def __init__(self, context: AmpelContext, logger: AmpelLogger, directives: Sequence[IngestDirective | DualIngestDirective], process_name: str, db_log_format: str = "standard") -> None: """ :raises: ValueError if no process can be loaded or if a process is associated with an unknown channel """ embed = db_log_format == "compact" # Create FilterBlock instances (instantiates channel filter and loggers) self.filter_blocks = [ FilterBlock(i, context,, filter_model=model.filter, process_name=process_name, logger=logger, check_new=isinstance(model, DualIngestDirective), embed=embed) for i, model in enumerate(directives) ] # Robustness if len(self.filter_blocks) == 0: raise ValueError("No directive loaded, please check your config") # Note: channel names can be integers self.chan_names = [ f"{}" for fb in self.filter_blocks if in context.config._config['channel'] ] # Check that channels defined in directives exist in ampel config if len(self.chan_names) != len(self.filter_blocks): for fb in self.filter_blocks: if not in context.config._config['channel']: raise ValueError( f"Channel {} unknown in ampel config") if len(self.filter_blocks) == 1 and db_log_format == "compact": logger.warn( "You should not use db_log_format='compact' with only one channel" ) # Deactivated for now partly because of lack of time """
def t0_ingester(patch_mongo, dev_context): run_id = 0 logger = AmpelLogger.get_logger() updates_buffer = DBUpdatesBuffer(dev_context.db, run_id=run_id, logger=logger) ingester = MongoT0Ingester(updates_buffer=updates_buffer) compiler = T0Compiler(tier=0, run_id=run_id) return ingester, compiler
def test_get_channel(): template = LegacyChannelTemplate( channel="FOO", version=0, t0_filter={"unit": "NoFilter"}, ) channel = template.get_channel(logger=AmpelLogger.get_logger()) assert ChannelModel(**channel).dict() == channel
def t0_process(kwargs, first_pass_config): first_pass_config["resource"]["ampel-ztf/kafka"] = { "group": "nonesuch", "broker": "nonesuch:9092", } # explicitly add version, which would otherwise be synthesized by ProcessMorpher template = ZTFLegacyChannelTemplate(**kwargs) return ProcessModel(**( template.get_processes(AmpelLogger.get_logger(), first_pass_config)[0] | { "version": template.version }))
def _make_muxer(context: AmpelContext, model: UnitModel) -> ZiArchiveMuxer: run_id = 0 logger = AmpelLogger.get_logger() updates_buffer = DBUpdatesBuffer(context.db, run_id=run_id, logger=logger) muxer = context.loader.new_context_unit( model=model, sub_type=ZiArchiveMuxer, context=context, logger=logger, updates_buffer=updates_buffer, ) return muxer
def get_handler(context, directives, run_id=0) -> ChainedIngestionHandler: logger = AmpelLogger.get_logger(console={"level": DEBUG}) updates_buffer = DBUpdatesBuffer(context.db, run_id=run_id, logger=logger) return ChainedIngestionHandler( context=context, logger=logger, run_id=0, updates_buffer=updates_buffer, directives=directives, compiler_opts=ZiCompilerOptions(), shaper=UnitModel(unit="ZiDataPointShaper"), trace_id={}, tier=0, )
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: if kwargs.get('logger') is None: kwargs['logger'] = AmpelLogger.get_logger() super().__init__(**kwargs) self.chained_tal: 'None | TarAlertLoader' = None if self.file_obj: self.tar_file =, mode=self.tar_mode) elif self.file_path: self.tar_file =, mode=self.tar_mode) else: raise ValueError( "Please provide value either for 'file_path' or 'file_obj'") if self.start != 0: count = 0 for tarinfo in self.tar_file: count += 1 if count < self.start: continue
class PlotCommand(AbsCoreCommand): def __init__(self): self.parsers = {} # Mandatory implementation def get_parser(self, sub_op: None | str = None) -> ArgumentParser | AmpelArgumentParser: if sub_op in self.parsers: return self.parsers[sub_op] sub_ops = ["show", "save", "clipboard", "watch"] if sub_op is None or sub_op not in sub_ops: return AmpelArgumentParser.build_choice_help( 'plot', sub_ops, h, description = 'Show or export ampel plots.' ) builder = ArgParserBuilder("plot") builder.add_parsers(sub_ops, h) builder.notation_add_note_references() builder.notation_add_example_references() # Required builder.add_arg('show|save|clipboard|watch.required', 'config', type=str) builder.add_arg('save.required', 'out', type=str) # Optional builder.add_arg('show|save.optional', 'limit', type=int) builder.add_arg('show|save|watch.optional', 'secrets') builder.add_arg('optional', 'debug', action="store_true") builder.add_arg('show|save.optional', 'id-mapper', type=str) builder.add_arg('show|save.optional', 'base-path', type=str) builder.add_arg('show|save.optional', 'unit', type=str) builder.add_arg('show|save.optional', 'enforce-base-path', action="store_true") builder.add_arg('show|save.optional', 'last-body', action="store_true") builder.add_arg('show|save.optional', 'latest-doc', action="store_true") builder.add_arg('optional', 'scale', nargs='?', type=float, default=1.0) builder.add_arg('optional', 'max-size', nargs='?', type=int) builder.add_arg('show|save|clipboard.optional', "db", type=str, nargs="+") builder.add_arg('show|save|watch|clipboard.optional', "one-db", action="store_true") builder.add_arg('watch.required', "db", type=str, nargs="+") builder.add_arg('watch.required', "col", type=str, nargs="?") # Optional mutually exclusive args builder.add_x_args('optional', {'name': 'png', 'nargs': '?', 'type': int, 'const': 96}, {'name': 'html', 'action': 'store_true'}, ) builder.add_arg('optional', 'stack', action='store', metavar='#', const=100, nargs='?', type=int, default=0) builder.add_group('show|save.match', 'Plot selection arguments') for el in (0, 1, 2, 3): builder.add_arg('show|save.match', f'no-t{el}', action='store_true', help=f"Ignore t{el} plots") for el in (0, 1, 2, 3): builder.add_arg('show|save.match', f't{el}', action='store_true', help=f"Match only t{el} plots") builder.add_arg('show|save.match', 'plots-col', action='store_true', help="Match only plots from plots collections") builder.add_arg('show|save.match', "stock", action=MaybeIntAction, nargs="+") builder.create_logic_args('show|save.match', "channel", "Channel") builder.create_logic_args('show|save.match', "with-doc-tag", "Doc tag", json=False) builder.create_logic_args('show|save.match', "without-doc-tag", "Doc tag", json=False) builder.create_logic_args('show|save.match', "with-plot-tag", "Plot tag", json=False) builder.create_logic_args('show|save.match', "without-plot-tag", "Plot tag", json=False) builder.add_arg('show|save.match', "custom-match", metavar="#", action=LoadJSONAction) builder.add_example('show', "-stack -300 -t2") builder.add_example('show', "-html -t3 -base-path body.plot -latest-doc -db HelloAmpel -one-db") builder.add_example('show', "-html -t2 -stock 123456 -db DB1 DB2") builder.add_example('show', "-stack -t2 -png 300 -limit 10") builder.add_example('show', "-stack -limit 10 -t2 -with-plot-tag SNCOSMO -with-doc-tag NED_NEAREST_IS_SPEC -custom-match '{\"\": {\"$lte\": 10}}'") builder.add_example('show', "-stack -t2 -with-doc-tag NED_NEAREST_IS_SPEC -unit T2PS1ThumbNedSNCosmo -mongo.prefix Dipole2 -resource.mongo localhost:27050 -debug") builder.add_example('clipboard', "-html") builder.add_example('watch', "-db DipoleAP -col t3 -one-db -config ampel_conf.yaml -stack -png 200") self.parsers.update( builder.get() ) return self.parsers[sub_op] # Mandatory implementation def run(self, args: dict[str, Any], unknown_args: Sequence[str], sub_op: None | str = None) -> None: stack = args.get("stack") limit = args.get("limit") or 0 db_prefixes = args.get("db") dbs = [] config = self.load_config(args['config'], unknown_args, freeze=False) vault = self.get_vault(args) if db_prefixes: for el in db_prefixes: config._config['mongo']['prefix'] = el dbs.append( self.get_db( config, vault, require_existing_db=True, one_db=args.get('one_db', False) ) ) else: dbs = [ self.get_db( config, vault, require_existing_db=True, one_db=args.get('one_db', False) ) ] if sub_op == "clipboard": from ampel.plot.util.keyboard import InlinePynput ipo = InlinePynput() read_from_clipboard( PlotBrowseOptions(**args), plots_col = dbs[0].get_collection('plots'), keyboard_callback = ipo.is_ctrl_pressed ) if (x := args.get('base_path')) and not x.startswith("body."): raise ValueError("Option 'base-path' must start with 'body.'") if sub_op == "watch": read_from_db( dbs[0].get_collection(args['col']), PlotBrowseOptions(**args) ) if 'id_mapper' in args: AuxUnitRegister.initialize(config) maybe_load_idmapper(args) logger = AmpelLogger.from_profile( self.get_context(args, unknown_args, ContextClass=AmpelContext), 'console_debug' if args['debug'] else 'console_info', base_flag=LogFlag.MANUAL_RUN ) ptags: dict = {} dtags: dict = {} for el in ("with_doc_tag", "with_doc_tags_and", "with_doc_tags_or"): if args.get(el): dtags['with'] = args.get(el) break for el in ("without_doc_tag", "without_doc_tags_and", "without_doc_tags_or"): if args.get(el): dtags['without'] = args.get(el) break for el in ("with_plot_tag", "with_plot_tags_and", "with_plot_tags_or"): if args.get(el): ptags['with'] = args.get(el) break for el in ("without_plot_tag", "without_plot_tags_and", "without_plot_tags_or"): if args.get(el): ptags['without'] = args.get(el) break if stack: scol = SVGCollection() for db in dbs: loader = SVGLoader( db, logger = logger, limit = limit, enforce_base_path= args['enforce_base_path'], last_body = args['last_body'], latest_doc = args['latest_doc'] ) if args['plots_col']: loader.add_query( SVGQuery( col = "plots", path = "", plot_tag = ptags, doc_tag = dtags, unit = args.get("unit"), stock = args.get("stock"), custom_match = args.get("custom_match") ) ) else: if [k for k in ("t0", "t1", "t2", "t3") if args.get(k, False)]: for el in ("t0", "t1", "t2", "t3"): if args[el]: loader.add_query( SVGQuery( col = el, # type: ignore[arg-type] path = args.get('base_path') or '', plot_tag = ptags, doc_tag = dtags, unit = args.get("unit"), stock = args.get("stock"), custom_match = args.get("custom_match") ) ) else: for el in ("t0", "t1", "t2", "t3"): if not args.get(f"no-{el}"): loader.add_query( SVGQuery( col = el, # type: ignore[arg-type] path = args.get('base_path') or '', plot_tag = ptags, doc_tag = dtags, unit = args.get("unit"), stock = args.get("stock"), custom_match = args.get("custom_match") ) ) i = 1 for v in loader._plots.values(): pbo = PlotBrowseOptions(**args) if stack: for svg in v._svgs: if len(dbs) > 1: svg._record['title'] += f"\n<span style='color: steelblue'>{db.prefix}</span>" scol.add_svg_plot(svg) if i % stack == 0: show_collection(scol, pbo, print_func=print) scol = SVGCollection() else: for svg in v._svgs: show_svg_plot(svg, pbo) if stack: show_collection(scol, PlotBrowseOptions(**args), print_func=print) if i == 1: AmpelLogger.get_logger().info("No plot matched")
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.logger: AmpelLogger = AmpelLogger.get_logger()
def ampel_logger(): return AmpelLogger.get_logger()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "logger" not in kwargs: kwargs["logger"] = AmpelLogger.get_logger() super().__init__(**kwargs)
def __init__( self, run_config, t_min, resource=None, filter_class=DecentFilter, cone_nside=64, cones_to_scan=None, logger=None, ): self.cone_nside = cone_nside self.t_min = t_min if not hasattr(self, "prob_threshold"): self.prob_threshold = None if resource is None: resource = { "ampel-ztf/catalogmatch": "", } if logger is None: self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) else: self.logger = logger"AMPEL run config:") lvl = self.logger.level if lvl > 10: logger_ampel = logging.getLogger("AMPEL_filter") logger_ampel.setLevel(logging.WARNING) else: from ampel.log.AmpelLogger import AmpelLogger logger_ampel = AmpelLogger() self.ampel_filter_class = filter_class(logger=logger_ampel, resource=resource, **run_config) self.dap = DevAlertProcessor(self.ampel_filter_class) self.scanned_pixels = [] if cones_to_scan is None: self.cone_ids, self.cone_coords = self.find_cone_coords() else: self.cone_ids, self.cone_coords = cones_to_scan self.cache = dict() self.default_t_max = t_min + 10.0 self.overlap_prob = None self.overlap_fields = None self.first_obs = None self.last_obs = None self.n_fields = None self.rectangular_area = None self.double_extragalactic_area = None if not hasattr(self, "dist"): self.dist = None
def __init__(self, index: int, context: AmpelContext, channel: ChannelId, filter_model: None | FilterModel, process_name: str, logger: AmpelLogger, check_new: bool = False, embed: bool = False) -> None: """ :param index: index of the parent AlertConsumerDirective used for creating this FilterBlock :param check_new: check whether a stock already exists in the stock collection (first tuple member of method filter (directive index) will be negative then) :param in_stock: whished behaviors when a stock with a given id (from the alert) already exists in the stock collection. :param process_name: associated T0 process name (as defined in the ampel conf) :param embed: use compact logging (channel embedded in messages). Produces fewer (and bigger) log documents. """ self._stock_col = context.db.get_collection('stock') self.filter_model = filter_model self.context = context self.idx = index # Channel name (ex: HU_SN or 1) = channel self.chan_str = str( # stats self._stat_accepted = stat_accepted.labels(self.chan_str) self._stat_rejected = stat_rejected.labels(self.chan_str) self._stat_autocomplete = stat_autocomplete.labels(self.chan_str) self._stat_time = stat_time.labels(f"filter.{self.chan_str}") self.check_new = check_new self.rej = self.idx, False self.stock_ids: set[StockId] = set() if filter_model: # Minimal log entry in case filter does not log anything self.min_log_msg = {'c':} if embed else None # Instantiate/get filter class associated with this channel"Loading filter: {filter_model.unit}", extra={'c':}) self.buf_hdlr: EnclosedChanRecordBufHandler | ChanRecordBufHandler = \ EnclosedChanRecordBufHandler(logger.level, if embed \ else ChanRecordBufHandler(logger.level, self.unit_instance = context.loader.new_logical_unit( model=filter_model, sub_type=AbsAlertFilter, logger=AmpelLogger.get_logger( name="buf_" + self.chan_str, base_flag=(getattr(logger, 'base_flag', 0) & ~LogFlag.CORE) | LogFlag.UNIT, console=False, handlers=[self.buf_hdlr])) # Log entries potentially logged by filter post_init method if self.buf_hdlr.buffer: self.buf_hdlr.forward(logger) self.buf_hdlr.buffer = [] self.forward = self.buf_hdlr.forward # type: ignore self.buffer = self.buf_hdlr.buffer self.filter_func = self.unit_instance.process if osm := filter_model.on_stock_match: self.overrule = self.idx, osm in [ 'overrule', 'silent_overrule' ] self.bypass = self.idx, osm == 'bypass' self.update_rej = osm == 'overrule' else: self.overrule = self.idx, False self.bypass = self.idx, False self.update_rej = True self.rej_log_handle: None | Callable[[LightLogRecord | LogRecord], None] = None self.rej_log_handler: None | LoggingHandlerProtocol = None self.file: None | Callable[[AmpelAlertProtocol, None | int], None] = None self.register: None | AbsAlertRegister = None