def mal_get_short(username, **kwargs): """ gets a MAL list with a username kwargs reffer to the arguments (sort=3,x='w') -> ?sort=3&x=w """ url = MALURL.format(user=username)+'?' url += '&'.join(k+'='+str(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: if r.status_code == 500: fprint('error', 'too many requests made, try again later') r.raise_for_status()
def batch_download(username, statuses=[1, 2], webm_folder=None, mp3_folder=None, anilist=False, extra_ids=[]): """ basically the main function given a username and destination, downloads all themes from MAL/AniList """ fprint('progress', 'initializing program') download_data = get_download_data(username, statuses, anilist, extra_ids) download_multi_theme(download_data, webm_folder, mp3_folder) fprint('progress', 'finished downloading')
def al_get(username, variables={}): """ gets data from AniList using variables reffer to JQuery variables """ if username == '': return [] variables['user'] = username json_arg = {'query': ALQUERY, 'variables': variables} r =, json=json_arg) if "errors" in r: fprint('error', f"{'; '.join(i['message'] for i in r['errors'])}\n{r['errors']}") if r.status_code == 200: return sort_al(r.json()) else: r.raise_for_status()
def convert_ffmpeg(webm_filename, mp3_filename=None, save_folder=None): """ convert a video file to an audio file with ffmpeg """ if mp3_filename is None: mp3_filename = webm_filename[:-5] if save_folder is not None: mp3_filename = os.path.join(save_folder, os.path.basename(mp3_filename)) mp3_filename += '.' + Opts.Download.audio_format loglevel = 'quiet' if Opts.Print.quiet else 'warning' ffmpeg_path = Opts.Download.ffmpeg os.system( f'{ffmpeg_path} -i "{webm_filename}" "{mp3_filename}" -y -stats -v quiet -loglevel {loglevel}' ) if not os.path.isfile(mp3_filename): fprint('error', "ffmpeg didn't convert, check if it's in path or use --ffmpeg") quit() return mp3_filename
def get_proper(username, anilist=False, extra_ids=[], **mal_kwargs): """ gets proper data from MAL/AniList sorted by status (0 = extra ids) """ t = time.time() fprint('get', f'getting data from {"" if anilist else ""}', end='') if anilist: list_data = al_get(username) else: list_data = mal_get(username, **mal_kwargs) fprint(' | '+str(int((time.time()-t)*1000))+'ms') t = time.time() fprint('get', 'getting data from', end='') if anilist: themes_data = get_themes(username, 'anilist') else: themes_data = get_themes(username, 'mal') extra_themes_data = [] for malid in extra_ids: data = parse_anime(themes_get('id', malid)) data['mal_data'] = { 'status': 5, 'score': 10, 'priority_string': 'High', 'anime_id': malid, 'anime_title': '' } extra_themes_data.append(data) fprint(' | '+str(int((time.time()-t)*1000))+'ms') mal_dict = {} # {12345:{'mal_data':{...},'status':1},...} for status, animes in enumerate(list_data): for anime in animes: mal_dict[anime['anime_id']] = {'mal_data': anime, 'status': status} mal_list = {i: [] for i in range(0, 7)} for anime in themes_data: mal_id = anime['mal_id'] if mal_id not in mal_dict: continue status = mal_dict[mal_id]['status'] mal_data = mal_dict[mal_id]['mal_data'] anime['mal_data'] = mal_data mal_list[status].append(anime) mal_list[0] = extra_themes_data return mal_list
def download_theme(theme_data, webm_folder=None, mp3_folder=None, no_redownload=False): """ downloads a theme with given theme data and destination """ # generate a folder to save webm files if webm_folder is None: filename = os.path.join(mp3_folder, theme_data["filename"]) else: filename = os.path.join(webm_folder, theme_data["filename"]) exwebm, exmp3 = os.path.isfile(filename), os.path.isfile( os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.mp3') # determine what files are needed if no_redownload: needmp3 = mp3_folder is not None and not exmp3 needwebm = (webm_folder is not None and not exwebm) or (needmp3 and not exwebm) else: needwebm = True needmp3 = mp3_folder is not None # download webm file if file does not exist if needwebm: fprint('download', theme_data['filename']) obj = SmartDL(theme_data["mirrors"], filename, progress_bar=not Opts.Print.quiet) try: obj.start() except Exception as e: fprint('error', str(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: obj.stop() os.remove(obj.get_dest() + '.000') quit() webm_dest = obj.get_dest() remove_webm = True else: webm_dest = filename remove_webm = False # download mp3 file if file does not exist if needmp3: if not needwebm: fprint('convert', theme_data['filename']) mp3dest = convert_ffmpeg(webm_dest, save_folder=mp3_folder) add_metadata(mp3dest, theme_data["metadata"], Opts.Download.coverart) else: mp3dest = None # delete webm folder is deemed neccesary if webm_folder is None: if remove_webm: os.remove(webm_dest) webm_dest = None return {"mp3": mp3dest, "webm": webm_dest}
def add_metadata(path, metadata, add_coverart): """ adds metadata to an mp3 file returns True if succeeded, False if failed """ if os.path.splitext(path)[1] != '.mp3': return False t = time.time() fprint(f'adding metadata for v2.4' + (' with coverart' if add_coverart else ''), end='') audiofile = eyed3.load(path) if (audiofile.tag == None): audiofile.initTag() audiofile.tag.album = metadata["album"] audiofile.tag.title = metadata["title"] audiofile.tag.year = metadata["year"] if add_coverart: image = requests.get(metadata["cover art"]).text.encode() audiofile.tag.images.set(3, image, 'image/jpeg') audiofile.tag.genre = 145 try: fprint(' | ' + str(int((time.time() - t) * 1000)) + 'ms') return True except PermissionError as e: fprint('error', f"couldn't add metadata: {e}", start='\n') return False
def progress_bar(): """ this progress bar is completely fake, but it makes it feel like something is happening so that's cool """ global _LAST_DOWNLOAD_TIME START_TIME = time.time() last_increment = last_decrement = time.time() expected_remain = _LAST_DOWNLOAD_TIME + 0.75 def current_time(): return time.time() - START_TIME def download_string(x, y, r=2): x = str(x).split('.') y = str(y).split('.') x = x[0] + '.' + x[1][:r] y = y[0] + '.' + y[1][:r] return f'[*] {x}s / {y}s ' while True: fprint(download_string(current_time(), expected_remain), end='\r') # time updater difference = expected_remain - current_time() if difference < 1: # never get it too close to the expected remain expected_remain += 1 last_increment = time.time() elif time.time() - last_increment > 0.5 and difference < 10: # add time to make it look like it's updating expected_remain += 1 / (expected_remain - current_time()) last_increment = time.time() elif time.time() - last_decrement > 2: # remove some time because it feels good to make it faster expected_remain -= 2 / (expected_remain - current_time()) last_decrement = time.time() if STOP_PROGRESS_BAR: break if current_time() >= timeout: fprint('error', 'download timed out') return if FAKE_COMPLETE: fprint(download_string(current_time(), current_time())) _LAST_DOWNLOAD_TIME = current_time() else: fprint('')
def get_download_data(username, statuses=[1, 2], anilist=False, extra_ids=[], mal_args={}): """ gets download data with a MAL/AniList username, adds extra anime and fiters out unwanted stuff """ # [{"filename":"...","mirrors":[...],"metadata":{...}},...] out = [] data = get_proper(username, anilist, extra_ids, **mal_args) fprint('parse', 'getting download data') for status in statuses: for anime in data[status]: if (anime['mal_data']['score'] < Opts.Animelist.minscore or to_mal_priority(anime['mal_data']['priority_string']) < Opts.Animelist.minpriority): continue for theme, unparsed in zip(parse_download_data(anime), anime['themes']): theme["metadata"]["cover art"] = anime["cover"] out.append(theme) return out
def download_multi_theme(download_data, webm_folder=None, mp3_folder=None): """ downloads multiple themes with download data """ if webm_folder is None and mp3_folder is None: fprint('error', 'no save folder set') if webm_folder and not os.path.isdir(webm_folder): os.mkdir(webm_folder) if mp3_folder and not os.path.isdir(mp3_folder): os.mkdir(mp3_folder) download_chooser = ( lambda mthd: download_theme(theme, webm_folder, mp3_folder, Opts. Download.no_redownload) if (mthd or webm_folder is not None) else download_theme_audio_server( theme, mp3_folder, Opts.Download.no_redownload)) # 0: external, 1: local if Opts.Download.local_convert or webm_folder is not None: mthd = 1 fprint( 'progress', 'started downloading' + (' and converting' if mp3_folder is not None else '')) else: mthd = 0 fprint('progress', 'started downloading audio files') for theme in download_data: filename = None while filename is None: filename = download_chooser(mthd) if filename is None and Opts.Download.try_both: filename = download_chooser(not mthd) if not Opts.Download.retry_forever: break
def download_theme_audio_server(theme_data, mp3_folder=None, no_redownload=False, data_size=65536, timeout=30): """ downloads an audio file from from a server the progress bar is completely fake returns: filename (str) empty str if no download was made None if all downloads failed """ def progress_bar(): """ this progress bar is completely fake, but it makes it feel like something is happening so that's cool """ global _LAST_DOWNLOAD_TIME START_TIME = time.time() last_increment = last_decrement = time.time() expected_remain = _LAST_DOWNLOAD_TIME + 0.75 def current_time(): return time.time() - START_TIME def download_string(x, y, r=2): x = str(x).split('.') y = str(y).split('.') x = x[0] + '.' + x[1][:r] y = y[0] + '.' + y[1][:r] return f'[*] {x}s / {y}s ' while True: fprint(download_string(current_time(), expected_remain), end='\r') # time updater difference = expected_remain - current_time() if difference < 1: # never get it too close to the expected remain expected_remain += 1 last_increment = time.time() elif time.time() - last_increment > 0.5 and difference < 10: # add time to make it look like it's updating expected_remain += 1 / (expected_remain - current_time()) last_increment = time.time() elif time.time() - last_decrement > 2: # remove some time because it feels good to make it faster expected_remain -= 2 / (expected_remain - current_time()) last_decrement = time.time() if STOP_PROGRESS_BAR: break if current_time() >= timeout: fprint('error', 'download timed out') return if FAKE_COMPLETE: fprint(download_string(current_time(), current_time())) _LAST_DOWNLOAD_TIME = current_time() else: fprint('') # generate a folder to save webm files short_filename = os.path.splitext(theme_data["filename"])[0] + '.mp3' filename = os.path.join(mp3_folder, short_filename) # download mp3 file if file does not exist if not (no_redownload and os.path.isfile(filename)): fprint('download', short_filename) for mirror in theme_data['audio_mirrors']: STOP_PROGRESS_BAR = False FAKE_COMPLETE = False thread = threading.Thread(target=progress_bar) thread.start() try: r = requests.get(mirror) except KeyboardInterrupt: STOP_PROGRESS_BAR = True thread.join() quit() except Exception as e: fprint('error', e) FAKE_COMPLETE = True STOP_PROGRESS_BAR = True thread.join() continue if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code not in (500, 404): FAKE_COMPLETE = True STOP_PROGRESS_BAR = True thread.join() fprint('error', f'invalid mirror, got status code {r.status_code}') continue else: FAKE_COMPLETE = True STOP_PROGRESS_BAR = True thread.join() with open(filename, 'wb') as file: for data in r.iter_content(data_size): # 64kiB file.write(data) break else: fprint('error', 'all mirrors are invalid (press CTRL+C to stop program)') return None add_metadata(filename, theme_data["metadata"], Opts.Download.coverart) return filename else: return ''
args.status = [1, 2] + args.status = or [] if args.settings is not None: with open(args.settings) as file: jargs = json.load(file) if 'quiet' not in jargs: jargs['quiet'] = False for k in jargs: args.__setattr__(k, jargs[k]) Opts.update(**args.__dict__) args.status.append(0) if args.print_settings: fprint('\n'.join( [f'{k}={repr(v)}' for k, v in Opts.get_settings().items()]), end='\n\n') if args.username == '' and len( == 0: fprint('error', 'no username set') quit() if is None and is None: fprint('error', 'no save folder set') quit() batch_download(args.username, args.status,,, args.anilist,