Example #1
    def foreignCards(self):
        lines = ''
        with open("test.txt", 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                lines += line

        exams = [x.strip() for x in re.split(r'^Exam [A-Z]$', lines, flags=re.MULTILINE)[1:]]
        exams = [re.split(r'^QUESTION [0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?', x, flags=re.MULTILINE)[1:] for x in exams]
        exams = [[q.strip() for q in x] for x in exams]

        #orda = ord('A')
        hashes = []
        exams = [[self.format_question(q) for q in e] for e in exams]
        n = '\n'
        br = '<br />'
        cards = []
        for e in exams:
            for q in e:
                the_hash = hashlib.sha1(q['question']).digest()
                if the_hash in hashes:
                front = q['question'] + n*3 + 'Answers:\n\n' + (n*2).join([chr(x + self.orda) + '. ' + q['answers'][x] for x in range(len(q['answers']))])
                back = (n*2).join([chr(a + self.orda) + '. ' + q['answers'][a] for a in q['answer']]) + n*3 + q['explanation']
                card = ForeignCard()
                card.fields = [unicode(front.replace(n, br), "utf-8"), unicode(back.replace(n, br), "utf-8")]
        return cards
Example #2
    def foreignCards(self):
        lines = ''
        with open("test.txt", 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                lines += line

        exams = [
            for x in re.split(r'^Exam [A-Z]$', lines, flags=re.MULTILINE)[1:]
        exams = [
            re.split(r'^QUESTION [0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?', x, flags=re.MULTILINE)[1:]
            for x in exams
        exams = [[q.strip() for q in x] for x in exams]

        #orda = ord('A')
        hashes = []

        exams = [[self.format_question(q) for q in e] for e in exams]
        n = '\n'
        br = '<br />'

        cards = []
        for e in exams:
            for q in e:
                the_hash = hashlib.sha1(q['question']).digest()
                if the_hash in hashes:

                front = q['question'] + n * 3 + 'Answers:\n\n' + (n * 2).join([
                    chr(x + self.orda) + '. ' + q['answers'][x]
                    for x in range(len(q['answers']))
                back = (n * 2).join([
                    chr(a + self.orda) + '. ' + q['answers'][a]
                    for a in q['answer']
                ]) + n * 3 + q['explanation']

                card = ForeignCard()
                card.fields = [
                    unicode(front.replace(n, br), "utf-8"),
                    unicode(back.replace(n, br), "utf-8")
        return cards
Example #3
class Mnemosyne10Importer(Importer):

    multipleCardsAllowed = False

    def foreignCards(self):
        # empty objects so we can load the native mnemosyne file
        class MnemosyneModule(object):
            class StartTime:

            class Category:

            class Item:

        for module in ('mnemosyne', 'mnemosyne.core',
            sys.modules[module] = MnemosyneModule()
            file = open(self.file, "rb")
        except (IOError, OSError), e:
            raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError", info=str(e))
        header = file.readline().strip()
        # read the structure in
            struct = pickle.load(file)
        except (EOFError, KeyError):
            raise ImportFormatError(type="invalidFile")
        startTime = struct[0].time
        daysPassed = (time.time() - startTime) / 86400.0
        # gather cards
        cards = []
        for item in struct[2]:
            card = ForeignCard()
            # scheduling data
            card.interval = item.next_rep - item.last_rep
            secDelta = (item.next_rep - daysPassed) * 86400.0
            card.due = card.nextTime = time.time() + secDelta
            card.factor = item.easiness
            # for some reason mnemosyne starts cards off on 1 instead of 0
            card.successive = max(
                (item.acq_reps_since_lapse + item.ret_reps_since_lapse - 1), 0)
            card.yesCount = max((item.acq_reps + item.ret_reps) - 1, 0)
            card.noCount = item.lapses
            card.reps = card.yesCount + card.noCount
            if item.cat.name != u"<default>":
                card.tags = item.cat.name.replace(" ", "_")
            if card.reps:
                card.type = 1
        return cards
Example #4
 def cardFromFields(self, fields):
     card = ForeignCard()
     card.fields.extend([x.strip() for x in fields])
     return card
Example #5
    def addItemToCards(self,item):
        "This method actually do conversion"

        # new anki card
        card = ForeignCard()

        # clean Q and A
        card.tags = u""

        # pre-process scheduling data
        tLastrep = time.mktime(time.strptime(item.LastRepetition, '%d.%m.%Y'))
        tToday = time.time()

        # convert learning data
        if not self.META.resetLearningData:
            # migration of LearningData algorithm
            card.interval = item.Interval
            card.successive = item.Repetitions
            ##card.due = tToday + (float(item.Interval) * 86400.0) - tLastrep
            card.due = tLastrep + (float(item.Interval) * 86400.0)
            card.lastDue = 0

            card.factor = float(item.AFactor.replace(',','.'))
            card.lastFactor = float(item.AFactor.replace(',','.'))

            # SM is not exporting all the information Anki keeps track off, so it
            # needs to be fudged
            card.youngEase0 = item.Lapses
            card.youngEase3 = item.Repetitions + item.Lapses
            card.yesCount = item.Repetitions
            card.noCount  = item.Lapses
            card.reps = card.yesCount + card.noCount
            card.spaceUntil = card.due
            card.combinedDue = card.due

        # categories & tags
        # it's worth to have every theme (tree structure of sm collection) stored in tags, but sometimes not
        # you can deceide if you are going to tag all toppics or just that containing some pattern
        tTaggTitle = False
        for pattern in self.META.pathsToBeTagged:
            if item.lTitle != None and pattern.lower() in u" ".join(item.lTitle).lower():
              tTaggTitle = True
        if tTaggTitle or self.META.tagAllTopics:
          # normalize - remove diacritic punctuation from unicode chars to ascii
          item.lTitle = [ self._unicode2ascii(topic) for topic in item.lTitle]

          # Transfrom xyz / aaa / bbb / ccc on Title path to Tag  xyzAaaBbbCcc
          #  clean things like [999] or [111-2222] from title path, example: xyz / [1000-1200] zyx / xyz
          #  clean whitespaces
          #  set Capital letters for first char of the word
          tmp = list(set([ re.sub('(\[[0-9]+\])'   , ' ' , i ).replace('_',' ')  for i in item.lTitle ]))
          tmp = list(set([ re.sub('(\W)',' ', i )  for i in tmp ]))
          tmp = list(set([ re.sub( '^[0-9 ]+$','',i)  for i in tmp ]))
          tmp = list(set([ capwords(i).replace(' ','')  for i in tmp ]))
          tags = [ j[0].lower() + j[1:] for j in tmp if j.strip() <> '']

          card.tags += u" ".join(tags)

          if self.META.tagMemorizedItems and item.Interval >0:
            card.tags += " Memorized"

          self.logger(u'Element tags\t- ' + card.tags, level=3)

    def addItemToCards(self,item):
        "This method actually do conversion"

        # new anki card
        card = ForeignCard()

        # clean Q and A
        card.tags = u""

        # pre-process scheduling data
        tLastrep = time.mktime(time.strptime(item.LastRepetition, '%d.%m.%Y'))
        tToday = time.time()
        # convert learning data 
        if not self.META.resetLearningData:
            # migration of LearningData algorithm
            card.interval = item.Interval
            card.successive = item.Repetitions
            ##card.due = tToday + (float(item.Interval) * 86400.0) - tLastrep
            card.due = tLastrep + (float(item.Interval) * 86400.0)
            card.lastDue = 0

            card.factor = float(item.AFactor.replace(',','.'))
            card.lastFactor = float(item.AFactor.replace(',','.'))

            # SM is not exporting all the information Anki keeps track off, so it
            # needs to be fudged
            card.youngEase0 = item.Lapses
            card.youngEase3 = item.Repetitions + item.Lapses
            card.yesCount = item.Repetitions
            card.noCount  = item.Lapses
            card.reps = card.yesCount + card.noCount
            card.spaceUntil = card.due
            card.combinedDue = card.due

        # categories & tags
        # it's worth to have every theme (tree structure of sm collection) stored in tags, but sometimes not
        # you can deceide if you are going to tag all toppics or just that containing some pattern
        tTaggTitle = False
        for pattern in self.META.pathsToBeTagged:
            if item.lTitle != None and pattern.lower() in u" ".join(item.lTitle).lower():
              tTaggTitle = True
        if tTaggTitle or self.META.tagAllTopics:
          # normalize - remove diacritic punctuation from unicode chars to ascii
          item.lTitle = [ self._unicode2ascii(topic) for topic in item.lTitle]
          # Transfrom xyz / aaa / bbb / ccc on Title path to Tag  xyzAaaBbbCcc
          #  clean things like [999] or [111-2222] from title path, example: xyz / [1000-1200] zyx / xyz
          #  clean whitespaces
          #  set Capital letters for first char of the word
          tmp = list(set([ re.sub('(\[[0-9]+\])'   , ' ' , i ).replace('_',' ')  for i in item.lTitle ]))
          tmp = list(set([ re.sub('(\W)',' ', i )  for i in tmp ]))
          tmp = list(set([ re.sub( '^[0-9 ]+$','',i)  for i in tmp ]))
          tmp = list(set([ capwords(i).replace(' ','')  for i in tmp ]))
          tags = [ j[0].lower() + j[1:] for j in tmp if j.strip() <> '']

          card.tags += u" ".join(tags)

          if self.META.tagMemorizedItems and item.Interval >0:
            card.tags += " Memorized"

          self.logger(u'Element tags\t- ' + card.tags, level=3)

Example #7
        def foreignCards(self):
                "Return a list of foreign cards for importing."
                if self.iHaveSeenTheEnd:
                        return None
                self.cards = []
                curCard = ForeignCard()

                while True:
                        logger.debug("here we go (again); state is " + self.curState)
                        match = re.search("_reinterpret$", self.curState)
                        if match:
                                logger.debug("it's a reinterpret, so, pre-sub: " + self.curState)
                                self.curState = re.sub("_reinterpret", "", self.curState)
                                logger.debug("post-sub: " + self.curState)
                                line = self.fh.readline()
                                logger.debug("pristine line: '''" + line + "'''")
                                if line == "":
                                        if self.curState not in ('collecting_globals', 'between_facts'):
                                                raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError", info="file terminated unexpectedly in state " + self.curState)
                                line = re.sub("#.*$", "", line)
                                logger.debug("line with comments removed: '''" + line + "'''")
                                line = line.rstrip()
                                logger.debug("stripped line: '''" + line + "'''")
                                if line == "__END__":
                                        if self.curState not in ('collecting_globals', 'between_facts'):
                                                raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError", info="file terminated unexpectedly in state " + self.curState)
                                        # return whatever we've gathered so far, but flag so that we don't re-enter the state machine next time we get called
                                        self.iHaveSeenTheEnd = True
                                logger.debug("state is " + self.curState)

                        if self.curState == 'collecting_globals':
                                if re.search("^\s*$",line):
                                match = re.search("^st: (?P<tags>.*)$", line)
                                if match:
                                        self.sharedTags += " " + match.group('tags')
                                match = re.search("^m: (?P<modelname>.+)$", line)
                                if match:
                                        self.curState = 'between_facts_reinterpret'
                                        logger.debug("found an m: line; reinterpreting in state " + self.curState)
                                raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError", info="expected m: or st: but got " + line)

                        if self.curState == 'between_facts':
                                logger.debug("between facts handler")

                                match = re.search("^st: (?P<tags>.*)$", line)
                                if match:
                                        self.sharedTags += " " + match.group('tags')
                                match = re.search("^m: (?P<modelname>.+)$", line)
                                if match:
                                        logger.debug("found an m: line")
                                        self.curModel = None
                                        for m in self.deck.models:
                                                logger.debug("looking for model named '" + match.group('modelname') + "' ok")
                                                if m.name == match.group('modelname'):
                                                        self.curModel = m
                                                        logger.debug("chose model " + self.curModel.name + " with " + str(self.numFields) + " fields, ok")
                                        if not self.curModel:
                                                raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError", info="model " + match.group('modelname') + " doesn't exist; choose from " + self.deck.models.fieldModels)
                                if line != "":
                                        # special case: go back around and reinterpret same line in different context
                                        logger.debug("non-empty, reinterpreting...")
                                        self.curState = 'in_fact_reinterpret'

                        if self.curState == 'in_fact':
                                logger.debug("in_fact handler")
                                # Sub-state - are we in a multiline field?
                                logger.debug("are we in multiline?")
                                if self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker != "":
                                        logger.debug("we are in multiline")
                                        match = re.search(re.escape(self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker) + "$", line)
                                        if match:
                                                logger.debug("ending multiline")
                                                self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker = ""
                                                logger.debug("still collecting in multiline")
                                                curCard.fields[-1] += line + self.multilineEOL
                                logger.debug("not in multiline; perhaps terminating fact?")
                                if line == ".":
                                        # Fact terminator
                                        logger.debug("we are terminating fact")
                                        # Not sure why but ForeignCard takes *both* the contents of .tags
                                        # *and* contents of a special member of .fields and concatenates
                                        # those to get overall tags.  If you don't give the special field
                                        # it gets angry.  So, provide an empty one.  Default mapping will
                                        # expect to find this in the last field.
                                        curCard.tags += self.sharedTags
                                        curCard.fields = [ unicode(nonUTF) for nonUTF in curCard.fields ]

                                        # Pad out any remaining fields with empty strings.
                                        # Perhaps at a later point we'll support syntax for specifying a field by "^<s>: "
                                        # where s is some unambiguous prefix of the field name, at which point we'll need
                                        # to specify our own mappings.
                                        logger.debug("purely simply collected fields: " + str(curCard.fields))
                                        have = len(curCard.fields)
                                        want = len(self.curModel.fieldModels)
                                        logger.debug("numFields: %d, have: %d, want: %d" % (self.numFields, have, want))
                                        curCard.fields[have:want] = [ u"" for i in range(have,want) ]

                                        # special tags field
                                        logger.debug("full set of fields with trailing null strings and empty tags: " + str(curCard.fields))
                                        self.numFields = len(curCard.fields)
                                        # Setting model computes mapping.
                                        self.model = self.curModel

                                        self.curState = 'between_facts'

                                        # Fresh card
                                        curCard = ForeignCard()
                                        # Stop here and return what we have.
                                        logger.debug("not terminating fact; perhaps starting multiline?")
                                        # Single-line field, or start of a multiline one.
                                        # `
                                        # this is a
                                        # multiline string
                                        # `
                                        # =>
                                        # this is a\nmultiline string
                                        match = re.search("^(?P<eof>`)(?P<flags>[b]?)$", line)
                                        if match:
                                                logger.debug("starting `multiline")
                                                self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker = match.group('eof')
                                                # FIXME: Anki seems to f**k with this if not set to <br/>
                                                #if match.group('flags') == "b":
                                                #self.multilineEOL = "<br/>"
                                                self.multilineEOL = "\n"
                                                # Start off with new empty field, added to as we collect constituent lines

                                        match = re.search("^t:(?P<facttags> .*)$", line)
                                        if match:
                                                logger.debug("adding per-fact tags")
                                                curCard.tags += match.group('facttags')

                                        # Single-line.
                                        logger.debug("collecting single line into single field")
                        raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError", info="ended up in unhandled state")
                logger.debug("stick a fork in me: ")
                return self.cards
Example #8
    def foreignCards(self):
        "Return a list of foreign cards for importing."
        if self.iHaveSeenTheEnd:
            return None
        self.cards = []
        curCard = ForeignCard()

        while True:
            logger.debug("here we go (again); state is " + self.curState)
            match = re.search("_reinterpret$", self.curState)
            if match:
                logger.debug("it's a reinterpret, so, pre-sub: " +
                self.curState = re.sub("_reinterpret", "", self.curState)
                logger.debug("post-sub: " + self.curState)
                line = self.fh.readline()
                logger.debug("pristine line: '''" + line + "'''")
                if line == "":
                    if self.curState not in ('collecting_globals',
                        raise ImportFormatError(
                            info="file terminated unexpectedly in state " +
                line = re.sub("#.*$", "", line)
                logger.debug("line with comments removed: '''" + line + "'''")
                line = line.rstrip()
                logger.debug("stripped line: '''" + line + "'''")
                if line == "__END__":
                    if self.curState not in ('collecting_globals',
                        raise ImportFormatError(
                            info="file terminated unexpectedly in state " +
                    # return whatever we've gathered so far, but flag so that we don't re-enter the state machine next time we get called
                    self.iHaveSeenTheEnd = True
                logger.debug("state is " + self.curState)

            if self.curState == 'collecting_globals':
                if re.search("^\s*$", line):
                match = re.search("^st: (?P<tags>.*)$", line)
                if match:
                    self.sharedTags += " " + match.group('tags')
                match = re.search("^m: (?P<modelname>.+)$", line)
                if match:
                    self.curState = 'between_facts_reinterpret'
                    logger.debug("found an m: line; reinterpreting in state " +
                raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError",
                                        info="expected m: or st: but got " +

            if self.curState == 'between_facts':
                logger.debug("between facts handler")

                match = re.search("^st: (?P<tags>.*)$", line)
                if match:
                    self.sharedTags += " " + match.group('tags')
                match = re.search("^m: (?P<modelname>.+)$", line)
                if match:
                    logger.debug("found an m: line")
                    self.curModel = None
                    for m in self.deck.models:
                        logger.debug("looking for model named '" +
                                     match.group('modelname') + "' ok")
                        if m.name == match.group('modelname'):
                            self.curModel = m
                            logger.debug("chose model " + self.curModel.name +
                                         " with " + str(self.numFields) +
                                         " fields, ok")
                    if not self.curModel:
                        raise ImportFormatError(
                            info="model " + match.group('modelname') +
                            " doesn't exist; choose from " +
                if line != "":
                    # special case: go back around and reinterpret same line in different context
                    logger.debug("non-empty, reinterpreting...")
                    self.curState = 'in_fact_reinterpret'

            if self.curState == 'in_fact':
                logger.debug("in_fact handler")
                # Sub-state - are we in a multiline field?
                logger.debug("are we in multiline?")
                if self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker != "":
                    logger.debug("we are in multiline")
                    match = re.search(
                        re.escape(self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker) + "$", line)
                    if match:
                        logger.debug("ending multiline")
                        self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker = ""
                        logger.debug("still collecting in multiline")
                        curCard.fields[-1] += line + self.multilineEOL
                logger.debug("not in multiline; perhaps terminating fact?")
                if line == ".":
                    # Fact terminator
                    logger.debug("we are terminating fact")

                    # Not sure why but ForeignCard takes *both* the contents of .tags
                    # *and* contents of a special member of .fields and concatenates
                    # those to get overall tags.  If you don't give the special field
                    # it gets angry.  So, provide an empty one.  Default mapping will
                    # expect to find this in the last field.
                    curCard.tags += self.sharedTags
                    curCard.fields = [
                        unicode(nonUTF) for nonUTF in curCard.fields

                    # Pad out any remaining fields with empty strings.
                    # Perhaps at a later point we'll support syntax for specifying a field by "^<s>: "
                    # where s is some unambiguous prefix of the field name, at which point we'll need
                    # to specify our own mappings.
                    logger.debug("purely simply collected fields: " +
                    have = len(curCard.fields)
                    want = len(self.curModel.fieldModels)
                    logger.debug("numFields: %d, have: %d, want: %d" %
                                 (self.numFields, have, want))
                    curCard.fields[have:want] = [
                        u"" for i in range(have, want)

                    # special tags field
                        "full set of fields with trailing null strings and empty tags: "
                        + str(curCard.fields))
                    self.numFields = len(curCard.fields)
                    # Setting model computes mapping.
                    self.model = self.curModel

                    self.curState = 'between_facts'

                    # Fresh card
                    curCard = ForeignCard()

                    # Stop here and return what we have.
                        "not terminating fact; perhaps starting multiline?")
                    # Single-line field, or start of a multiline one.

                    # `
                    # this is a
                    # multiline string
                    # `
                    # =>
                    # this is a\nmultiline string
                    match = re.search("^(?P<eof>`)(?P<flags>[b]?)$", line)
                    if match:
                        logger.debug("starting `multiline")
                        self.endOfMultilineFieldMarker = match.group('eof')
                        # FIXME: Anki seems to f**k with this if not set to <br/>
                        #if match.group('flags') == "b":
                        #self.multilineEOL = "<br/>"
                        self.multilineEOL = "\n"
                        # Start off with new empty field, added to as we collect constituent lines

                    match = re.search("^t:(?P<facttags> .*)$", line)
                    if match:
                        logger.debug("adding per-fact tags")
                        curCard.tags += match.group('facttags')

                    # Single-line.
                    logger.debug("collecting single line into single field")
            raise ImportFormatError(type="systemError",
                                    info="ended up in unhandled state")
        logger.debug("stick a fork in me: ")
        return self.cards