Example #1
    def decodeCriteria(self, typeCriteria, getterCriteria):
        Exploit that provides the decoder for the criteria.
        @param typeCriteria: TypeCriteria
            The criteria type to decode.
        @param getterCriteria: callable(object) -> object
            The getter used to get the criteria from the target object.
        @return: callable(**data) -> boolean
            The exploit that provides the criteria decoding.
        assert isinstance(
            TypeCriteria), 'Invalid criteria type %s' % typeCriteria
        assert callable(getterCriteria), 'Invalid getter %s' % getterCriteria
        criteria = typeCriteria.container
        assert isinstance(criteria, Criteria)

        if issubclass(typeCriteria.clazz, AsOrdered):
            exclude = ('ascending', 'priority')
            exclude = ()

        children = {}
        for prop, typeProp in criteria.properties.items():
            if prop in exclude: continue

            if isinstance(typeProp, Iter):
                assert isinstance(typeProp, Iter)

                setter = setterWithGetter(obtainOnObj(prop, list), list.append)
                propDecode = self.decodePrimitiveList(setter,
                propDecode = self.decodePrimitive(setterOnObj(prop), typeProp)
            children[prop] = propDecode

        exploitPath = self.decodePath(children)

        def exploit(path, target, **data):
            assert isinstance(path, deque), 'Invalid path %s' % path

            if path:
                return exploitPath(path=path,
            if not criteria.main: return False

            data.update(path=path, target=getterCriteria(target))
            for prop in criteria.main:
                if not children[prop](**data): return False
            return True

        return exploit
Example #2
    def decodeCriteria(self, typeCriteria, getterCriteria):
        Exploit that provides the decoder for the criteria.
        @param typeCriteria: TypeCriteria
            The criteria type to decode.
        @param getterCriteria: callable(object) -> object
            The getter used to get the criteria from the target object.
        @return: callable(**data) -> boolean
            The exploit that provides the criteria decoding.
        assert isinstance(typeCriteria, TypeCriteria), "Invalid criteria type %s" % typeCriteria
        assert callable(getterCriteria), "Invalid getter %s" % getterCriteria
        criteria = typeCriteria.container
        assert isinstance(criteria, Criteria)

        if issubclass(typeCriteria.clazz, AsOrdered):
            exclude = ("ascending", "priority")
            exclude = ()

        children = {}
        for prop, typeProp in criteria.properties.items():
            if prop in exclude:

            if isinstance(typeProp, Iter):
                assert isinstance(typeProp, Iter)

                setter = setterWithGetter(obtainOnObj(prop, list), list.append)
                propDecode = self.decodePrimitiveList(setter, typeProp.itemType)
                propDecode = self.decodePrimitive(setterOnObj(prop), typeProp)
            children[prop] = propDecode

        exploitPath = self.decodePath(children)

        def exploit(path, target, **data):
            assert isinstance(path, deque), "Invalid path %s" % path

            if path:
                return exploitPath(path=path, target=getterCriteria(target), **data)
            if not criteria.main:
                return False

            data.update(path=path, target=getterCriteria(target))
            for prop in criteria.main:
                if not children[prop](**data):
                    return False
            return True

        return exploit
Example #3
    def decoderPrimitive(self, propertyName, typeValue):
        Create a decode exploit for a primitive property also decodes primitive value list.
        @param propertyName: string
            The property name to use for the primitive.
        @param typeValue: Type
            The type of the property value to decode.
        @return: callable(**data)
            The exploit that provides the primitive decoding.
        assert isinstance(propertyName, str), 'Invalid property name %s' % propertyName
        assert isinstance(typeValue, Type), 'Invalid property value type %s' % typeValue

        if isinstance(typeValue, List):
            assert isinstance(typeValue, List)

            return DecodePrimitiveList(typeValue.itemType, obtainOnObj(propertyName, list))

        return DecodePrimitive(setterOnObj(propertyName), typeValue)
Example #4
    def decoderPrimitive(self, propertyName, typeValue):
        Create a decode exploit for a primitive property also decodes primitive value list.
        @param propertyName: string
            The property name to use for the primitive.
        @param typeValue: Type
            The type of the property value to decode.
        @return: callable(**data)
            The exploit that provides the primitive decoding.
        assert isinstance(propertyName,
                          str), 'Invalid property name %s' % propertyName
        assert isinstance(typeValue,
                          Type), 'Invalid property value type %s' % typeValue

        if isinstance(typeValue, List):
            assert isinstance(typeValue, List)

            return DecodePrimitiveList(typeValue.itemType,
                                       obtainOnObj(propertyName, list))

        return DecodePrimitive(setterOnObj(propertyName), typeValue)