Example #1
 def __init__(self, data):
     PEcore.__init__(self, data)
         _Name=lambda k, x, cls: highlight([(Token.Name, self.Name)]))
     self.func_formatter(StorageClass=lambda k, x, cls: highlight([(
         Token.Name, self.classname())]))
     self.AuxSymbols = []
     data = data[len(self):]
     if self.Type >> 8 == 0x20 and self.StorageClass == 2 and self.SectionNumber > IMAGE_SYM_UNDEF:
         auxclass = AuxFunctionDefinition
     elif self.StorageClass == 101 and (self.Name == '.bf'
                                        or self.Name == '.ef'):
         auxclass = Aux_bf_ef
     elif self.StorageClass == 2 and self.SectionNumber == IMAGE_SYM_UNDEF and Self.Value == 0:
         auxclass = AuxWeakExternal
     elif self.StorageClass == 103:
         assert self.Name == '.file'
         auxclass = AuxFile
     elif self.StorageClass == 3:
         auxclass = AuxSectionDefinition
         auxclass = AuxSymbolRecord
     for x in range(self.NumberOfAuxSymbols):
         data = data[len(self):]
Example #2
File: pe.py Project: LRGH/amoco
 def __init__(self, data=None, offset=0):
         _Name=lambda k, x, cls: highlight([(Token.Name, self.Name)]))
     self.func_formatter(StorageClass=lambda k, x, cls: highlight([(
         Token.Name, self.classname())]))
     self.AuxSymbols = []
     if data:
         self.unpack(data, offset)
         offset += len(self)
         if (self.Type >> 8 == 0x20 and self.StorageClass == 2
                 and self.SectionNumber > IMAGE_SYM_UNDEF):
             auxclass = AuxFunctionDefinition
         elif self.StorageClass == 101 and (self.Name == ".bf"
                                            or self.Name == ".ef"):
             auxclass = Aux_bf_ef
         elif (self.StorageClass == 2
               and self.SectionNumber == IMAGE_SYM_UNDEF
               and Self.Value == 0):
             auxclass = AuxWeakExternal
         elif self.StorageClass == 103:
             assert self.Name == ".file"
             auxclass = AuxFile
         elif self.StorageClass == 3:
             auxclass = AuxSectionDefinition
             auxclass = AuxSymbolRecord
         for x in range(self.NumberOfAuxSymbols):
             s = auxclass(data, offset)
             offset += len(s)
Example #3
def token_name_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    pfx = "%s." % cls if cls != None else ""
    ks = k
        return highlight([(Token.Name, Consts.All[ks][x])])
    except KeyError:
        return token_constant_fmt(k, x)
Example #4
def token_datetime_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    """The date formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a date token UTC datetime string from timestamp value
    from datetime import datetime

    return highlight([(Token.Date, str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x)))])
Example #5
def token_flag_fmt(k, x, cls):
    s = []
    pfx = "%s." % cls if cls != None else ""
    ks = k
    for v, name in Consts.All[ks].items():
        if (x & v): s.append(highlight([(Token.Name, name)]))
    return ','.join(s) if len(s) > 0 else token_mask_fmt(k, x)
Example #6
def token_default_fmt(k, x, cls=None, fmt=None):
    """The default formatter just prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a literal token python string
        s = x.pp__()
    except AttributeError:
        s = str(x)
    return highlight([(Token.Literal, s)],fmt)
Example #7
def token_constant_fmt(k, x, cls=None, fmt=None):
    """The constant formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a constant token decimal value
        s = x.pp__()
    except AttributeError:
        s = str(x)
    return highlight([(Token.Constant, s)],fmt)
Example #8
def MSP430_synthetic(null, i, toks=False):
    s = MSP430_full(i, True)
    if i.mnemonic == 'ADDC' and i.operands[0] == 0:
        s[0] = mn('adc')[0]
        del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'DADD' and i.operands[0] == 0:
        s[0] = mn('dadc')[0]
        del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'CMP' and i.operands[0] == 0:
        s[0] = mn('tst')[0]
        del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'MOV':
        if i.operands[1] is pc:
            s[0] = mn('br')[0]
            del s[2:4]
        elif i.operands[0] == 0:
            s[0] = mn('clr')[0]
            del s[1:3]
        elif i.misc['autoinc'] is sp:
            if i.operands[1] is pc:
                s = mn('ret')
                s[0] = mn('pop')[0]
                del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'BIC':
        if i.operands[1] is sr:
            m = None
            if i.operands[0] == 1: m = 'clrc'
            elif i.operands[0] == 4: m = 'clrn'
            elif i.operands[0] == 2: m = 'clrz'
            elif i.operands[0] == 8: m = 'dint'
            if m: s = mn(m)
    elif i.mnemonic == 'BIS':
        if i.operands[1] is sr:
            m = None
            if i.operands[0] == 1: m = 'setc'
            elif i.operands[0] == 4: m = 'setn'
            elif i.operands[0] == 2: m = 'setz'
            elif i.operands[0] == 8: m = 'eint'
            if m: s = mn(m)
    elif i.mnemonic == 'SUB' and i.operands[0] == 1:
        s[0] = mn('dec')[0]
        del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'SUB' and i.operands[0] == 2:
        s[0] = mn('decd')[0]
        del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'ADD' and i.operands[0] == 1:
        s[0] = mn('inc')[0]
        del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'ADD' and i.operands[0] == 2:
        s[0] = mn('incd')[0]
        del s[1:3]
    elif i.mnemonic == 'XOR' and i.operands[0].signextend(16).value == -1:
        s[0] = mn('inv')[0]
        del s[1:-1]
    if toks: return s
    return highlight(s)
Example #9
File: core.py Project: xorpse/amoco
 def formatter(i, toks=False):
     """default formatter if no formatter has been set, will return
        the highlighted list from tokens for raw mnemonic,
        and comma-separated operands expressions.
     t = [(Token.Mnemonic, i.mnemonic)]
     t += [(Token.Literal, op) for op in map(str, i.operands[0:1])]
     t += [(Token.Literal, ", " + op) for op in map(str, i.operands[1:])]
     return t if toks else highlight(t)
Example #10
 def __call__(self,i,toks=False):
     for f in self.getparts(i):
         if hasattr(f,'format'):
             t = f.format(i=i)
             t = f(i)
         if isinstance(t,str):
             t = [(Token.Literal,t)]
     return s if toks else highlight(s)
Example #11
def token_name_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    """The name formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a name token variable symbol matching the value
    pfx = "%s." % cls if cls != None else ""
    if pfx + k in Consts.All:
        k = pfx + k
    ks = k
        return highlight([(Token.Name, Consts.All[ks][x])])
    except KeyError:
        return token_constant_fmt(k, x)
Example #12
def token_flag_fmt(k, x, cls):
    """The flag formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a name token variable series of symbols matching
    the flag value
    s = []
    pfx = "%s." % cls if cls != None else ""
    if pfx + k in Consts.All:
        k = pfx + k
    ks = k
    for v, name in Consts.All[ks].items():
        if x & v:
            s.append(highlight([(Token.Name, name)]))
    return ",".join(s) if len(s) > 0 else token_mask_fmt(k, x)
Example #13
def token_address_fmt(k, x):
    return highlight([(Token.Address, hex(x))])
Example #14
def token_default_fmt(k, x):
    if 'addr' in k: return token_address_fmt(k, x)
    if 'flags' in k: return token_flag_fmt(k, x)
    return highlight([(Token.Literal, str(x))])
Example #15
def token_flag_fmt(k, x):
    s = []
    for v, name in ELF_CONSTS[k].items():
        if (x & v): s.append(highlight([(Token.Name, name)]))
    return ','.join(s)
Example #16
def token_datetime_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    from datetime import datetime
    return highlight([(Token.Date, str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x)))])
Example #17
def token_mask_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    return highlight([(Token.Constant, hex(x))])
Example #18
def token_default_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    return highlight([(Token.Literal, str(x))])
Example #19
def token_constant_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    """The constant formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a constant token decimal value
    return highlight([(Token.Constant, str(x))])
Example #20
def token_mask_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    """The mask formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a constant token hexadecimal value
    return highlight([(Token.Constant, hex(x))])
Example #21
 def pp(self,**kargs):
     return highlight(self.toks(**kargs))
Example #22
def token_constant_fmt(k, x):
    return highlight([(Token.Constant, str(x))])
Example #23
def token_name_fmt(k, x):
        return highlight([(Token.Name, ELF_CONSTS[k][x])])
    except KeyError:
        return token_constant_fmt(k, x)
Example #24
File: cli.py Project: sthagen/amoco
 def __init__(self, srv):
     cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, completekey=conf.UI.completekey)
     self.srv = srv
     prompt = [(Token.Mnemonic, "amoco"), (Token.Literal, "> ")]
     self.prompt = highlight(prompt)
Example #25
def SPARC_Synthetic_renaming(s, i, toks=False):
    if i.mnemonic == "sethi" and i.operands[0] == cst(
            0, 22) and i.operands[1] == g0:
        return "nop"
    if (i.mnemonic == "or" and not i.misc["icc"]
            and i.operands[0] == i.operands[1] == g0):
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "clr")
        replace_opn_token(s, 1, None)
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "or" and not i.misc["icc"] and i.operands[0] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "mov")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "or" and not i.misc["icc"] and i.operands[
            0] == i.operands[2]:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "bset")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "rd":
        op1 = str(i.operands[0])
        if op1.startswith("asr") or op1 in ("y", "psr", "wim", "tbr"):
            replace_mnemonic_token(s, "mov")
    elif i.mnemonic == "wr" and i.operands[0] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "mov")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "sub" and i.misc["icc"] and i.operands[2] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "cmp")
        replace_opn_token(s, 2, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "jmpl" and i.operands[1] == g0:
        if i.operands[0] == (i7 + cst(8)):
            s = [(Token.Mnemonic, "ret")]
        elif i.operands[0] == (o7 + cst(8)):
            s = [(Token.Mnemonic, "retl")]
            replace_mnemonic_token(s, "jmp")
            replace_opn_token(s, 1, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "jmpl" and i.operands[1] == o7:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "call")
        replace_opn_token(s, 1, None)
    elif (i.mnemonic == "or" and i.misc["icc"] and i.operands[1]._is_reg
          and i.operands[0] == i.operands[2] == g0):
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "tst")
        replace_opn_token(s, 2, None)
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif (i.mnemonic == "restore"
          and i.operands[0] == i.operands[1] == i.operands[2] == g0):
        s = [(Token.Mnemonic, "restore")]
    if i.mnemonic == "save" and i.operands[0] == i.operands[1] == i.operands[
            2] == g0:
        s = [(Token.Mnemonic, "save")]
    if i.mnemonic == "xnor" and i.operands[1] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "not")
        replace_opn_token(s, 1, None)
        if i.operands[0] == i.operands[2]:
            replace_opn_token(s, 2, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "sub" and i.operands[0] == g0 and i.operands[1]._is_reg:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "neg")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
        if i.operands[1] == i.operands[2]:
            replace_opn_token(s, 2, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "add" and i.operands[0] == i.operands[2] and i.operands[
        m = "inccc" if i.misc["icc"] else "inc"
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, m)
        if i.operands[1] == 1:
            replace_opn_token(s, 2, None)
            replace_opn_token(s, 1, None)
            replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "sub" and i.operands[0] == i.operands[2] and i.operands[
        m = "deccc" if i.misc["icc"] else "dec"
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, m)
        if i.operands[1] == 1:
            replace_opn_token(s, 2, None)
            replace_opn_token(s, 1, None)
            replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "and" and i.misc["icc"] and i.operands[2] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "btst")
        replace_opn_token(s, 2, None)
        s[1], s[3] = s[3], s[1]
    elif i.mnemonic == "andn" and not i.misc["icc"] and i.operands[
            0] == i.operands[2]:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "bclr")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "xor" and not i.misc["icc"] and i.operands[
            0] == i.operands[2]:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "btog")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "stb" and i.operands[0] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "clrb")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "sth" and i.operands[0] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "clrh")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    elif i.mnemonic == "st" and i.operands[0] == g0:
        replace_mnemonic_token(s, "clr")
        replace_opn_token(s, 0, None)
    return s if toks else highlight(s)
Example #26
def token_address_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    """The address formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a address token hexadecimal value
    return highlight([(Token.Address, hex(x))])
Example #27
 def formatter(i,toks=False):
     t = (Token.Mnemonic,i.mnemonic)
     t+= [(Token.Literal,op) for op in map(str,i.operands[0:1])]
     t+= [(Token.Literal,', '+op) for op in map(str,i.operands[1:])]
     return t if toks else highlight(t)
Example #28
def token_address_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    return highlight([(Token.Address, "0x%04x" % x)])
Example #29
def token_flag_fmt(k, x, cls):
    s = []
    for v, name in PE_CONSTS["%s%s" % (cls, k)].items():
        if (x & v): s.append(highlight([(Token.Name, name)]))
    return ','.join(s)
Example #30
def token_default_fmt(k, x, cls=None):
    """The default formatter just prints value 'x' of attribute 'k'
    as a literal token python string
    return highlight([(Token.Literal, str(x))])