Example #1
 def from_square_dalitz_plot(self, mprimeac, thprimeac):
     sample: Given mprimeac and thprimeac, returns 2D tensor for (m2ab, m2bc).
     Make sure you don't pass in sqDP corner points as they lie outside phsp.
     m2AC = (
         0.25 *
         (self.maxac**0.5 * atfi.cos(math.pi * mprimeac) + self.maxac**0.5 -
          self.minac**0.5 * atfi.cos(math.pi * mprimeac) + self.minac**0.5)
     m2AB = (
         0.5 *
         (-(m2AC**2) + m2AC * self.ma**2 + m2AC * self.mb**2 +
          m2AC * self.mc**2 + m2AC * self.md**2 - m2AC * atfi.sqrt(
              (m2AC *
               (m2AC - 2.0 * self.ma**2 - 2.0 * self.mc**2) + self.ma**4 -
               2.0 * self.ma**2 * self.mc**2 + self.mc**4) / m2AC) *
              (m2AC *
               (m2AC - 2.0 * self.mb**2 - 2.0 * self.md**2) + self.mb**4 -
               2.0 * self.mb**2 * self.md**2 + self.md**4) / m2AC) *
          atfi.cos(math.pi * thprimeac) - self.ma**2 * self.mb**2 +
          self.ma**2 * self.md**2 + self.mb**2 * self.mc**2 -
          self.mc**2 * self.md**2) / m2AC)
     m2BC = self.msqsum - m2AC - m2AB
     return tf.stack([m2AB, m2BC], axis=1)
Example #2
    def model(x):
        # Get phase space variables
        cosThetaK = phsp.coordinate(x, 0)
        cosThetaL = phsp.coordinate(x, 1)
        phi = phsp.coordinate(x, 2)

        # Derived quantities
        sinThetaK = atfi.sqrt(1.0 - cosThetaK * cosThetaK)
        sinThetaL = atfi.sqrt(1.0 - cosThetaL * cosThetaL)

        sinTheta2K = (1.0 - cosThetaK * cosThetaK)
        sinTheta2L = (1.0 - cosThetaL * cosThetaL)

        sin2ThetaK = (2.0 * sinThetaK * cosThetaK)
        cos2ThetaL = (2.0 * cosThetaL * cosThetaL - 1.0)

        # Decay density
        pdf = (3.0 / 4.0) * (1.0 - FL) * sinTheta2K
        pdf += FL * cosThetaK * cosThetaK
        pdf += (1.0 / 4.0) * (1.0 - FL) * sin2ThetaK * cos2ThetaL
        pdf += (-1.0) * FL * cosThetaK * cosThetaK * cos2ThetaL
        pdf += (1.0 / 2.0) * (
            1.0 - FL) * AT2 * sinTheta2K * sinTheta2L * atfi.cos(2.0 * phi)
        pdf += S5 * sin2ThetaK * sinThetaL * atfi.cos(phi)

        return pdf
Example #3
def generate_rotation_and_boost(moms, minit, meanpt, ptcut, rnd):
    Generate 4-momenta of final state products according to 3-body phase space distribution
      moms   - initial particle momenta (in the rest frame)
      meanpt - mean Pt of the initial particle
      ptcut  - miminum Pt of the initial particle
      rnd    - Auxiliary random tensor

    pt = generate_pt(rnd[:, 0], meanpt, ptcut, 200.)  # Pt in GeV
    eta = generate_eta(rnd[:, 1])  # Eta
    phi = generate_phi(rnd[:, 2])  # Phi

    theta = 2. * atfi.atan(atfi.exp(-eta))  # Theta angle
    p = pt / atfi.sin(theta)  # Full momentum
    e = atfi.sqrt(p**2 + minit**2)  # Energy

    px = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.sin(phi)  # 3-momentum of initial particle
    py = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.cos(phi)
    pz = p * atfi.cos(theta)

    p4 = atfk.lorentz_vector(atfk.vector(px, py, pz),
                             e)  # 4-momentum of initial particle

    rotphi = uniform_random(rnd[:, 3], 0., 2 * atfi.pi())
    rotpsi = uniform_random(rnd[:, 4], 0., 2 * atfi.pi())
    rottheta = atfi.acos(uniform_random(rnd[:, 5], -1, 1.))

    moms2 = []
    for m in moms:
        m1 = atfk.rotate_lorentz_vector(m, rotphi, rottheta, rotpsi)
        moms2 += [atfk.boost_from_rest(m1, p4)]

    return moms2
Example #4
def generate_4momenta(rnd, meanpt, ptcut, m):
    Generate random 4-momenta according to specified mean Pt, minimum Pt, and mass of the particle, flat in eta and phi
    pt = generate_pt(rnd[:, 0], meanpt, ptcut, atfi.const(200.))  # Pt in GeV
    eta = generate_eta(rnd[:, 1])  # Eta
    phi = generate_phi(rnd[:, 2])  # Phi

    theta = 2. * atfi.atan(atfi.exp(-eta))
    p = pt / atfi.sin(theta)  # Full momentum
    e = atfi.sqrt(p**2 + m**2)  # Energy
    px = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.sin(phi)
    py = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.cos(phi)
    pz = p * atfi.cos(theta)
    return atfk.lorentz_vector(atfk.vector(px, py, pz), e)
Example #5
def helicity_amplitude_3body(thetaR, phiR, thetaA, phiA, spinD, spinR, mu,
                             lambdaR, lambdaA, lambdaB, lambdaC):
    """Calculate complex helicity amplitude for the 3-body decay D->ABC
      thetaR, phiR : polar and azimuthal angles of AB resonance in D rest frame
      thetaA, phiA : polar and azimuthal angles of A in AB rest frame
      spinD : D spin
      spinR : spin of the intermediate R resonance
      mu : D spin projection onto z axis
      lambdaR : R resonance helicity
      lambdaA : A helicity
      lambdaB : B helicity
      lambdaC : C helicity

    :param thetaR: 
    :param phiR: 
    :param thetaA: 
    :param phiA: 
    :param spinD: 
    :param spinR: 
    :param mu: 
    :param lambdaR: 
    :param lambdaA: 
    :param lambdaB: 
    :param lambdaC: 


    lambda1 = lambdaR - lambdaC
    lambda2 = lambdaA - lambdaB
    ph = (mu - lambda1) / 2. * phiR + (lambdaR - lambda2) / 2. * phiA
    d_terms = wigner_small_d(thetaR, spinD, mu, lambda1) * \
              wigner_small_d(thetaA, spinR, lambdaR, lambda2)
    h = atfi.complex(d_terms * atfi.cos(ph), d_terms * atfi.sin(ph))

    return h
Example #6
def rotate(v, angle, axis):
    """rotate vector around an arbitrary axis, from ROOT implementation

    :param v: 
    :param angle: 
    :param axis: 

    if (angle != atfi.zeros(angle)):
        ll = norm(axis)
        if (ll == atfi.zeros(ll)):
            sys.exit('ERROR in rotate: rotation axis is zero')
            sa = atfi.sin(angle)
            ca = atfi.cos(angle)
            dx = x_component(axis) / ll
            dy = y_component(axis) / ll
            dz = z_component(axis) / ll
            vx = x_component(v)
            vy = y_component(v)
            vz = z_component(v)
            _vx = (ca+(1-ca)*dx*dx)*vx + ((1-ca)*dx*dy-sa*dz) * \
                vy + ((1-ca)*dx*dz+sa*dy)*vz
            _vy = ((1-ca)*dy*dx+sa*dz)*vx + (ca+(1-ca)*dy*dy) * \
                vy + ((1-ca)*dy*dz-sa*dx)*vz
            _vz = ((1-ca)*dz*dx-sa*dy)*vx + \
                ((1-ca)*dz*dy+sa*dx)*vy + (ca+(1-ca)*dz*dz)*vz

            return vector(_vx, _vy, _vz)

        return v
Example #7
    def square_dalitz_plot_jacobian(self, sample):
        sample: [mAB^2, mBC^2]
        Return the jacobian determinant (|J|) of tranformation from dmAB^2*dmBC^2 -> |J|*dMpr*dThpr where Mpr, Thpr are defined in (AC) frame.
        mPrime = self.m_prime_ac(sample)
        thPrime = self.theta_prime_ac(sample)

        diff_AC = tf.cast(
            atfi.sqrt(self.maxac) - atfi.sqrt(self.minac), atfi.fptype())
        mAC = atfi.const(0.5) * diff_AC * (
            Const(1.0) + atfi.cos(atfi.pi() * mPrime)) + tf.cast(
                atfi.sqrt(self.minac), atfi.fptype())
        mACSq = mAC * mAC

        eAcmsAC = (atfi.const(0.5) *
                   (mACSq - tf.cast(self.mc2, atfi.fptype()) +
                    tf.cast(self.ma2, atfi.fptype())) / mAC)
        eBcmsAC = (atfi.const(0.5) *
                   (tf.cast(self.md, atfi.fptype())**2.0 - mACSq -
                    tf.cast(self.mb2, atfi.fptype())) / mAC)

        pAcmsAC = atfi.sqrt(eAcmsAC**2.0 - tf.cast(self.ma2, atfi.fptype()))
        pBcmsAC = atfi.sqrt(eBcmsAC**2.0 - tf.cast(self.mb2, atfi.fptype()))

        deriv1 = Pi() * atfi.const(0.5) * diff_AC * atfi.sin(
            atfi.pi() * mPrime)
        deriv2 = Pi() * atfi.sin(atfi.pi() * thPrime)

        return atfi.const(4.0) * pAcmsAC * pBcmsAC * mAC * deriv1 * deriv2
Example #8
def rotate_euler(v, phi, theta, psi):
    """Perform 3D rotation of the 3-vector
      v : vector to be rotated
      phi, theta, psi : Euler angles in Z-Y-Z convention

    :param v: 
    :param phi: 
    :param theta: 
    :param psi: 


    # rotate Z (phi)
    c1 = atfi.cos(phi)
    s1 = atfi.sin(phi)
    c2 = atfi.cos(theta)
    s2 = atfi.sin(theta)
    c3 = atfi.cos(psi)
    s3 = atfi.sin(psi)

    # rotate Y (theta)
    fzx2 = -s2 * c1
    fzy2 = s2 * s1
    fzz2 = c2

    # rotate Z (psi)
    fxx3 = c3 * c2 * c1 - s3 * s1
    fxy3 = -c3 * c2 * s1 - s3 * c1
    fxz3 = c3 * s2
    fyx3 = s3 * c2 * c1 + c3 * s1
    fyy3 = -s3 * c2 * s1 + c3 * c1
    fyz3 = s3 * s2

    # Transform v
    vx = x_component(v)
    vy = y_component(v)
    vz = z_component(v)

    _vx = fxx3 * vx + fxy3 * vy + fxz3 * vz
    _vy = fyx3 * vx + fyy3 * vy + fyz3 * vz
    _vz = fzx2 * vx + fzy2 * vy + fzz2 * vz

    return vector(_vx, _vy, _vz)
Example #9
def random_rotation_and_boost(moms, rnd):
    Apply random boost and rotation to the list of 4-vectors
      moms : list of 4-vectors
      rnd  : random array of shape (N, 6), where N is the length of 4-vector array
    pt = -5.0 * atfi.log(
        rnd[:, 0]
    )  # Random pT, exponential distribution with mean 5 GeV
    eta = rnd[:, 1] * 3.0 + 2.0  # Uniform distribution in pseudorapidity eta
    phi = rnd[:, 2] * 2.0 * atfi.pi()  # Uniform distribution in phi

    theta = 2.0 * atfi.atan(atfi.exp(-eta))  # Theta angle is a function of eta
    p = pt / atfi.sin(theta)  # Full momentum
    e = atfi.sqrt(p ** 2 + mb ** 2)  # Energy of the Bs

    px = (
        p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.sin(phi)
    )  # 3-momentum of initial particle (Bs meson)
    py = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.cos(phi)
    pz = p * atfi.cos(theta)

    boost = atfk.lorentz_vector(
        atfk.vector(px, py, pz), e
    )  # Boost vector of the Bs meson

    rot_theta = atfi.acos(
        rnd[:, 3] * 2.0 - 1.0
    )  # Random Euler rotation angles for Bs decay
    rot_phi = rnd[:, 4] * 2.0 * atfi.pi()
    rot_psi = rnd[:, 5] * 2.0 * atfi.pi()

    # Apply rotation and boost to the momenta in input list
    moms1 = []
    for m in moms:
        m1 = atfk.rotate_lorentz_vector(m, rot_phi, rot_theta, rot_psi)
        moms1 += [atfk.boost_from_rest(m1, boost)]

    return moms1
Example #10
def resonant_lass_lineshape(m2ab, m0, gamma0, a, r, ma, mb):
      LASS line shape, resonant part
    m = atfi.sqrt(m2ab)
    q0 = atfk.two_body_momentum(m0, ma, mb)
    q = atfk.two_body_momentum(m, ma, mb)
    cot_deltab = 1. / a / q + 1. / 2. * r * q
    phase = atfi.atan(1. / cot_deltab)
    width = gamma0 * q / m * m0 / q0
    ampl = relativistic_breit_wigner(m2ab, m0, width) * atfi.complex(
        atfi.cos(phase), atfi.sin(phase)) * atfi.cast_complex(
            m2ab * gamma0 / q0)
    return ampl
Example #11
def rotate(v, angle, axis):
    Rotate vector around an arbitrary axis. Uses ROOT implementation.

    :param v: Input 3-vector
    :param angle: Rotation angle
    :param axis: 3-vector defining rotation axis
    :returns: Rotated vector

    if angle != atfi.zeros(angle):
        ll = norm(axis)
        if ll == atfi.zeros(ll):
            sys.exit("ERROR in rotate: rotation axis is zero")
            sa = atfi.sin(angle)
            ca = atfi.cos(angle)
            dx = x_component(axis) / ll
            dy = y_component(axis) / ll
            dz = z_component(axis) / ll
            vx = x_component(v)
            vy = y_component(v)
            vz = z_component(v)
            _vx = ((ca + (1 - ca) * dx * dx) * vx +
                   ((1 - ca) * dx * dy - sa * dz) * vy +
                   ((1 - ca) * dx * dz + sa * dy) * vz)
            _vy = (((1 - ca) * dy * dx + sa * dz) * vx +
                   (ca + (1 - ca) * dy * dy) * vy +
                   ((1 - ca) * dy * dz - sa * dx) * vz)
            _vz = (((1 - ca) * dz * dx - sa * dy) * vx +
                   ((1 - ca) * dz * dy + sa * dx) * vy +
                   (ca + (1 - ca) * dz * dz) * vz)

            return vector(_vx, _vy, _vz)

        return v
Example #12
def normal_random(rnd1, rnd2):
    Normal distribution from two random numbers
    return atfi.sqrt(-2. * atfi.log(rnd1)) * atfi.cos(2. * math.pi * rnd2)