Example #1
def test_function_dependencies_numpy():
    if prefs.codegen.target != 'numpy':
        pytest.skip('numpy-only test')

    @implementation('cpp', '''
    float foo(float x)
        return 42*0.001;
    @check_units(x=volt, result=volt)
    def foo(x):
        return 42 * mV

    # Second function with an independent implementation for C++ and an
    # implementation for numpy that makes use of the previous function.

    # Note that we don't need to use the explicit dependencies mechanism for
    # numpy, since the Python function stores a reference to the referenced
    # function directly

    @implementation('cpp', '''
    float bar(float x)
        return 84*0.001;
    @check_units(x=volt, result=volt)
    def bar(x):
        return 2 * foo(x)

    G = NeuronGroup(5, 'v : volt')
    G.run_regularly('v = bar(v)')
    net = Network(G)

    assert_allclose(G.v_[:], 84 * 0.001)
Example #2
def test_math_functions(func, needs_c99_support):
    Test that math functions give the same result, regardless of whether used
    directly or in generated Python or C++ code.
    if not get_device() == RuntimeDevice or prefs.codegen.target != 'numpy':
        if needs_c99_support and not compiler_supports_c99():
            pytest.skip('Support for function "{}" needs a compiler with C99 '
    test_array = np.array([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])

    with catch_logs() as _:  # Let's suppress warnings about illegal values
        # Calculate the result directly
        numpy_result = func(test_array)

        # Calculate the result in a somewhat complicated way by using a
        # subexpression in a NeuronGroup
        if func.__name__ == 'absolute':
            # we want to use the name abs instead of absolute
            func_name = 'abs'
            func_name = func.__name__
        G = NeuronGroup(
            len(test_array), '''func = {func}(variable) : 1
                           variable : 1'''.format(func=func_name))
        G.variable = test_array
        mon = StateMonitor(G, 'func', record=True)
        net = Network(G, mon)

            err_msg='Function %s did not return the correct values' %
def test_timedarray_with_units():
    ta = TimedArray(np.arange(10) * amp, dt=0.1 * ms)
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t) + 2*nA: amp', dt=0.1 * ms)
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=True, dt=0.1 * ms)
    run(1.1 * ms)
                    np.clip(np.arange(len(mon[0].t)), 0, 9) * amp + 2 * nA)
Example #4
def test_state_monitor_indexing():
    # Check indexing semantics
    G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v:volt')
    G.v = np.arange(10) * volt
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=[5, 6, 7])

    run(2 * defaultclock.dt)

    assert_array_equal(mon.v, np.array([[5, 5],
                                  [6, 6],
                                  [7, 7]]) * volt)
    assert_array_equal(mon.v_, np.array([[5, 5],
                                   [6, 6],
                                   [7, 7]]))
    assert_array_equal(mon[5].v, mon.v[0])
    assert_array_equal(mon[7].v, mon.v[2])
    assert_array_equal(mon[[5, 7]].v, mon.v[[0, 2]])
    assert_array_equal(mon[np.array([5, 7])].v, mon.v[[0, 2]])

    assert_allclose(mon.t[1:], Quantity([defaultclock.dt]))

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        mon[[5.0, 6.0]]
Example #5
def test_function_dependencies_cython_rename():
    if prefs.codegen.target != 'cython':
        pytest.skip('cython-only test')

    cdef float _foo(float x):
        return 42*0.001
    @check_units(x=volt, result=volt)
    def foo(x):
        return 42 * mV

    # Second function with an independent implementation for numpy and an
    # implementation for C++ that makes use of the previous function.

    cdef float bar(float x):
        return 2*my_foo(x)
                    dependencies={'my_foo': foo})
    @check_units(x=volt, result=volt)
    def bar(x):
        return 84 * mV

    G = NeuronGroup(5, 'v : volt')
    G.run_regularly('v = bar(v)')
    net = Network(G)

    assert_allclose(G.v_[:], 84 * 0.001)
Example #6
def test_refractoriness_repeated():
    # Create a group that spikes whenever it can
    group = NeuronGroup(1, '', threshold='True', refractory=10*defaultclock.dt)
    spike_mon = SpikeMonitor(group)
    assert spike_mon.t[0] == 0*ms
    assert_allclose(np.diff(spike_mon.t), 10*defaultclock.dt)
Example #7
def test_rate_monitor_2():
    G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v : 1', threshold='v>1') # no reset
    G.v['i<5'] = 1.1  # Half of the neurons fire every time step
    rate_mon = PopulationRateMonitor(G)
    net = Network(G, rate_mon)
    assert_allclose(rate_mon.rate, 0.5 * np.ones(10) / defaultclock.dt)
    assert_allclose(rate_mon.rate_, 0.5 *np.asarray(np.ones(10) / defaultclock.dt_))
def test_timedarray_no_upsampling():
    # Test a TimedArray where no upsampling is necessary because the monitor's
    # dt is bigger than the TimedArray's
    ta = TimedArray(np.arange(10), dt=0.01 * ms)
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t): 1', dt=0.1 * ms)
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=True, dt=1 * ms)
    run(2.1 * ms)
    assert_allclose(mon[0].value, [0, 9, 9])
def test_timedarray_semantics():
    # Make sure that timed arrays are interpreted as specifying the values
    # between t and t+dt (not between t-dt/2 and t+dt/2 as in angela1)
    ta = TimedArray(array([0, 1]), dt=0.4 * ms)
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t) : 1', dt=0.1 * ms)
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=0)
    run(0.8 * ms)
    assert_allclose(mon[0].value, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    assert_allclose(mon[0].value, ta(mon.t))
Example #10
def test_refractoriness_threshold_basic():
    G = NeuronGroup(1, '''
    dv/dt = 199.99*Hz : 1
    ''', threshold='v > 1', reset='v=0', refractory=10*ms)
    # The neuron should spike after 5ms but then not spike for the next
    # 10ms. The state variable should continue to integrate so there should
    # be a spike after 15ms
    spike_mon = SpikeMonitor(G)
    assert_allclose(spike_mon.t, [5, 15] * ms)
Example #11
def test_constants_values():
    Make sure that symbolic constants use the correct values in code
    G = NeuronGroup(3, 'v : 1')
    G.v[0] = 'pi'
    G.v[1] = 'e'
    G.v[2] = 'inf'
    run(0 * ms)
    assert_allclose(G.v[:], [np.pi, np.e, np.inf])
def test_pure_noise_deterministic(fake_randn_randn_fixture):
    sigma = 3
    eqs = Equations('dx/dt = sigma*xi/sqrt(ms) : 1')
    dt = 0.1 * ms
    for method in ['euler', 'heun', 'milstein']:
        G = NeuronGroup(1, eqs, dt=dt, method=method)
        run(10 * dt)
                        sqrt(dt) * sigma * 0.5 / sqrt(1 * ms) * 10,
                        err_msg='method %s did not give the expected result' %
def test_spikegenerator_restore():
    # Check whether SpikeGeneratorGroup works with store/restore
    # See github issue #1084
    gen = SpikeGeneratorGroup(1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2]*ms)
    mon = SpikeMonitor(gen)
    assert_array_equal(mon.i, [0, 0, 0])
    assert_allclose(mon.t, [0, 1, 2] * ms)
    run(3 * ms)
    assert_array_equal(mon.i, [0, 0, 0])
    assert_allclose(mon.t, [0, 1, 2]*ms)
def test_active_flag():
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'dv/dt = 1/ms : 1')
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=0)
    mon.active = False
    run(1 * ms)
    mon.active = True
    G.active = False
    run(1 * ms)
    device.build(direct_call=False, **device.build_options)
    # Monitor should start recording at 1ms
    # Neurongroup should not integrate after 1ms (but should have integrated before)
    assert_allclose(mon[0].t[0], 1 * ms)
    assert_allclose(mon[0].v, 1.0)
def test_spikegenerator_period():
    Basic test for `SpikeGeneratorGroup`.
    indices = np.array([3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1])
    times   = np.array([1, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2]) * ms
    SG = SpikeGeneratorGroup(5, indices, times, period=5*ms)

    s_mon = SpikeMonitor(SG)
    for idx in range(5):
        generator_spikes = sorted([(idx, time) for time in times[indices==idx]] + [(idx, time+5*ms) for time in times[indices==idx]])
        recorded_spikes = sorted([(idx, time) for time in s_mon.t[s_mon.i==idx]])
        assert_allclose(generator_spikes, recorded_spikes)
def test_spikegenerator_extreme_period():
    Basic test for `SpikeGeneratorGroup`.
    indices = np.array([0, 1, 2])
    times   = np.array([0, 1, 2]) * ms
    SG = SpikeGeneratorGroup(5, indices, times, period=1e6*second)
    s_mon = SpikeMonitor(SG)
    with catch_logs() as l:

    assert_equal(s_mon.i, np.array([0, 1, 2]))
    assert_allclose(s_mon.t, [0, 1, 2]*ms)
    assert len(l) == 1 and l[0][1].endswith('spikegenerator_long_period')
Example #17
def test_spatialneuron_capacitive_currents():
    if prefs.core.default_float_dtype is np.float32:
        pytest.skip('Need double precision for this test')
    defaultclock.dt = 0.1 * ms
    morpho = Cylinder(x=[0, 10] * cm,
                      diameter=2 * 238 * um,

    El = 10.613 * mV
    ENa = 115 * mV
    EK = -12 * mV
    gl = 0.3 * msiemens / cm**2
    gNa0 = 120 * msiemens / cm**2
    gK = 36 * msiemens / cm**2

    # Typical equations
    eqs = '''
    # The same equations for the whole neuron, but possibly different parameter values
    # distributed transmembrane current
    Im = gl * (El-v) + gNa * m**3 * h * (ENa-v) + gK * n**4 * (EK-v) : amp/meter**2
    I : amp (point current) # applied current
    dm/dt = alpham * (1-m) - betam * m : 1
    dn/dt = alphan * (1-n) - betan * n : 1
    dh/dt = alphah * (1-h) - betah * h : 1
    alpham = (0.1/mV) * (-v+25*mV) / (exp((-v+25*mV) / (10*mV)) - 1)/ms : Hz
    betam = 4 * exp(-v/(18*mV))/ms : Hz
    alphah = 0.07 * exp(-v/(20*mV))/ms : Hz
    betah = 1/(exp((-v+30*mV) / (10*mV)) + 1)/ms : Hz
    alphan = (0.01/mV) * (-v+10*mV) / (exp((-v+10*mV) / (10*mV)) - 1)/ms : Hz
    betan = 0.125*exp(-v/(80*mV))/ms : Hz
    gNa : siemens/meter**2

    neuron = SpatialNeuron(morphology=morpho,
                           Cm=1 * uF / cm**2,
                           Ri=35.4 * ohm * cm,
    mon = StateMonitor(neuron, ['Im', 'Ic'], record=True, when='end')
    run(10 * ms)
    neuron.I[0] = 1 * uA  # current injection at one end
    run(3 * ms)
    neuron.I = 0 * amp
    run(10 * ms)
    device.build(direct_call=False, **device.build_options)
    assert_allclose((mon.Im - mon.Ic).sum(axis=0) / (mA / cm**2),
Example #18
def test_state_variables_string_indices():
    Test accessing subgroups with string indices.
    G = NeuronGroup(10, 'v : volt')
    SG = G[4:9]
    assert len(SG.v['i>3']) == 1

    G.v = np.arange(10) * mV
    assert len(SG.v['v>7.5*mV']) == 1

    # Combined string indexing and assignment
    SG.v['i > 3'] = 'i*10*mV'

    assert_allclose(G.v[:], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 40, 9] * mV)
def test_long_timedarray():
    Use a very long timedarray (with a big dt), where the upsampling can lead
    to integer overflow.
    ta = TimedArray(np.arange(16385), dt=1 * second)
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'value = ta(t) : 1')
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'value', record=True)
    net = Network(G, mon)
    # We'll start the simulation close to the critical boundary
    # FIXME: setting the time like this does not work for standalone
    net.t_ = float(16384 * second - 5 * ms)
    net.run(10 * ms)
    assert_allclose(mon[0].value[mon.t < 16384 * second], 16383)
    assert_allclose(mon[0].value[mon.t >= 16384 * second], 16384)
Example #20
def test_state_monitor_record_single_timestep():
    G = NeuronGroup(1, 'dv/dt = -v/(5*ms) : 1')
    G.v = 1
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=True)
    # Recording before a run should not work
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    device.build(direct_call=False, **device.build_options)
    assert mon.t[0] == 0*ms
    assert mon[0].v[0] == 1
    assert_allclose(mon.t[-1], 0.5*ms)
    assert len(mon.t) == 6
    assert mon[0].v[-1] == G.v
def test_poissoninput_refractory():
    eqs = '''
    dv/dt = 0/second : 1 (unless refractory)
    G = NeuronGroup(10,
                    refractory=5 * defaultclock.dt)
    # Will increase the value by 1.0 at each time step
    P = PoissonInput(G, 'v', 1, 1 / defaultclock.dt, weight=1.0)
    mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=5)
    run(10 * defaultclock.dt)
    expected = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float)
    expected[6 - int(schedule_propagation_offset() / defaultclock.dt):] = 0
    assert_allclose(mon[5].v[:], expected)
Example #22
def test_refractoriness_repeated_legacy():
    if prefs.core.default_float_dtype == np.float32:
        pytest.skip('Not testing legacy refractory mechanism with single '
                       'precision floats.')
    # Switch on behaviour from versions <= 2.1.2
    prefs.legacy.refractory_timing = True
    # Create a group that spikes whenever it can
    group = NeuronGroup(1, '', threshold='True', refractory=10*defaultclock.dt)
    spike_mon = SpikeMonitor(group)
    assert spike_mon.t[0] == 0*ms

    # Empirical values from running with earlier angela versions
                    [1.1, 1, 1.1, 1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1, 1.1]*ms)
    steps = Counter(np.diff(np.int_(np.round(spike_mon.t / defaultclock.dt))))
    assert len(steps) == 2 and steps[10] == 899 and steps[11] == 91
    prefs.legacy.refractory_timing = False
def test_timedarray_direct_use():
    ta = TimedArray(np.linspace(0, 10, 11), 1 * ms)
    assert ta(-1 * ms) == 0
    assert ta(5 * ms) == 5
    assert ta(10 * ms) == 10
    assert ta(15 * ms) == 10
    ta = TimedArray(np.linspace(0, 10, 11) * amp, 1 * ms)
    assert ta(-1 * ms) == 0 * amp
    assert ta(5 * ms) == 5 * amp
    assert ta(10 * ms) == 10 * amp
    assert ta(15 * ms) == 10 * amp
    ta2d = TimedArray((np.linspace(0, 11, 12) * amp).reshape(4, 3), 1 * ms)
    assert ta2d(-1 * ms, 0) == 0 * amp
    assert ta2d(0 * ms, 0) == 0 * amp
    assert ta2d(0 * ms, 1) == 1 * amp
    assert ta2d(1 * ms, 1) == 4 * amp
    assert_allclose(ta2d(1 * ms, [0, 1, 2]), [3, 4, 5] * amp)
    assert_allclose(ta2d(15 * ms, [0, 1, 2]), [9, 10, 11] * amp)
def test_refractory_stochastic(fake_randn_randn_fixture):

    eqs_base = 'dv/dt = -v/(10*ms) + second**-.5*xi : 1'

    for method in ['euler', 'heun', 'milstein']:
        G_no_ref = NeuronGroup(10, eqs_base, method=method)
        G_no_ref.v = '(i+1)/11.'
        G_ref = NeuronGroup(10,
                            eqs_base + ' (unless refractory)',
                            refractory=1 * ms,
        G_ref.v = '(i+1)/11.'
        net = Network(G_ref, G_no_ref)
        net.run(10 * ms)
                        err_msg=('Results with and without refractoriness '
                                 'differ for method %s.') % method)
Example #25
def test_synapses_state_monitor():
    G = NeuronGroup(2, '')
    S = Synapses(G, G, 'w: siemens')
    S.w = 'j*nS'

    # record from a Synapses object (all synapses connecting to neuron 1)
    synapse_mon = StateMonitor(S, 'w', record=S[:, 1])
    synapse_mon2 = StateMonitor(S, 'w', record=S['j==1'])

    net = Network(G, S, synapse_mon, synapse_mon2)
    # Synaptic variables
    assert_allclose(synapse_mon[S[0, 1]].w, 1*nS)
    assert_allclose(synapse_mon.w[1], 1*nS)
    assert_allclose(synapse_mon2[S[0, 1]].w, 1*nS)
    assert_allclose(synapse_mon2[S['i==0 and j==1']].w, 1*nS)
    assert_allclose(synapse_mon2.w[1], 1*nS)
Example #26
def test_rate_monitor_subgroups_2():
    G = NeuronGroup(6, '''do_spike : boolean''', threshold='do_spike')
    G.do_spike = [True, False, False, False, True, True]
    rate_all = PopulationRateMonitor(G)
    rate_1 = PopulationRateMonitor(G[:2])
    rate_2 = PopulationRateMonitor(G[2:4])
    rate_3 = PopulationRateMonitor(G[4:])
    assert_allclose(rate_all.rate, 0.5 / defaultclock.dt)
    assert_allclose(rate_1.rate, 0.5 / defaultclock.dt)
    assert_allclose(rate_2.rate, 0*Hz)
    assert_allclose(rate_3.rate, 1 / defaultclock.dt)
Example #27
def test_custom_events():
    # Set (could be moved in a setup)
    EL = -65 * mV
    gL = 0.0003 * siemens / cm**2
    ev = '''
    Im = gL * (EL - v) : amp/meter**2
    event_time1 : second
    # Create a three compartments morphology
    morpho = Soma(diameter=10 * um)
    morpho.dend1 = Cylinder(n=1, diameter=1 * um, length=10 * um)
    morpho.dend2 = Cylinder(n=1, diameter=1 * um, length=10 * um)
    G = SpatialNeuron(morphology=morpho,
                      events={'event1': 't>=i*ms and t<i*ms+dt'})
    G.run_on_event('event1', 'event_time1 = 0.1*ms')
    run(0.2 * ms)
    # Event has size three now because there are three compartments
    assert_allclose(G.event_time1[:], [0.1, 0, 0] * ms)
Example #28
def test_refractoriness_threshold(ref_time):
    # Try a quantity, a string evaluating to a quantity, and an explicit boolean
    # condition -- all should do the same thing
    G = NeuronGroup(1, '''
                    dv/dt = 199.999*Hz : 1
                    ref : second
                    ref_no_unit : 1
                    ''', threshold='v > 1',
                    reset='v=0', refractory=ref_time,
                    dtype={'ref': defaultclock.variables['t'].dtype,
                           'ref_no_unit': defaultclock.variables['t'].dtype})
    G.ref = 10*ms
    G.ref_no_unit = 10
    # The neuron should spike after 5ms but then not spike for the next
    # 10ms. The state variable should continue to integrate so there should
    # be a spike after 15ms
    spike_mon = SpikeMonitor(G)
    assert_allclose(spike_mon.t, [5, 15] * ms)
Example #29
def test_infinitecable():
    Test simulation of an infinite cable vs. theory for current pulse (Green function)
    defaultclock.dt = 0.001 * ms

    # Morphology
    diameter = 1 * um
    Cm = 1 * uF / cm**2
    Ri = 100 * ohm * cm
    N = 500
    morpho = Cylinder(diameter=diameter, length=3 * mm, n=N)

    # Passive channels
    gL = 1e-4 * siemens / cm**2
    eqs = '''
    Im=-gL*v : amp/meter**2
    I : amp (point current)

    neuron = SpatialNeuron(morphology=morpho, model=eqs, Cm=Cm, Ri=Ri)

    # Monitors
    mon = StateMonitor(neuron, 'v', record=N / 2 - 20)

    neuron.I[len(neuron) // 2] = 1 * nA  # injecting in the middle
    run(0.02 * ms)
    neuron.I = 0 * amp
    run(3 * ms)
    t = mon.t
    v = mon[N // 2 - 20].v
    # Theory (incorrect near cable ends)
    x = 20 * morpho.length[0]
    la = neuron.space_constant[0]
    taum = Cm / gL  # membrane time constant
    theory = 1./(la*Cm*pi*diameter)*sqrt(taum/(4*pi*(t+defaultclock.dt)))*\
    theory = theory * 1 * nA * 0.02 * ms
        v[t > 0.5 * ms], theory[t > 0.5 * ms], atol=float(6.32 * uvolt)
    )  # high error tolerance (not exact because not infinite cable)
def test_multiple_noise_variables_extended():
    # Some actual simulations with multiple noise variables
    eqs = '''dx/dt = y : 1
             dy/dt = - 1*ms**-1*y - 40*ms**-2*x : Hz
    all_eqs_noise = [
        '''dx/dt = y : 1
                        dy/dt = noise_factor*ms**-1.5*xi_1 + noise_factor*ms**-1.5*xi_2
                           - 1*ms**-1*y - 40*ms**-2*x : Hz
                     ''', '''dx/dt = y + noise_factor*ms**-0.5*xi_1: 1
                        dy/dt = noise_factor*ms**-1.5*xi_2
                            - 1*ms**-1*y - 40*ms**-2*x : Hz
    G = NeuronGroup(2, eqs, method='euler')
    G.x = [0.5, 1]
    G.y = [0, 0.5] * Hz
    mon = StateMonitor(G, ['x', 'y'], record=True)
    net = Network(G, mon)
    net.run(10 * ms)
    no_noise_x, no_noise_y = mon.x[:], mon.y[:]

    for eqs_noise in all_eqs_noise:
        for method_name, method in [('euler', euler), ('heun', heun)]:
            with catch_logs('WARNING'):
                G = NeuronGroup(2, eqs_noise, method=method)
                G.x = [0.5, 1]
                G.y = [0, 0.5] * Hz
                mon = StateMonitor(G, ['x', 'y'], record=True)
                net = Network(G, mon)
                # We run it deterministically, but still we'd detect major errors (e.g.
                # non-stochastic terms that are added twice, see #330
                net.run(10 * ms, namespace={'noise_factor': 0})
                            err_msg='Method %s gave incorrect results' %
                            err_msg='Method %s gave incorrect results' %