Example #1
class AndroguardAnalysis(object):
    def __init__(self, app_path):
        self.app_path = app_path
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        self.a = APK(app_path)
        self.d = None
        self.dx = None

    def get_detailed_analysis(self):
        from androguard.misc import AnalyzeDex
        self.d, self.dx = AnalyzeDex(self.a.get_dex(), raw=True)

    def get_developer_name(self):
        developer = "Unknown"
        if (self.a.is_signed()):
                signatures = self.a.get_signature_names()
                for signature in signatures:
                    cert = self.a.get_certificate(signature)
                    issuer = get_certificate_name_string(cert.issuer)
                    attr_list = issuer.split(',')
                    for attr in attr_list:
                        if attr.startswith(
                                " organizationName") or attr.startswith(
                            developer = attr.split('=')[1]
            except ValueError:
                print("certificat endommagée ... ")

        return developer
    def testAPKCertFingerprint(self):
        Test if certificates are correctly unpacked from the SignatureBlock files
        Check if fingerprints matches
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import binascii
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
        a = APK("examples/android/TestsAndroguard/bin/TestActivity.apk", skip_analysis=True)

        # this one is not signed v2, it is v1 only
        self.assertEqual(a.get_certificates_der_v2(), [])
        self.assertEqual(a.get_certificates_v2(), [])

        self.assertEqual(a.get_signature_name(), "META-INF/CERT.RSA")
        self.assertEqual(a.get_signature_names(), ["META-INF/CERT.RSA"])

        cert = a.get_certificate(a.get_signature_name())
        cert_der = a.get_certificate_der(a.get_signature_name())

        # Keytool are the hashes collected by keytool -printcert -file CERT.RSA
        for h2, keytool in [(md5, "99:FF:FC:37:D3:64:87:DD:BA:AB:F1:7F:94:59:89:B5"),
                               (sha1, "1E:0B:E4:01:F9:34:60:E0:8D:89:A3:EF:6E:27:25:55:6B:E1:D1:6B"),
                               (sha256, "6F:5C:31:60:8F:1F:9E:28:5E:B6:34:3C:7C:8A:F0:7D:E8:1C:1F:B2:14:8B:53:49:BE:C9:06:44:41:44:57:6D")]:
            x = h2()
            hash_hashlib = x.hexdigest()

            self.assertEqual(hash_hashlib.lower(), keytool.replace(":", "").lower())
Example #3
    def testAPKCertFingerprint(self):
        Test if certificates are correctly unpacked from the SignatureBlock files
        Check if fingerprints matches
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import binascii
        from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
        a = APK("examples/android/TestsAndroguard/bin/TestActivity.apk", skip_analysis=True)

        cert = a.get_certificate(a.get_signature_name())
        cert_der = a.get_certificate_der(a.get_signature_name())

        # Keytool are the hashes collected by keytool -printcert -file CERT.RSA
        for h, h2, keytool in [(hashes.MD5, md5, "99:FF:FC:37:D3:64:87:DD:BA:AB:F1:7F:94:59:89:B5"),
                               (hashes.SHA1, sha1, "1E:0B:E4:01:F9:34:60:E0:8D:89:A3:EF:6E:27:25:55:6B:E1:D1:6B"),
                               (hashes.SHA256, sha256, "6F:5C:31:60:8F:1F:9E:28:5E:B6:34:3C:7C:8A:F0:7D:E8:1C:1F:B2:14:8B:53:49:BE:C9:06:44:41:44:57:6D")]:
            hash_x509 = binascii.hexlify(cert.fingerprint(h())).decode("ascii")
            x = h2()
            hash_hashlib = x.hexdigest()

            self.assertEqual(hash_x509.lower(), hash_hashlib.lower())
            self.assertEqual(hash_x509.lower(), keytool.replace(":", "").lower())
Example #4
    def testAPKCertFingerprint(self):
        Test if certificates are correctly unpacked from the SignatureBlock files
        Check if fingerprints matches
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import binascii
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
        a = APK("examples/android/TestsAndroguard/bin/TestActivity.apk", skip_analysis=True)

        # this one is not signed v2, it is v1 only
        self.assertEqual(a.get_certificates_der_v2(), [])
        self.assertEqual(a.get_certificates_v2(), [])

        self.assertEqual(a.get_signature_name(), "META-INF/CERT.RSA")
        self.assertEqual(a.get_signature_names(), ["META-INF/CERT.RSA"])

        cert = a.get_certificate(a.get_signature_name())
        cert_der = a.get_certificate_der(a.get_signature_name())

        # Keytool are the hashes collected by keytool -printcert -file CERT.RSA
        for h2, keytool in [(md5, "99:FF:FC:37:D3:64:87:DD:BA:AB:F1:7F:94:59:89:B5"),
                               (sha1, "1E:0B:E4:01:F9:34:60:E0:8D:89:A3:EF:6E:27:25:55:6B:E1:D1:6B"),
                               (sha256, "6F:5C:31:60:8F:1F:9E:28:5E:B6:34:3C:7C:8A:F0:7D:E8:1C:1F:B2:14:8B:53:49:BE:C9:06:44:41:44:57:6D")]:
            x = h2()
            hash_hashlib = x.hexdigest()

            self.assertEqual(hash_hashlib.lower(), keytool.replace(":", "").lower())
Example #5
    def testAPKCertFingerprint(self):
        Test if certificates are correctly unpacked from the SignatureBlock files
        Check if fingerprints matches
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import binascii
        from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
        a = APK("examples/android/TestsAndroguard/bin/TestActivity.apk",

        cert = a.get_certificate(a.get_signature_name())
        cert_der = a.get_certificate_der(a.get_signature_name())

        # Keytool are the hashes collected by keytool -printcert -file CERT.RSA
        for h, h2, keytool in [
            (hashes.MD5, md5,
            (hashes.SHA1, sha1,
            (hashes.SHA256, sha256,
            hash_x509 = binascii.hexlify(cert.fingerprint(h())).decode("ascii")
            x = h2()
            hash_hashlib = x.hexdigest()

            self.assertEqual(hash_x509.lower(), hash_hashlib.lower())
                             keytool.replace(":", "").lower())
    def testApksignAPKs(self):
        # These APKs are from the apksign testcases and cover
        # all different signature algorithms as well as some error cases
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import zipfile
        from asn1crypto import x509, pem
        import binascii
        root = "examples/signing/apksig"
        # Correct values generated with openssl:
        # In the apksig repo:src/test/resources/com/android/apksig
        # for f in *.pem; do openssl x509 -in $f -noout -sha256 -fingerprint; done
        certfp = {
            'dsa-1024.x509.pem': 'fee7c19ff9bfb4197b3727b9fd92d95406b1bd96db99ea642f5faac019a389d7',
            'dsa-2048.x509.pem': '97cce0bab292c2d5afb9de90e1810b41a5d25c006a10d10982896aa12ab35a9e',
            'dsa-3072.x509.pem': '966a4537058d24098ea213f12d4b24e37ff5a1d8f68deb8a753374881f23e474',
            'ec-p256.x509.pem': '6a8b96e278e58f62cfe3584022cec1d0527fcb85a9e5d2e1694eb0405be5b599',
            'ec-p384.x509.pem': '5e7777ada7ee7ce8f9c4d1b07094876e5604617b7988b4c5d5b764a23431afbe',
            'ec-p521.x509.pem': '69b50381d98bebcd27df6d7df8af8c8b38d0e51e9168a95ab992d1a9da6082da',
            'rsa-1024_2.x509.pem': 'eba3685e799f59804684abebf0363e14ccb1c213e2b954a22669714ed97f61e9',
            'rsa-1024.x509.pem': 'bc5e64eab1c4b5137c0fbc5ed05850b3a148d1c41775cffa4d96eea90bdd0eb8',
            'rsa-16384.x509.pem': 'f3c6b37909f6df310652fbd7c55ec27d3079dcf695dc6e75e22ba7c4e1c95601',
            'rsa-2048_2.x509.pem': '681b0e56a796350c08647352a4db800cc44b2adc8f4c72fa350bd05d4d50264d',
            'rsa-2048_3.x509.pem': 'bb77a72efc60e66501ab75953af735874f82cfe52a70d035186a01b3482180f3',
            'rsa-2048.x509.pem': 'fb5dbd3c669af9fc236c6991e6387b7f11ff0590997f22d0f5c74ff40e04fca8',
            'rsa-3072.x509.pem': '483934461229a780010bc07cd6eeb0b67025fc4fe255757abbf5c3f2ed249e89',
            'rsa-4096.x509.pem': '6a46158f87753395a807edcc7640ac99c9125f6b6e025bdbf461ff281e64e685',
            'rsa-8192.x509.pem': '060d0a24fea9b60d857225873f78838e081795f7ef2d1ea401262bbd75a58234',

        will_not_validate_correctly = [

        # Collect possible hashes for certificates
        # Unfortunately, not all certificates are supplied...
        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath in certfp:
                with open(os.path.join(root, apath), "rb") as fp:
                    cert = x509.Certificate.load(pem.unarmor(fp.read())[2])
                    h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                    self.assertEqual(h, certfp[apath])
                    self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath.endswith(".apk"):
                if apath == "v2-only-garbage-between-cd-and-eocd.apk" or \
                   apath == "v2-only-truncated-cd.apk" or \
                   apath == "v1v2v3-with-rsa-2048-lineage-3-signers-invalid-zip.apk":
                    # Can not load as APK
                    with self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipFile):
                        APK(os.path.join(root, apath))
                elif apath in will_not_validate_correctly:
                    # These APKs are faulty (by design) and will return a not correct fingerprint.
                    # TODO: we need to check if we can prevent such errors...

                a = APK(os.path.join(root, apath))

                self.assertIsInstance(a, APK)

                # Test if the correct method returns True, while others return
                # False
                m_tests = {'1': a.is_signed_v1,
                           '2': a.is_signed_v2,
                           '3': a.is_signed_v3}

                # These APKs will raise an error
                excluded = [
                if apath[0] == "v" and apath not in excluded:
                    methods = apath.split("-", 1)[0].split("v")[1:]
                    for m, f in m_tests.items():
                        if m in methods:

                # Special error cases
                if apath == "v2-only-apk-sig-block-size-mismatch.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(apk.BrokenAPKError):
                elif apath == "v2-only-empty.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(apk.BrokenAPKError):
                elif apath == "v3-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha512-4096-apk-sig-block-size-mismatch.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(apk.BrokenAPKError):

                if a.is_signed_v1():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                            for c in a.get_signature_names():

                    elif apath == "v1-only-with-rsa-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertNotIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # print([apath, h]) # I do not know, why put this file?
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, True)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, False)
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)

                if a.is_signed_v2():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                    elif apath == "v2-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha256-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        # FIXME
                        # Not sure what this one should do... but the certificate fingerprint is weird
                        # as the hash over the DER is not the same when using the certificate
                        for c in a.get_certificates_der_v2():
                            cert = x509.Certificate.load(c)
                            h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(c).hexdigest(), h)

                if a.is_signed_v3():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                    elif apath == "v3-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha256-3072-sig-does-not-verify.apk" or \
                         apath == "v3-only-cert-and-public-key-mismatch.apk":
                        cert = x509.Certificate.load(a.get_certificates_der_v3()[0])
                        h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                        self.assertNotIn(h, certfp.values())
                        for c in a.get_certificates_der_v3():
                            cert = x509.Certificate.load(c)
                            h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(c).hexdigest(), h)
Example #7
    def testApksignAPKs(self):
        # These APKs are from the apksign testcases and cover
        # all different signature algorithms as well as some error cases
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import zipfile
        from asn1crypto import x509, pem
        import binascii
        root = "examples/signing/apksig"

        # Correct values generated with openssl:
        certfp = {

        will_not_validate_correctly = [

        # Collect possible hashes for certificates
        # Unfortunately, not all certificates are supplied...
        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath in certfp:
                with open(os.path.join(root, apath), "rb") as fp:
                    cert = x509.Certificate.load(pem.unarmor(fp.read())[2])
                    h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ", "").lower()
                    self.assertEqual(h, certfp[apath])
                    self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath.endswith(".apk"):
                if apath == "v2-only-garbage-between-cd-and-eocd.apk" or \
                   apath == "v2-only-truncated-cd.apk":
                    # Can not load as APK
                    if sys.version_info.major == 2:
                        # Different name in python2...
                        with self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipfile):
                            APK(os.path.join(root, apath))
                        with self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipFile):
                            APK(os.path.join(root, apath))
                elif apath in will_not_validate_correctly:
                    # These APKs are faulty (by design) and will return a not correct fingerprint.
                    # TODO: we need to check if we can prevent such errors...

                a = APK(os.path.join(root, apath))

                self.assertIsInstance(a, APK)

                # Special error cases
                if apath == "v2-only-apk-sig-block-size-mismatch.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
                elif apath == "v2-only-empty.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):

                if a.is_signed_v1():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                            for c in a.get_signature_names():

                    elif apath == "v1-only-with-rsa-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ", "").lower()
                            self.assertNotIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # print([apath, h]) # I do not know, why put this file?
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, True)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, False)
                                hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ", "").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                                hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)

                if a.is_signed_v2():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                    elif apath == "v2-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha256-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        # FIXME
                        # Not sure what this one should do... but the certificate fingerprint is weird
                        # as the hash over the DER is not the same when using the certificate
                        for c in a.get_certificates_der_v2():
                            cert = x509.Certificate.load(c)
                            h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ",
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(c).hexdigest(), h)
Example #8
class StaticAnalysis:
    def __init__(self, apk_path=None):
        self.apk = None
        self.apk_path = apk_path
        self.signatures = None
        self.compiled_tracker_signature = None
        self.classes = None
        self.app_details = None
        if apk_path is not None:

    def _compile_signatures(self):
        Compiles the regex associated to each signature, in order to speed up
        the trackers detection.
        :return: A compiled list of signatures.
        self.compiled_tracker_signature = []
            self.compiled_tracker_signature = [
                re.compile(track.code_signature) for track in self.signatures
        except TypeError:
            print("self.signatures is not iterable")

    def load_trackers_signatures(self):
        Load trackers signatures from the official Exodus database.
        :return: a dictionary containing signatures.
        self.signatures = []
        exodus_url = "https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/api/trackers"
        r = requests.get(exodus_url)
        data = r.json()
        for e in data['trackers']:
        logging.debug('{} trackers signatures loaded'.format(

    def load_apk(self):
        Load the APK file.
        if self.apk is None:
            self.apk = APK(self.apk_path)

    def get_embedded_classes(self):
        Get the list of Java classes embedded into all DEX files.
        :return: array of Java classes names as string
        if self.classes is not None:
            return self.classes

        class_regex = re.compile(r'classes.*\.dex')
        with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
            with zipfile.ZipFile(self.apk_path, "r") as apk_zip:
                class_infos = (info for info in apk_zip.infolist()
                               if class_regex.search(info.filename))
                for info in class_infos:
                    apk_zip.extract(info, tmp_dir)
            dexdump = which('dexdump')
            cmd = '{} {}/classes*.dex | perl -n -e\'/[A-Z]+((?:\w+\/)+\w+)/ && print "$1\n"\'|sort|uniq'.format(
                dexdump, tmp_dir)
                self.classes = subprocess.check_output(
                logging.debug('{} classes found in {}'.format(
                    len(self.classes), self.apk_path))
                return self.classes
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                logging.error('Unable to decode {}'.format(self.apk_path))
                raise Exception('Unable to decode the APK')

    def detect_trackers_in_list(self, class_list):
        Detect embedded trackers in the provided classes list.
        :return: list of embedded trackers
        if self.signatures is None:

        def _detect_tracker(sig, tracker, class_list):
            for clazz in class_list:
                if sig.search(clazz):
                    return tracker
            return None

        results = []
        args = [(self.compiled_tracker_signature[index], tracker, class_list)
                for (index, tracker) in enumerate(self.signatures)
                if len(tracker.code_signature) > 3]

        for res in itertools.starmap(_detect_tracker, args):
            if res:

        trackers = [t for t in results if t is not None]
        logging.debug('{} trackers detected in {}'.format(
            len(trackers), self.apk_path))
        return trackers

    def detect_trackers(self, class_list_file=None):
        Detect embedded trackers.
        :return: list of embedded trackers
        if self.signatures is None:
        if class_list_file is None:
            return self.detect_trackers_in_list(self.get_embedded_classes())
            with open(class_list_file, 'r') as classes_file:
                classes = classes_file.readlines()
                return self.detect_trackers_in_list(classes)

    def get_version(self):
        Get the application version name
        :return: version name
        return self.apk.get_androidversion_name()

    def get_version_code(self):
        Get the application version code
        :return: version code
        return self.apk.get_androidversion_code()

    def get_permissions(self):
        Get application permissions
        :return: application permissions list
        return self.apk.get_permissions()

    def get_app_name(self):
        Get application name
        :return: application name
        return self.apk.get_app_name()

    def get_package(self):
        Get application package
        :return: application package
        return self.apk.get_package()

    def get_libraries(self):
        Get application libraries
        :return: application libraries list
        return self.apk.get_libraries()

    def get_icon_path(self):
        Get the icon path in the ZIP archive
        :return: icon path in the ZIP archive
        return self.apk.get_app_icon()

    def get_application_details(self):
        Get the application details like creator, number of downloads, etc.
        :param handle: application handle
        :return: application details dictionary

        if self.app_details is not None:
            return self.app_details

        details = get_details_from_gplaycli(self.get_package())
        if details is not None:
            self.app_details = details

        return details

    def _get_icon_from_details(self, path):
        Get icon from applications details dictionary
        :param path: path where to write the icon file
        :return: icon path
        :raises Exception: if unable to find icon
        details = self.get_application_details()
        if details is not None:
            for i in details.get('images'):
                if i.get('imageType') == 4:
                    f = requests.get(i.get('url'))
                    with open(path, mode='wb') as fp:
                    if os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.getsize(path) > 0:
                        return path

        raise Exception('Unable to download the icon from details')

    def _render_drawable_to_png(self, bxml, path):
        ap = axml.AXMLPrinter(bxml)

    def save_icon(self, path):
        Extract the icon from the ZIP archive and save it at the given path
        :param path: destination path of the icon
        :return: destination path of the icon, None in case of error
            icon = self.get_icon_path()
            if icon is None:
                raise Exception('Unable to get icon path')
            with zipfile.ZipFile(self.apk_path) as z:
                with open(path, 'wb') as f:
                with Image.open(path) as _:
                    logging.info('Get icon from APK: success')
                    return path
        except Exception:
            logging.warning('Unable to get the icon from the APK')
            return None

            # TODO: Set this back once details download is working again
            # logging.warning('Downloading icon from details')
            # try:
            #     saved_path = self._get_icon_from_details(path)
            #     logging.debug('Icon downloaded from application details')
            #     return saved_path
            # except Exception as e:
            #     logging.warning(e)

    def get_icon_phash(self):
        Get the perceptual hash of the application icon
        :return: the perceptual hash, empty string in case of error
        with NamedTemporaryFile() as ic:
            path = self.save_icon(ic.name)
            if path is None:
                logging.error('Unable to save the icon')
                return ''
            return self.get_phash(ic.name)

    def get_phash(image_name):
        Get the perceptual hash of the given image
        :param image_name: name of the image file
        :return: the perceptual hash, empty string in case of error
        dhash.force_pil()  # Force PIL

            image = Image.open(image_name).convert("RGBA")
            row, col = dhash.dhash_row_col(image, size=PHASH_SIZE)
            return row << (PHASH_SIZE * PHASH_SIZE) | col
        except IOError as e:
            return ''

    def get_icon_similarity(phash_origin, phash_candidate):
        Get icons similarity score [0,1.0]
        :param phash_origin: original icon
        :param phash_candidate: icon to be compared
        :return: similarity score [0,1.0]
        diff = dhash.get_num_bits_different(phash_origin, phash_candidate)
        return 1 - 1. * diff / (PHASH_SIZE * PHASH_SIZE * 2)

    def get_application_universal_id(self):
        parts = [self.get_package()]
        for c in self.get_certificates():
        return sha1(' '.join(parts).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().upper()

    def get_certificates(self):
        certificates = []

        def _my_name_init(self, oid, value, _type=_SENTINEL):
            if not isinstance(oid, ObjectIdentifier):
                raise TypeError(
                    "oid argument must be an ObjectIdentifier instance.")
            if not isinstance(value, six.text_type):
                raise TypeError("value argument must be a text type.")
            if len(value) == 0:
                raise ValueError("Value cannot be an empty string")
            if _type == _SENTINEL:
                _type = _NAMEOID_DEFAULT_TYPE.get(oid, _ASN1Type.UTF8String)
            if not isinstance(_type, _ASN1Type):
                raise TypeError("_type must be from the _ASN1Type enum")
            self._oid = oid
            self._value = value
            self._type = _type

        NameAttribute.__init__ = _my_name_init

        signs = self.apk.get_signature_names()
        for s in signs:
            c = self.apk.get_certificate(s)
            cert = Certificate(c)

        return certificates

    def get_apk_size(self):
        Get the APK file size in bytes
        :return: APK file size
        return os.path.getsize(self.apk_path)

    def get_sha256(self):
        Get the sha256sum of the APK file
        :return: hex sha256sum
        BLOCKSIZE = 65536
        hasher = sha256()
        with open(self.apk_path, 'rb') as apk:
            buf = apk.read(BLOCKSIZE)
            while len(buf) > 0:
                buf = apk.read(BLOCKSIZE)
        return hasher.hexdigest()

    def save_embedded_classes_in_file(self, file_path):
        Save list of embedded classes in file.
        :param file_path: file to write
        with open(file_path, 'w+') as f:

    def print_apk_infos(self):
        Print APK information
        permissions = self.get_permissions()
        libraries = self.get_libraries()
        certificates = self.get_certificates()
        print("=== Information")
        print('- APK path: {}'.format(self.apk_path))
        print('- APK sum: {}'.format(self.get_sha256()))
        print('- App version: {}'.format(self.get_version()))
        print('- App version code: {}'.format(self.get_version_code()))
        print('- App UID: {}'.format(self.get_application_universal_id()))
        print('- App name: {}'.format(self.get_app_name()))
        print('- App package: {}'.format(self.get_package()))
        print('- App permissions: {}'.format(len(permissions)))
        for perm in permissions:
            print('    - {}'.format(perm))
        print('- App libraries:')
        for lib in libraries:
            print('    - {}'.format(lib))
        print('- Certificates: {}'.format(len(certificates)))
        for cert in certificates:
            print('    - {}'.format(cert))

    def print_embedded_trackers(self):
        Print detected trackers
        trackers = self.detect_trackers()
        print('=== Found trackers: {}'.format(len(trackers)))
        for t in trackers:
            print(' - {}'.format(t.name))
Example #9
    def testApksignAPKs(self):
        # These APKs are from the apksign testcases and cover
        # all different signature algorithms as well as some error cases
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import zipfile
        from asn1crypto import x509, pem
        import binascii
        root = "examples/signing/apksig"
        # Correct values generated with openssl:
        certfp = {
            "dsa-1024.x509.pem": "fee7c19ff9bfb4197b3727b9fd92d95406b1bd96db99ea642f5faac019a389d7",
            "dsa-2048.x509.pem": "97cce0bab292c2d5afb9de90e1810b41a5d25c006a10d10982896aa12ab35a9e",
            "dsa-3072.x509.pem": "966a4537058d24098ea213f12d4b24e37ff5a1d8f68deb8a753374881f23e474",
            "ec-p256.x509.pem": "6a8b96e278e58f62cfe3584022cec1d0527fcb85a9e5d2e1694eb0405be5b599",
            "ec-p384.x509.pem": "5e7777ada7ee7ce8f9c4d1b07094876e5604617b7988b4c5d5b764a23431afbe",
            "ec-p521.x509.pem": "69b50381d98bebcd27df6d7df8af8c8b38d0e51e9168a95ab992d1a9da6082da",
            "rsa-1024.x509.pem": "bc5e64eab1c4b5137c0fbc5ed05850b3a148d1c41775cffa4d96eea90bdd0eb8",
            "rsa-16384.x509.pem": "f3c6b37909f6df310652fbd7c55ec27d3079dcf695dc6e75e22ba7c4e1c95601",
            "rsa-2048.x509.pem": "fb5dbd3c669af9fc236c6991e6387b7f11ff0590997f22d0f5c74ff40e04fca8",
            "rsa-3072.x509.pem": "483934461229a780010bc07cd6eeb0b67025fc4fe255757abbf5c3f2ed249e89",
            "rsa-4096.x509.pem": "6a46158f87753395a807edcc7640ac99c9125f6b6e025bdbf461ff281e64e685",
            "rsa-8192.x509.pem": "060d0a24fea9b60d857225873f78838e081795f7ef2d1ea401262bbd75a58234",

        will_not_validate_correctly = [

        # Collect possible hashes for certificates
        # Unfortunately, not all certificates are supplied...
        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath in certfp:
                with open(os.path.join(root, apath), "rb") as fp:
                    cert = x509.Certificate.load(pem.unarmor(fp.read())[2])
                    h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                    self.assertEqual(h, certfp[apath])
                    self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath.endswith(".apk"):
                if apath == "v2-only-garbage-between-cd-and-eocd.apk" or \
                   apath == "v2-only-truncated-cd.apk":
                    # Can not load as APK
                    if sys.version_info.major == 2:
                        # Different name in python2...
                        with self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipfile):
                            APK(os.path.join(root, apath))
                        with self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipFile):
                            APK(os.path.join(root, apath))
                elif apath in will_not_validate_correctly:
                    # These APKs are faulty (by design) and will return a not correct fingerprint.
                    # TODO: we need to check if we can prevent such errors...

                a = APK(os.path.join(root, apath))

                self.assertIsInstance(a, APK)

                # Special error cases
                if apath == "v2-only-apk-sig-block-size-mismatch.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
                elif apath == "v2-only-empty.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):

                if a.is_signed_v1():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                            for c in a.get_signature_names():

                    elif apath == "v1-only-with-rsa-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertNotIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # print([apath, h]) # I do not know, why put this file?
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, True)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, False)
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)

                if a.is_signed_v2():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                    elif apath == "v2-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha256-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        # FIXME
                        # Not sure what this one should do... but the certificate fingerprint is weird
                        # as the hash over the DER is not the same when using the certificate
                        for c in a.get_certificates_der_v2():
                            cert = x509.Certificate.load(c)
                            h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(c).hexdigest(), h)
Example #10
    def testApksignAPKs(self):
        # These APKs are from the apksign testcases and cover
        # all different signature algorithms as well as some error cases
        from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK
        import zipfile
        from asn1crypto import x509, pem
        import binascii
        root = "examples/signing/apksig"
        # Correct values generated with openssl:
        # In the apksig repo:src/test/resources/com/android/apksig
        # for f in *.pem; do openssl x509 -in $f -noout -sha256 -fingerprint; done
        certfp = {
            'dsa-1024.x509.pem': 'fee7c19ff9bfb4197b3727b9fd92d95406b1bd96db99ea642f5faac019a389d7',
            'dsa-2048.x509.pem': '97cce0bab292c2d5afb9de90e1810b41a5d25c006a10d10982896aa12ab35a9e',
            'dsa-3072.x509.pem': '966a4537058d24098ea213f12d4b24e37ff5a1d8f68deb8a753374881f23e474',
            'ec-p256.x509.pem': '6a8b96e278e58f62cfe3584022cec1d0527fcb85a9e5d2e1694eb0405be5b599',
            'ec-p384.x509.pem': '5e7777ada7ee7ce8f9c4d1b07094876e5604617b7988b4c5d5b764a23431afbe',
            'ec-p521.x509.pem': '69b50381d98bebcd27df6d7df8af8c8b38d0e51e9168a95ab992d1a9da6082da',
            'rsa-1024_2.x509.pem': 'eba3685e799f59804684abebf0363e14ccb1c213e2b954a22669714ed97f61e9',
            'rsa-1024.x509.pem': 'bc5e64eab1c4b5137c0fbc5ed05850b3a148d1c41775cffa4d96eea90bdd0eb8',
            'rsa-16384.x509.pem': 'f3c6b37909f6df310652fbd7c55ec27d3079dcf695dc6e75e22ba7c4e1c95601',
            'rsa-2048_2.x509.pem': '681b0e56a796350c08647352a4db800cc44b2adc8f4c72fa350bd05d4d50264d',
            'rsa-2048_3.x509.pem': 'bb77a72efc60e66501ab75953af735874f82cfe52a70d035186a01b3482180f3',
            'rsa-2048.x509.pem': 'fb5dbd3c669af9fc236c6991e6387b7f11ff0590997f22d0f5c74ff40e04fca8',
            'rsa-3072.x509.pem': '483934461229a780010bc07cd6eeb0b67025fc4fe255757abbf5c3f2ed249e89',
            'rsa-4096.x509.pem': '6a46158f87753395a807edcc7640ac99c9125f6b6e025bdbf461ff281e64e685',
            'rsa-8192.x509.pem': '060d0a24fea9b60d857225873f78838e081795f7ef2d1ea401262bbd75a58234',

        will_not_validate_correctly = [

        # Collect possible hashes for certificates
        # Unfortunately, not all certificates are supplied...
        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath in certfp:
                with open(os.path.join(root, apath), "rb") as fp:
                    cert = x509.Certificate.load(pem.unarmor(fp.read())[2])
                    h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                    self.assertEqual(h, certfp[apath])
                    self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

        for apath in os.listdir(root):
            if apath.endswith(".apk"):
                if apath == "v2-only-garbage-between-cd-and-eocd.apk" or \
                   apath == "v2-only-truncated-cd.apk" or \
                   apath == "v1v2v3-with-rsa-2048-lineage-3-signers-invalid-zip.apk":
                    # Can not load as APK
                    with self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipFile):
                        APK(os.path.join(root, apath))
                elif apath in will_not_validate_correctly:
                    # These APKs are faulty (by design) and will return a not correct fingerprint.
                    # TODO: we need to check if we can prevent such errors...

                a = APK(os.path.join(root, apath))

                self.assertIsInstance(a, APK)

                # Test if the correct method returns True, while others return
                # False
                m_tests = {'1': a.is_signed_v1,
                           '2': a.is_signed_v2,
                           '3': a.is_signed_v3}

                # These APKs will raise an error
                excluded = [
                if apath[0] == "v" and apath not in excluded:
                    methods = apath.split("-", 1)[0].split("v")[1:]
                    for m, f in m_tests.items():
                        if m in methods:

                # Special error cases
                if apath == "v2-only-apk-sig-block-size-mismatch.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(apk.BrokenAPKError):
                elif apath == "v2-only-empty.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(apk.BrokenAPKError):
                elif apath == "v3-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha512-4096-apk-sig-block-size-mismatch.apk":
                    with self.assertRaises(apk.BrokenAPKError):

                if a.is_signed_v1():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                            for c in a.get_signature_names():

                    elif apath == "v1-only-with-rsa-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertNotIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # print([apath, h]) # I do not know, why put this file?
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, True)
                            apk.show_Certificate(c, False)
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)
                        for sig in a.get_signature_names():
                            c = a.get_certificate(sig)
                            h = c.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())

                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            der = a.get_certificate_der(sig)
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(der).hexdigest(), h)

                if a.is_signed_v2():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                    elif apath == "v2-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha256-1024-cert-not-der.apk":
                        # FIXME
                        # Not sure what this one should do... but the certificate fingerprint is weird
                        # as the hash over the DER is not the same when using the certificate
                        for c in a.get_certificates_der_v2():
                            cert = x509.Certificate.load(c)
                            h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(c).hexdigest(), h)

                if a.is_signed_v3():
                    if apath == "weird-compression-method.apk":
                        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                    elif apath == "v3-only-with-rsa-pkcs1-sha256-3072-sig-does-not-verify.apk" or \
                         apath == "v3-only-cert-and-public-key-mismatch.apk":
                        cert = x509.Certificate.load(a.get_certificates_der_v3()[0])
                        h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                        self.assertNotIn(h, certfp.values())
                        for c in a.get_certificates_der_v3():
                            cert = x509.Certificate.load(c)
                            h = cert.sha256_fingerprint.replace(" ","").lower()
                            self.assertIn(h, certfp.values())
                            # Check that we get the same signature if we take the DER
                            self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha256(c).hexdigest(), h)