def __init__(self): android.accelerometer_enable(True) x, y, z = android.accelerometer_reading() self._samples = [] self._init_time = time.time() self._normal = None
def __init__(self): self.loopFlag = True #Display if not ANDROID: os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() if ANDROID: android.init() android.accelerometer_enable(True) android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) width, height = 800, 480 self.displaySize = width, height self.display = pygame.display.set_mode(self.displaySize) self.fps = 60 #Peripherals self.keyboard = Keyboard() self.mouse = Mouse() # world = World(width, height) #Other objects self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode([480, 800]) if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) game = Game(screen, "images") ret = game.startScreen() if ret == False: pygame.quit() sys.exit(1) while 1: game.init() ret = if ret == False: pygame.quit() sys.exit(1) ret = game.gameOver() if ret == False: pygame.quit() sys.exit(1)
def main(): try: adv=advertise.advertise('',g.canvas,(0,0),(240,320)) while adv.adv_cont.read_input() pygame.display.update() except: pass #print "running1" if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.QUIT) while g.running: if android: android.accelerometer_enable(bool(accelerometer)) if accelerometer: d=check_dir_acc() if d=="up": g.up() elif d=="down": g.down() elif d=="left": g.left() elif d=="right": g.right() else: pass #print "running2" g.move() #print "moved" try: ao_sleep(slow) except: pass ao_yield()
def __init__(self): android.accelerometer_enable(True) Clock.schedule_interval(self.detect_motion, 0.1) self.last = None self.history = deque() self.shake_callback = None self.enabled = True
def main(): pygame.init() mixer.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode([480, 700]) if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) game = Game(screen, "images") ret = game.startScreen() if ret == False: pygame.quit() sys.exit(1) while 1: game.init() for life in range(3): ball = game.createBall() game.balls.append(ball) ret = if ret == False: pygame.quit() sys.exit(1) ret = game.gameOver() if ret == False: pygame.quit() sys.exit(1)
def main(): if android: android.init() android.accelerometer_enable(True) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 480)) c = game.Controls(screen) space = game.Space(load_image('background.png')) camera = game.Camera(space) direction = game.DIR_STOP in_game = True while in_game: print c.angle, c.angle%(2*math.pi), for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: in_game = False elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): in_game = False elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_LEFT): direction = game.DIR_LEFT elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT): direction = game.DIR_RIGHT elif ((event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_LEFT) and (direction == game.DIR_LEFT)): direction = game.DIR_STOP elif ((event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT) and (direction == game.DIR_RIGHT)): direction = game.DIR_STOP elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_UP): direction = game.DIR_UP elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_DOWN): direction = game.DIR_DOWN elif ((event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_UP) and (direction == game.DIR_UP)): direction = game.DIR_STOP elif ((event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_DOWN) and (direction == game.DIR_DOWN)): direction = game.DIR_STOP camera.move_camera(direction) dirty = screen.blit(camera.view, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, scene): """ intialize sprite class """ pygame.sprite.DirtySprite.__init__(self) self.scene = scene self.screen = scene.screen #default sprite attributes self.pause = 0 self.frame = 0 self.delay = 800 self.imgsize = (75, 75) self.reset() if android: android.accelerometer_enable(True)
def main(): pygame.init() if android: android.init() # Set the screen size. screen = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 800)) # Map the back button to the escape key. if android: android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) # Use a timer to control FPS. pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEREVENT, 1000 / FPS) font = pygame.font.Font("FreeSans.ttf", 30) def text(s, x, y): surf = font.render(s, True, (200, 200, 200, 255)) screen.blit(surf, (x, y)) while True: ev = pygame.event.wait() if android.check_pause(): android.wait_for_resume() # Draw the screen based on the timer. if ev.type == TIMEREVENT: x, y, z = android.accelerometer_reading() screen.fill((0, 0, 0, 255)) text("X: %f" % x, 10, 10) text("Y: %f" % y, 10, 50) text("Z: %f" % z, 10, 90) pygame.display.flip() # When the user hits back, ESCAPE is sent. Handle it and end # the game. elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: break
def main(): global f f = open("traceback.txt", 'w') import sys import traceback try: pygame.init() android.accelerometer_enable(True) mode = None for mode in pygame.display.list_modes(): if mode[1] <= 640: break run(mode) except: global f traceback.print_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback, None, f) #@UndefinedVariable f.close()
def main(): pygame.init() if android: android.init() # android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) shaker = ShakeSensor() clock = pygame.time.Clock() main = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 400)) pygame.display.set_caption('Shake Test') FONTFILE = 'freesansbold.ttf' font = pygame.font.Font(FONTFILE, 12) lastshake = time.time() label = 'no shake' while True: if android: shaker.update() for ev in pygame.event.get(): if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if android and ev.key == android.KEYCODE_BACK: sys.exit() if ev.type == ShakeSensor.SHAKE_EVENT: label = '%s: %2.4fm, offset: %2.4fm' % (time.time(), ev.absolute.r, ev.overall.r) lastshake = time.time() color = 255 - (time.time() - lastshake) * 255 if color > 255: color = 255 if color < 0: color = 0 main.fill((color, 0, 0)) text = font.render(label, True, (255,255, 255)) main.blit(text, text.get_rect()) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(15)
### variables and creating the group for bullets bullet_group = pygame.sprite.Group() bullet_timer = bullet_delay # character = Player() monster_group = pygame.sprite.Group() for number in range(0, 8): monster = Monster() monster_group.add(monster) if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) enable = True android.accelerometer_enable(enable) WHITE = ((255, 255, 255)) BLACK = ((0, 0, 0)) BLUE = ((85, 191, 223)) speed = 4 speed_2 = 6 x = 770 y = 360 windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 770)) player_circle = pygame.image.load("img/final_circle.png") control_circle =, WHITE, (1080, 550), 100, 4) while True:
def point(self, pos): angle = self.angle(pos) hypotenuse = 50 adjacent = math.cos(angle) * hypotenuse x = int(60 + adjacent) opposite = math.sin(angle) * hypotenuse y = int(60-opposite), self.YELLOW, (x, y), 10, 2) pygame.init() if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) enable = True android.accelerometer_enable(enable) SCREENSIZE=(480,320) SCREENCENTER=(SCREENSIZE[0]/2, SCREENSIZE[1]/2) SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 320)) RED=(255, 0, 0) GREEN=(0, 255, 0) BLACK=(0,0,0) speed = 5 direction = "stop" sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load("img/sprite_sheet.png").convert_alpha() player_d = [] player_r = [] player_l = []
def main(): if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) carretera=Carretera() speed=0. coches=[] bichos=[] bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos=[-150.,15] bichos[-1].clase=1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos=[-150.,35] bichos[-1].clase=1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos=[150.,50] bichos[-1].clase=1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() pygame.display.update() stage=1 TIMEREVENT = pygame.USEREVENT checkpoint=3000 FPS=25 t=0 l=0 dt=0.01 pos=0 vel=0 t0=time.time() t00=time.time()+60 last_coche=0 lives=3 dcoches=4 cracks=0 dentro=True if mixer: mixer.init()'sound/blues.wav') while dentro: if android: if mixer.music_channel.get_busy()==False: else: if for ev in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: speed*=0.95 elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: dentro=False t+=dt l+=dt*speed curva=math.cos(t)*0.75*math.sin(t/2+3)*math.cos(t/10+12) carretera.curva=curva n=0 for i in bichos: i.vel=speed i.pos[1]+=speed*i.pos[1]*dt+dt i.curva=curva if i.pos[1] > 100: bichos.pop(n) n+=1 n=0 for i in coches: i.vel=speed i.pos[1]+=speed*i.pos[1]*dt+dt i.curva=curva if i.pos[1] > 85 and i.pos[1] < 95: #print i.pos[0]-pos if i.clase==0: if abs(i.pos[0]-pos) < 30: if android: android.vibrate(2) pygame.time.delay(2000) lives-=1 cracks+=1 if lives < 0: dentro=False speed*=0 coches.pop(n) elif i.clase==1: if abs(i.pos[0]-pos) < 20: if lives < 3: lives+=1 if cracks > 0: cracks-=1 if android: android.vibrate(1) speed*=0 coches.pop(n) if i.pos[1] > 120: coches.pop(n) n+=1 if random.random() < 0.05: #print 'arbol' bichos.append(Objeto()) if random.random() < 0.5: bichos[-1].pos=[150.,0.1] else: bichos[-1].pos=[-150.,0.1] bichos[-1].radius=800 bichos[-1].clase=1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() if random.random() < 0.1 and t-last_coche > dcoches: coches.append(Coche()) coches[-1].radius=100 coches[-1].curva=curva if random.random() < 0.05: coches[-1].clase=1 coches[-1].pos=[random.random()*150-75,0.1] coches[-1].carga_imagen() last_coche=t*1 speed+=dt if pos > 100 or pos < -100: speed*=0.9 if android: android.vibrate(0.1) if pos > 120: pos=120 speed=0. elif pos < -120: pos = -120 speed=0. if speed > 5: speed=5. if android: accels=android.accelerometer_reading() dpx=accels[1]*100 else: dp=pygame.mouse.get_pos() dpx=(dp[0]-400)*2 pos+=dt*curva*300*speed pos+=dpx*dt alpha=dpx/2*dt carretera.draw() screen.blit(sky,(0,0)) #screen.blit(sky2,(int(-150-curva*150),0)) for i in range(len(bichos)): bichos[-1-i].draw() for i in range(len(coches)): coches[-1-i].draw() motor=pygame.transform.rotate(moto,-int(alpha)*10) #(w,h)=motor.get_size() xn,yn,f=coordenadas((pos,90),curva) screen.blit(motor,(int(xn-w/2),int(yn-h))) while 1/(time.time()-t0) > 30: time.sleep(0.01) #display_text(screen,': '+str(int(speed*20))) if (t00-time.time()) < 0: lives-=1 if android: android.vibrate(1) t00+=60 if lives < 0: dentro=False elif l*100 < checkpoint*stage-500 and l*100 > checkpoint*stage-520: bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos=[0.,0.1] bichos[-1].radius=800 bichos[-1].clase=0 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() elif l*100 > checkpoint*stage: stage+=1 if checkpoint < 6000: checkpoint+=500 t00+=60 dcoches*=0.75 panel(screen,panel_image,crack1_image,crack2_image,crack3_image,font,int(checkpoint*stage-l*100),int(t00-time.time()),speed*20,lives,cracks) pygame.display.update() t0=time.time() screen.fill((150,255,150)) ending=pygame.image.load('images/ending.png').convert_alpha() screen.blit(ending,(0,0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(5000)
def __init__(self): """Inits the game.""" pygame.init() # Set size here so Android can overwrite it. size=[640,480] # Do some android stuff if android: android.init() # Map back key to to escape android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) # Get display size and set game size to it disp_info = pygame.display.Info() size = [disp_info.current_w, disp_info.current_h] # Activate accelerometer if settings.getBool("android","accelerometer_enable"): android.accelerometer_enable(1) # Screen/Dialog stuff self.screen=pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.RESIZABLE) pygame.display.set_caption("UpChomp") # Used to manage how fast the screen updates self.clock=pygame.time.Clock() # Game Save = iniget.iniGet(app_path + "game.sav") # Sprites self.all_sprites_list = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain() # Initalize Sound self.sound = sound.Sound() # Init da Chomp self.chomp = chompy.Chompy(self.screen, self.sound) self.all_sprites_list.add(self.chomp) # Init Menu = menu.Menu(self.screen, self.sound, self.clock, # Make a dialog object. self.dlogbox = dialog.Dialog(self.screen, self.sound) # Setup Hud self.hud = hud.Hud(self.screen, self.sound) # Setup Transition self.transition = transition.Transition() # Game State: 0-Playing, 1-Main Menu, 2-Pack Select, 3 - Load New Level self.state = 1 # Init Game Map self.level = gamemap.Gamemap(self.sound, # Frame rate self.frames = 1 # Set Current Map self.map_file = [] # Opening a map... install it. if len(sys.argv) > 1: size = self.screen.get_size() # Unzip Map if not zipfile.is_zipfile(sys.argv[1]): self.gameLoop() return None # Make Temporary Storage Directory if os.path.exists(app_path + "temp"): shutil.rmtree(app_path +"temp") time.sleep(.25) os.mkdir(app_path + "temp") zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1]) zip_file.extract("maps", app_path + "temp/") zip_file.close() mappack = iniget.iniGet(app_path + "temp/maps") # Get map hash (Used in save file) maphash = hashlib.sha224(open(sys.argv[1]).read()).hexdigest() if mappack.get("pack","name") and mappack.get("pack", "order"): oldmaphash = "" if os.path.isfile(app_path + "maps/" + mappack.get("pack","name").replace(" ", "_") + ".ucm"): oldmaphash = hashlib.sha224(open(app_path + "maps/" + mappack.get("pack","name").replace(" ", "_") + ".ucm").read()).hexdigest() if maphash == oldmaphash: print "Failed to install new map pack." self.dlogbox.setMessageBox(size, "The map you are trying to install appears to already be installed.", "Already Installed!", [['OK',]] ) else: shutil.copy (sys.argv[1], app_path + "maps/" + mappack.get("pack","name").replace(" ", "_") + ".ucm") if os.path.isfile(app_path + "maps/" + mappack.get("pack","name").replace(" ", "_") + ".ucm"): print "Installed map pack '"+ str(mappack.get("pack","name").replace(" ", "_")) + ".ucm'." self.dlogbox.setMessageBox(size, "New map pack has been installed!", "New Map Pack!", [['OK',]] ) else: print "Failed to install new map pack." self.dlogbox.setMessageBox(size, "Unable to install map pack.", "Error", [['OK',]] ) events = pygame.event.get() while self.dlogbox.drawBox(size, events): events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: size = event.size # Android events if android: if android.check_pause(): android.wait_for_resume() pygame.display.flip() # Enter game loop self.gameLoop()
def title(screen): """main function that runs the game""" pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Sky High") screen = pygame.display.get_surface() clock = pygame.time.Clock() scroll_speed = 3 menu_image = "assets/menu.png" play_image = "assets/play.png" played_image = "assets/play_pressed.png" highscore_image = "assets/highscore.png" highscored_image = "assets/highscore_pressed.png" exit_image = "assets/exit.png" exited_image = "assets/exit_pressed.png" font = pygame.font.Font("assets/freesansbold.ttf", 30) try:"assets/menu.ogg") except pygame.error: print "Couldn't find file." balloon_speed = 3 moveRate = 2 score = 0 background = (0, 0, 0) sky = Backgrounds(screen, scroll_speed, menu_image) # Map the back button to the escape key. if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) # Use a timer to control FPS. pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEREVENT, 3000) pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, 1000) pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 2, 2000) pygame.key.set_repeat(FPS, FPS) # set key repeat on play = Balloons(screen, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 50, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 330, 0, balloon_speed, play_image, played_image) highscore = Balloons( screen, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 230, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 150, 0, balloon_speed, highscore_image, highscored_image ) getout = Balloons(screen, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 30, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + 10, 0, balloon_speed, exit_image, exited_image) while True: # game loop time_passed = clock.tick(FPS) if android: if android.check_pause(): android.wait_for_resume() init_x = randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: if getout.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): = True screen.fill(background) sky.draw() play.draw() highscore.draw() getout.draw() pygame.display.flip() elif play.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): = True screen.fill(background) sky.draw() play.draw() highscore.draw() getout.draw() pygame.display.flip() elif highscore.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): = True screen.fill(background) sky.draw() play.draw() highscore.draw() getout.draw() pygame.display.flip() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: = False = False = False if event.button == 1: if getout.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): sys.exit(0) pygame.quit() elif play.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): return 99 elif highscore.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): return 100 screen.fill(background) sky.update() sky.draw() play.update() play.draw() highscore.update() highscore.draw() getout.update() getout.draw() pygame.display.flip()
def main(): if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) carretera = Carretera() speed = 0. coches = [] bichos = [] bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos = [-150., 15] bichos[-1].clase = 1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos = [-150., 35] bichos[-1].clase = 1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos = [150., 50] bichos[-1].clase = 1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() pygame.display.update() stage = 1 TIMEREVENT = pygame.USEREVENT checkpoint = 3000 FPS = 25 t = 0 l = 0 dt = 0.01 pos = 0 vel = 0 t0 = time.time() t00 = time.time() + 60 last_coche = 0 lives = 3 dcoches = 4 cracks = 0 dentro = True if mixer: mixer.init()'sound/blues.wav') while dentro: if android: if mixer.music_channel.get_busy() == False: else: if == False: for ev in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: speed *= 0.95 elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: dentro = False t += dt l += dt * speed curva = math.cos(t) * 0.75 * math.sin(t / 2 + 3) * math.cos(t / 10 + 12) carretera.curva = curva n = 0 for i in bichos: i.vel = speed i.pos[1] += speed * i.pos[1] * dt + dt i.curva = curva if i.pos[1] > 100: bichos.pop(n) n += 1 n = 0 for i in coches: i.vel = speed i.pos[1] += speed * i.pos[1] * dt + dt i.curva = curva if i.pos[1] > 85 and i.pos[1] < 95: #print i.pos[0]-pos if i.clase == 0: if abs(i.pos[0] - pos) < 30: if android: android.vibrate(2) pygame.time.delay(2000) lives -= 1 cracks += 1 if lives < 0: dentro = False speed *= 0 coches.pop(n) elif i.clase == 1: if abs(i.pos[0] - pos) < 20: if lives < 3: lives += 1 if cracks > 0: cracks -= 1 if android: android.vibrate(1) speed *= 0 coches.pop(n) if i.pos[1] > 120: coches.pop(n) n += 1 if random.random() < 0.05: #print 'arbol' bichos.append(Objeto()) if random.random() < 0.5: bichos[-1].pos = [150., 0.1] else: bichos[-1].pos = [-150., 0.1] bichos[-1].radius = 800 bichos[-1].clase = 1 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() if random.random() < 0.1 and t - last_coche > dcoches: coches.append(Coche()) coches[-1].radius = 100 coches[-1].curva = curva if random.random() < 0.05: coches[-1].clase = 1 coches[-1].pos = [random.random() * 150 - 75, 0.1] coches[-1].carga_imagen() last_coche = t * 1 speed += dt if pos > 100 or pos < -100: speed *= 0.9 if android: android.vibrate(0.1) if pos > 120: pos = 120 speed = 0. elif pos < -120: pos = -120 speed = 0. if speed > 5: speed = 5. if android: accels = android.accelerometer_reading() dpx = accels[1] * 100 else: dp = pygame.mouse.get_pos() dpx = (dp[0] - 400) * 2 pos += dt * curva * 300 * speed pos += dpx * dt alpha = dpx / 2 * dt carretera.draw() screen.blit(sky, (0, 0)) #screen.blit(sky2,(int(-150-curva*150),0)) for i in range(len(bichos)): bichos[-1 - i].draw() for i in range(len(coches)): coches[-1 - i].draw() motor = pygame.transform.rotate(moto, -int(alpha) * 10) #(w,h)=motor.get_size() xn, yn, f = coordenadas((pos, 90), curva) screen.blit(motor, (int(xn - w / 2), int(yn - h))) while 1 / (time.time() - t0) > 30: time.sleep(0.01) #display_text(screen,': '+str(int(speed*20))) if (t00 - time.time()) < 0: lives -= 1 if android: android.vibrate(1) t00 += 60 if lives < 0: dentro = False elif l * 100 < checkpoint * stage - 500 and l * 100 > checkpoint * stage - 520: bichos.append(Objeto()) bichos[-1].pos = [0., 0.1] bichos[-1].radius = 800 bichos[-1].clase = 0 bichos[-1].carga_imagen() elif l * 100 > checkpoint * stage: stage += 1 if checkpoint < 6000: checkpoint += 500 t00 += 60 dcoches *= 0.75 panel(screen, panel_image, crack1_image, crack2_image, crack3_image, font, int(checkpoint * stage - l * 100), int(t00 - time.time()), speed * 20, lives, cracks) pygame.display.update() t0 = time.time() screen.fill((150, 255, 150)) ending = pygame.image.load('images/ending.png').convert_alpha() screen.blit(ending, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(5000)
def enable(self): android.accelerometer_enable(True) Clock.schedule_interval(self.detect_motion, 0.1)
class MyGame(Widget): menu = ObjectProperty(None) gameMenu = ObjectProperty(None) player = ObjectProperty(None) boss = ObjectProperty(None) endGameMenu = ObjectProperty(None) gameOverMenu = ObjectProperty(None) #Sons musicaTema = ObjectProperty(None) gameOverSound = ObjectProperty(None) gameWinSound = ObjectProperty(None) gamePause = True currentTime = NumericProperty(0) timeGame = NumericProperty(30) soundOn = True temaPlaying = False niveis = [] nivelCorrente = 0 if (android): android.init() android.accelerometer_enable(True) android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) def start_menu(self): = StartMenu()"./images/titulo.png") self.add_widget( self.gameMenu = GameMenu() self.gameMenu.startGameMenu() self.gameMenu.playPause.bind(on_press=self.__playPause) self.gameMenu.soundControl.bind(on_press=self.__soundOnOff) self.gameMenu.exit.bind(on_press=self.__exit) self.gameMenu.restart.bind(on_press=self.__restarCurrentLevelMenu) self.endGameMenu = EndGameMenu() self.endGameMenu.restart.bind(on_press=self.__restartCurrentLevel) self.gameOverMenu = GameOverMenu() self.gameOverMenu.restart.bind(on_press=self.__restartCurrentLevelOver) def __restartCurrentLevelOver(self, instance): if (self.gameOverSound.state == "play"): self.gameOverSound.stop() if (self.gameWinSound.state == "play"): self.gameWinSound.stop() self.player = Player() self.player.pos = [200, 10] self.lobo = Boss() self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente] = None self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente] = Nivel1( player=self.player, backgroundImage="./images/fundo.png", boss=self.lobo) self.niveis[0].soundOn = self.soundOn self.lobo.pos = [self.niveis[0].tamanhoFase / 3, 10] self.add_widget(self.niveis[0]) self.add_widget(self.player) self.add_widget(self.lobo) self.add_widget(self.gameMenu) self.remove_widget(self.gameOverMenu) self.gamePause = False def __restarCurrentLevelMenu(self, instance): self.remove_widget(self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente]) self.remove_widget(self.gameMenu) self.remove_widget(self.player) self.remove_widget(self.lobo) self.__restartCurrentLevel(instance) def __restartCurrentLevel(self, instance): if (self.gameOverSound.state == "play"): self.gameOverSound.stop() if (self.gameWinSound.state == "play"): self.gameWinSound.stop() self.player = Player() self.lobo = Boss() self.player.pos = [200, 10] self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente] = None self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente] = Nivel1( player=self.player, backgroundImage="./images/fundo.png", boss=self.lobo) self.niveis[0].soundOn = self.soundOn self.lobo.pos = [self.niveis[0].tamanhoFase / 3, 10] self.add_widget(self.niveis[0]) self.add_widget(self.player) self.add_widget(self.lobo) self.add_widget(self.gameMenu) self.remove_widget(self.endGameMenu) self.gamePause = False def __startNiveis(self): self.player = Player() self.lobo = Boss() self.player.pos = [200, 10] self.niveis.append( Nivel1(player=self.player, backgroundImage="./images/fundo.png", boss=self.lobo)) self.lobo.pos = [self.niveis[0].tamanhoFase / 3, 10] self.niveis[0].soundOn = self.soundOn self.add_widget(self.niveis[0]) self.add_widget(self.player) self.add_widget(self.lobo) def __removeStartMenu(self, instance): self.gamePause = False self.remove_widget( self.__startNiveis() self.add_widget(self.gameMenu) def __addStartMenu(self, instance): self.add_widget( def __playPause(self, instance): if (self.gamePause is True): self.gamePause = False self.gameMenu.playPause.background_normal = \ "./images/botoes/start0.png" else: self.gamePause = True self.gameMenu.playPause.background_normal = \ "./images/botoes/pause0.png" def __soundOnOff(self, instance): if (self.soundOn is True): self.soundOn = False self.gameMenu.soundControl.background_normal = \ "./images/botoes/mute.png" if ( = \ "./images/botoes/mute.png" else: self.soundOn = True self.gameMenu.soundControl.background_normal = \ "./images/botoes/sound.png" if ( = \ "./images/botoes/sound.png" def __exit(self, instance): import sys sys.exit() def on_touch_move(self, touch): if (touch.y < Window.height * 0.8 - 100): if (self.player): self.player.jump() def updateNivel(self, dt): self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].soundOn = self.soundOn self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].update() self.gameMenu.labelPonto.text = "Points: " + \ str(self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].pontos) self.gameMenu.labelTime.text = "Time: " + \ str(self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].timeGame) self.currentTime += 1 if (self.currentTime >= 60): self.currentTime = 0 self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].timeGame -= 1 if (self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].fimNivel): if (self.soundOn): self.gamePause = True self.remove_widget(self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente]) self.remove_widget(self.gameMenu) self.remove_widget(self.player) self.remove_widget(self.lobo) self.endGameMenu.label.text = "Points: " \ + str(self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].pontos) self.add_widget(self.endGameMenu) if (self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].timeGame <= 0 or self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].nivelPerdido is True): if (self.soundOn): self.gamePause = True self.remove_widget(self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente]) self.remove_widget(self.gameMenu) self.remove_widget(self.player) self.remove_widget(self.lobo) self.gameOverMenu.label.text = "Points: " \ + str(self.niveis[self.nivelCorrente].pontos) self.add_widget(self.gameOverMenu) def __movingPlayerAndroid(self): if (android): accelerometer = android.accelerometer_reading() if (accelerometer[1] < -3 and self.player.jumping is False): self.player.velocity_x = -PLAYER_VX0 elif (accelerometer[1] > 3 and self.player.jumping is False): self.player.velocity_x = PLAYER_VX0 else: if (self.player.jumping is False): self.player.velocity_x = 0 def update(self, dt): if (android): if android.check_pause(): if (self.musicaTema.state == "play"): self.musicaTema.stop() android.wait_for_resume() if (self.soundOn is True): if (self.musicaTema.state == "stop"): self.musicaTema.volume = 0.3 else: if (self.musicaTema.state == "play"): self.musicaTema.stop() self.musicaTema.volume = 0.3 if (self.gamePause is not True): self.__movingPlayerAndroid() self.updateNivel(dt)
import pygame try: import android import android_mixer as mixer android.accelerometer_enable(True) except ImportError: android = None from pygame import mixer # Some general utility functions here def load_font(name, size): return pygame.font.Font("data/" + name + ".ttf", size) def load_image(name): return pygame.image.load("data/" + name + ".png").convert_alpha() def load_sound(name): return mixer.Sound("data/" + name + ".ogg") def load_music(name): # The all-caps ogg is because the original file just happened to be that way"data/" + name + ".ogg") def android_check_pause(): if android: if android.check_pause(): android.wait_for_resume() def vibrate():
def disable(self): android.accelerometer_enable(False) Clock.unschedule(self.detect_motion)
def game(screen): '''main function that runs the game''' pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Sky High') screen = pygame.display.get_surface() clock = pygame.time.Clock() scroll_speed = 3 sky_image = "assets/sky.gif" balloon0 = pygame.transform.scale (load_image('assets/balloon.png'), (132, 200)) balloon1 = pygame.transform.scale (load_image('assets/balloon1.png'), (132, 200)) balloon2 = pygame.transform.scale (load_image('assets/balloon2.png'), (132, 200)) balloonflashing = pygame.transform.scale (load_image('assets/balloonflash.png'), (132, 200)) font = pygame.font.Font("BRLNSDB.TTF", 30) try:"assets/Scores.ogg") hit = mixer.Sound("assets/hit.ogg") star = mixer.Sound("assets/star.ogg") except pygame.error: print "Couldn't find file." balloon_speed = 6 moveRate = 2 score = 0 sky = Background(screen, scroll_speed, sky_image) # Map the back button to the escape key. if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) android.accelerometer_enable(True) # Use a timer to control FPS. pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEREVENT, 1000) pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, 3000) pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 2, 2000) pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 3, 4000) pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 4, 5000) pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 5, 8000) pygame.key.set_repeat(FPS, FPS) # set key repeat on lives = 10 balloon = Balloon(screen, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 50, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, balloon_speed, "assets/balloon.png", lives) city = Enemy(screen,0, SCREEN_HEIGHT-800, 0, -3, "assets/cityskyline.png",(800,480),1,1) city.image = load_image("assets/cityskyline.png") city.rect = city.image.get_rect() airplanes = pygame.sprite.Group() birds = pygame.sprite.Group() missiles = pygame.sprite.Group() powerups = pygame.sprite.Group() spawn_pt = range(-200, -100) + range(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_WIDTH + 100) elapsed_time = 0 timer = 0 justcollided = 0 imagechanged = False while True: #game loop time_passed = clock.tick(FPS) elapsed_time += 1 text = font.render("Height: " + str(score), 1, (120, 40, 80)) #render score lives_txt = font.render("Balloon Strength: " + str(lives)+ "/10" , 1, (85, 0, 50)) timer -= 1 justcollided -= 1 if android: balloon_move = android.accelerometer_reading() if balloon.x >= 0 and balloon.x <= SCREEN_WIDTH - balloon.image_w: balloon.x = balloon.x - (balloon_move[0] * moveRate) elif balloon.x <= 0: balloon.x += 1 else: balloon.x -= 1 if balloon.rect.bottom <= SCREEN_HEIGHT and balloon.y >= (SCREEN_HEIGHT - balloon.image_h)/3: balloon.y = balloon.y + ((balloon_move[1] - 5) * moveRate) elif balloon.rect.bottom >= SCREEN_HEIGHT: balloon.y -= 1 else: balloon.y += 1 if android.check_pause(): android.wait_for_resume() #Randomly choose a spawn point from the list init_x = choice(spawn_pt) if init_x < SCREEN_WIDTH/2: enemy_image = "assets/plane-right.gif" else: enemy_image = "assets/plane-left.gif" for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: if balloon.x <= SCREEN_WIDTH - balloon.image_w: balloon.x += balloon_speed elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: if balloon.x >= 0: balloon.x -= balloon_speed elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: if balloon.y <= SCREEN_HEIGHT - balloon.image_h: balloon.y += balloon_speed elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: if balloon.y >= 0: balloon.y -= balloon_speed elif event.type == TIMEREVENT: score += 1 elif event.type == USEREVENT + 1 and score>=2 and score<=20: airplanes.add(Enemy(screen, init_x, randint(-50, 200), randint(1, 5), 3, enemy_image, (100, 50), 1, 1)) elif event.type == USEREVENT + 2 and score>=50: airplanes.add(Enemy(screen, init_x, randint(-50, 200), randint(1, 5), randint(3, 5), enemy_image, (100, 50), 1, 1)) elif event.type == USEREVENT + 3 and score>=5: birds.add(Enemy(screen, init_x, randint(-50, SCREEN_HEIGHT + 50), randint(2,4), 0, "assets/UFO.png", (100, 80), 1, 1)) if score >=20 and score<40: missiles.add(Enemy(screen, randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH), SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, randint(-8, -3), "assets/missile.png", (40, 150), 1, 1)) elif event.type == USEREVENT + 4 and score>=50: missiles.add(Enemy(screen, randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH), SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, randint(-8, -3), "assets/missile.png", (40, 150), 1, 1)) elif event.type == USEREVENT + 5 and score>=30: powerups.add(Enemy(screen, randint(100, SCREEN_WIDTH-100), 0, 0, 3, "assets/gold-star.gif", (60, 60), 1, 1)) if timer <= 20 and timer >= 0: sky.dy = 6 elif timer > 45: sky.dy = -6 else: sky.dy = 3 sky.update(score) sky.draw() city.update2(score,SCREEN_HEIGHT) city.draw() balloon.update(lives, balloon0, balloon1, balloon2, justcollided) balloon.draw() if balloon.y <= SCREEN_HEIGHT / 3: balloon.dy = 0 sky.scrolling = True if justcollided <= 0: balloon.update(lives, balloon0, balloon1, balloon2, justcollided) for enemy in airplanes: if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(enemy, balloon): # ADD GAME OVER SCREEN HERE if android: android.vibrate(0.3) if lives <= 0: return score enemy.dy = 20 timer = 80 if score >= 10: score -= 10 else: score = 1 justcollided = 20 lives -= 1 for bird in birds: if bird.dy != 20: bird.dy = 6*cos(0.1*elapsed_time) + 1 if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(bird, balloon): # ADD GAME OVER SCREEN HERE if android: android.vibrate(0.3) if lives <= 0: return score bird.dy = 20 timer = 70 if score >= 5: score -= 5 else: score = 1 justcollided = 20 lives -= 1 for missile in missiles: if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(missile, balloon): # ADD GAME OVER SCREEN HERE if android: android.vibrate(0.1) missile.dy = 20 if lives <= 0: return score timer = 80 if score >= 15: score -= 15 else: score = 1 justcollided = 20 lives -= 1 for powerup in powerups: if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(powerup, balloon): timer = 25 powerup.kill() score += 10 else: balloon.image = balloonflashing imagechanged = True airplanes.update() airplanes.draw(screen) birds.update() birds.draw(screen) missiles.update() missiles.draw(screen) powerups.update() powerups.draw(screen) screen.blit(text, (0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30)) screen.blit(lives_txt, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip()