Example #1
    def append_event(self, event, obj, value):
        """called by InstrumentedList when an item is appended"""
        obj._state['modified'] = True
        if self.trackparent and value is not None:
            self.sethasparent(value, True)
        for ext in self.extensions:
            ext.append(event or self, obj, value)
    def remove_event(self, event, obj, value):
        """called by InstrumentedList when an item is removed"""
        obj._state['modified'] = True
        if self.trackparent and value is not None:
            self.sethasparent(value, False)
        for ext in self.extensions:
            ext.delete(event or self, obj, value)
InstrumentedAttribute.logger = logging.class_logger(InstrumentedAttribute)
class InstrumentedList(object):
    """instruments a list-based attribute.  all mutator operations (i.e. append, remove, etc.) will fire off events to the 
    InstrumentedAttribute that manages the object's attribute.  those events in turn trigger things like
    backref operations and whatever is implemented by do_list_value_changed on InstrumentedAttribute.
    note that this list does a lot less than earlier versions of SA list-based attributes, which used HistoryArraySet.  
    this list wrapper does *not* maintain setlike semantics, meaning you can add as many duplicates as 
    you want (which can break a lot of SQL), and also does not do anything related to history tracking.
    Please see ticket #213 for information on the future of this class, where it will be broken out into more 
    collection-specific subtypes."""
    def __init__(self, attr, obj, data, init=True):
        self.attr = attr
        # this weakref is to prevent circular references between the parent object
Example #2
    def process_query_context(self, context):
        self.process_query_property(context, self._get_property(context))
    def process_selection_context(self, context):
        self.process_selection_property(context, self._get_property(context))
    def _get_property(self, context):
            prop = self.__prop
        except AttributeError:
            mapper = context.mapper
            for token in self.key.split('.'):
                prop = mapper.props[token]
                mapper = getattr(prop, 'mapper', None)
            self.__prop = prop
        return prop
PropertyOption.logger = logging.class_logger(PropertyOption)

class StrategizedOption(PropertyOption):
    """a MapperOption that affects which LoaderStrategy will be used for an operation
    by a StrategizedProperty."""
    def process_query_property(self, context, property):
        self.logger.debug("applying option to QueryContext, property key '%s'" % self.key)
        context.attributes[(LoaderStrategy, property)] = self.get_strategy_class()
    def process_selection_property(self, context, property):
        self.logger.debug("applying option to SelectionContext, property key '%s'" % self.key)
        context.attributes[(LoaderStrategy, property)] = self.get_strategy_class()
    def get_strategy_class(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class LoaderStrategy(object):
Example #3

    def process_row(self, selectcontext, instance, row, identitykey, isnew):
        if isnew:
            if self._should_log_debug:
                    "populating %s with %s/%s" %
                    (mapperutil.attribute_str(instance, self.key),
                     row.__class__.__name__, self.columns[0].key))
            instance.__dict__[self.key] = row[self.columns[0]]

ColumnLoader.logger = logging.class_logger(ColumnLoader)

class DeferredColumnLoader(LoaderStrategy):
    """describes an object attribute that corresponds to a table column, which also
    will "lazy load" its value from the table.  this is per-column lazy loading."""
    def init(self):
        super(DeferredColumnLoader, self).init()
        self.columns = self.parent_property.columns
        self.group = self.parent_property.group
        self._should_log_debug = logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger)

    def init_class_attribute(self):
        self.logger.info("register managed attribute %s on class %s" %
                         (self.key, self.parent.class_.__name__))
Example #4
            value = None
            value = self.source_mapper.get_attr_by_column(
                source, self.source_column)
        if isinstance(dest, dict):
            dest[self.dest_column.key] = value
            if clearkeys and self.dest_primary_key():
                raise exceptions.AssertionError(
                    "Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column '%s' on instance '%s'"
                    % (str(self.dest_column), mapperutil.instance_str(dest)))

            if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
                    "execute() instances: %s(%s)->%s(%s) ('%s')" %
                    (mapperutil.instance_str(source), str(self.source_column),
                     mapperutil.instance_str(dest), str(
                         self.dest_column), value))
            self.dest_mapper.set_attr_by_column(dest, self.dest_column, value)

SyncRule.logger = logging.class_logger(SyncRule)

class BinaryVisitor(sql.ClauseVisitor):
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def visit_binary(self, binary):
Example #5
            # TODO: this should be done at the SQL level not the mapper level
            if kwargs.get('distinct', False) and order_by:
                [statement.append_column(c) for c in util.to_list(order_by)]

        context.statement = statement
        # give all the attached properties a chance to modify the query
        for value in self.mapper.props.values():

        return statement

    def __log_debug(self, msg):

Query.logger = logging.class_logger(Query)

class QueryContext(OperationContext):
    """created within the Query.compile() method to store and share
    state among all the Mappers and MapperProperty objects used in a query construction."""
    def __init__(self, query, kwargs):
        self.query = query
        self.order_by = kwargs.pop('order_by', False)
        self.from_obj = kwargs.pop('from_obj', [])
        self.lockmode = kwargs.pop('lockmode', query.lockmode)
        self.distinct = kwargs.pop('distinct', False)
        self.limit = kwargs.pop('limit', None)
        self.offset = kwargs.pop('offset', None)
        self.eager_loaders = util.Set([x for x in query.mapper._eager_loaders])
        self.statement = None