Example #1
    def store_switch_times(self, models, eps=1e-4):
        Store event switching time in a sorted Numpy array in ``System.switch_times``
        and an OrderedDict ``System.switch_dict``.

        ``System.switch_dict`` has keys as event times and values as the OrderedDict
        of model names and instances associated with the event.

        models : OrderedDict
            model name : model instance
        eps : float
            The small time step size to use immediately before
            and after the event

        out = np.array([], dtype=np.float)

        if self.options.get('flat') is True:
            return out

        names = []
        for instance in models.values():
            times = np.array(instance.get_times()).ravel()
            out = np.append(out, times)
            out = np.append(out, times - eps)
            out = np.append(out, times + eps)
            names.extend([instance.class_name] * (3 * len(times)))

        # sort
        sort_idx = np.argsort(out).astype(int)
        out = out[sort_idx]
        names = [names[i] for i in sort_idx]

        # select t > current time
        ltzero_idx = np.where(out >= self.dae.t)[0]
        out = out[ltzero_idx]
        names = [names[i] for i in ltzero_idx]

        # make into an OrderedDict with unique keys and model names combined
        for i, j in zip(out, names):
            if i not in self.switch_dict:
                self.switch_dict[i] = {j: self.models[j]}
                self.switch_dict[i].update({j: self.models[j]})

        self.switch_times = np.array(list(self.switch_dict.keys()))

        # self.switch_times = out
        self.n_switches = len(self.switch_times)
        return self.switch_times
Example #2
    def check_var(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.enable:

        if self.n_select is not None and self.n_select > 0:
            asc = np.argsort(self.u.v - self.lower.v)  # ascending order
            desc = np.argsort(self.upper.v - self.u.v)

            lowest_n = asc[:self.n_select]
            highest_n = desc[:self.n_select]

            reset_in = np.ones(self.u.v.shape)
            reset_in[lowest_n] = 0
            reset_in[highest_n] = 0
            reset_out = 1 - reset_in

            self.zi[:] = np.logical_or(reset_in, self.zi)
            self.zl[:] = np.logical_and(reset_out, self.zl)
            self.zu[:] = np.logical_and(reset_out, self.zu)