imw)) coh_dist = np.zeros((imh, imw)) app_color = np.array([1, 0, 0]) coh_color = np.array([1, 1, 0]) err_color = np.array([0, 0, 0]) paths = [ '%d_psrc.eps' % (level), '%d_appdist.eps' % (level), '%d_cohdist.eps' % (level), '%d_output.eps' % (level), '%d_imgsrc.eps' % (level) ] vars = [p_src, app_dist, coh_dist, Bp_pyr[level], img_src] for row in range(imh): for col in range(imw): px = np.array([row, col]) # we pad on each iteration so Bp features will be more accurate Bp_pd = pad_img_pair(Bp_pyr[level - 1], Bp_pyr[level], c) BBp_feat = np.hstack([ B_features[level][px2ix(px, imw), :], extract_pixel_feature(Bp_pd, px, c, full_feat=False) ]) assert (BBp_feat.shape == (As_size[level][1], )) # Find Approx Nearest Neighbor ann_start_time = time.time() p_app_ix = best_approximate_match(flann[level], flann_params[level], BBp_feat) assert (p_app_ix < As_size[level][0]) ann_stop_time = time.time() ann_time_level = ann_time_level + ann_stop_time - ann_start_time # translate p_app_ix back to row, col Ap_imh, Ap_imw = Ap_pyr_list[0][level].shape[:2] p_app, i_app = Ap_ix2px(p_app_ix, Ap_imh, Ap_imw) # is this the first iteration for this level? # then skip coherence step if len(s) < 1: p = p_app i = i_app # Find Coherence Match and Compare Distances else: p_coh, i_coh, r_star = best_coherence_match( As[level], (Ap_imh, Ap_imw), BBp_feat, s, im, px, imw, c) if np.allclose(p_coh, np.array([-1, -1])): p = p_app i = i_app else: AAp_feat_app = As[level][p_app_ix] AAp_feat_coh = As[level][Ap_px2ix( p_coh, i_coh, Ap_imh, Ap_imw)] d_app = compute_distance(AAp_feat_app, BBp_feat, c.weights) d_coh = compute_distance(AAp_feat_coh, BBp_feat, c.weights) if d_coh <= d_app * (1 + (2** (level - c.max_levels)) * c.k): p = p_coh i = i_coh else: p = p_app i = i_app # Update Bp and s Bp_pyr[level][row, col] = Ap_pyr_list[i][level][tuple(p)] if not c.convert: color_im_out[row, col, :] = color_pyr_list[i][level][tuple(p)] s.append(p) im.append(i) if debug: sa.append(p_app) if len(s) > 1 and not np.allclose(p_coh, np.array([-1, -1 ])): sc.append(p_coh) rstars.append(r_star) app_dist[row, col] = d_app coh_dist[row, col] = d_coh if np.allclose(p, p_coh): p_src[row, col] = coh_color elif np.allclose(p, p_app): p_src[row, col] = app_color else: print('Look, a bug! Squash it!') raise else: sc.append((0, 0)) rstars.append((0, 0)) p_src[row, col] = err_color ann_time_total = ann_time_total + ann_time_level if debug: assert (len(im) == np.product(img_src.shape)) img_src[:, :] = (np.array(im).astype(np.float64) / np.max(im)).reshape(img_src.shape) # Save debugging structures for path, var in zip(paths, vars): fig = plt.imshow(var, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') savefig_noborder(out_path + path, fig) plt.close() with open(out_path + '%d_srcs.pickle' % level, 'w') as f: pickle.dump([sa, sc, rstars, s, im], f) # Save color output images if c.convert: color_im_out = convert_to_RGB( np.dstack([Bp_pyr[level], color_pyr_list[i][level][:, :, 1:]])) color_im_out = np.clip(color_im_out, 0, 1) plt.imsave(out_path + 'level_%d_color.jpg' % level, color_im_out) plt.imsave(out_path + out_path.split('/')[-2] + '.jpg', color_im_out) stop_time = time.time() print 'Level %d time: %f' % (level, stop_time - start_time) print('Level %d ANN time: %f' % (level, ann_time_level)) end_time = time.time() print 'Total time: %f' % (end_time - begin_time) print('ANN time: %f' % ann_time_total)