Example #1
class RootController(WsgiDispatchController):
    The root controller for the allura application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.


    auth = AuthController()
    error = ErrorController()
    nf = NewForgeController()
    nf.admin = SiteAdminController()
    search = SearchController()
    rest = RestController()

    def __init__(self):
        n_url_prefix = '/%s/' % request.path.split('/')[1]
        n = M.Neighborhood.query.get(url_prefix=n_url_prefix)
        if n and not n.url_prefix.startswith('//'):
        self.browse = ProjectBrowseController()
        self.allura_sitemap = SitemapIndexController()
        super(RootController, self).__init__()

    def _setup_request(self):
        c.project = c.app = None
        c.memoize_cache = {}
        c.user = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(
        assert c.user is not None, 'c.user should always be at least User.anonymous()'

    def _cleanup_request(self):

    def index(self, **kw):
        """Handle the front-page."""
        c.project_summary = W.project_summary
        projects = M.Project.query.find(
            dict(is_root=True, is_nbhd_project=False,
        neighborhoods = M.Neighborhood.query.find().sort('name')
        psort = [(n, [p for p in projects if p.neighborhood_id == n._id])
                 for n in neighborhoods]
        categories = M.ProjectCategory.query.find({
            'parent_id': None
        c.custom_sidebar_menu = [
            SitemapEntry(cat.label, '/browse/' + cat.name)
            for cat in categories
        return dict(projects=psort, title="All Projects", text=None)
Example #2
class RootController(WsgiDispatchController):
    The root controller for the allura application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.


    auth = AuthController()
    error = ErrorController()
    nf = NewForgeController()
    search = SearchController()
    rest = RestController()
    categories = TroveCategoryController()

    def __init__(self):
        n_url_prefix = '/%s/' % request.path.split('/')[1]
        n = g.neighborhood_cache.get(n_url_prefix)
        if n and not n.url_prefix.startswith('//'):
        self.browse = ProjectBrowseController()
        self.nf.admin = SiteAdminController()

        super(RootController, self).__init__()

    def _setup_request(self):
        c.project = c.app = None
        c.user = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(
        assert c.user is not None, (
            'c.user should always be at least User.anonymous(). '
            'Did you run `paster setup-app` to create the database?')
        if not c.user.is_anonymous():
            if asbool(config.get('force_ssl.logged_in')):
                session.secure = True

    def _cleanup_request(self):

    def index(self, **kw):
        """Handle the front-page."""
        neighborhoods = M.Neighborhood.query.find().sort('name')
        categories = M.ProjectCategory.query.find({
            'parent_id': None
        c.custom_sidebar_menu = [
            SitemapEntry(cat.label, '/browse/' + cat.name)
            for cat in categories
        return dict(neighborhoods=neighborhoods, title="All Neighborhoods")
Example #3
class HostNeighborhoodController(WsgiDispatchController,
    '''Neighborhood controller with support for use as a root controller, for
    instance, when using adobe.sourceforge.net (if this is allowed).

    auth = AuthController()
    error = ErrorController()
    nf = NewForgeController()
    search = SearchController()
Example #4
class RootController(WsgiDispatchController):
    The root controller for the allura application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.

    When testing the root, BasetestProjectRootController should be considered as the root controller


    auth = AuthController()
    error = ErrorController()
    nf = NewForgeController()
    search = SearchController()
    rest = RestController()
    categories = TroveCategoryController()
    dashboard = DashboardController()
    browse = ProjectBrowseController()

    def __init__(self):
        super(RootController, self).__init__()
        self.nf.admin = SiteAdminController()

    def _lookup(self, nbhd_mount, *remainder):
        n_url_prefix = '/%s/' % nbhd_mount
        n = self._lookup_neighborhood(n_url_prefix)
        if n and not n.url_prefix.startswith('//'):
            return NeighborhoodController(n), remainder
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound

    def _lookup_neighborhood(self, url_prefix):
        n = M.Neighborhood.query.get(url_prefix=url_prefix)
        return n

    def _setup_request(self):
        c.project = c.app = None
        c.user = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(
        assert c.user is not None, (
            'c.user should always be at least User.anonymous(). '
            'Did you run `paster setup-app` to create the database?')
        if not c.user.is_anonymous():
            if asbool(config.get('force_ssl.logged_in')):
                session.secure = True

            # Make sure the page really isn't cached (not accessible by back button, etc)
            # pylons.configuration defaults to "no-cache" only.
            # See also http://blog.55minutes.com/2011/10/how-to-defeat-the-browser-back-button-cache/ and
            # https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/http-caching?hl=en#defining_optimal_cache-control_policy
            response.headers[str('Cache-Control')] = str(
                'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate')

    def index(self, **kw):
        """Handle the front-page."""
        if not c.user.is_anonymous():

    def neighborhood(self, **kw):
        neighborhoods = M.Neighborhood.query.find().sort('name')
        categories = M.ProjectCategory.query.find({
            'parent_id': None
        c.custom_sidebar_menu = [
            SitemapEntry(cat.label, '/browse/' + cat.name)
            for cat in categories
        return dict(neighborhoods=neighborhoods, title="All Neighborhoods")