def amazon_data(self): if exists('login'): with open('login', 'rb+') as loginfile: logincred = loginfile.readlines() ama_email = logincred[0].split(':')[1] passwd = logincred[1].split(':')[1].rstrip() passwd = base64.b64decode(passwd) print passwd ama_pass = decrypt(secret_key, passwd) print get_amazon_data(ama_email, ama_pass) self.gdButton1['state'] = 'disabled' else: window = Toplevel() AmaInit = AmazonInitialLogin(window) window.focus_set()
def check_login_success(self): email = passwd = self.password.get() accountnum = self.accountnum.get() if email == "" or passwd == "" or accountnum == "": self.ErrorMsg["text"] = "No field should be blank." else: if "@" in email: amazon_fetch_result = get_amazon_data(email, passwd) if amazon_fetch_result != "Login Error" and amazon_fetch_result != "There was a problem": with open("login", "wb+") as loginfile: loginfile.write("login:"******"\n") loginfile.write("passwd:" + encrypted(passwd) + "\n") loginfile.write("account:" + accountnum) quit(self) else: self.ErrorMsg["text"] = "Error Logging in! Username/Password may be incorrect." else: self.ErrorMsg["text"] = "Incorrectly formatted email supplied."
def check_login_success(self): email = passwd = self.password.get() accountnum = self.accountnum.get() if email == '' or passwd == '' or accountnum == '': self.ErrorMsg['text'] = "No field should be blank." else: if '@' in email: amazon_fetch_result = get_amazon_data(email, passwd) if amazon_fetch_result != "Login Error" and amazon_fetch_result != "There was a problem": with open('login', 'wb+') as loginfile: loginfile.write('login:'******'\n') loginfile.write('passwd:' + encrypted(passwd) + '\n') loginfile.write('account:' + accountnum) quit(self) else: self.ErrorMsg[ 'text'] = "Error Logging in! Username/Password may be incorrect." else: self.ErrorMsg['text'] = "Incorrectly formatted email supplied."