def default_shell(): try: if utils.get_os() == "Darwin": shell = subprocess.check_output('dscl . -read /Users/' + getpass.getuser() + ' UserShell', shell=True) def_shell = shlex.split(shell.decode('utf-8'))[1] elif utils.get_os() == "Linux": file = open('/etc/passwd') for line in file: if, line): def_shell = line.split(':')[-1].replace('\n', '') elif not utils.get_os(): def_shell = default_shell_error_message else: def_shell = "NOT IMPLEMENTED!" except: logger.debug(default_shell_error_message) def_shell = default_shell_error_message if def_shell != utils.get_alpsh_installation(): if config.get_setting( 'GENERAL', 'show_default_shell_warning', isbool=True) is True: print( config.get_setting('TEXT', 'warning') + '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\nCURRENT DEFAULT SHELL IS : ' + def_shell + '\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' + COLORS.CLEAR)
def history(args): print("ARGS : " + str(args)) # If no arguments typed if len(args) == 0: print("HOWTO") elif str(args[0]) == "list": # List history in order print("List history") with open(CONFIG_PATH + 'alpsh_history.json', 'r') as history_list: data = json.load(history_list) count = 0 table = [] for item in range(len(data["history"])): table.append({ 'Index': str(count), 'Command': data['history'][count]['command'], "Timestamp": data['history'][count]['timestamp'], 'Success': data['history'][count]['success'], 'Ran from directory': data['history'][count]['dir_when_ran'] }) count += 1 tables = make_table(table, tablefmt='md') print(tables) print() elif str(args[0] == "clear"): print( config.get_setting('text', 'danger') + "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-WARNING-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n" + COLORS.CLEAR + "You are about to remove your command history.\n" + "This is generally not necessary and is not recommended to do without reason.\n" + config.get_setting('text', 'danger') + "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=" + COLORS.CLEAR) response = input("Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] ") if response == "y": # Remove history history_listener.create(reset=True) print( config.get_setting('text', 'warning') + "History cleared!\n" + COLORS.CLEAR) else: # Don't remove history print( config.get_setting('text', 'warning') + "Aborted!\n" + COLORS.CLEAR) return SHELL_STATUS_RUN
def execute(cmd_tokens): try: cmd_name = cmd_tokens[0] cmd_args = cmd_tokens[1:] if any('~' in word for word in cmd_args): logger.debug('Expanding tilde') cmd_tokens[1:] = [args.replace('~', os.path.expanduser('~')) for args in cmd_tokens[1:]] if '|' in cmd_tokens: pipeline = split_pipes(cmd_tokens) procs = [subprocess.Popen(pipeline[0], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)] time.sleep(0.1) for index, cmd in enumerate(pipeline): if index == 0: continue elif index < len(pipeline) - 1: procs.append(subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=procs[index-1].stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)) else: procs.append(subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=procs[index-1].stdout)) time.sleep(0.1) procs[0].communicate() procs[-1].wait() elif cmd_name in built_in_cmds: history_listener.write(" ".join(cmd_tokens)) return built_in_cmds[cmd_name](cmd_args) elif cmd_name in alias_in_cmds: try:[cmd_name])) except FileNotFoundError:[cmd_name])) + " : Command not found!") print(str(tokenize(alias_in_cmds[cmd_name])) + " : Command not found!") elif config.get_setting('general', 'open_if_file', isbool=True) is True and os.path.isfile(cmd_name): if platform.system() == "Darwin":'open ' + cmd_name, shell=True) elif os.path.isdir(cmd_name): os.chdir(cmd_name) prompt.handle_prompt() else: # Execute command try: history_listener.write(" ".join(cmd_tokens)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: logger.error(error.output) except OSError as error: if "[Errno 2] No such file or directory:" in str(error):[0]) + ": Command not found!") print(str(cmd_tokens[0]) + ": Command not found!") history_listener.write(" ".join(cmd_tokens), False) else: logger.error(str(error)) except IndexError as error: logger.debug("IndexError occurred : " + str(error)) # Return status indicating to wait for next command in shell_loop return SHELL_STATUS_RUN
def init(): register_command("cd", cd) register_command("exit", exit) register_command("history", history) register_command('reload', reload) if config.get_setting('general', 'override_coreutils') == "True": register_command("ls", ls) register_alias()
def handle_prompt(): global altered_prompt altered_prompt = config.get_setting('GENERAL', 'prompt') if "@host" in config.get_setting('GENERAL', 'prompt'): altered_prompt = altered_prompt.replace('@host', socket.gethostname()) if "@user" in config.get_setting('GENERAL', 'prompt'): altered_prompt = altered_prompt.replace('@user', getpass.getuser()) if "@dir" in config.get_setting('GENERAL', 'prompt'): altered_prompt = altered_prompt.replace('@dir', os.path.split(os.getcwd())[1]) if "@fulldir" in config.get_setting('GENERAL', 'prompt'): altered_prompt = altered_prompt.replace('@fulldir', os.getcwd()) if "@shortdir" in config.get_setting('general', 'prompt'): altered_prompt = altered_prompt.replace( '@shortdir', str( Path(*Path(os.getcwd()).parts[-config.get_setting( 'prompt', 'short_directory_length', fallback=4):])))