Example #1
 def __init__(self, consumer, readkey, offset):
     self._consumer = consumer
     self._read_ev = None
     self._download_status = None
     # TODO: pycryptopp CTR-mode needs random-access operations: I want
     # either a=AES(readkey, offset) or better yet both of:
     #  a=AES(readkey, offset=0)
     #  a.process(ciphertext, offset=xyz)
     # For now, we fake it with the existing iv= argument.
     offset_big = offset // 16
     offset_small = offset % 16
     iv = binascii.unhexlify("%032x" % offset_big)
     self._decryptor = aes.create_decryptor(readkey, iv)
     # this is just to advance the counter
     aes.decrypt_data(self._decryptor, b"\x00" * offset_small)
Example #2
 def _decrypt_rwcapdata(self, encwrcap):
     salt = encwrcap[:16]
     crypttext = encwrcap[16:-32]
     key = hashutil.mutable_rwcap_key_hash(salt, self._node.get_writekey())
     encryptor = aes.create_decryptor(key)
     plaintext = aes.decrypt_data(encryptor, crypttext)
     return plaintext
Example #3
 def write(self, ciphertext):
     started = now()
     plaintext = aes.decrypt_data(self._decryptor, ciphertext)
     if self._read_ev:
         elapsed = now() - started
         self._read_ev.update(0, elapsed, 0)
     if self._download_status:
         self._download_status.add_misc_event("AES", started, now())
Example #4
 def _decrypt_segment(self, segment_and_salt):
     I take a single segment and its salt, and decrypt it. I return
     the plaintext of the segment that is in my argument.
     segment, salt = segment_and_salt
     self.log("decrypting segment %d" % self._current_segment)
     started = time.time()
     key = hashutil.ssk_readkey_data_hash(salt, self._node.get_readkey())
     decryptor = aes.create_decryptor(key)
     plaintext = aes.decrypt_data(decryptor, segment)
     self._status.accumulate_decrypt_time(time.time() - started)
     return plaintext
Example #5
    def test_aes_with_iv_process_short_input(self):
        The old code used the following patterns with AES ciphers.

            import os
            from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
            key = = os.urandom(16)
            ciphertext = AES(key).process(plaintext)

        This test verifies that using the new AES wrapper generates the same output.
        plaintext = b'test'
        expected_ciphertext = b'\x82\x0e\rt'

        k = aes.create_decryptor(self.AES_KEY, iv=self.IV)
        ciphertext = aes.decrypt_data(k, plaintext)

        self.assertEqual(ciphertext, expected_ciphertext)
Example #6
    def test_aes_with_iv_process_long_input(self):
        The old code used the following patterns with AES ciphers.

            import os
            from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
            key = = os.urandom(16)
            ciphertext = AES(key).process(plaintext)

        This test verifies that using the new AES wrapper generates the same output.
        plaintext = b'hi' * 32
        expected_ciphertext = (

        k = aes.create_decryptor(self.AES_KEY, iv=self.IV)
        ciphertext = aes.decrypt_data(k, plaintext)

        self.assertEqual(ciphertext, expected_ciphertext)
Example #7
    def test_aes_no_iv_process_long_input(self):
        The old code used the following patterns with AES ciphers.

            import os
            from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
            key = = os.urandom(16)
            ciphertext = AES(key).process(plaintext)

        This test verifies that using the new AES wrapper generates the same output.
        plaintext = b'hi' * 32
        expected_ciphertext = (

        k = aes.create_decryptor(self.AES_KEY)
        ciphertext = aes.decrypt_data(k, plaintext)

        self.assertEqual(ciphertext, expected_ciphertext)
Example #8
    def test_old_start_up_test(self):
        This was the old startup test run at import time in `pycryptopp.cipher.aes`.
        enc0 = b"dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087530f8afbc74536b9a963b4f1c4cb738b"
        cryptor = aes.create_decryptor(key=b"\x00" * 32)
        ct = aes.decrypt_data(cryptor, b"\x00" * 32)
        self.assertEqual(enc0, b2a_hex(ct))

        cryptor = aes.create_decryptor(key=b"\x00" * 32)
        ct1 = aes.decrypt_data(cryptor, b"\x00" * 15)
        ct2 = aes.decrypt_data(cryptor, b"\x00" * 17)
        self.assertEqual(enc0, b2a_hex(ct1 + ct2))

        enc0 = b"66e94bd4ef8a2c3b884cfa59ca342b2e"
        cryptor = aes.create_decryptor(key=b"\x00" * 16)
        ct = aes.decrypt_data(cryptor, b"\x00" * 16)
        self.assertEqual(enc0, b2a_hex(ct))

        cryptor = aes.create_decryptor(key=b"\x00" * 16)
        ct1 = aes.decrypt_data(cryptor, b"\x00" * 8)
        ct2 = aes.decrypt_data(cryptor, b"\x00" * 8)
        self.assertEqual(enc0, b2a_hex(ct1 + ct2))

        def _test_from_Niels_AES(keysize, result):
            def fake_ecb_using_ctr(k, p):
                encryptor = aes.create_encryptor(key=k, iv=p)
                return aes.encrypt_data(encryptor, b'\x00' * 16)

            E = fake_ecb_using_ctr
            b = 16
            k = keysize
            S = b'\x00' * (k + b)

            for i in range(1000):
                K = S[-k:]
                P = S[-k - b:-k]
                S += E(K, E(K, P))

            self.assertEqual(S[-b:], a2b_hex(result))

        _test_from_Niels_AES(16, b'bd883f01035e58f42f9d812f2dacbcd8')
        _test_from_Niels_AES(32, b'c84b0f3a2c76dd9871900b07f09bdd3e')
Example #9
 def _decrypt_privkey(self, enc_privkey):
     decryptor = aes.create_decryptor(self._writekey)
     privkey = aes.decrypt_data(decryptor, enc_privkey)
     return privkey