Example #1
def load_skeleton_and_animations_from_fbx(file_path):
    mesh_list, skeleton_def, animations = load_fbx_file(file_path)
    skeleton = SkeletonBuilder().load_from_fbx_data(skeleton_def)
    anim_names = list(animations.keys())
    motion_vectors = []
    if len(anim_names) > 0:
        anim_name = anim_names[0]
        mv = MotionVector()
        mv.from_fbx(animations[anim_name], skeleton.animated_joints)

    return skeleton, motion_vectors
def load_clips(data_path):
    print("load clips", data_path)
    loaded_clips = dict()
    for filepath in glob.glob(data_path+os.sep+"*.bvh"):
        print("load", filepath)
        name = filepath.split(os.sep)[-1][:-4]
        bvh = BVHReader(filepath)
        mv = MotionVector()
        mv.from_bvh_reader(bvh, True)
        state = MotionState(mv)
        state.play = True
        print("load", name, mv.n_frames)
        loaded_clips[name] = state
    return loaded_clips
 def export_motion_clip(self, skeleton, motion_id, name, directory):
     print("export clip")
     data, skeleton, meta_data = self.get_motion_by_id(motion_id)
     if data is None:
     data = bz2.decompress(data)
     motion_dict = bson.loads(data)
     print("write to file")
     motion_vector = MotionVector()
     bvh_str = get_bvh_string(skeleton, motion_vector.frames)
     filename = directory + os.sep + name
     if not name.endswith(".bvh"):
         filename += ".bvh"
     with open(filename, "wt") as out_file:
Example #4
    def build_state_old(self, frames, pose_buffer, ignore_rotation=False):
        if ignore_rotation:
            pose_buffer[-1][3:7] = [1, 0, 0, 0]
        m = get_node_aligning_2d_transform(self.skeleton, self.skeleton.aligning_root_node, pose_buffer, frames)
        frames = transform_quaternion_frames(frames, m)
        len_pose_buffer = len(pose_buffer)
        new_frames = smooth_quaternion_frames(np.array(pose_buffer + frames.tolist()), len_pose_buffer, 20, True)
        new_frames = new_frames[len_pose_buffer:]
        new_frames = self.apply_smoothing(new_frames, pose_buffer[-1], 0, self.settings.blend_window)

        mv = MotionVector(self.skeleton)
        mv.frames = new_frames[2:]
        mv.frame_time = self.frame_time
        mv.n_frames = len(mv.frames)
        state = MotionState(mv)
        return state
Example #5
    def generate_motion_old(self, trajectory):
        """generate motion vector by pre-defined trajectory"""

        node_id = min(self.strong_components)  #start from the minimum frame id
        pose = None
        last_pose = None

        trj_type = trajectory.getType()
        trj_value = trajectory.getValue()
        trj_frame = 0
        direction = []
        orientation = 0
        if trj_type == "euler":
            trj_frame = trajectory.getFrame()
            #compute the translation along the walking direction
            radian = np.deg2rad(trj_value[0])
            direction = np.array([np.sin(radian), 0, -1 * np.cos(radian)
                                  ])  #walk toward to [0 0 -1]
            orientation = -radian

        out_mv = MotionVector()
        out_mv.frames = []

        for frame_idx in range(trj_frame):
            node = self.nodes[node_id]
            if pose is None:
                pose = np.copy(node.pose)
                pose[3:7] = quaternion_multiply(pose[3:7], node.velocity[3:7])
                pose[3:7] = quaternion_multiply(
                    pose[3:7], quaternion_from_euler(orientation, 0, 0))
                last_pose = np.copy(pose)
                pose = self.get_pose_by_trajectory(node, last_pose, trj_type,
                                                   trj_value, direction,
                last_pose = np.copy(pose)
                last_pose)  #TODO: why mess when using "pose" here?
            node_id = self.sample_next_node_id(node_id)

            if DEBUG:
                if node_id < 0:
                    print('frame ', frame_idx, 'not find any edge, dead end')
                    print('frame ', frame_idx, 'current node', node_id)
        return out_mv
 def set_initial_idle_state(self, use_all_joints=False):
     mv = MotionVector(self.skeleton)
     mv.frames = self._graph.nodes[
     mv.frame_time = self.frame_time
     mv.n_frames = len(mv.frames)
     print("before", mv.frames.shape, self.skeleton.reference_frame_length)
     other_animated_joints = self._graph.nodes[
     if len(other_animated_joints) == 0:
         other_animated_joints = ANIMATED_JOINTS_CUSTOM
     if use_all_joints:
         other_animated_joints = self._graph.nodes[
         if len(other_animated_joints) == 0:
             other_animated_joints = ANIMATED_JOINTS_CUSTOM
         full_frames = np.zeros(
             (len(mv.frames), self.skeleton.reference_frame_length))
         for idx, reduced_frame in enumerate(mv.frames):
                 idx] = self.skeleton.add_fixed_joint_parameters_to_other_frame(
                     reduced_frame, other_animated_joints)
         mv.frames = full_frames
     self.state = MotionState(mv)
     self.state.play = self.play
 def save_recording_to_file(self):
     time_str = datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%y_%H%M%S")
     filename = "recording_"+time_str+".bvh"
     n_frames = len(self.recorded_poses)
     if n_frames > 0:
         other_animated_joints = self._graph.nodes[self.current_node].get_animated_joints()
         full_frames = np.zeros((n_frames, self.skeleton.reference_frame_length))
         for idx, reduced_frame in enumerate(self.recorded_poses):
             full_frames[idx] = self.skeleton.add_fixed_joint_parameters_to_other_frame(reduced_frame,
         mv = MotionVector()
         mv.frames = full_frames
         mv.n_frames = n_frames
         mv.frame_time = self.frame_time
         mv.export(self.skeleton, filename)
         print("saved recording with", n_frames, "to file", filename)
         self.is_recording = False
Example #8
 def get_initial_idle_state(self, start_node, use_all_joints=False):
     mv = MotionVector(self.skeleton)
     print("node", start_node)
     mv.frames = self._graph.nodes[start_node].sample().get_motion_vector()
     mv.frame_time = self.frame_time
     mv.n_frames = len(mv.frames)
     if use_all_joints:
         animated_joints = self._graph.nodes[
         assert len(animated_joints) == 0, "Number of joints are zero"
         full_frames = np.zeros(
             (len(mv.frames), self.skeleton.reference_frame_length))
         for idx, reduced_frame in enumerate(mv.frames):
                 idx] = self.skeleton.add_fixed_joint_parameters_to_other_frame(
                     reduced_frame, animated_joints)
         mv.frames = full_frames
     state = MotionState(mv)
     return state
Example #9
 def build_state(self, frames, pose_buffer, ignore_rotation=False, export=False):
     if ignore_rotation:
         pose_buffer[-1][3:7] = [1, 0, 0, 0]
     if pose_buffer is not None:
         m = get_node_aligning_2d_transform(self.skeleton, self.skeleton.aligning_root_node, pose_buffer, frames)
         #if export:
         #    print("aligning state transform",m)
         frames = transform_quaternion_frames(frames, m)
         new_frames = smooth_quaternion_frames2(pose_buffer[-1], frames, self.settings.blend_window, True)
         new_frames = frames
     if export:
         time_stamp = str(datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%y_%H%M%S"))
         mv = MotionVector()
         mv.frames = frames
         mv.n_frames = len(frames)
         mv.export(self.skeleton,  "data" + os.sep + "global"+time_stamp+"global.bvh")
     mv = MotionVector(self.skeleton)
     mv.frames = new_frames#[1:]
     mv.frame_time = self.frame_time
     mv.n_frames = len(mv.frames)
     state = MotionState(mv)
     return state