Example #1
	def create_alias_helper(self, user, aliasname, \
	primary=False, rcpt=None, trusted=True, hint=None):
		""" Helper function to create alias.
		Generates <rand> for user for the <aliasname> specified.
		If <aliasname> belonging to the user already exists, the existing aid is used.
		If <aliasname> belonging to another user already exists, an error is returned.
		(aid, uid) = self.db.get_aliasname_data(aliasname)

		# Error if user doesn't own the aliasname
		if uid != None and uid != user.get_uid():
			logging.info('User %d does not own "%s".', user.get_uid(), aliasname)

			# Create error response message
			err = ErrorMessage('createalias.notowner',
					   fromaddx	 = self.cfg.GETALIAS,
				           toaddx	 = user.get_account_address(),
					   aliasname	 = aliasname)

			self.send(err['From'], [user.get_forwarding_address()], err)
			return None

		# Now, aliasname either belongs to the user or is not in use.

		# Gets the alias id, either by getting an existing one or create a new one.
		if uid == user.get_uid():
			newaid = aid
			logging.debug('Using existing aid %d for aliasname "%s"',	\
					newaid, aliasname)
		elif uid == None:
			newaid = self.db.insert_alias(user.get_uid(), aliasname, primary)
			logging.debug('Created new aid %d for aliasname "%s"',	\
					newaid, aliasname)
			return None

		# If a recipient is given, check history to see if there was any
		# previously generated <rand> that we can use.
		# TODO: We might have to make sure the recipient is active.

		newalias = None
		cid = None
		if rcpt != None:
			cid = self.db.peek_cid(rcpt, user.get_salt())

		rid = None
		if cid != None:
			rid = self.db.get_history_rid(aliasname, cid)
			if rid != None:
				# Found a history correspondence
				hist_alias = Alias(self.db.get_alias_data(rid))
				hist_aliasname, hist_aliasrand = hist_alias.get_alias_pair()

				logging.debug('History aliasname\t:"%s"', hist_aliasname)

				if hist_aliasname == aliasname:
					logging.debug('Reuse history aliasrand\t:"%s"', \
					newalias = Alias(hist_aliasname, hist_aliasrand)
					# Can't use the rid found since aliasname differs
					rid = None

		# Create a new alias (aka aliasrand or <aliasname>.<rand>)
		if newalias == None:
			logging.debug('Generating new aliasrand')
			newalias = Alias(aliasname, alias.generate_rint())

		logging.debug('Using alias\t\t: %s', newalias)

		# Update aid, uid and set isactive for new alias
		newalias.set_values(aid=newaid, uid=user.get_uid(), isactive=1)

		# Sets up alias pair
		alias_pair = newalias.get_alias_pair()

		# If we don't have rid yet, insert aliasrand to DB and mark as active
		if rid == None:
			rid = self.db.insert_aliasrnd(user.get_uid(),	\
				newaid,					\
				alias_pair[0], alias_pair[1],		\
				1, trusted, hint)
		if rid == None:
			return None

		# Looks like this double counts in the history table;
		#if rcpt != None:
		#	self.db.add_history(rid, True, [rcpt], user.get_salt())

		# Creates the alias address, which includes the domain
		aliasaddx = Address(newalias.get_alias_address())
		logging.info('Aliasrnd Address\t\t: %s', str(aliasaddx))
		return aliasaddx