def test_save(self): g = Graph.Graph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1)]) dot = Dot.Dot(g)"foobar") dot.node_style(1, key="value") dot.node_style(2, key="another", key2="world") dot.edge_style(1, 4, key1="value1", key2="value2") dot.edge_style(2, 4, key1="valueA") fn = "" self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(fn)) try: dot.save_dot(fn) fp = open(fn, "r") data = fp.close() self.assertEqual(data, "".join(dot)) finally: if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn)
def test_node_style(self): g = Graph.Graph([ (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1), ]) dot = Dot.Dot(g) self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {}) dot.node_style(1, key='value') self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {'key': 'value'}) dot.node_style(1, key2='value2') self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {'key2': 'value2'}) self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[2], {}) dot.all_node_style(key3='value3') for n in g: self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[n], {'key3': 'value3'}) self.assertTrue(9 not in dot.nodes) dot.node_style(9, key='value') self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[9], {'key': 'value'})
def test_save(self): g = Graph.Graph([ (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1), ]) dot = Dot.Dot(g)"foobar") dot.node_style(1, key='value') dot.node_style(2, key='another', key2='world') dot.edge_style(1, 4, key1='value1', key2='value2') dot.edge_style(2, 4, key1='valueA') fn = '' self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(fn)) try: dot.save_dot(fn) fp = open(fn, 'r') data = fp.close() self.assertEqual(data, ''.join(dot)) finally: if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn)
def test_edge_style(self): g = Graph.Graph([ (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1), ]) dot = Dot.Dot(g) self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {}) dot.edge_style(1, 2, foo='bar') self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {'foo': 'bar'}) dot.edge_style(1, 2, foo2='2bar') self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {'foo2': '2bar'}) self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][3], {}) self.assertFalse(6 in dot.edges[1]) dot.edge_style(1, 6, foo2='2bar') self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][6], {'foo2': '2bar'}) self.assertRaises(GraphError, dot.edge_style, 1, 9, a=1) self.assertRaises(GraphError, dot.edge_style, 9, 1, a=1)
def nakreslím_graf(graf): from altgraph import Dot # , GraphStat # statistika = GraphStat.degree_dist(graf) # print(statistika) # # create a dot representation of the graph dot = Dot.Dot(graf) # # # display the graph dot.display()
def test_style(self): g = Graph.Graph([]) dot = Dot.Dot(g) self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {})"value") self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {"key": "value"})"value2") self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {"key2": "value2"})
def test_style(self): g = Graph.Graph([]) dot = Dot.Dot(g) self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {})'value') self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {'key': 'value'})'value2') self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {'key2': 'value2'})
def test_iter(self): g = Graph.Graph([ (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1), ]) dot = Dot.Dot(g)"foobar") dot.node_style(1, key='value') dot.node_style(2, key='another', key2='world') dot.edge_style(1, 4, key1='value1', key2='value2') dot.edge_style(2, 4, key1='valueA') self.assertEqual(list(iter(dot)), list(dot.iterdot())) for item in dot.iterdot(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, str)) first = list(dot.iterdot())[0] self.assertEqual(first, "digraph %s {\n" % (, )) dot.type = 'graph' first = list(dot.iterdot())[0] self.assertEqual(first, "graph %s {\n" % (, )) dot.type = 'foo' self.assertRaises(GraphError, list, dot.iterdot()) dot.type = 'digraph' self.assertEqual(list(dot), [ 'digraph G {\n', 'graph="foobar";', '\n', '\t"1" [', 'key="value",', '];\n', '\t"2" [', 'key="another",', 'key2="world",', '];\n', '\t"3" [', '];\n', '\t"4" [', '];\n', '\t"6" [', '];\n', '\t"7" [', '];\n', '\t"1" -> "2" [', '];\n', '\t"1" -> "3" [', '];\n', '\t"1" -> "4" [', 'key1="value1",', 'key2="value2",', '];\n', '\t"2" -> "4" [', 'key1="valueA",', '];\n', '\t"2" -> "6" [', '];\n', '\t"2" -> "7" [', '];\n', '\t"6" -> "1" [', '];\n', '\t"7" -> "4" [', '];\n', '}\n' ])
def test_edge_style(self): g = Graph.Graph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1)]) dot = Dot.Dot(g) self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {}) dot.edge_style(1, 2, foo="bar") self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {"foo": "bar"}) dot.edge_style(1, 2, foo2="2bar") self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {"foo2": "2bar"}) self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][3], {}) self.assertFalse(6 in dot.edges[1]) dot.edge_style(1, 6, foo2="2bar") self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][6], {"foo2": "2bar"}) self.assertRaises(GraphError, dot.edge_style, 1, 9, a=1) self.assertRaises(GraphError, dot.edge_style, 9, 1, a=1)
def show_altgraph(g): def clean(name): try: n0 = name.get_name() except: n0 = str(name) n1 = str(n0).replace('"', '') n2 = n1.replace("\n", '') return n2 import altgraph from altgraph import Graph, Dot graph = Graph.Graph() for i, v in enumerate(g.get_vertices()): graph.add_node(i) # , node_data=g.get_vertex_name(v) for i, v in enumerate(g.get_vertices()): for n in g.get_out_neighbors(v): graph.add_edge(v, n) dot = Dot.Dot(graph) # , graph_type="digraph" for i, v in enumerate(g.get_vertices()): dot.node_style(i, label=clean(g.get_vertex_name(v))) dot.display()
def test_node_style(self): g = Graph.Graph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1)]) dot = Dot.Dot(g) self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {}) dot.node_style(1, key="value") self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {"key": "value"}) dot.node_style(1, key2="value2") self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {"key2": "value2"}) self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[2], {}) dot.all_node_style(key3="value3") for n in g: self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[n], {"key3": "value3"}) self.assertTrue(9 not in dot.nodes) dot.node_style(9, key="value") self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[9], {"key": "value"})
def make_dot(graph): """Convert the graph to a dot file. Node and edge styles is obtained from the corresponding data. Args: graph (Graph.Graph): The graph. Returns: Dot.Dot: The dot file generator. """ dot = Dot.Dot(graph, graphtype="digraph"), bgcolor="transparent") for node in graph: node_data = graph.node_data(node) shape = ("circle" if node_data.type is "vertex" else "doublecircle") color, fillcolor = dict(missing=("red", "moccasin"), outdated=("forestgreen", "lightblue") ).get(node_data.status, ("black", "white")) dot.node_style(node, shape=shape, style="filled", fillcolor=fillcolor, color=color) for edge, edge_data, head, tail in (graph.describe_edge(edge) for edge in graph.edge_list()): section = edge_data.section color = dict(fetch="forestgreen", extract="darkgreen", build="blue", runtime="red", virtual="darkgray").get(section, "black") style = dict(virtual="dashed").get(section, "solid") dot.edge_style( head, tail, label=section if section not in ("library", "virtual") else "", style=style, color=color, fontcolor=color) return dot
def test_constructor(self): g = Graph.Graph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1)]) dot = Dot.Dot(g) self.assertEqual(, "G") self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {}) self.assertEqual(dot.temp_dot, "") self.assertEqual(dot.temp_neo, "") self.assertEqual(, "dot") self.assertEqual(dot.dotty, "dotty") self.assertEqual(dot.neato, "neato") self.assertEqual(dot.type, "digraph") self.assertEqual(dot.nodes, dict([(x, {}) for x in g])) edges = {} for head in g: edges[head] = {} for tail in g.out_nbrs(head): edges[head][tail] = {} self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1], edges[1]) self.assertEqual(dot.edges, edges) dot = Dot.Dot( g, nodes=[1, 2], edgefn=lambda node: list(sorted(g.out_nbrs(node)))[:-1], nodevisitor=lambda node: {"label": node}, edgevisitor=lambda head, tail: {"label": (head, tail)}, name="testgraph", dot="/usr/local/bin/dot", dotty="/usr/local/bin/dotty", neato="/usr/local/bin/neato", graphtype="graph", ) self.assertEqual(, "testgraph") self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {}) self.assertEqual(dot.temp_dot, "") self.assertEqual(dot.temp_neo, "") self.assertEqual(, "/usr/local/bin/dot") self.assertEqual(dot.dotty, "/usr/local/bin/dotty") self.assertEqual(dot.neato, "/usr/local/bin/neato") self.assertEqual(dot.type, "graph") self.assertEqual(dot.nodes, dict([(x, {"label": x}) for x in [1, 2]])) edges = {} for head in [1, 2]: edges[head] = {} for tail in list(sorted(g.out_nbrs(head)))[:-1]: if tail not in [1, 2]: continue edges[head][tail] = {"label": (head, tail)} self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1], edges[1]) self.assertEqual(dot.edges, edges) self.assertRaises(GraphError, Dot.Dot, g, nodes=[1, 2, 9])
def test_img(self): g = Graph.Graph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1)]) dot = Dot.Dot( g, dot="/usr/local/bin/!!dot", dotty="/usr/local/bin/!!dotty", neato="/usr/local/bin/!!neato", )"10,10", rankdir="RL", page="5, 5", ranksep=0.75) dot.node_style(1, label="BASE_NODE", shape="box", color="blue") dot.node_style(2, style="filled", fillcolor="red") dot.edge_style(1, 4, style="dotted") dot.edge_style(2, 4, arrowhead="dot", label="binds", labelangle="90") system_cmds = [] def fake_system(cmd): system_cmds.append(cmd) return None try: real_system = os.system os.system = fake_system system_cmds = [] dot.save_img("foo") self.assertEqual( system_cmds, ["/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tgif -o foo.gif"]) system_cmds = [] dot.save_img("foo", file_type="jpg") self.assertEqual( system_cmds, ["/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tjpg -o foo.jpg"]) system_cmds = [] dot.save_img("bar", file_type="jpg", mode="neato") self.assertEqual( system_cmds, [ "/usr/local/bin/!!neato -o", "/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tjpg -o bar.jpg", ], ) system_cmds = [] dot.display() self.assertEqual(system_cmds, ["/usr/local/bin/!!dotty"]) system_cmds = [] dot.display(mode="neato") self.assertEqual( system_cmds, [ "/usr/local/bin/!!neato -o", "/usr/local/bin/!!dotty", ], ) finally: if os.path.exists(dot.temp_dot): os.unlink(dot.temp_dot) if os.path.exists(dot.temp_neo): os.unlink(dot.temp_neo) os.system = real_system if os.path.exists("/usr/local/bin/dot") and os.path.exists( "/usr/local/bin/neato"): try: = "/usr/local/bin/dot" dot.neato = "/usr/local/bin/neato" self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("foo.gif")) dot.save_img("foo") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("foo.gif")) os.unlink("foo.gif") self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("foo.gif")) dot.save_img("foo", mode="neato") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("foo.gif")) os.unlink("foo.gif") finally: if os.path.exists(dot.temp_dot): os.unlink(dot.temp_dot) if os.path.exists(dot.temp_neo): os.unlink(dot.temp_neo)
def test_img(self): g = Graph.Graph([ (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 7), (7, 4), (6, 1), ]) dot = Dot.Dot(g, dot='/usr/local/bin/!!dot', dotty='/usr/local/bin/!!dotty', neato='/usr/local/bin/!!neato')'10,10', rankdir='RL', page='5, 5', ranksep=0.75) dot.node_style(1, label='BASE_NODE', shape='box', color='blue') dot.node_style(2, style='filled', fillcolor='red') dot.edge_style(1, 4, style='dotted') dot.edge_style(2, 4, arrowhead='dot', label='binds', labelangle='90') system_cmds = [] def fake_system(cmd): system_cmds.append(cmd) return None try: real_system = os.system os.system = fake_system system_cmds = [] dot.save_img('foo') self.assertEqual( system_cmds, ['/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tgif -o foo.gif']) system_cmds = [] dot.save_img('foo', file_type='jpg') self.assertEqual( system_cmds, ['/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tjpg -o foo.jpg']) system_cmds = [] dot.save_img('bar', file_type='jpg', mode='neato') self.assertEqual(system_cmds, [ '/usr/local/bin/!!neato -o', '/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tjpg -o bar.jpg', ]) system_cmds = [] dot.display() self.assertEqual(system_cmds, ['/usr/local/bin/!!dotty']) system_cmds = [] dot.display(mode='neato') self.assertEqual(system_cmds, [ '/usr/local/bin/!!neato -o', '/usr/local/bin/!!dotty' ]) finally: if os.path.exists(dot.temp_dot): os.unlink(dot.temp_dot) if os.path.exists(dot.temp_neo): os.unlink(dot.temp_neo) os.system = real_system if os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/dot') and os.path.exists( '/usr/local/bin/neato'): try: = '/usr/local/bin/dot' dot.neato = '/usr/local/bin/neato' self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo.gif')) dot.save_img('foo') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.gif')) os.unlink('foo.gif') self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo.gif')) dot.save_img('foo', mode='neato') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.gif')) os.unlink('foo.gif') finally: if os.path.exists(dot.temp_dot): os.unlink(dot.temp_dot) if os.path.exists(dot.temp_neo): os.unlink(dot.temp_neo)
from altgraph import Graph, Dot # create a graph edges = [(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 4)] graph = Graph.Graph(edges) # create a dot representation of the graph dot = Dot.Dot(graph) # display the graph dot.display() # save the dot representation into the file dot.save_dot(file_name='') # save dot file as gif image into the graph.gif file dot.save_img(file_name='graph', file_type='gif')