def test_rename_works_with_subtitles(): filename = "test/abcd.mkv" target = "" target_expanded = "" f = {"path": filename, "info": {}} for tag in ("tag_1", "tag_2", "tag_3", "tag_4"): target += f"%{tag}%" target_expanded += tag f["info"][tag] = tag f["info"]["aired"] = datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 9) target_expanded = target_expanded.replace("aired", "2018-02-09") out = flexmock.flexmock(error=lambda x: print(x), warning=lambda x: None) out.should_receive("success") os_mock = flexmock.flexmock(os) glob_mock = flexmock.flexmock(glob) os_mock.should_receive("rename").with_args( "test/abcd.mkv", target_expanded + ".mkv").once() os_mock.should_receive("rename").with_args( "test/", target_expanded + ".srt").once() os_mock.should_receive("link").with_args( "test/abcd.mkv", "test\\" + target_expanded + ".mkv").once() os_mock.should_receive("link").with_args( "test/", "test\\" + target_expanded + ".srt").once() os_mock.should_receive("makedirs").at_least().once() lst = [filename, "test/"] glob_mock.should_receive("glob").and_return(lst) oper = operations.RenameOperation(out, target, "%Y-%m-%d", False, False, False, False) oper2 = operations.RenameOperation(out, target, "%Y-%m-%d", False, True, False, True) oper.Process(f) assert f[ "path"] != filename # Should be changed for next elements in pipeline f["path"] = filename oper2.Process(f)
def api(ctx, username, password, apikey, add, unwatched, rename, files, keep_structure, date_format, delete_empty, link, softlink, persistent, abort, state): if (not add and not rename): ctx.obj["output"].info("Nothing to do.") return try: conn = get_connector(apikey, username, password, persistent) except Exception as e: raise e ctx.obj["output"].error(e) exit(1) pipeline = [] pipeline.append(operations.HashOperation(ctx.obj["output"])) if add: pipeline.append( operations.MylistAddOperation(conn, ctx.obj["output"], state, unwatched)) if rename: pipeline.append( operations.GetFileInfoOperation(conn, ctx.obj["output"])) pipeline.append( operations.RenameOperation(ctx.obj["output"], rename, date_format, delete_empty, keep_structure, softlink, link, abort)) to_process = get_files_to_process(files, ctx) for file in to_process: file_obj = {} file_obj["path"] = file ctx.obj["output"].info("Processing file \"" + file + "\"") for operation in pipeline: res = operation.Process(file_obj) if not res: # Critical error, cannot proceed with pipeline break conn.close(persistent, get_persistent_file_path())
def api(ctx, username, password, apikey, add, rename, files, keep_structure, date_format, delete_empty, link, softlink): if (not add and not rename): ctx.obj["output"].info("Nothing to do.") return try: if apikey: conn = anidbconnector.AnidbConnector.create_secure( username, password, apikey) else: conn = anidbconnector.AnidbConnector.create_plain( username, password) except Exception as e: ctx.obj["output"].error(e) exit(1) pipeline = [] pipeline.append(operations.HashOperation(ctx.obj["output"])) if add: pipeline.append(operations.MylistAddOperation(conn, ctx.obj["output"])) if rename: pipeline.append( operations.GetFileInfoOperation(conn, ctx.obj["output"])) pipeline.append( operations.RenameOperation(ctx.obj["output"], rename, date_format, delete_empty, keep_structure, softlink, link)) to_process = get_files_to_process(files, ctx) for file in to_process: file_obj = {} file_obj["path"] = file ctx.obj["output"].info("Processing file \"" + file + "\"") for operation in pipeline: res = operation.Process(file_obj) if not res: # Critical error, cannot proceed with pipeline break conn.close()