def isFinished( self, strPathAndFilenameXar, strHostName = 'localhost' ): mem = altools.myGetProxy( "ALMemory", strHostName = strHostName ); try: valueResults = mem.getData( self.getVarName_Results( strPathAndFilenameXar ) ); valueCancel = mem.getData( self.getVarName_SoftCancel( strPathAndFilenameXar ) ); # des fois le comportement appellé ne recoit pas que le softcancel a été raisé, donc on n'ajoute ici un test. except BaseException, err: altools.debug( "WNG: XarLoader.isFinished: return value not found for '%s:%s' (%s) => true" % ( strHostName, strPathAndFilenameXar, err ) ); return True;
if( timeFromBegin > rTimeOutInSec ): self.log( "WNG: launch: '%s:%s': timeout (elapsed: %5.3ss) (thread:%d)" % ( strHostName, strPathAndFilenameXar, timeFromBegin, nSimulatedThreadID ) ); break; time.sleep( 0.1 ); duration = time.time() - timeBegin; self.log( "INF: launch: %s: executing time: %fs (thread:%d)" % ( strPathAndFilenameXar, duration, nSimulatedThreadID ) ); # the behavior is finished mem.raiseMicroEvent( self.getVarName_SoftCancel( strPathAndFilenameXar ), False ); # on le réinit pour le prochain lancement returnValue = None; try: returnValue = mem.getData( self.getVarName_Results( strPathAndFilenameXar ) ); except BaseException, err: altools.debug( "WNG: XarLoader.launch: return value not found for '%s:%s' (%s) (thread:%d)" % ( strHostName, strPathAndFilenameXar, err, nSimulatedThreadID ) ); nNumLoadedXar = self.find( strPathAndFilenameXar, strHostName ); self.aLoadedXar[nNumLoadedXar][3] = False; self.log( "INF: launch: Launching %s:%s - end (return value: %s) (thread:%d)" % ( strHostName, strPathAndFilenameXar, str(returnValue), nSimulatedThreadID ) ); return [None, returnValue]; # launch - end def stop( self, strPathAndFilenameXar, strHostName = 'localhost' ): "stop a running behavior" "return true if the behavior was really running" self.log( "INF: stop: Stopping %s:%s" % ( strHostName, strPathAndFilenameXar ) ); nNumLoadedXar = self.find( strPathAndFilenameXar, strHostName ); if( nNumLoadedXar == -1 ): self.log( "WNG: stop: xar '%s:%s' is not running (perhaps currently loading - in this case, it will be stopped at the end of the loading)" % ( strHostName, strPathAndFilenameXar) ); # don't return there ! try: