Example #1
def specimen_id_from_name(spec_name):
    """Return the LIMS ID of a specimen give its name.
    recs = lims.query("select id from specimens where name='%s'" % spec_name)
    if len(recs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No LIMS specimen named "%s"' % spec_name)
    return recs[0]['id']
Example #2
def parent_specimen(specimen):
    if isinstance(specimen, int):
        q = """select parent_id from specimens where specimens.id=%d""" % specimen
        q = """select parent_id from specimens where specimens.name='%s'""" % specimen
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return recs[0]['parent_id']
Example #3
def parent_specimen(spec_id):
    q = """
    select parent_id from specimens 
    where specimens.id=%d
    """ % spec_id
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return recs[0]['parent_id']
Example #4
def child_specimens(spec_id):
    q = """
    select id from specimens 
    where specimens.parent_id=%d
    """ % spec_id
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return [rec['id'] for rec in recs]
Example #5
def cell_cluster_data_paths(cluster_id):
    recs = lims.query("""
        select ephys_roi_results.storage_directory 
        from specimens 
        join ephys_roi_results on ephys_roi_results.id=specimens.ephys_roi_result_id
        where specimens.id=%d
    """ % cluster_id)
    return [r['storage_directory'] for r in recs]
Example #6
def specimen_tags(specimen):
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)
    q = """
    select name from specimen_tags
    join specimen_tags_specimens on specimen_tags_specimens.specimen_tag_id=specimen_tags.id
    where specimen_tags_specimens.specimen_id=%d""" % specimen
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return [rec['name'] for rec in recs]
Example #7
def child_specimens(specimen):
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)
    q = """
    select id from specimens 
    where specimens.parent_id=%d
    """ % specimen
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return [rec['id'] for rec in recs]
Example #8
def specimen_metadata(spec_id):
    recs = lims.query(
        "select data from specimen_metadata where specimen_id=%d" % spec_id)
    meta = recs[0]['data']
    if meta == '':
        return None
    return json.loads(
    )  # unserialization corrects for a LIMS bug; we can remove this later.
Example #9
def specimen_type(spec_id):
    q = """
    select specimen_types.name from specimens 
    left join specimen_types_specimens on specimen_types_specimens.specimen_id=specimens.id
    left join specimen_types on specimen_types.id=specimen_types_specimens.specimen_type_id
    where specimens.id=%d
    """ % spec_id
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return recs[0]['name']
Example #10
def parent_specimen(specimen):
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)
    q = """
    select parent_id from specimens 
    where specimens.id=%d
    """ % spec_id
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return recs[0]['parent_id']
Example #11
def cell_cluster_data_paths(specimen):
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)
    recs = lims.query("""
        select ephys_roi_results.storage_directory 
        from specimens 
        join ephys_roi_results on ephys_roi_results.id=specimens.ephys_roi_result_id
        where specimens.id=%d
    """ % specimen)
    return [r['storage_directory'] for r in recs]
Example #12
def cell_cluster_ids(spec_id):
    q = """
    select id from specimens 
    join specimen_types_specimens on specimen_types_specimens.specimen_id=specimens.id
    join specimen_types on specimen_types.id=specimen_types_specimens.specimen_type_id
    where specimens.parent_id=%d
    and specimen_types.name='CellCluster'
    """ % spec_id
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return [rec['id'] for rec in recs]
Example #13
def get_trigger_dir(specimen_name):
    """Returns the path for trigger files for each project
    q = """
    select projects.trigger_dir from projects 
    left join specimens on projects.id = specimens.project_id
    where specimens.name  = '%s'
    """ % specimen_name
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return recs[0]['trigger_dir']
Example #14
def specimen_type(specimen):
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)
    q = """
    select specimen_types.name from specimens 
    left join specimen_types_specimens on specimen_types_specimens.specimen_id=specimens.id
    left join specimen_types on specimen_types.id=specimen_types_specimens.specimen_type_id
    where specimens.id=%d
    """ % specimen
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return recs[0]['name']
Example #15
def specimen_metadata(spec_id):
    recs = lims.query(
        "select data from specimen_metadata where specimen_id=%d" % spec_id)
    if len(recs) == 0:
        return None
    meta = recs[0]['data']
    if meta == '':
        return None
    if isinstance(meta, str):
        meta = json.loads(
        )  # unserialization corrects for a LIMS bug; we can remove this later.
    return meta
Example #16
def specimen_species(specimen_name):
    """returns species information
    q = """
    select organisms.name as species 
    from specimens left join donors on specimens.donor_id = donors.id
    left join organisms on donors.organism_id = organisms.id
    where specimens.name = '%s';
    """ % specimen_name
    r = lims.query(q)
    if len(r) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Could not find donor information")
    return r[0]['species']
Example #17
def specimen_images(specimen_name):
    """Return a list of (image ID, treatment) pairs for a specimen.
    q = """
        select sub_images.id, treatments.name from specimens 
        join image_series on image_series.specimen_id=specimens.id 
        join sub_images on sub_images.image_series_id=image_series.id
        join images on images.id = sub_images.image_id
        left join treatments on treatments.id = images.treatment_id
        where specimens.name='%s';
        """ % specimen_name
    r = lims.query(q)
    return [(rec['id'], rec['name']) for rec in r]
Example #18
def cluster_cells(cluster):
    """Return information about a CellCluster's child cells.
    if not isinstance(cluster, int):
        cluster = specimen_id_from_name(cluster)

    q = """select child.id, child.name, child.x_coord, child.y_coord, child.external_specimen_name, child.ephys_qc_result
    from specimens parent 
    left join specimens child on child.parent_id=parent.id 
    where parent.id=%d
    """ % cluster

    recs = lims.query(q)
    return recs
Example #19
def get_incoming_dir(specimen_name):
    """Returns the path for incoming files for each project
    q = """
    select projects.incoming_directory from projects 
    left join specimens on projects.id = specimens.project_id
    where specimens.name='%s'
    """ % specimen_name
    recs = lims.query(q)
    if recs[0]['incoming_directory'] == None:
        trigger_dir = get_trigger_dir(specimen_name)
        return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(trigger_dir))
        return recs[0]['incoming_directory']
Example #20
def specimen_ephys_roi_plans(spec_name):
    """Return a list of all ephys roi plans for this specimen.
    sid = specimen_id_from_name(spec_name)
    recs = lims.query("""
            ephys_roi_plans.id as ephys_roi_plan_id,
            ephys_specimen_roi_plans.id as ephys_specimen_roi_plan_id,
            ephys_roi_plans.name as name
            join ephys_roi_plans on ephys_specimen_roi_plans.ephys_roi_plan_id=ephys_roi_plans.id
    """ % sid)
    return recs
Example #21
def specimen_metadata(specimen):
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)
    recs = lims.query(
        "select data from specimen_metadata where specimen_id=%d" % specimen)
    if len(recs) == 0:
        return None
    meta = recs[0]['data']
    if meta == '':
        return None

    if isinstance(meta, basestring):
        meta = json.loads(
        )  # unserialization corrects for a LIMS bug; we can remove this later.
    return meta
Example #22
def cell_cluster_ids(specimen):
    """Return the IDs of all cell-cluster children of *specimen*.

    specimen : int | str
        Either the ID (int) or name (str) of the specimen.
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)
    q = """
    select specimens.id from specimens 
    join specimen_types_specimens on specimen_types_specimens.specimen_id=specimens.id
    join specimen_types on specimen_types.id=specimen_types_specimens.specimen_type_id
    where specimens.parent_id=%d
    and specimen_types.name='CellCluster'
    """ % specimen
    recs = lims.query(q)
    return [rec['id'] for rec in recs]
Example #23
def specimen_ephys_roi_plans(specimen):
    """Return a list of all ephys roi plans for this specimen.

    specimen : int | str
        Either the ID (int) or name (str) of the specimen.
    if not isinstance(specimen, int):
        specimen = specimen_id_from_name(specimen)

    recs = lims.query("""
            ephys_roi_plans.id as ephys_roi_plan_id,
            ephys_specimen_roi_plans.id as ephys_specimen_roi_plan_id,
            ephys_roi_plans.name as name
            join ephys_roi_plans on ephys_specimen_roi_plans.ephys_roi_plan_id=ephys_roi_plans.id
    """ % specimen)
    return recs
Example #24
def specimen_info(specimen_name=None, specimen_id=None):
    """Return a dictionary of information about a slice specimen queried from LIMS.
    Also generates information about the hemisphere and which side of the slice
    was patched.
    organism : "mouse" or "human"
    age : age of specimen in days at time of sectioning
    date_of_birth : donor's date of birth
    genotype : the full genotype of the donor as recorded in labtracks
    weight : weight in grams
    sex : 'M', 'F', or 
    plane_of_section : 'coronal' or 'sagittal'
    hemisphere : 'left' or 'right'
    thickness : speimen slice thickness (unscaled meters)
    section_instructions : description of the slice angle and target region
        used for sectioning
    flipped : boolean; if True, then the slice was flipped relative to its 
        blockface image during recording
    sectioning_mount_side : the side of the tissue that was mounted during
    exposed_surface : The surface that was exposed during the experiment (right, 
        left, anterior, or posterior)
    section_number : indicates the order this slice was sectioned (1=first)

    # Query all interesting information about this specimen from LIMS
    query = """
            organisms.name as organism, 
            ages.days as age,
            donors.date_of_birth as date_of_birth,
            donors.full_genotype as genotype,
            donors.weight as weight,
            genders.name as sex,
            tissue_processings.section_thickness_um as thickness,
            tissue_processings.instructions as section_instructions,
            plane_of_sections.name as plane_of_section,
            flipped_specimens.name as flipped,
            specimens.histology_well_name as histology_well_name,
            specimens.carousel_well_name as carousel_well_name,
            specimens.parent_id as parent_id,
            specimens.name as specimen_name,
            specimens.id as specimen_id
        from specimens
            left join donors on specimens.donor_id=donors.id 
            left join organisms on donors.organism_id=organisms.id
            left join ages on donors.age_id=ages.id
            left join genders on donors.gender_id=genders.id
            left join tissue_processings on specimens.tissue_processing_id=tissue_processings.id
            left join plane_of_sections on tissue_processings.plane_of_section_id=plane_of_sections.id
            left join flipped_specimens on flipped_specimens.id = specimens.flipped_specimen_id
    if specimen_name is not None:
        sid = specimen_name.strip()
        query += "where specimens.name='%s';" % sid
    elif specimen_id is not None:
        sid = specimen_id
        query += "where specimens.id='%d';" % sid
        raise ValueError("Must specify specimen name or ID")

    r = lims.query(query)
    if len(r) != 1:
        raise Exception(
            "LIMS lookup for specimen '%s' returned %d results (expected 1)" %
            (sid, len(r)))
    rec = r[0]

    # convert thickness to unscaled
    rec['thickness'] = rec['thickness'] * 1e-6
    # convert organism to more easily searchable form
    rec['organism'] = {
        'Mus musculus': 'mouse',
        'H**o Sapiens': 'human'
    # convert flipped to bool
    rec['flipped'] = {
        'flipped': True,
        'not flipped': False,
        'not checked': None

    # Parse the specimen name to extract more information about the plane of section.
    # Mouse format is:
    #    driver1;reporter1;driver2;reporter2-AAAAAA.BB.CC
    #        AAAAAA = donor ID
    #            BB = slice number
    #            CC = orientation and hemisphere
    spec_name = rec['specimen_name']
    if rec['organism'] == 'mouse':
        m = re.match(r'(.*)(-(\d{6,7}))?(\.(\d{2}))(\.(\d{2}))$', spec_name)
        if m is None:
            raise Exception('Could not parse mouse specimen name: "%s"' %

        rec['section_number'] = int(m.groups()[4])

        # The last number contains information about the orientation and hemisphere
        orientation_num = m.groups()[6]
        plane, hem, mount = {
            '01': ('coronal', 'left', 'anterior'),
            '02': ('coronal', 'right', 'anterior'),
            '03': ('coronal', 'left', 'posterior'),
            '04': ('coronal', 'right', 'posterior'),
            '05': ('sagittal', 'left', 'right'),
            '06': ('sagittal', 'right', 'left'),

        if plane != rec['plane_of_section']:
            raise ValueError(
                "Slice orientation from specimen name (.%s=%s) does not match plane_of_section recorded in LIMS (%s)"
                % (orientation_num, plane, rec['plane_of_section']))

        rec['hemisphere'] = hem
        rec['sectioning_mount_side'] = mount

        # decide which surface was patched
        if rec['flipped'] is True:
            rec['exposed_surface'] = mount
        elif rec['flipped'] is False:
            rec['exposed_surface'] = {
                'anterior': 'posterior',
                'posterior': 'anterior',
                'right': 'left',
                'left': 'right'
            rec['exposed_surface'] = None

    # Human format is:
    #   Haa.bb.ccc.dd.ee.ff
    elif rec['organism'] == 'human':
        m = re.match(r'H(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?$',
        if m is None:
            raise Exception('Could not parse human specimen name: "%s"' %
        rec['hemisphere'] = None
        rec['sectioning_mount_side'] = None
        rec['exposed_surface'] = None
        rec['human_donor_site'] = int(m.groups()[1])
        rec['human_donor_number'] = int(m.groups()[2])
        rec['block_number'] = int(m.groups()[3])
        rec['section_number'] = int(m.groups()[4])
        rec['subsection_number'] = None if m.groups()[6] is None else int(

        raise Exception('Unsupported organism: "%s"' % rec['organism'])

    return rec
Example #25
def specimen_images(specimen):
    """Return a list of dicts describing images for a specimen.

    Each dict looks like::

        {'id': sub_image_id, 'file': image_file_path, 'treatment': treatment_name, 'resolution': um_per_px, 'url': lims_url}

    If an image is a stack, then the values for 'id' and 'file' will be lists.
    specimen : int | str
        Either the ID (int) or name (str) of the specimen.

    field = 'id' if isinstance(specimen, int) else 'name'
    images = []

    # First get a list of all image series for the specimen
    q = """
        select image_series.id, image_series.is_stack from specimens 
        join image_series on image_series.specimen_id=specimens.id 
        where specimens.%s='%s' and
        """ % (field, specimen)

    # for each image series, get all sub images and decide whether to treat them as
    # a stack or a set of images with different treatments
    for image_series in lims.query(q):
        q = """
            select distinct sub_images.id, images.jp2, scans.resolution, treatments.name, slides.storage_directory from image_series
            join sub_images on sub_images.image_series_id=image_series.id
            join images on images.id = sub_images.image_id
            left join treatments on treatments.id = images.treatment_id
            left join slides on slides.id=images.slide_id
            left join scans on scans.slide_id=slides.id
            where image_series.id=%d;
            """ % image_series['id']
        results = lims.query(q)

        if image_series['is_stack'] is True:
            image_ids = {}
            image_files = {}
            # sift through stack and group images by treatment and resolution
            for image in results:
                key = (image['name'], image['resolution'])
                image_ids.setdefault(key, []).append(image['id'])
                    key, []).append(image['storage_directory'].rstrip('/') +
                                    '/' + image['jp2'])
            for k in image_ids:
                # not sure how to generate an image stack url
                    'id': image_ids[k],
                    'file': image_files[k],
                    'treatment': k[0],
                    'resolution': k[1],
                    'url': None,
                    'image_series': image_series['id']
            for image in results:
                if image['storage_directory'] is None:
                    path = None
                    path = image['storage_directory'].rstrip(
                        '/') + '/' + image['jp2']
                url = "http://lims2/siv?sub_image=%d" % image['id']
                    'id': image['id'],
                    'file': path,
                    'treatment': image['name'],
                    'resolution': image['resolution'],
                    'url': url,
                    'image_series': image_series['id']

    return images
Example #26
def specimen_name(spec_id):
    recs = lims.query("select name from specimens where id=%s" % spec_id)
    if len(recs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No LIMS specimen with ID %d' % spec_id)
    return recs[0]['name']
Example #27
def cell_cluster_ids(spec_id):
    recs = lims.query("select id from specimens where specimens.parent_id=%d" %
    return [rec['id'] for rec in recs]