Example #1
    def solve(self, prob=None):
            ampl_env = amplpy.Environment()
            ampl = amplpy.AMPL(ampl_env)

            ampl.setOption('solver', 'gurobi')

            model_dir = os.path.normpath('./ampl_models')
            ampl.read(os.path.join(model_dir, '/ampl_m.mod'))


            df = amplpy.DataFrame('depart')
            ampl.setData(df, departs)

            df = amplpy.DataFrame('arrivee')
            ampl.setData(df, arrivees)

            df = amplpy.DataFrame(('depart','arrivee'), 'dst')

                (depart, arrivee): self.matrice[i][j]
                for i, depart in enumerate(departs)
                for j, arrivee in enumerate(arrivees)})

            ampl.setData(self, df)
            self.done = True

            print('Objective: {}'.format(ampl.getObjective('Total_Cost').value()))
            solution = ampl.getVariable('Buy').getValues()
            print('Solution retournée: \n' + str(solution))

        except Exception as error:
    def copy_to_ampl(self, pan_dat, field_renamings = None, excluded_tables = None):
        copies the pan_dat object into a new pan_dat object populated with amplpy.DataFrame objects
        performs a deep copy

        :param pan_dat: a PanDat object

        :param field_renamings: dict or None. If fields are to be renamed in the copy, then
                                a mapping from (table_name, field_name) -> new_field_name
                                If a data field is to be omitted, then new_field can be falsey
                                table_name cannot refer to an excluded table. (see below)
                                field_name doesn't have to refer to a field to an element of
                                self.data_fields[t], but it doesn't have to refer to a column in
                                the pan_dat.table_name DataFrame

        :param excluded_tables: If truthy, a list of tables to be excluded from the copy.
                                Tables without primary key fields are always excluded.

        :return: a deep copy of the tic_dat argument into amplpy.DataFrames
        verify(amplpy, "amplpy needs to be installed in order to enable AMPL functionality")
        msg  = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))
        verify(not excluded_tables or (containerish(excluded_tables) and
               "bad excluded_tables argument")
        copy_tables = {t for t in self.all_tables if self.primary_key_fields[t]}.\
                      difference(excluded_tables or [])
        field_renamings = field_renamings or {}
        verify(dictish(field_renamings), "invalid field_renamings argument")
        for k,v in field_renamings.items():
            verify(containerish(k) and len(k) == 2 and k[0] in copy_tables and
                   k[1] in getattr(pan_dat, k[0]).columns and
                   ((v and utils.stringish(v)) or (not bool(v) and k[1] not in self.primary_key_fields[k[0]])),
                   "invalid field_renamings argument %s:%s"%(k,v))
        class AmplPanDat(object):
            def __repr__(self):
                return "td:" + tuple(copy_tables).__repr__()
        rtn = AmplPanDat()
        for t in copy_tables:
            rename = lambda f : field_renamings.get((t, f), f)
            df_ampl = amplpy.DataFrame(index=tuple(map(rename, self.primary_key_fields[t])))
            for f in self.primary_key_fields[t]:
                df_ampl.setColumn(rename(f), list(getattr(pan_dat, t)[f]))
            for f in {f for _t,f in field_renamings if _t == t}.union(self.data_fields[t]):
                if rename(f):
                    df_ampl.addColumn(rename(f), list(getattr(pan_dat, t)[f]))
            setattr(rtn, t, df_ampl)
        return rtn
Example #3
    def solve(self):

        #----------Initialisation de l'environnement----------#

        ampl_env = amplpy.Environment()
        ampl_path = os.path.normpath(emplacement_AMPL)
        ampl_env = amplpy.Environment(ampl_path)
        ampl = amplpy.AMPL(ampl_env)


        ampl.setOption('solver', 'cplex')

        #-------------------Lecture du .mod-------------------#

        model_dir = os.path.normpath(emplacement_AMPL)
        ampl.read(os.path.join(model_dir, model))

        """ Param n: Nombre de département """
        df = ampl.getParameter('n')
        """ Param m: Nombre maximal de rangée """
        df = ampl.getParameter('m')
        """ Param d: Largeur des rangées """
        df = ampl.getParameter('d')
        """ Param L: Somme des longueurs de tous les département """
        df = ampl.getParameter('L')
        """ Coût du déménagement d'un département de sa 
            position actuelle => sa nouvelle position """
        df = ampl.getParameter('cd')
        """ Param Lon_u: Longueur MAX de l'usine """
        df = ampl.getParameter('Lon_u')
        """ Param Lar_u: Largeur MAX de l'usine """
        df = ampl.getParameter('Lar_u')
        """ Set K: Ensemble des département """
        df = amplpy.DataFrame('K')
        df.setColumn('K', self.set_K)
        ampl.setData(df, 'K')
        """ Param lon: Longueur du département k """
        df = amplpy.DataFrame("K", "lon")
        df.setValues({I: self.lon[i] for i, I in enumerate(self.set_K)})
        """ Position horizontale actuelle du département k """
        df = amplpy.DataFrame("K", "Xa")
        df.setValues({I: self.Xa[i] for i, I in enumerate(self.set_K)})
        """ Position verticale actuelle du département k """
        df = amplpy.DataFrame("K", "Ya")
        df.setValues({I: self.Ya[i] for i, I in enumerate(self.set_K)})
        """ Param c: Coût du déplacement de i => j """
        df = amplpy.DataFrame(('I', 'J'), 'c')
        df.setValues({(I, J): self.poids[(len(self.set_K)) * i + j]
                      for i, I in enumerate(self.set_K)
                      for j, J in enumerate(self.set_K)})

        """ Var X: Position horizontale du département i """
        X = ampl.getVariable('X')
        X_val = X.getValues()
        X_val_dic = X_val.toDict()
        """ Var Y: Position verticale du département i """
        Y = ampl.getVariable('Y')
        Y_val = Y.getValues()
        Y_val_dic = Y_val.toDict()
        """ Var Aij: Position relative; =1 si i est dans 
            la même rangée à la gauche de j, 0 sinon """
        A = ampl.getVariable('Aij')
        A_val = A.getValues()
        A_val_dic = A_val.toDict()
        """ Var Bij: Position relative; =1 si i et j ne sont pas dans 
            la même rangée et que i est en dessous de j, 0 sinon """
        B = ampl.getVariable('Bij')
        B_val = B.getValues()
        B_val_dic = B_val.toDict()
        """ Var dx: Distance horizontale entre i et j """
        dx = ampl.getVariable('dx')
        dx_val = dx.getValues()
        dx_val_dic = dx_val.toDict()
        """ Var dy: Distance verticale entre i et j """
        dy = ampl.getVariable('dy')
        dy_val = dy.getValues()
        dy_val_dic = dy_val.toDict()
        """ Var ddx: Distance de déménagement horizontale """
        ddx = ampl.getVariable('ddx')
        ddx_val = ddx.getValues()
        ddx_val_dic = ddx_val.toDict()
        """ Var dxy: Distance de déménagement verticale """
        ddy = ampl.getVariable('ddy')
        ddy_val = ddy.getValues()
        ddy_val_dic = ddy_val.toDict()

        return (X_val_dic, Y_val_dic, A_val_dic, B_val_dic, dx_val_dic,
                dy_val_dic, ddx_val_dic, ddy_val_dic, X_val, Y_val, A_val,
                B_val, dx_val, dy_val, ddx_val, ddy_val, model)
Example #4
    def solve(racingdata):
        ampl_env = amplpy.Environment()
        ampl = amplpy.AMPL(ampl_env)

        ampl.setOption('solver', 'gurobi')
            'gurobi_options', "mipfocus 1"
            "relax 0"
            "timelim 7200 "
            "tunetimelimit 60 ")

        model_dir = os.path.normpath('./ampl_models/Trend3D')
        ampl.read(os.path.join(model_dir, 'f1aiTyre.mod'))

        listlaps = list(range(1, racingdata.totalLaps + 1))
        listwear = list(
                  (min(len(racingdata.lapData[0]), len(racingdata.lapData[1]),
                       len(racingdata.lapData[2])) + 1)))
        listtyres = racingdata.compounds.values()

        dftyres = amplpy.DataFrame('tyres')
        dftyres.setColumn('tyres', listtyres)
        ampl.setData(dftyres, 'tyres')

        dfwear = amplpy.DataFrame('stints')
        dfwear.setColumn('stints', listwear)
        ampl.setData(dfwear, 'stints')

        dflaps = amplpy.DataFrame('laps')
        dflaps.setColumn('laps', listlaps)
        ampl.setData(dflaps, 'laps')

        totallaps = ampl.getParameter('totalLaps')

        tyrelifespan = ampl.getParameter('tyreLifeSpan')

        pittime = ampl.getParameter('pitTime')

        df = amplpy.DataFrame(('tyres', 'wear'), 'usage')

        df.setValues({(tyre, wear): racingdata.futureTyreUsageData[i][j]
                      for i, tyre in enumerate(listtyres)
                      for j, wear in enumerate(listwear)})
        df = amplpy.DataFrame('tyres', ['avg', 'coeff'])

        solution = Decision(racingdata)

        pit = ampl.getVariable('pit')
        dfpit = pit.getValues()
        chosen = {int(row[1]): row[0] for row in dfpit if row[2] == 1}

        solution.pitDecision = chosen

        compound = ampl.getVariable('compound')
        dfcompound = compound.getValues()
        chosen = {
            int(row[2]): [row[0], int(row[1])]
            for row in dfcompound if row[3] == 1
        solution.compoundStrategy = chosen

        time = ampl.getVariable('time')
        dftime = time.getValues()
        for row in dftime:
            for k, v in racingdata.compounds.items():
                if v == row[0]:
        return solution