Example #1
def plot_prim_time_series(boxes, data, outcome):
    x, results = data
    outcomes = results[outcome]
        time =  results.get('TIME')[0, :]
    except KeyError:
        time =  np.arange(0, outcomes.shape[1])
    #the plotting
    grid = gridspec.GridSpec(len(boxes)-1, 1)
    grid.update(wspace = 0.05,
                hspace = 0.4)
    figure = plt.figure()
    for i, box in enumerate(boxes[0:-1]):
        logical = in_box(x, box.box)
        #make the axes
        ax = figure.add_subplot(grid[i, 0])
        value = outcomes[logical]
        ax.plot(time.T[:, np.newaxis], value.T)
    return figure
def make_boxes(tree, data, classify, threshold):
    Function that turns a classification tree into prim boxes, including
    the scenario discovery metrics. 
    :param tree: the return from :func:`orangeFunctions.tree`.
    :param data: the return from :meth:`perform_experiments`.
    :param classify: the classify function used in making the tree.
    :param threshold: the minimum mean that the boxes should meet.
    :return: a list of prim boxes.
    branches = find_branches(tree.tree, [("root", "")])
    data, results = data
    init_box = make_box(data)
    boxes = []
    for branch in branches:
        box = copy.copy(init_box)
        for name in branch[1:]:
            name, limit = name
            if name=="root" or type(name) != StringType:
            if limit.startswith('>'):
                limit = limit[1:]
                limit = float(limit)
                box[name][0] = limit
                limit = limit[2:]
                limit = float(limit)
                box[name][1] = limit 
    y = classify(results)
    n = y.shape[0]
    #turn boxes into prim objects
    new_boxes = []
    for box in boxes:
        logical = in_box(data, box)
        box = Prim(data[logical], y[logical], box, y[logical].shape[0]/n)
    boxes = prim_hdr(new_boxes, threshold=threshold, threshold_type=threshold_type)
    boxes = calculate_sd_metrics(boxes, y, threshold, threshold_type)
    return boxes