Example #1
def test_index_json(alice):
    we can download the index file as json
    data = util.web_get(alice, u"", params={u"t": u"json"})
    # it should be valid json
Example #2
def _get_config_via_wormhole(config):
    out = config.stdout
    print("Opening wormhole with code '{}'".format(config['join']), file=out)
    relay_url = config.parent['wormhole-server']
    print("Connecting to '{}'".format(relay_url), file=out)

    wh = config.parent.wormhole.create(
    code = str(config['join'])
    yield wh.get_welcome()
    print("Connected to wormhole server", file=out)

    intro = {
        u"abilities": {
            "client-v1": {},

    server_intro = yield wh.get_message()
    server_intro = json.loads(server_intro)

    print("  received server introduction", file=out)
    if u'abilities' not in server_intro:
        raise RuntimeError("  Expected 'abilities' in server introduction")
    if u'server-v1' not in server_intro['abilities']:
        raise RuntimeError("  Expected 'server-v1' in server abilities")

    remote_data = yield wh.get_message()
    print("  received configuration", file=out)
Example #3
    def check_backupdb_file(self, childpath):
        if not self.backupdb:
            return True, None
        use_timestamps = not self.options["ignore-timestamps"]
        r = self.backupdb.check_file(childpath, use_timestamps)

        if not r.was_uploaded():
            return True, r

        if not r.should_check():
            # the file was uploaded or checked recently, so we can just use
            # it
            return False, r

        # we must check the file before using the results
        filecap = r.was_uploaded()
        self.verboseprint("checking %s" % quote_output(filecap))
        nodeurl = self.options['node-url']
        checkurl = nodeurl + "uri/%s?t=check&output=JSON" % url_quote(filecap)
        self._files_checked += 1
        resp = do_http("POST", checkurl)
        if resp.status != 200:
            # can't check, so we must assume it's bad
            return True, r

        cr = json.loads(resp.read())
        healthy = cr["results"]["healthy"]
        if not healthy:
            # must upload
            return True, r
        # file is healthy, no need to upload
        return False, r
Example #4
    def check_backupdb_directory(self, compare_contents):
        if not self.backupdb:
            return True, None
        r = self.backupdb.check_directory(compare_contents)

        if not r.was_created():
            return True, r

        if not r.should_check():
            # the file was uploaded or checked recently, so we can just use
            # it
            return False, r

        # we must check the directory before re-using it
        dircap = r.was_created()
        self.verboseprint("checking %s" % quote_output(dircap))
        nodeurl = self.options['node-url']
        checkurl = nodeurl + "uri/%s?t=check&output=JSON" % url_quote(dircap)
        self._directories_checked += 1
        resp = do_http("POST", checkurl)
        if resp.status != 200:
            # can't check, so we must assume it's bad
            return True, r

        cr = json.loads(resp.read())
        healthy = cr["results"]["healthy"]
        if not healthy:
            # must create
            return True, r
        # directory is healthy, no need to upload
        return False, r
Example #5
def _send_config_via_wormhole(options, config):
    out = options.stdout
    err = options.stderr
    relay_url = options.parent['wormhole-server']
    print("Connecting to '{}'...".format(relay_url), file=out)
    wh = options.parent.wormhole.create(
    yield wh.get_welcome()
    print("Connected to wormhole server", file=out)

    # must call allocate_code before get_code will ever succeed
    code = yield wh.get_code()
    print("Invite Code for client: {}".format(code), file=out)

    wh.send_message(json.dumps_bytes({u"abilities": {
        u"server-v1": {},

    client_intro = yield wh.get_message()
    print("  received client introduction", file=out)
    client_intro = json.loads(client_intro)
    if not u'abilities' in client_intro:
        print("No 'abilities' from client", file=err)
    if not u'client-v1' in client_intro[u'abilities']:
        print("No 'client-v1' in abilities from client", file=err)

    print("  transmitting configuration", file=out)
    yield wh.close()
Example #6
    def _unpack_contents(self, data):
        # the directory is serialized as a list of netstrings, one per child.
        # Each child is serialized as a list of four netstrings: (name, ro_uri,
        # rwcapdata, metadata), in which the name, ro_uri, metadata are in
        # cleartext. The 'name' is UTF-8 encoded, and should be normalized to NFC.
        # The rwcapdata is formatted as:
        # pack("16ss32s", iv, AES(H(writekey+iv), plaintext_rw_uri), mac)
        assert isinstance(data, bytes), (repr(data), type(data))
        # an empty directory is serialized as an empty string
        if data == b"":
            return AuxValueDict()
        writeable = not self.is_readonly()
        mutable = self.is_mutable()
        children = AuxValueDict()
        position = 0
        while position < len(data):
            entries, position = split_netstring(data, 1, position)
            entry = entries[0]
            (namex_utf8, ro_uri, rwcapdata, metadata_s), subpos = split_netstring(entry, 4)
            if not mutable and len(rwcapdata) > 0:
                raise ValueError("the rwcapdata field of a dirnode in an immutable directory was not empty")

            # A name containing characters that are unassigned in one version of Unicode might
            # not be normalized wrt a later version. See the note in section 'Normalization Stability'
            # at <http://unicode.org/policies/stability_policy.html>.
            # Therefore we normalize names going both in and out of directories.
            name = normalize(namex_utf8.decode("utf-8"))

            rw_uri = b""
            if writeable:
                rw_uri = self._decrypt_rwcapdata(rwcapdata)

            # Since the encryption uses CTR mode, it currently leaks the length of the
            # plaintext rw_uri -- and therefore whether it is present, i.e. whether the
            # dirnode is writeable (ticket #925). By stripping trailing spaces in
            # Tahoe >= 1.6.0, we may make it easier for future versions to plug this leak.
            # ro_uri is treated in the same way for consistency.
            # rw_uri and ro_uri will be either None or a non-empty string.

            rw_uri = rw_uri.rstrip(b' ') or None
            ro_uri = ro_uri.rstrip(b' ') or None

                child = self._create_and_validate_node(rw_uri, ro_uri, name)
                if mutable or child.is_allowed_in_immutable_directory():
                    metadata = json.loads(metadata_s)
                    assert isinstance(metadata, dict)
                    children[name] = (child, metadata)
                    children.set_with_aux(name, (child, metadata), auxilliary=entry)
                    log.msg(format="mutable cap for child %(name)s unpacked from an immutable directory",
                            name=quote_output(name, encoding='utf-8'),
                            facility="tahoe.webish", level=log.UNUSUAL)
            except CapConstraintError as e:
                log.msg(format="unmet constraint on cap for child %(name)s unpacked from a directory:\n"
                               "%(message)s", message=e.args[0], name=quote_output(name, encoding='utf-8'),
                               facility="tahoe.webish", level=log.UNUSUAL)

        return children
Example #7
 def test_encode_bytes(self):
     """BytesJSONEncoder can encode bytes."""
     data = {
         b"hello": [1, b"cd"],
     expected = {
         u"hello": [1, u"cd"],
     # Bytes get passed through as if they were UTF-8 Unicode:
     encoded = jsonbytes.dumps(data)
     self.assertEqual(json.loads(encoded), expected)
     self.assertEqual(jsonbytes.loads(encoded), expected)
Example #8
def test_storage_info_json(storage_nodes):
    retrieve and confirm /storage?t=json URI for one storage node
    storage0 = storage_nodes[0]

    resp = requests.get(
        util.node_url(storage0.node_dir, u"storage"),
        params={u"t": u"json"},
    data = json.loads(resp.content)
    assert data[u"stats"][u"storage_server.reserved_space"] == 1000000000
Example #9
 def init_from_grid(self, writecap, readcap):
     self.writecap = writecap
     self.readcap = readcap
     bestcap = writecap or readcap
     url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s" % url_quote(bestcap)
     resp = do_http("GET", url + "?t=json")
     if resp.status != 200:
         raise HTTPError("Error examining target directory", resp)
     parsed = json.loads(resp.read())
     nodetype, d = parsed
     assert nodetype == "dirnode"
     self.mutable = d.get("mutable", False)  # older nodes don't provide it
     self.children_d = dict([(str(name), value)
                             for (name, value) in d["children"].items()])
     self.children = None
Example #10
def unsign_from_foolscap(ann_t):
    (msg, sig_vs, claimed_key_vs) = ann_t
    if not sig_vs or not claimed_key_vs:
        raise UnknownKeyError("only signed announcements recognized")
    if not sig_vs.startswith(b"v0-"):
        raise UnknownKeyError("only v0- signatures recognized")
    if not claimed_key_vs.startswith(b"v0-"):
        raise UnknownKeyError("only v0- keys recognized")

    claimed_key = ed25519.verifying_key_from_string(b"pub-" + claimed_key_vs)
    sig_bytes = base32.a2b(remove_prefix(sig_vs, b"v0-"))
    ed25519.verify_signature(claimed_key, sig_bytes, msg)
    key_vs = claimed_key_vs
    ann = json.loads(msg.decode("utf-8"))
    return (ann, key_vs)
Example #11
    def test_encode_bytes(self):
        """BytesJSONEncoder can encode bytes.

        Bytes are presumed to be UTF-8 encoded.
        snowman = u"def\N{SNOWMAN}\uFF00"
        data = {
            b"hello": [1, b"cd", {b"abc": [123, snowman.encode("utf-8")]}],
        expected = {
            u"hello": [1, u"cd", {u"abc": [123, snowman]}],
        # Bytes get passed through as if they were UTF-8 Unicode:
        encoded = jsonbytes.dumps(data)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(encoded), expected)
        self.assertEqual(jsonbytes.loads(encoded), expected)
Example #12
def test_introducer_info(introducer):
    retrieve and confirm /introducer URI for the introducer
    resp = requests.get(
        util.node_url(introducer.node_dir, u""),
    assert b"Introducer" in resp.content

    resp = requests.get(
        util.node_url(introducer.node_dir, u""),
        params={u"t": u"json"},
    data = json.loads(resp.content)
    assert "announcement_summary" in data
    assert "subscription_summary" in data
Example #13
    def get_target_info(self, destination_spec):
        precondition(isinstance(destination_spec, str), destination_spec)
        rootcap, path_utf8 = get_alias(self.aliases, destination_spec, None)
        path = path_utf8.decode("utf-8")
        if rootcap == DefaultAliasMarker:
            # no alias, so this is a local file
            pathname = abspath_expanduser_unicode(path)
            if not os.path.exists(pathname):
                t = LocalMissingTarget(pathname)
            elif os.path.isdir(pathname):
                t = LocalDirectoryTarget(self.progress, pathname)
                # TODO: should this be _assert? what happens if the target is
                # a special file?
                assert os.path.isfile(pathname), pathname
                t = LocalFileTarget(pathname)  # non-empty
            # this is a tahoe object
            url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s" % url_quote(rootcap)
            if path:
                url += "/" + escape_path(path)

            resp = do_http("GET", url + "?t=json")
            if resp.status == 404:
                # doesn't exist yet
                t = TahoeMissingTarget(url)
            elif resp.status == 200:
                parsed = json.loads(resp.read())
                nodetype, d = parsed
                if nodetype == "dirnode":
                    t = TahoeDirectoryTarget(self.nodeurl, self.cache,
                    writecap = to_bytes(d.get("rw_uri"))
                    readcap = to_bytes(d.get("ro_uri"))
                    mutable = d.get("mutable", False)
                    t = TahoeFileTarget(self.nodeurl, mutable, writecap,
                                        readcap, url)
                raise HTTPError(
                    "Error examining target %s" %
                    quote_output(destination_spec), resp)
        return t
Example #14
def test_deep_stats(alice):
    create a directory, do deep-stats on it and prove the /operations/
    URIs work
    resp = requests.post(
        util.node_url(alice.node_dir, "uri"),
            "format": "sdmf",
            "t": "mkdir",
            "redirect_to_result": "true",
    assert resp.status_code >= 200 and resp.status_code < 300

    # when creating a directory, we'll be re-directed to a URL
    # containing our writecap..
    uri = url_unquote(resp.url)
    assert 'URI:DIR2:' in uri
    dircap = uri[uri.find("URI:DIR2:"):].rstrip('/')
    dircap_uri = util.node_url(alice.node_dir, "uri/{}".format(url_quote(dircap)))

    # POST a file into this directory
    FILE_CONTENTS = u"a file in a directory"

    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"upload",
            u"file": FILE_CONTENTS,

    # confirm the file is in the directory
    resp = requests.get(
            u"t": u"json",
    d = json.loads(resp.content)
    k, data = d
    assert k == u"dirnode"
    assert len(data['children']) == 1
    k, child = list(data['children'].values())[0]
    assert k == u"filenode"
    assert child['size'] == len(FILE_CONTENTS)

    # perform deep-stats on it...
    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"start-deep-stats",
            u"ophandle": u"something_random",
    assert resp.status_code >= 200 and resp.status_code < 300

    # confirm we get information from the op .. after its done
    tries = 10
    while tries > 0:
        tries -= 1
        resp = requests.get(
            util.node_url(alice.node_dir, u"operations/something_random"),
        d = json.loads(resp.content)
        if d['size-literal-files'] == len(FILE_CONTENTS):
            print("stats completed successfully")
            print("{} != {}; waiting".format(d['size-literal-files'], len(FILE_CONTENTS)))
Example #15
def test_directory_deep_check(alice):
    use deep-check and confirm the result pages work

    # create a directory
    resp = requests.post(
        util.node_url(alice.node_dir, u"uri"),
            u"t": u"mkdir",
            u"redirect_to_result": u"true",

    # get json information about our directory
    dircap_url = resp.url
    resp = requests.get(
        params={u"t": u"json"},
    # Just verify it is valid JSON.

    # upload a file of pangrams into the directory
    FILE_CONTENTS = u"Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.\n" * (2048*10)

    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"upload",
            u"upload-chk": u"upload-chk",
            u"file": FILE_CONTENTS,
    cap0 = resp.content
    print("Uploaded data0, cap={}".format(cap0))

    # a different pangram
    FILE_CONTENTS = u"The five boxing wizards jump quickly.\n" * (2048*10)

    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"upload",
            u"upload-chk": u"upload-chk",
            u"file": FILE_CONTENTS,
    cap1 = resp.content
    print("Uploaded data1, cap={}".format(cap1))

    resp = requests.get(
        util.node_url(alice.node_dir, u"uri/{}".format(url_quote(cap0))),
        params={u"t": u"info"},

    def check_repair_data(checkdata):
        assert checkdata["healthy"] is True
        assert checkdata["count-happiness"] == 4
        assert checkdata["count-good-share-hosts"] == 4
        assert checkdata["count-shares-good"] == 4
        assert checkdata["count-corrupt-shares"] == 0
        assert checkdata["list-corrupt-shares"] == []

    # do a "check" (once for HTML, then with JSON for easier asserts)
    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"check",
            u"return_to": u".",
            u"verify": u"true",
    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"check",
            u"return_to": u".",
            u"verify": u"true",
            u"output": u"JSON",

    # "check and repair"
    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"check",
            u"return_to": u".",
            u"verify": u"true",
            u"repair": u"true",
    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"check",
            u"return_to": u".",
            u"verify": u"true",
            u"repair": u"true",
            u"output": u"JSON",

    # start a "deep check and repair"
    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"start-deep-check",
            u"return_to": u".",
            u"verify": u"on",
            u"repair": u"on",
            u"output": u"JSON",
            u"ophandle": u"deadbeef",
    deepcheck_uri = resp.url

    data = json.loads(resp.content)
    tries = 10
    while not data['finished'] and tries > 0:
        tries -= 1
        print("deep-check not finished, reloading")
        resp = requests.get(deepcheck_uri, params={u"output": "JSON"})
        data = json.loads(resp.content)
    print("deep-check finished")
    assert data[u"stats"][u"count-immutable-files"] == 1
    assert data[u"stats"][u"count-literal-files"] == 0
    assert data[u"stats"][u"largest-immutable-file"] == 778240
    assert data[u"count-objects-checked"] == 2

    # also get the HTML version
    resp = requests.post(
            u"t": u"start-deep-check",
            u"return_to": u".",
            u"verify": u"on",
            u"repair": u"on",
            u"ophandle": u"definitely_random",
    deepcheck_uri = resp.url

    # if the operations isn't done, there's an <H2> tag with the
    # reload link; otherwise there's only an <H1> tag..wait up to 5
    # seconds for this to respond properly.
    for _ in range(5):
        resp = requests.get(deepcheck_uri)
        dom = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html5lib")
        if dom.h1 and u'Results' in str(dom.h1.string):
        if dom.h2 and dom.h2.a and u"Reload" in str(dom.h2.a.string):
            dom = None
    assert dom is not None, "Operation never completed"
Example #16
    def get_source_info(self, source_spec):
        This turns an argv string into a (Local|Tahoe)(File|Directory)Source.
        precondition(isinstance(source_spec, str), source_spec)
        rootcap, path_utf8 = get_alias(self.aliases, source_spec, None)
        path = path_utf8.decode("utf-8")
        # any trailing slash is removed in abspath_expanduser_unicode(), so
        # make a note of it here, to throw an error later
        had_trailing_slash = path.endswith("/")
        if rootcap == DefaultAliasMarker:
            # no alias, so this is a local file
            pathname = abspath_expanduser_unicode(path)
            name = os.path.basename(pathname)
            if not os.path.exists(pathname):
                raise MissingSourceError(source_spec,
            if os.path.isdir(pathname):
                t = LocalDirectorySource(self.progress, pathname, name)
                if had_trailing_slash:
                    raise FilenameWithTrailingSlashError(
                        source_spec, quotefn=quote_local_unicode_path)
                if not os.path.isfile(pathname):
                    raise WeirdSourceError(pathname)
                t = LocalFileSource(pathname, name)  # non-empty
            # this is a tahoe object
            url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s" % url_quote(rootcap)
            name = None
            if path:
                if path.endswith("/"):
                    path = path[:-1]
                url += "/" + escape_path(path)
                last_slash = path.rfind(u"/")
                name = path
                if last_slash != -1:
                    name = path[last_slash + 1:]

            resp = do_http("GET", url + "?t=json")
            if resp.status == 404:
                raise MissingSourceError(source_spec)
            elif resp.status != 200:
                raise HTTPError(
                    "Error examining source %s" % quote_output(source_spec),
            parsed = json.loads(resp.read())
            nodetype, d = parsed
            if nodetype == "dirnode":
                t = TahoeDirectorySource(self.nodeurl, self.cache,
                                         self.progress, name)
                if had_trailing_slash:
                    raise FilenameWithTrailingSlashError(source_spec)
                writecap = to_bytes(d.get("rw_uri"))
                readcap = to_bytes(d.get("ro_uri"))
                mutable = d.get("mutable",
                                False)  # older nodes don't provide it
                t = TahoeFileSource(self.nodeurl, mutable, writecap, readcap,
        return t
Example #17
def test_status(alice):
    confirm we get something sensible from /status and the various sub-types

    # upload a file
    # (because of the nature of the integration-tests, we can only
    # assert things about "our" file because we don't know what other
    # operations may have happened in the grid before our test runs).

    FILE_CONTENTS = u"all the Important Data of alice\n" * 1200

    resp = requests.put(
        util.node_url(alice.node_dir, u"uri"),
    cap = resp.text.strip()

    print("Uploaded data, cap={}".format(cap))
    resp = requests.get(
        util.node_url(alice.node_dir, u"uri/{}".format(url_quote(cap))),

    print("Downloaded {} bytes of data".format(len(resp.content)))
    assert str(resp.content, "ascii") == FILE_CONTENTS

    resp = requests.get(
        util.node_url(alice.node_dir, "status"),
    dom = html5lib.parse(resp.content)

    hrefs = [
        for a in dom.iter(u'{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a')

    found_upload = False
    found_download = False
    for href in hrefs:
        if href == u"/" or not href:
        resp = requests.get(util.node_url(alice.node_dir, href))
        if href.startswith(u"/status/up"):
            assert b"File Upload Status" in resp.content
            if b"Total Size: %d" % (len(FILE_CONTENTS),) in resp.content:
                found_upload = True
        elif href.startswith(u"/status/down"):
            assert b"File Download Status" in resp.content
            if b"Total Size: %d" % (len(FILE_CONTENTS),) in resp.content:
                found_download = True

                # download the specialized event information
                resp = requests.get(
                    util.node_url(alice.node_dir, u"{}/event_json".format(href)),
                js = json.loads(resp.content)
                # there's usually just one "read" operation, but this can handle many ..
                total_bytes = sum([st['bytes_returned'] for st in js['read']], 0)
                assert total_bytes == len(FILE_CONTENTS)

    assert found_upload, "Failed to find the file we uploaded in the status-page"
    assert found_download, "Failed to find the file we downloaded in the status-page"