Example #1
 def test_gets_entry_image_from_header(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-17-testa.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\nImage: hazmat-64.png\n\nBAR\nBAZ\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/masterblog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertEqual('/images/2010/hazmat-64.png', e.image.src)
Example #2
 def test_with_namespaces_supplied(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2003/20031228.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write("""<!-- -*-HTML-*- -->
             <entry date="20031228" icon="picky-80x80.png"
                     xmlns="http://www.alleged.org.uk/2003/um" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
               <h>Dates Dates Dates</h>
                   Once again <a href="http://caption.org/picky/">the Picky Picky
                   Game</a> had problems calculating dates.  Alas! that the
                   Python-2.3 datetime module arived too late to carry this burden
                   on my behalf.  This time it was not month #0 that caused
                   problems, but, predictably perhaps, month #13.  Feh.
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/blog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertEqual('Dates Dates Dates', e.title)
     expected = """<p>
           Once again <a href="http://caption.org/picky/">the Picky Picky
           Game</a> had problems calculating dates.  Alas! that the
           Python-2.3 datetime module arived too late to carry this burden
           on my behalf.  This time it was not month #0 that caused
           problems, but, predictably perhaps, month #13.  Feh.
     self.assertHTMLEqual(expected, e.body)
Example #3
 def test_h_rather_than_h1(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2002/20021229.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write("""<!-- -*-HTML-*- -->
             <entry date="20021229" icon="../tarot/x-wheel-100w.png">
                   <h>Alleged Tarot: a better dial-a-reading</h>
                               My <a href="../tarot/">Alleged Tarot 2002</a> project has been
                               stuck with an ersatz dealer for far too long (since
                               <a href="08.html#e20020809">August</a>, in fact).  I&nbsp;have
                               now added to the <a href="../tarot/aboutDealer.html">JavaScript
                               used for the dealer</a> so it takes a question and converts that
                               to a seed number, rather than requiring the querent to supply
                               their own.  Entering the question corresponds to the shuffling
                               of the deck that you do in a tarot deal in real life.
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/blog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertEqual('Alleged Tarot: a better dial-a-reading', e.title)
     expected = """<p>
           My <a href="/blog/tarot/">Alleged Tarot 2002</a> project has been
           stuck with an ersatz dealer for far too long (since
           <a href="/blog/2002/08.html#e20020809">August</a>, in fact).  I\xA0have
           now added to the <a href="/blog/tarot/aboutDealer.html">JavaScript
           used for the dealer</a> so it takes a question and converts that
           to a seed number, rather than requiring the querent to supply
           their own.  Entering the question corresponds to the shuffling
           of the deck that you do in a tarot deal in real life.
     self.assertHTMLEqual(expected, e.body)
Example #4
 def test_freskish_markdown_extension(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-05-08-zum.e'), 'wt') as output:
             'Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\n\nBAR\n\n'
             '    Hullo\n    ≈\n    World\n\nBAZ\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/masterblog/', '/images/')
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertHTMLEqual('<p>BAR</p>\n<pre><code>Hullo\n\xA0\nWorld\n</code></pre>\n<p>BAZ</p>', e.body)
Example #5
 def test_gets_default_entry_image_if_no_header(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-17-testa.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\n\nBAR\nBAZ\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/masterblog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertEqual('/images/icon-64x64.png', e.image.src)
Example #6
 def test_src_munging_embed(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\nHello <embed src="zergukk.svg" type="image/svg" />\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', 'http://localhost/~pdc/alleged.org.uk/pdc/')
     entry = entries[-1]
         '<p>Hello <embed src="http://localhost/~pdc/alleged.org.uk/pdc/2010/zergukk.svg" type="image/svg" /></p>',
Example #7
 def test_src_munging_img(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\nHello <img alt="world" src="x.jpg" />\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', 'http://localhost/~pdc/alleged.org.uk/pdc/')
     entry = entries[-1]
         '<p>Hello <img alt="world" src="http://localhost/~pdc/alleged.org.uk/pdc/2010/x.jpg" /></p>',
Example #8
 def test_src_munging_embed_unsvgz(self):
     """When including a SVG file iwth the old-style .svgz ending, change it to .svg."""
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\nHello <embed src="zergukk.svgz" type="image/svg" />\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', 'http://localhost/~pdc/alleged.org.uk/pdc/')
     entry = entries[-1]
         '<p>Hello <embed src="http://localhost/~pdc/alleged.org.uk/pdc/2010/zergukk.svg" type="image/svg" /></p>',
Example #9
 def test_entry_list_1(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010-04-17-testa.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\n\nBAR\nBAZ\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/masterblog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertEqual('FOO', e.title)
     self.assertHTMLEqual('<p>BAR\nBAZ</p>', e.body)
     self.assertEqual(datetime(2010, 4, 17, 12, 0, 0), e.published)
     self.assertEqual('testa', e.slug)
     self.assertEqual('/masterblog/2010/04/17.html', e.href)
     self.assertTrue('alpha' in e.tags)
     self.assertTrue('beta' in e.tags)
Example #10
    def test_find_by_tag(self):
        """Create a bunch of entries and show that you get the correct ones in the filtered list."""
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-a.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: A\nTopics: a b\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-21-b.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: B\nTOpics: b c d\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-03-07-c.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: C\nTopics: c d\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2009/2009-12-31-d.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: D\nTopics: d\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2008/2008-07-11-e.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: E\nTopics: a e\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/x/', '/i/')
        toc = get_toc(entries)
        self.assertEqual(5, len(toc))
        self.assertEqual('E', toc[0].title)
        self.assertEqual(['a', 'e'], toc[0].tags)
        self.assertEqual(datetime(2008, 7, 11, 12, 0), toc[0].published)
        self.assertEqual('B', toc[-1].title)
        self.assertEqual(['b', 'c', 'd'], toc[-1].tags)
        self.assertEqual(datetime(2010, 4, 21, 12, 0), toc[-1].published)

        a_entries = toc.filter(tag='a')
        # Check the resultis a list with A and E in it, since they are the only ones with tag 'a'
        self.assertEqual(2, len(a_entries))
        self.assertEqual('E', a_entries[0].title)
        self.assertEqual(['a', 'e'], a_entries[0].tags)
        self.assertEqual(datetime(2008, 7, 11, 12, 0), a_entries[0].published)
        self.assertEqual('A', a_entries[1].title)
        self.assertEqual(['a', 'b'], a_entries[1].tags)
        self.assertEqual(datetime(2010, 4, 18, 12, 0), a_entries[1].published)

        # Now chech we have the info needed to navigate to narrower or wider searches.
        self.assertEqual(1, len(a_entries.selected_tag_infos))
        self.assertEqual('a', a_entries.selected_tag_infos[0].tag)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(a_entries.available_tag_infos))
        self.assertEqual('b', a_entries.available_tag_infos[0].tag)
        self.assertEqual(1, a_entries.available_tag_infos[0].count)
        self.assertEqual('e', a_entries.available_tag_infos[1].tag)
        self.assertEqual(1, a_entries.available_tag_infos[1].count)

        ae_entries = a_entries.filter(tag='e')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(ae_entries))
        self.assertEqual(a_entries[0], ae_entries[0])
        self.assertEqual(['a', 'e'], [info.tag for info in ae_entries.selected_tag_infos])
        self.assertEqual([], ae_entries.available_tag_infos)

        # List of selected tags is always alphabetically ordered.
        self.assertEqual(['a', 'e'], [
            for info in toc.filter(tag='e').filter(tag='a').selected_tag_infos])
Example #11
    def setUp(self):
        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        for y in ['1998', '2002', '2003', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2015']:
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, y))

        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-a.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: A\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-21-b.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: B\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-03-07-c.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: C\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2009/2009-12-31-d.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: D\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2008/2008-07-11-e.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: E\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')

        self.entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/x/', '/i/')
Example #12
    def test_entry_list_chron(self):
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-03-02-foo.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: FOO\n\nFoo bar baz\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-17-bar.e'), 'wt') as output:
            output.write('Title: BAR\n\nBar baz quux\n')
        entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/blog/', '/images/')
        self.assertEqual(2, len(entries))

        # Entries are listed in forward chronological order.
        self.assertEqual(datetime(2010, 4, 17, 12, 0, 0), entries[1].published)
        self.assertEqual(datetime(2010, 3, 2, 12, 0, 0), entries[0].published)

        # Next and prev refer to chronology
        self.assertEqual(entries[0], entries[1].prev)
        self.assertEqual(entries[1], entries[0].next)
        self.assertEqual(None, entries[1].next)
        self.assertEqual(None, entries[0].prev)
Example #13
 def test_archaic(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '19970611.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write("""<!-- -*-HTML-*- -->
           <entry date="19970611" icon="1997/19980529h-stamp.jpg">
               <h1>CAPTION96 Photo album</h1>
                   This is <a href="http://caption.org/1996/pdc/">a selection of
                   images</a> collected at the <a
                   href="http://caption.org/1996/">CAPTION96</a> comics convention (in the
                   summer of 1996).
                   Attentive readers will have noticed that there is almost a
                   year-long gap between the con and the photo album.  This is partly
                   explained by the amount a manual labour involved in scanning all
                   those 7&times;5 photos on my none-too-fast scanner and moving the
                   files from the Mac with the scanner to the Linux box with all my
                   web site stuff on.
                   With the creation of the <a href="http://caption.org/">CAPTION</a>
                   web site, this album has moved home and in the process has been
                   redesigned with a less archaic  look.
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/blog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertEqual('CAPTION96 Photo album', e.title)
     expected = """This is <a href="http://caption.org/1996/pdc/">a selection of
         images</a> collected at the <a href="http://caption.org/1996/">CAPTION96</a> comics convention (in the
         summer of 1996).
         Attentive readers will have noticed that there is almost a
         year-long gap between the con and the photo album.  This is partly
         explained by the amount a manual labour involved in scanning all
         those 7\xD75 photos on my none-too-fast scanner and moving the
         files from the Mac with the scanner to the Linux box with all my
         web site stuff on.
         With the creation of the <a href="http://caption.org/">CAPTION</a>
         web site, this album has moved home and in the process has been
         redesigned with a less archaic  look."""
     self.assertHTMLEqual(expected, e.body)
     self.assertEqual(datetime(1997, 6, 11, 12, 0, 0), e.published)
     self.assertEqual('', e.slug or '')
Example #14
 def test_dc_subject(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '19980425.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write("""<!-- -*-HTML-*- -->
             <entry date="19980425" icon="http://caption.org/img/caption94-64x64.gif">
                   <h1>CAPTION97 photo album</h1>
                         I took almost 200 pictures of small-press-comics folk
                         at the convention
                         <a href="http://caption.org/1997/">EuroCAPTION97</a>.  Here's
                         <a href="http://caption.org/1997/pdc/">the finished album</a>,
                         with many of the duff pictures discarded.
                         With the creation of the <a href="http://caption.org/">CAPTION</a>
                         web site, this album has moved home and in the process has been
                         redesigned with a less archaic  look.
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/blog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(1, len(entries))
     e = entries[0]
     self.assertEqual('CAPTION97 photo album', e.title)
     expected = """I took almost 200 pictures of small-press-comics folk
         at the convention
         <a href="http://caption.org/1997/">EuroCAPTION97</a>.  Here's
         <a href="http://caption.org/1997/pdc/">the finished album</a>,
         with many of the duff pictures discarded.
         With the creation of the <a href="http://caption.org/">CAPTION</a>
         web site, this album has moved home and in the process has been
         redesigned with a less archaic  look."""
     self.assertHTMLEqual(expected, e.body)
     self.assertEqual(datetime(1998, 4, 25, 12, 0), e.published)
     self.assertEqual('', e.slug or '')
     self.assertTrue('photos' in e.tags)
     self.assertTrue('caption' in e.tags)
Example #15
 def test_should_munge_relative_href_attribute(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\nHello [world](17.html)\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', '/plugh/')
     entry = entries[-1]
     self.assertEqual('<p>Hello <a href="/banko/2010/17.html">world</a></p>', entry.body)
Example #16
 def test_entry_href_before_june_2003(self):
     with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '2003-05-17.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\n\nBAR\nBAZ\n')
     es = get_entries(BASE_DIR, '/x/', '/i/')
     self.assertEqual('/x/2003/05.html#e20030517', es[0].href)
Example #17
 def test_summary_new_style(self):
     """New entries are complete articles use the first paragraph as their summary."""
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2003/2003-06-14.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\n\nBAR\nBAZ\n\nQUUX\n')
     es = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/x/', '/i/')
     self.assertEqual('<p>BAR\nBAZ\n<a class="more" href="/x/2003/06/14.html">Read more</a></p>', es[0].summary)
Example #18
 def get_entry(self, index=-1, expected_count=1):
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/blog/', '/images/')
     self.assertEqual(expected_count, len(entries))
     e = entries[index]
     return e
Example #19
 def test_entry_href_from_june_2003(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2003-06-14.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\n\nBAR\nBAZ\n')
     es = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/x/', '/i/')
     self.assertEqual('/x/2003/06/14.html', es[0].href)
Example #20
 def test_summary_old_style(self):
     """Old entries (before June 2003) are just a summary and may link to an article."""
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2003/2003-05-17.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: FOO\nTopics: alpha beta\n\nBAR\nBAZ\n\nQUUX\n')
     es = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/x/', '/i/')
     self.assertEqual('<p>BAR\nBAZ</p>\n<p>QUUX</p>', es[0].summary)
Example #21
 def test_should_also_munge_realative_script_src(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\n<script src="foo.js"></script>\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', '/plugh/')
     entry = entries[-1]
     self.assertEqual('<script src="/plugh/2010/foo.js"></script>', entry.body)
Example #22
 def test_should_not_attempt_to_munge_inline_script(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\n<script>MAGIC</script>\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', '/plugh/')
     entry = entries[-1]
     self.assertEqual('<script>MAGIC</script>', entry.body)
Example #23
 def test_when_type_attr_included_should_still_munge_script_src(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\n<script type="text/javascript" src="SCRIPT.js"></script>\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', '/plugh/')
     entry = entries[-1]
     self.assertEqual('<script type="text/javascript" src="/plugh/2010/SCRIPT.js"></script>', entry.body)
Example #24
 def test_href_not_munging_external_link(self):
     with open(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '2010/2010-04-18-links.e'), 'wt') as output:
         output.write('Title: Links!\n\nHello [world](http://google.com/)\n')
     entries = get_entries(self.tmp_dir, '/banko/', '/plugh/')
     entry = entries[-1]
     self.assertEqual('<p>Hello <a href="http://google.com/">world</a></p>', entry.body)
Example #25
 def setUp(self):
     self.entries = get_entries(BASE_DIR, '/x/', '/i/')