Example #1
File: main.py Project: BassT/nlpapi
def digraph():
	"""Computes the most probable digraph starting with a given character and input text"""
	callback = request.query.callback
	text_link = request.query.txt
	start = request.query.start
	print "/digraph with callback=" + callback + " text_link=" + text_link + " start=" + start
	response.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
	yield callback
	text = urlopen(text_link).read()
	char_analysis = analyze_text(text, 2, True)
	digraph = compute_most_probable_digraph(char_analysis, start)
	yield "( 'digraph': " + digraph + ")"
Example #2
File: main.py Project: BassT/nlpapi
def so():
	"""Fetches text from provided link, analyzes text (second-order) and returns results as JSONP"""

	callback = request.query.callback
	text_link = request.query.txt
	skip = (request.query.skip == "True")
	print "/so with callback=" + callback + " text_link=" + text_link + " skip= " + str(skip)
	response.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
	yield callback
	text = urlopen(text_link).read()
	char_analysis = analyze_text(text, 2, skip)
	yield "(" + dumps(char_analysis) + ")"