def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) self.vref = Algeb(info='Reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref}', unit='p.u.', v_str='v + vf0 / KA', e_str='vref0 - vref' ) self.vref0 = PostInitService(info='constant vref', v_str='vref', tex_name='V_{ref0}', ) # input excitation voltages; PSS outputs summed at vi = Algeb(info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', ) = 'vf0 / KA' = '(vref - LG_y - WF_y) - vi' self.LG = Lag(u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Sensing delay', ) self.HLI = HardLimiter(, lower=self.VIMIN, upper=self.VIMAX, info='Hard limiter on input', ) self.vl = Algeb(info='Input after limiter', tex_name='V_l', v_str='HLI_zi*vi + HLI_zu*VIMAX + HLI_zl*VIMIN', e_str='HLI_zi*vi + HLI_zu*VIMAX + HLI_zl*VIMIN - vl', ) self.LL = LeadLag(u=self.vl, T1=self.TC, T2=self.TB, info='Lead-lag compensator', zero_out=True) self.LR = Lag(u=self.LL_y, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, info='Regulator') self.WF = Washout(u=self.LR_y, T=self.TF, K=self.KF, info='Stablizing circuit feedback') # the following uses `XadIfd` for `IIFD` in the PSS/E manual self.vfmax = Algeb(info='Upper bound of output limiter', tex_name='V_{fmax}', v_str='VRMAX - KC * XadIfd', e_str='VRMAX - KC * XadIfd - vfmax', ) self.vfmin = Algeb(info='Lower bound of output limiter', tex_name='V_{fmin}', v_str='VRMIN - KC * XadIfd', e_str='VRMIN - KC * XadIfd - vfmin', ) self.HLR = HardLimiter(u=self.WF_y, lower=self.vfmin, upper=self.vfmax, info='Hard limiter on regulator output') self.vout.e_str = 'LR_y*HLR_zi + vfmin*HLR_zl + vfmax*HLR_zu - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) ExcVsum.__init__(self) self.LP = Lag( u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Voltage transducer', ) = Algeb( info='Total voltage input', unit='pu', e_str='ue * (-LP_y + vref + Vs - WF_y ) -vi ', v_str='ue*(-v +vref)', ) self.VRMAXu = ConstService('VRMAX * ue + (1-ue) * 999') self.VRMINu = ConstService('VRMIN * ue + (1-ue) * -999') self.VR = LagAntiWindup(, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VRMAXu, lower=self.VRMINu, ) self.LL = LeadLag( u=self.VR_y, T1=self.TF3, T2=self.TF2, ) self.WF = Washout(u=self.LL_y, T=self.TF1, K=self.KF) self.INTin = 'ue * (VR_y - VFE)' ExcACSat.__init__(self) self.vref.v_str = 'v + VFE / KA' self.vref0 = PostInitService( info='Initial reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vref', ) self.VFE.v_str = "INT_y * KE + Se " self.VFE.e_str = "ue * (INT_y * KE + Se - VFE) " # disable iterative initialization of the integrator output self.INT.y.v_str = 'vf0' self.INT.y.v_iter = None self.vout.e_str = 'ue * INT_y - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): super(IEEESTModel, self).__init__(system, config) self.KST5 = ConstService(v_str='KS * T5', tex_name='KS*T5') self.SW = Switcher( u=self.MODE, options=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], ) self.signal = Algeb( tex_name='S_{in}', info='Input signal', ) # input signals: # 1 (s0) - Rotor speed deviation (p.u.) # 2 (s1) - Bus frequency deviation (p.u.) # TODO: calculate freq without reimpl. # 3 (s2) - Generator electrical power in Gen MVABase (p.u.) # TODO: allow using system.config.mva # 4 (s3) - Generator accelerating power (p.u.) # 5 (s4) - Bus voltage (p.u.) # 6 (s5) - Derivative of p.u. bus voltage # TODO: memory block for calc. of derivative self.signal.e_str = 'SW_s0 * (1-omega) + SW_s1 * 0 + SW_s2 * te + ' \ 'SW_s3 * (tm-tm0) + SW_s4 *v + SW_s5 * 0 - signal' self.F1 = Lag2ndOrd(u=self.signal, K=1, T1=self.A1, T2=self.A2) self.F2 = LeadLag2ndOrd(u=self.F1_y, T1=self.A3, T2=self.A4, T3=self.A5, T4=self.A6) self.LL1 = LeadLag(u=self.F2_y, T1=self.T1, T2=self.T2) self.LL2 = LeadLag(u=self.LL1_y, T1=self.T3, T2=self.T4) self.WO = Washout(u=self.LL2_y, T=self.T6, K=self.KST5) # WO_y == Vss self.VLIM = Limiter(u=self.WO_y, lower=self.LSMIN, upper=self.LSMAX, info='Vss limiter') self.Vss = Algeb( tex_name='V_{ss}', info='Voltage output before output limiter', e_str='VLIM_zi * WO_y + VLIM_zu * LSMAX + VLIM_zl * LSMIN - Vss') self.OLIM = Limiter(u=self.v, lower=self.VCL, upper=self.VCU, info='output limiter') # TODO: allow ignoring VCU or VCL when zero self.vsout.e_str = 'OLIM_zi * Vss - vsout'
def __init__(self, system, config): BusFreq.__init__(self, system, config) self.Tr = NumParam(default=0.1, info="frequency washout time constant", tex_name='T_r') self.Wf = Washout(u=self.f, K=1, T=self.Tr, info='frequency washout yielding ROCOF', )
def __init__(self, system, config): ModelData.__init__(self) Model.__init__(self, system, config) self.flags.tds = True = 'FreqMeasurement' # Parameters self.bus = IdxParam(info="bus idx", mandatory=True) self.Tf = NumParam(default=0.02, info="input digital filter time const", unit="sec", tex_name='T_f') self.Tw = NumParam(default=0.02, info="washout time const", unit="sec", tex_name='T_w') self.fn = NumParam(default=60.0, info="nominal frequency", unit='Hz', tex_name='f_n') # Variables self.iwn = ConstService(v_str='u / (2 * pi * fn)', tex_name=r'1/\omega_n') self.a0 = ExtService(src='a', model='Bus', indexer=self.bus, tex_name=r'\theta_0', info='initial phase angle', ) self.a = ExtAlgeb(model='Bus', src='a', indexer=self.bus, tex_name=r'\theta', ) self.v = ExtAlgeb(model='Bus', src='v', indexer=self.bus, tex_name=r'V', ) self.L = Lag(u='(a-a0)', T=self.Tf, K=1, info='digital filter', ) self.WO = Washout(u=self.L_y, K=self.iwn, T=self.Tw, info='angle washout', ) self.f = Algeb(info='frequency output', unit='p.u. (Hz)', tex_name='f', v_str='1', e_str='1 + WO_y - f', )
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) # Set VRMAX to 999 when VRMAX = 0 self._zVRM = FlagValue( self.VRMAX, value=0, tex_name='z_{VRMAX}', ) self.VRMAXc = ConstService( v_str='VRMAX + 999*(1-_zVRM)', info='Set VRMAX=999 when zero', ) # Saturation self.SAT = ExcQuadSat( self.E1, self.SE1, self.E2, self.SE2, info='Field voltage saturation', ) self.Se0 = ConstService( info='Initial saturation output', tex_name='S_{e0}', v_str='Indicator(vf0>SAT_A) * SAT_B * (SAT_A - vf0) ** 2 / vf0', ) self.vr0 = ConstService(info='Initial vr', tex_name='V_{r0}', v_str='(KE + Se0) * vf0') self.vb0 = ConstService(info='Initial vb', tex_name='V_{b0}', v_str='vr0 / KA') self.vref0 = ConstService( info='Initial reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='v + vb0', ) self.vfe0 = ConstService( v_str='vf0 * (KE + Se0)', tex_name='V_{FE0}', ) self.vref = Algeb(info='Reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref}', unit='p.u.', v_str='vref0', e_str='vref0 - vref') self.LG = Lag( u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Sensing delay', ) = Algeb( info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', e_str='-LG_y + vref - vi', v_str='-v + vref', ) self.LA = LagAntiWindup( u='vi + WF_y', T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VRMAXc, lower=self.VRMIN, info='Anti-windup lag', ) self.VFE = Algeb(info='Combined saturation feedback', tex_name='V_{FE}', unit='p.u.', v_str='vfe0', e_str='INT_y * (KE + Se) - VFE') self.INT = Integrator( u='LA_y - VFE', T=self.TE, K=1, y0=self.vf0, info='Integrator', ) self.SL = LessThan(u=self.vout, bound=self.SAT_A, equal=False, enable=True, cache=False) self.Se = Algeb( tex_name=r"S_e(|V_{out}|)", info='saturation output', v_str='Se0', e_str='SL_z0 * (INT_y - SAT_A) ** 2 * SAT_B / INT_y - Se', ) self.WF = Washout(u=self.vout, T=self.TF, K=self.KF, info='Stablizing circuit feedback') self.vout.e_str = 'INT_y - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) self.SAT = ExcQuadSat(self.E1, self.SE1, self.E2, self.SE2, info='Field voltage saturation', ) # calculate `Se0` ahead of time in order to calculate `vr0` # The term `1-ug` is to prevent division by zero when generator is off self.Se0 = ConstService(info='Initial saturation output', tex_name='S_{e0}', v_str='Indicator(vf0>SAT_A) * SAT_B * (SAT_A - vf0) ** 2 / (vf0 + 1 - ug)', ) self.vr0 = ConstService(info='Initial vr', tex_name='V_{r0}', v_str='(KE + Se0) * vf0') self.vb0 = ConstService(info='Initial vb', tex_name='V_{b0}', v_str='vr0 / KA') self.vref = Algeb(info='Reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref}', unit='p.u.', v_str='v + vb0', e_str='vref0 - vref' ) self.vref0 = PostInitService(info='Constant v ref', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vref', ) self.SL = LessThan(u=self.vout, bound=self.SAT_A, equal=False, enable=True, cache=False, ) self.Se = Algeb(tex_name=r"S_e(|V_{out}|)", info='saturation output', v_str='Se0', e_str='SL_z0 * (vp - SAT_A) ** 2 * SAT_B - Se * vp', diag_eps=True, ) self.vp = State(info='Voltage after saturation feedback, before speed term', tex_name='V_p', unit='p.u.', v_str='vf0', e_str='ue * (LA_y - KE*vp - Se*vp)', t_const=self.TE, ) self.LS = Lag(u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1.0, info='Sensing lag TF') # input excitation voltages; PSS outputs summed at vi = Algeb(info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', ) = 'vb0' = '(vref - LS_y - W_y) - vi' self.LL = LeadLag(, T1=self.TC, T2=self.TB, info='Lead-lag for internal delays', zero_out=True, ) self.LA = LagAntiWindup(u=self.LL_y, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VRMAX, lower=self.VRMIN, info='Anti-windup lag', ) self.W = Washout(u=self.vp, T=self.TF1, K=self.KF1, info='Signal conditioner' ) self.vout.e_str = 'ue * omega * vp - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) ExcVsum.__init__(self) self.UEL0.v_str = '-999' self.OEL0.v_str = '999' self.flags.nr_iter = True # NOTE: e_str `KC*XadIfd / INT_y - IN` causes numerical inaccuracies self.IN = Algeb(tex_name='I_N', info='Input to FEX', v_str='1', v_iter='KC * XadIfd - INT_y * IN', e_str='ue * (KC * XadIfd - INT_y * IN)', diag_eps=True, ) self.FEX = Piecewise(u=self.IN, points=(0, 0.433, 0.75, 1), funs=('1', '1 - 0.577*IN', 'sqrt(0.75 - IN ** 2)', '1.732*(1 - IN)', 0), info='Piecewise function FEX', ) self.FEX.y.v_str = '1' self.FEX.y.v_iter = self.FEX.y.e_str # control block begin self.LG = Lag(self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Voltage transducer', ) # input excitation voltages; = Algeb(info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', e_str='ue * (-LG_y + vref + UEL + OEL + Vs - vi)', v_str='-v + vref', diag_eps=True, ) self.LL = LeadLag(, T1=self.TC, T2=self.TB, info='V_A, Lead-lag compensator', zero_out=True, ) # LL_y == VA self.VAMAXu = ConstService('VAMAX * ue + (1-ue) * 999') self.VAMINu = ConstService('VAMIN * ue + (1-ue) * -999') self.LA = LagAntiWindup(u=self.LL_y, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VAMAXu, lower=self.VAMINu, info='V_A, Anti-windup lag', ) # LA_y == VA self.HVG = HVGate(u1=self.UEL, u2=self.LA_y, info='HVGate for under excitation', ) self.LVG = LVGate(u1=self.HVG_y, u2=self.OEL, info='HVGate for under excitation', ) self.INTin = 'ue * (LVG_y - VFE)' ExcACSat.__init__(self) self.vref.v_str = 'v + VFE / KA' self.vref0 = PostInitService(info='Initial reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vref', ) self.WF = Washout(u=self.VFE, T=self.TF, K=self.KF, info='Stablizing circuit feedback', ) self.vout.e_str = 'ue * FEX_y * INT_y - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) # Set VRMAX to 999 when VRMAX = 0 self._zVRM = FlagValue( self.VRMAX, value=0, tex_name='z_{VRMAX}', ) self.VRMAXc = ConstService( v_str='VRMAX + 999*(1-_zVRM)', info='Set VRMAX=999 when zero', ) self.LG = Lag( u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Transducer delay', ) self.SAT = ExcQuadSat( self.E1, self.SE1, self.E2, self.SE2, info='Field voltage saturation', ) self.Se0 = ConstService( tex_name='S_{e0}', v_str='(vf0>SAT_A) * SAT_B*(SAT_A-vf0) ** 2 / vf0', ) self.vfe0 = ConstService( v_str='vf0 * (KE + Se0)', tex_name='V_{FE0}', ) self.vref0 = ConstService( info='Initial reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='v + vfe0 / KA', ) self.vref = Algeb(info='Reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref}', unit='p.u.', v_str='vref0', e_str='vref0 - vref') = Algeb( info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', v_str='vref0 - v', e_str='(vref - v - WF_y) - vi', ) self.LL = LeadLag(, T1=self.TC, T2=self.TB, info='Lead-lag compensator', zero_out=True, ) self.UEL = Algeb(info='Interface var for under exc. limiter', tex_name='U_{EL}', v_str='0', e_str='0 - UEL') self.HG = HVGate( u1=self.UEL, u2=self.LL_y, info='HVGate for under excitation', ) self.VRU = VarService( v_str='VRMAXc * v', tex_name='V_T V_{RMAX}', ) self.VRL = VarService( v_str='VRMIN * v', tex_name='V_T V_{RMIN}', ) # TODO: WARNING: HVGate is temporarily skipped self.LA = LagAntiWindup( u=self.LL_y, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VRU, lower=self.VRL, info='Anti-windup lag', ) # LA_y == VR # `LessThan` may be causing memory issue in (SL_z0 * vout) - uncertain yet self.SL = LessThan(u=self.vout, bound=self.SAT_A, equal=False, enable=True, cache=False) self.Se = Algeb( tex_name=r"S_e(|V_{out}|)", info='saturation output', v_str='Se0', e_str='SL_z0 * (INT_y - SAT_A) ** 2 * SAT_B / INT_y - Se', ) self.VFE = Algeb(info='Combined saturation feedback', tex_name='V_{FE}', unit='p.u.', v_str='vfe0', e_str='INT_y * (KE + Se) - VFE') self.INT = Integrator( u='LA_y - VFE', T=self.TE, K=1, y0=self.vf0, info='Integrator', ) self.WF = Washout(u=self.INT_y, T=self.TF1, K=self.KF, info='Feedback to input') self.vout.e_str = 'INT_y - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) # vd, vq, Id, Iq from SynGen self.vd = ExtAlgeb( src='vd', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'V_d', info='d-axis machine voltage', ) self.vq = ExtAlgeb( src='vq', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'V_q', info='q-axis machine voltage', ) self.Id = ExtAlgeb( src='Id', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'I_d', info='d-axis machine current', ) self.Iq = ExtAlgeb( src='Iq', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'I_q', info='q-axis machine current', ) self.VE = VarService( tex_name=r'V_{E}', info=r'V_{E}', v_str='Abs(KP * (vd + 1j*vq) + 1j*KI*(Id + 1j*Iq))', ) self.V40 = ConstService('sqrt(VE ** 2 - (0.78 * XadIfd) ** 2)') self.VR0 = ConstService(info='Initial VR', tex_name='V_{R0}', v_str='vf0 * KE - V40') self.vb0 = ConstService(info='Initial vb', tex_name='V_{b0}', v_str='VR0 / KA') # Set VRMAX to 999 when VRMAX = 0 self._zVRM = FlagValue( self.VRMAX, value=0, tex_name='z_{VRMAX}', ) self.VRMAXc = ConstService( v_str='VRMAX + 999*(1-_zVRM)', info='Set VRMAX=999 when zero', ) self.LG = Lag(u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Sensing delay') ExcVsum.__init__(self) self.vref.v_str = 'v + vb0' self.vref0 = PostInitService(info='Constant vref', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vref') # NOTE: for offline exciters, `vi` equation ignores ext. voltage changes = Algeb( info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', e_str='ue * (-LG_y + vref + UEL + OEL + Vs - vi)', v_str='vref - v', diag_eps=True, ) self.LA3 = LagAntiWindup( u='ue * (vi - WF_y)', T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VRMAXc, lower=self.VRMIN, info=r'V_{R}, Lag Anti-Windup', ) # LA3_y is V_R # FIXME: antiwindup out of limit is not warned of in initialization self.zeros = ConstService(v_str='0.0') self.LA1 = Lag( 'ue * (VB_y * HL_zi + VBMAX * HL_zu)', T=self.TE, K=1, D=self.KE, ) self.WF = Washout(u=self.LA1_y, T=self.TF, K=self.KF, info='V_F, stablizing circuit feedback, washout') self.SQE = Algeb( tex_name=r'SQE', info=r'Square of error after mul', v_str='VE ** 2 - (0.78 * XadIfd) ** 2', e_str='VE ** 2 - (0.78 * XadIfd) ** 2 - SQE', ) self.SL = LessThan(u=self.zeros, bound=self.SQE, equal=False, enable=True, cache=False) self.VB = Piecewise(self.SQE, points=(0, ), funs=('ue * LA3_y', 'ue * (sqrt(SQE) + LA3_y)')) self.HL = HardLimiter( u=self.VB_y, lower=self.zeros, upper=self.VBMAX, info='Hard limiter for VB', ) self.vout.e_str = 'ue * (LA1_y - vout)'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) self.Se0 = ConstService( info='Initial saturation output', tex_name='S_{e0}', v_str='Ae * exp(Be * vf0)', ) self.vr0 = ConstService(info='Initial vr', tex_name='V_{r0}', v_str='(KE + Se0) * vf0') self.vb0 = ConstService(info='Initial vb', tex_name='V_{b0}', v_str='vr0 / KA') self.vref0 = ConstService(info='Initial reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vb0 + v') self.Se = Algeb(info='Saturation output', tex_name='S_e', unit='p.u.', v_str='Se0', e_str='Ae * exp(Be * vout) - Se') self.vp = State( info='Voltage after saturation feedback, before speed term', tex_name='V_p', unit='p.u.', v_str='vf0', e_str='(LA_x - KE * vp - Se * vp) / TE') self.LS = Lag(u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1.0, info='Sensing lag TF') self.vref = Algeb(info='Reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref}', unit='p.u.', v_str='vref0', e_str='vref0 - vref') = Algeb( info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', v_str='vb0', e_str='(vref - LS_x - W_y) - vi', ) self.LL = LeadLag(, T1=self.TC, T2=self.TB, info='Lead-lag for internal delays', ) self.LA = LagAntiWindup( u=self.LL_y, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VRMAX, lower=self.VRMIN, info='Anti-windup lag', ) self.W = Washout( u=self.vp, T=self.TF1, K=self.KF1, ) self.vout.e_str = 'omega * vp - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) # vd, vq, Id, Iq from SynGen self.vd = ExtAlgeb( src='vd', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'V_d', info='d-axis machine voltage', ) self.vq = ExtAlgeb( src='vq', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'V_q', info='q-axis machine voltage', ) self.Id = ExtAlgeb( src='Id', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'I_d', info='d-axis machine current', ) self.Iq = ExtAlgeb( src='Iq', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'I_q', info='q-axis machine current', ) self.VE = VarService( tex_name=r'V_{E}', info=r'V_{E}', v_str='Abs(KP * (vd + 1j*vq) + 1j*KI*(Id + 1j*Iq))', ) self.V40 = ConstService('sqrt(VE ** 2 - (0.78 * XadIfd) ** 2)') self.VR0 = ConstService(info='Initial VR', tex_name='V_{R0}', v_str='vf0 * KE - V40') self.vb0 = ConstService(info='Initial vb', tex_name='V_{b0}', v_str='VR0 / KA') # Set VRMAX to 999 when VRMAX = 0 self._zVRM = FlagValue( self.VRMAX, value=0, tex_name='z_{VRMAX}', ) self.VRMAXc = ConstService( v_str='VRMAX + 999*(1-_zVRM)', info='Set VRMAX=999 when zero', ) self.LG = Lag(u=self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Sensing delay') ExcVsum.__init__(self) self.vref.v_str = 'v + vb0' self.vref0 = PostInitService(info='Constant vref', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vref') # NOTE: for offline exciters, `vi` equation ignores ext. voltage changes = Algeb( info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', e_str='ue * (-LG_y + vref + UEL + OEL + Vs - vi)', v_str='-v + vref', diag_eps=True, ) self.LA3 = LagAntiWindup( u='ue * (vi - WF_y)', T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VRMAXc, lower=self.VRMIN, info=r'V_{R}, Lag Anti-Windup', ) # LA3_y is V_R = ConstService(v_str='0.0') = ConstService(v_str='1.0') self.LA1 = LagAntiWindup( u='ue * (LA3_y + V4)', T=self.TE,, D=self.KE, upper=self.VBMAX,, info=r'E_{FD}, vout, Lag Anti-Windup', ) # LA1_y is final output self.WF = Washout(u=self.LA1_y, T=self.TF, K=self.KF, info='V_F, stablizing circuit feedback, washout') self.SQE = VarService( tex_name=r'SQE', info=r'Square Error', v_str='VE ** 2 - (0.78 * XadIfd) ** 2', ) self.SL = LessThan(, bound=self.SQE, equal=False, enable=True, cache=False) self.V4 = VarService( tex_name='V_4', v_str='SL_z1 * sqrt(SQE)', ) self.vout.e_str = 'ue * (LA1_y - vout)'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) self.flags.nr_iter = True self.SAT = ExcQuadSat(self.E1, self.SE1, self.E2, self.SE2, info='Field voltage saturation', ) self.SL = LessThan(u=self.vout, bound=self.SAT_A, equal=False, enable=True, cache=False) self.Se0 = ConstService(info='Initial saturation output', tex_name='S_{e0}', v_str='Indicator(vf0>SAT_A) * SAT_B * (SAT_A - vf0) ** 2 / vf0', ) self.IN = Algeb(tex_name='I_N', info='Input to FEX', v_str='1', v_iter='KC * XadIfd - INT_y * IN', e_str='KC * XadIfd / INT_y - IN', ) self.FEX = Piecewise(u=self.IN, points=(0, 0.433, 0.75, 1), funs=('1', '1 - 0.577*IN', 'sqrt(0.75 - IN ** 2)', '1.732*(1 - IN)', 0), info='Piecewise function FEX', ) self.FEX.y.v_iter = '1' self.FEX.y.v_iter = self.FEX.y.e_str self.LG = Lag(self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Voltage transducer', ) = Algeb(info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', e_str='-v + vref - WF_y - vi', v_str='-v + vref', ) self.LL = LeadLag(, T1=self.TC, T2=self.TB, info='Regulator', zero_out=True, ) self.LA = LagAntiWindup(u=self.LL_y, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, lower=self.VRMIN, upper=self.VRMAX, info='Lag AW on VR', ) self.INT = Integrator(u='LA_y - VFE', T=self.TE, K=1, y0=0, info='Integrator', ) self.INT.y.v_str = 0.1 self.INT.y.v_iter = 'INT_y * FEX_y - vf0' self.Se = Algeb(tex_name=r"S_e(|V_{out}|)", info='saturation output', v_str='Se0', e_str='SL_z0 * (INT_y - SAT_A) ** 2 * SAT_B / INT_y - Se', ) self.VFE = Algeb(info='Combined saturation feedback', tex_name='V_{FE}', unit='p.u.', v_str='INT_y * (KE + Se) + XadIfd * KD', e_str='INT_y * (KE + Se) + XadIfd * KD - VFE' ) self.vref = Algeb(info='Reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref}', unit='p.u.', v_str='v + VFE / KA', e_str='vref0 - vref', ) self.vref0 = PostInitService(info='Initial reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vref', ) self.WF = Washout(u=self.VFE, T=self.TF, K=self.KF, info='Stablizing circuit feedback', ) self.vout.e_str = 'INT_y * FEX_y - vout'
def __init__(self, system, config): ExcBase.__init__(self, system, config) self.flags.nr_iter = True ExcVsum.__init__(self) self.UEL0.v_str = '-999' self.OEL0.v_str = '999' self.ulim = ConstService('9999') self.llim = ConstService('-9999') self.SWUEL = Switcher(u=self.UELc, options=[0, 1, 2, 3], tex_name='SW_{UEL}', cache=True) self.SWVOS = Switcher(u=self.VOSc, options=[0, 1, 2], tex_name='SW_{VOS}', cache=True) # control block begin self.LG = Lag( self.v, T=self.TR, K=1, info='Voltage transducer', ) self.SG0 = ConstService(v_str='0', info='SG initial value.') self.SG = Algeb( tex_name='SG', info='SG', v_str='SG0', e_str='SG0 - SG', ) = ConstService('0') self.LR = GainLimiter( u='XadIfd - ILR', K=self.KLR, R=1, upper=self.ulim,, no_upper=True, info='Exciter output current gain limiter', ) self.VA0 = PostInitService(tex_name='V_{A0}', v_str='vf0 - SWVOS_s2 * SG + LR_y', info='VA (LA_y) initial value') self.vref.v_str = 'ue * (v + (vf0 - SWVOS_s2 * SG + LR_y) / KA - SWVOS_s1 * SG - SWUEL_s1 * UEL)' self.vref.v_iter = 'ue * (v + (vf0 - SWVOS_s2 * SG + LR_y) / KA - SWVOS_s1 * SG - SWUEL_s1 * UEL)' self.vref0 = PostInitService( info='Initial reference voltage input', tex_name='V_{ref0}', v_str='vref', ) = Algeb( info='Total input voltages', tex_name='V_i', unit='p.u.', e_str= 'ue * (-LG_y + vref - WF_y + SWUEL_s1 * UEL + SWVOS_s1 * SG + Vs) - vi', v_iter= 'ue * (-LG_y + vref - WF_y + SWUEL_s1 * UEL + SWVOS_s1 * SG + Vs)', v_str= 'ue * (-LG_y + vref - WF_y + SWUEL_s1 * UEL + SWVOS_s1 * SG + Vs)', ) self.vil = GainLimiter(, K=1, R=1, upper=self.VIMAX, lower=self.VIMIN, info='Exciter voltage input limiter', ) self.UEL2 = Algeb( tex_name='UEL_2', info='UEL_2 as HVG1 u1', v_str='ue * (SWUEL_s2 * UEL + (1 - SWUEL_s2) * llim)', e_str='ue * (SWUEL_s2 * UEL + (1 - SWUEL_s2) * llim) - UEL2', ) self.HVG1 = HVGate( u1=self.UEL2, u2=self.vil_y, info='HVGate after V_I', ) self.LL = LeadLag( u=self.HVG1_y, T1=self.TC, T2=self.TB, info='Lead-lag compensator', zero_out=True, ) self.LL1 = LeadLag( u=self.LL_y, T1=self.TC1, T2=self.TB1, info='Lead-lag compensator 1', zero_out=True, ) self.LA = LagAntiWindup( u=self.LL1_y, T=self.TA, K=self.KA, upper=self.VAMAX, lower=self.VAMIN, info='V_A, Anti-windup lag', ) # LA_y is VA self.vas = Algeb( tex_name=r'V_{As}', info='V_A after subtraction, as HVG u2', v_str='ue * (SWVOS_s2 * SG + LA_y - LR_y)', v_iter='ue * (SWVOS_s2 * SG + LA_y - LR_y)', e_str='ue * (SWVOS_s2 * SG + LA_y - LR_y) - vas', ) self.UEL3 = Algeb( tex_name='UEL_3', info='UEL_3 as HVG u1', v_str='ue * (SWUEL_s3 * UEL + (1 - SWUEL_s3) * llim)', e_str='ue * (SWUEL_s3 * UEL + (1 - SWUEL_s3) * llim) - UEL3', ) self.HVG = HVGate( u1=self.UEL3, u2=self.vas, info='HVGate for under excitation', ) self.LVG = LVGate( u1=self.HVG_y, u2=self.OEL, info='HVGate for over excitation', ) # vd, vq, Id, Iq from SynGen self.vd = ExtAlgeb( src='vd', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'V_d', info='d-axis machine voltage', ) self.vq = ExtAlgeb( src='vq', model='SynGen', indexer=self.syn, tex_name=r'V_q', info='q-axis machine voltage', ) self.efdu = VarService( info='Output exciter voltage upper bound', tex_name=r'efd_{u}', v_str='Abs(vd + 1j*vq) * VRMAX - KC * XadIfd', ) self.efdl = VarService(info='Output exciter voltage lower bound', tex_name=r'efd_{l}', v_str='Abs(vd + 1j*vq) * VRMIN') self.vol = GainLimiter( u=self.LVG_y, K=1, R=1, upper=self.efdu, lower=self.efdl, info='Exciter output limiter', ) self.WF = Washout( u=self.LVG_y, T=self.TF, K=self.KF, info='V_F, Stablizing circuit feedback', ) self.vout.e_str = 'ue * vol_y - vout'